23D-064 COO o oy (riff ooitlltantyton • --�,lri • Office of tilt Inspector of puilUiups !,-11).;: `"-:}j. 1"412.[ 7 212 Main Street •Municipal Building Nor[huntpton, Muss. 0l060 #1033 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY March 28, 1994 Page No. 23D Plot 64 Building (Name) Single family modular home Address 40 Nutting Ave. Gerald & Wayne Brachman 77 Riverside Drive Owner Address Fred Mielke, Jr. 32 West Street, Easthampton Applicant Address Residential Use: 1st Occupancy 2nd Occupancy 3rd Occupancy 4th Occupancy URB Zone District Required Inspections: X New Building Existing Building Elevator Electrical , Plumbing "I ' / / _ Fire Building _ !--=--4��z"- O nspec r Buildi