31B-285 (11) 3 3- ac3s GILLLN • & GRAY ram ARCH: _ , (� NOVI] mMEMORANDUM V 15 RE: Verson Property - 101 King Street DEPTOFSUILOMIGINSPECTIONS MA 01060 SUBJECT: Job Inspection NORTHAMPTON DATE: November 8, 1989 JOB NO. : 89001 Progress: 1. Job looks good. 2. The heating system is installed and final adjustments are being done. 3. The door hardware is being installed. 4. Details on the siding are being completed. 5. Half the carpeting on the second floor is complete. 6. Vinyl flooring in the toilet rooms is installed. 7. Finish electrical work thebeing circuitsdone. in theElectrician boardsshould be sure to make a proper directory of (/V ;444'/62-b•---) William V. Gillen RJ;89001313.1 cc: Alan Verson Construct Northampton Building Inspector Main Street Station •401 Main Street • Arnharst. MA UIUkiZ-131 1 - William V Gillen. AIA. NCARB • D'm> J. Gray ASLA. A:A. IFRAA