31B-285 (22) 3 ( 3 � &sue ECG OVE � Q � FEB 21989 Northampton Zoning Board of Appeals February 1 , 1989 Meeting DEPT.F OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS 0,I MA. 01060 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Northampton met at 7: 50 p. m. on Wednesday, February 1 , 1989 in Council Chambers, Wallace J. Puchalski Municipal Building, at the request of Atty. Alan Verson, who, in a letter dated January 23, 1989 , asked to be put on tonight ' s agenda. Present were Chairman Robert C. Buscher, Dr. Peter Laband, and M. Sanford Weil, Jr. Mr. Verson began, "You granted a Variance on June 8 , 1988 to Edward Devarennes . Patrick Melnik, the immediate abutter to the North filed an appeal. Trial was held, and before a decision was rendered, I negotiated with both parties and have an agreement to purchase from Mr. Devarennes . Mr. Melnik dismissed his appeal. The Variance is now final, dependent on my erecting a building acceptable to Mr. Melnik. Now, Larry Smith, Kathy Fallon and Ted Tewhill question the Conditions. I read the minutes and the conditions . There is nothing I am going to do that differs from the conditions . That' s why I 'm here, to satisfy them. I 'm going to do a 1 , 630 square foot, three story rectangular building. This is smaller than Devarennes ' building--he had a full basement and full attic--it looked more like a four story building. My agreement with Melnik is for a three story building, smaller than Devarennes ' building. On siting, he was going to have parking in front. My agreement with Melnik is to site the building at ten feet setback. My building will be better than what you granted the Variance. " Mr. Weil asked, "Why are you here? You have a Variance. " Dr. Laband added, "This is again one of those things where people say, ' Go back to the ZBA, ' but Ted Tewhill, Larry Smith and Kathy Fallon should decide. " Mr. Verson addressed the three conditions to the Variance. "#1 is about open space. I need not build the exact building of Devarennes. " Condition #2 is no problem, and Condition #3 is about siting it back far enough to not impede Mr. Melnik' s light and air. " Dr. Laband stated, "If Melnik is happy with the siting of your building, we are overjoyed. " Mr. Verson replied, "He signed an agreement--he is happy with what I am doing. My building is substantially smaller in cubic feet--the footprint is essentially the same, maybe 20 square feet larger. " Dr. Laband added, "If you satisfy 23% open space, and your building complies with the variance, then you' re OK. For 20 square feet, I wouldn' t dig my heels in. " Ch. Buscher added, "On #3 , if Pat says OK, then it ' s OK. " Ch. Buscher concluded the meeting by saying, "We reviewed the three conditions . We conclude the intent of #1 was to insure 23% open space. #2 is no problem, and #3 , since Melnik agrees, there' s no problem. Mr. Weil moved that the Building Inspector, et al, lie so informed. Dr. Laband seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Also present, in addition to those mentioned, was R. J. Pascucci. e80 `� s ;