37-077 (22) 'I .. e 37-6-77 Do Not Write In These Spaces Application Number: 3 7 6 f`ec'd B.I. Checked Filed Fee Pd. Rec'd. ZBA Maps) i arcel(s) i? - Date By Date Date Amt. Date By Date , go.00 Ll `l 3 3JUL 24 '980 ':; d61PLICATIONI„ FOY MADE TO THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS: DEPT.OF BUILDING INSPECTION• 1.....IMREN504Ailaht CONTINENTAL CABLEVIS I ON OF NORTHAMPTON, INC. Address P.O.Box 485, Northampton, MA . 01060 2. Owner of Property HELEN HALLETT Address 126 Franklin Street , Northampton, MA. 01060 3. Applicant is: El Owner; ®Contract Purchaser; ❑Lessee; TiTenant in Possession. 4. Application is made for: Cis VARIANCE from the provisions of Section page _ of the Zoning Ordinarce of the City of Northampton. No.15 5-5 X SPECIAL PERMIT under the provisions of Section No.19 page 5.10 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Northampton. ❑OTHER: 5. Location of Property Florence Road , being sitdated on the easterly side of Florence Road Street; and shown on the Assessors' Maps, "1 Sheet No.. 44 , Parcel(s) 3 (SEE ALSO Sheet No. 37) 6. Zone SR 7. Description of proposed work and/or use; Applicant holds the license from City of Northampton to install the cable television system in the City. It has ti a contract with the Owner to purchase a parcel of land in order to erect a tower and substation. To receive off-air and satellite transmitted television signals and in order to then distribute these via cable,the applicant must erect an antenna tower and a satellite reception dish in a small substation to house its electronic equipment . A radio tower has existed in the past on the parcel the applicant wishes to purchase. The tower would be not more than lbU ft . in height and the building would be approximately 2U' x 20' . 8. (a) Sketch plan attached; Xl Yes LJ No (b) Site plan: ❑Attched ❑Not Required 9. Set forth reasons upon which application is based: In order to keep the tower as low as possible,it should be erected on a high parcel of land to ensure clear signal reception. The tower&the reception facilities should be in a location free of outsi d . i n . _rf .ring c i gnal s . The reception _facility also u1d be' located so as to allow for multiple independent distrihntinn runs _ Northampton zoning (,SEE OVER) 10. Abutters (see instructions; list on reverse side of form). 12. I hereby certify that information contained herein is true to the best pf mif knowledge. Date July 24, 1980 �� r• f�( f_ Applicants Signature �' (ki �,,W. Geoffre iLtle, for Continental iinquirt II Assessor's Map 11. List of Abutters: Address Sheet No. Parcel 1. ADAMS ,Albert R.etux 770' Florence Rd. 37 8 2. CURTIS,Mary Lou 746 Florence Rd. 37 16 3. BIBLE BABTIST CHURCH 710 Florence Rd. 37 17 Joseph S .& 4. POPIOLEK, Leona M. 283 Rocky Hill Rd. 37 31 Donald & 5. CREIGHTON, Gail K. 335 Rocky Hill Rd. 37 32 WRIGHT, Albert M. & 6. SEARLE, Marjorie W. Stage Rd. ,Westhampton 44 16 Gracemary & 7. RIZZO, Andrea S . 731 Florence Rd. 36 171 8. CLIFFORD,Barbara C. 739 Florence Rd. 36 170 9. PEPIN, Daniel & Santhi 747 Florence Rd. 36 169 U.S .DEPT. QF HUD. 15 New Chardon St. , 10. ATTN: Austin F.C6oney Boston, MA . 02114 36 160 Teddy and 11. NIK0NCZYK, Deanna M. 765 Florence Rd. 36 167 ESTATE OF 12._RITA F_ MTURPHY 773 Florence Rd. 36 166 13. MARTIN,John p_RTF11en v_ 795 Florence Rd. _ 36 165 Peter,Jr.& 14. DEMETR0POULOS, Roger 837 Florence Rd. 36 92 COLLINS Bradford R.) 15 COHN, Philip R. ) 16 Newton Lane,Hadley 36 91 REGISH, John P. ) II u ,. • • . ANSWER TO NO. 9 (continued) 4• requires a special permit for a substation for every zone in the City and permits a TV tower only in an RR or 6R zone or Industrial zone. It is essential in order for the cable television systen to be set up, that this tower and substation be constructed 1.n order ,, 2 to receive signals . ti4.',1 (Attach additional shaatc if nnn T, PRINTING PRESS rce v nrl �`- - - MN 111111PPIF ) S 0 0 24 OWNI: ......„---..,,....._-..." DEPT.OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS NORTHAMPTON, MA.01060 4 _. .4 ram= '` �. 2i55cZCl 1t5Ptt9 - CARe �` '" (Office of the c(nsp xtQr of +� ux1 unc s INSPECTOR 212 Main Street•Municipal Building ,.,a"�� Northampton, Mass. 01060 to REQUEST FOR SITE PLAN WAIVER Date "I 'Z c f k/(!) �n t Address r -J�( - r . Pagel' Plot 5 Zone S� I understand that in compliance with Section 10.11 North- ampton Zoning Ordinances, such waiver may be granted only upon a showing that compliance with the the provisions of this Ordinance can be ensured without the necessity of site plan review. In reviewing a request for a waiver, the Administrative Officer may require the submission of specific items of information pertinent to the proposed development. tr Signature of Applicant (/611 L ('(./ LAI will submit a plot plan with all required speci- fications. Waiver granted 7/ d p Administrative Officer i Ii (" zy�'' - 1' -JUL O., _,, F„.$'A77_,, , , i,t! 7 o 1, DEPT.OF BM NCR TFitl