24A-033 (2) Dear Mr . Brooks : This is to inform you that the Willards have not stopped the Construction Business as we noticed a new pile of loarm and wood chips . The trucks, tractor, and trailers are still on the property and being used very day. It is still beyond our belief how he can get away with it when the Building Inspector, Mr . Tohill , the law enforcement officer of City 's Zoning lives across the street from the Willards . It may be that he is keeping his eyes shu t as-.we noticed one of the Willards cutting his bushes and if he does do anything, no more free bush cutting. It may be also that he is just getting older and just doesn' t care. The Willars are still using the city street for washing, repairing trucks, tractors and trailers being repaired to all ours of the night . People coming off the bike path cannot get by and are harrassed by the Wiliards . The street which was recently paved down there is a mess and when he washes his truck, the oil from the body runs into the storm drain. Does this violate the conservation laws? The Willards are still violating the zoning ordinance, starting his truck about 5: 00 A .M. , reving up his truck and waking the neighborhood. Mr. Tohill must have ears. There is a one or two thousand gallon fuel tank practically on the street line. How did t:::: get his permit? I am almost sure that if you would contact some of the neighbors, Albert Landis, Atty Gonski, Pat Archambeault , Blaise Bisaillon and others , you will find that they will all tell you exactly the same as we have written. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated in putting a stop to the above. I J E