44-031 (8) Planning -Decision City of Northampton Hearing No.: PLN-2019-0016 Date: November 30, 2018 APPLICATION TYPE SUBMISSION DATE PB Major Site Plan 9/25/2018 Applicant's Name: Owner's Name: NAME. NAME. PLATINUM STORAGE GROUP C/O R LEVE Robert Raymond ADDRESS ADDRESS. 40 SCHOOL ST P.O.Box 79 TOWN. STATE. ZIP CODE. TOWN. STATE. ZIP CODE. WESTFIELD MA 01085 GOSHEN MA 01032 PHONE NO.. FAX NO.. PHONE NO FAX NO.. (413)568-0985 EMAIL ADDRESS EMAIL ADDRESS Site Information: Surveyor's Name: STREET NO.. SITE ZONING. COMPANY NAME. EASTHAMPTON RD TOWN ACTION TAKEN: ADDRESS. NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 Approved With Conditions MAP BLOCK. LOT MAP DATE. SECTION OF BYLAW: 44 031 001 Chpt.350-11:Site Plan Approval TOWN STATE ZIP CODE. Book Page 1015 461 PHONE NO FAX NO EMAIL ADDRESS NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK CONSTRUCT A SELF STORAGE FACILITY HARDSHIP CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1) Prior to issuance of a building permit a.the applicant must record an access and utility sharing easement(that has mortgage subordination) in a form approved by the City for access to the abutting parcel. b. the applicant shall submit revised plans at least 15 days prior to requesting a building permit incorporating all relevant conditions related to plan changes including the addition of tree protection details meeting the ANSI 300 standards as specified in the codes. c.Measures for erosion control and free protection shall be installed and inspected by an engineer. The engineer shall certify in a memo to the Office of Planning and Sustainability that all measures are in place in accordance with the plans and shall be inspected by the City. 2. The building permit plans shall show how the roof system is structured to carry PV panel loads and conduit. 3.All lights shall be timed to turn off at 11 p.m. 4.Lights shall be full cutoff. 5.Additional two rows of trees between the silt fence and the driveway shall be staggered and planted 30'on center. 6.Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the applicant shall submit a.an as-built plan stamped by an engineer stating that site grades and the stormwater system has been installed in accordance with the approved plans. b. Documentation that all tree replacement or payment-in-lieu of tree replacement has been made in accordance with the zoning. c.An as-built showing the lighting has been installed compliant with the approved plans. FINDINGS The Planning Board granted the Site Plan major project for the construction of 95,000+square feet of self-storage units based on the following plans,information,and supplements to the application: 1). Site Plans Proposed Self Storage Facility Easthampton rd,By R Levesque Associates,Inc.Dated September 25, 2018 revised November 16,2018 Pages T1;EXP 1;P1; C1 to C7B;D1-D7;EO 1 Architectural Elevations. 2) Tree Inventory over 20"DBH Dated October 2018. 3) Tree Location Plan by R Levesque Associates,Inc.Dated October 18, 2018. 4) Memo Addressing Department of Public Works comments Dated November 29, 2018 by R Levesque Associates Inc. GeoTMS®2018 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc.