32A-126 (8) City of Northampton ter. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS �J _� j.; rt 12, c1 . Footings and Walls BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2 . Structural Components in Place • 3 . Complete Building No. 200 Office of the Building Inspector Date April 13, 1992 19 rJ , BUILDING PERMIT THIS MAY CERTIFY THAT G.F. Services Insp. on Site — Foundations CIS has permission to Install a 1.8 meter satelite dish Insp. of Plumbing — Rough situated on 43 King Street Insp. of Plumbing — Finish provided that the person accepting this permit shall in every re- Insp. of Wiring — Rough spect conform to the terms of the application on file in this office, and to the provisions of the Statutes and the Ordinances relating Insp. of Wiring — Finish to the Construction, Maintenance and Inspection of Buildings in Insp. of Health (Septic Tanks) the City of Northampton. Any violation of any of the terms above noted is an immediate revocation of this permit. Expires six Building Insp. — Rough months from date of issuance, if not started. Building Insp. — Finish Note: A certificate of occupancy will be issued by this office upon return of this card signed by the Plumbing, Wiring and Building Smoke Detectors (Fire Dept.) Inspectors. Gas Inspection THIS CARD MUST BE DISPLAYED IN A CON P US P C ON THE PREMISES • Certificate of Occupancy 75 Build' nspector NOTE:IN ORDER THAT THIS APPLICATION MAY BE ACCEPTED,THE DATA CALLED FOR BELOW MUST BE SO SET FORTH THAT WE CAN DETERMINE FROM THE APPLICATION AND THE ACCOMPANYING PLANS WHAT THE EXISTING CONDITIONS ARE AND WHAT THE FUTURE CONDITIONS WILL BE. Plans,in duplicate,must be filed with this application before a permit will be granted,one of which,upon issuance of the permit shall be kept at the site during the progress of the work. New ❑ Addition I No. -D, Zone , Type 3 2. , Map....1..a L....., Parcel ©d / Alterations ....❑ Repair ❑ 9� y'�? tie CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Demolition ❑ �tr;.r MASSACHUSETTS Application for other than a Dwelling Permit (To be filled out in ink OR on a typewriter) To the Building Inspector: Date Pi 142 !/L Application for a permit is hereby made according to the following:- 1. Location, Street and No.. .1 .Kilt/AY 2. Nearest cross street Lot No. 3. Owner's name P 45,�y- 1;9-ALt OF m4 S S Address Y. .FACI/t ,..A74:/i.,Ti ktfu°2 A? K'/y 4. Architect's name Address 01O4) 5. Builder's name/.-11/-7~ Address .24- �r1 IN N Sir; N ,, ? 6. Use of building, Present...,6$►.-/11,E- Proposed 6 C.,$)� 7. Building fronts on how many Streets? 8. Is building in fire district? 9. Size of building,Width in ft. , Length in ft. , Height in ft. 10. Distance of building from Street Line , left lot line , right lot line , rear lot line 11. Type of construction(check one): 1-A 1-B 1-C II III IV V Stories B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Roof Story heights in ft. Thickn's of walls in ins. Material of walls Material of floor/roof Design live load Design dead load Occupancy or Use No.of persons/families No.of stairs 12. Soil under footing is 13. Depth of footing below grade ft. Will piles be used? 14. Area of entire building(Present plus new) sq.ft. 15. Type of roof-flat , pitched Material of roof covering 16. No.of elevators Method of heating System Fuel 17. Are live loads noted on drawings? Are all other structural conditions noted on drawings? 18. Building(will be)(is)equipped with sprinklers? With sprinkler alarm? 19. Is building to be used as a factory,workshop or mercantile or other establishment employing 10 or more persons? 20. Is building to be used as an office building,dormitory,hotel,family hotel,apartment or boarding house,lodging house or tenement house having 8 or more rooms above the second story? 21. How many exits(per floor)to street? 22. Is building a"Place of assembly"as defined by the General Laws? 23. Will building conform to the General Laws? Building and Zoning Ordinances? 24. If a garage,distance from nearest building? 25. If an addition,alteration or demolition,when was building erected? 26. Estimated costs:- z ded The undersigned certifies that the above statements are true to the best General$ of his/her knowledge and be ' f. Plumbing 14AQ i ?..6.647' 2.4k) Gas Piping Signatur/of owner,architect or engineer Sprinklers WRITTEN DISCRIPTION OF WORK TO BE DONE Heating (Use blank half of reverse side,if necessary) Electric 561:1 .0 t 7r�,,.../- `.P.' A/N 4 Other Total$ .2000 per Location Permit No. Application for other than a Dwelling Permit Granted 19 To COMMONWEALTH OF 1010 COMMONWEALTH AVE. ,� BOSTON,MASS.02215 1 " ,NaMASSACHUSETTS ENCLOSE CHECK OR MONEY ORDE' LCENSE • � ' CONSTRISUPERVISOR FOR REQUIRED FEE, EXPIRATION DATE , I 06/30/1 99 3 MADE PAYABLE TO 6 EFFECTIVE DATE LIC-NO. RESTRICTIONS "COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC SAFET' NONE 06/30/1991 01 5895 ' DOUGLAS M MACLEOD (DO NOT SEND CASH). 40 TURNERS WAY .I SS # 023-30-0133 NORWELL MA C2061 PLEASE NOTE SEC INCREASE PHOTO(BLASTING OPR ONLY) FEE: 100. 00 EFjFFCTIVEAM1. 111 11989 HEIGHT: NOT VALID UNTIL SIGNED BY LICENSEE AND OFFICIALLY SIGN NAME IN FULL-ABOVE SIGNATURE LINE STAMPED•OR •SIGNATURE OF THE COMMISSIONER E, DOB: D 11 /17/1939 5 !J, � DO NOT DETACH LICENSE ST1 THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE -��C SIGNATURE OF LICENSEE SIGN NAME IN FULL-ABOVE SIGNATURE LINE CARRIED ON THE PERSON OF THE HOLDER WHEN ENGAG• 1 OTHERS •RIGHT THUMB PRINT ED IN THIS OCCUPATION p/'yJ/�,�jJ'(//''f/} .Z,0// /SkMMISSIONER 'rwltr 'L tlwxtl) T r DRIVER'S LIir.N:TI • • • -/ 11-17-39 6—ow �'O 1�, 3 .MMO I DQUBLEOD • B M • 140 TURNERS WAY NONATUFL AIWM NARWELL. MA -ft) CUSHIONED CROSS ROOF MOUNT (CCRM) 1 .8m NON-PENETRATING ROOF MOUNT ,,... may"""*'°At!- - .a-'"""�,'�f„gf a- 4 $ � a �< s ,a e .4,- mar �'' i s ers ' sae . a� r ,+ dE'`A `1 .. 'r ba. °"�-iat ar not,' FEATURES: • ADAPTABLE, CAN BE USED ON 95% OF ONE AND TWO-STORY BUILDINGS • CROSS SHAPE ALLOWS MOUNT TO BE INSTALLED AROUND ROOFTOP MECHANICAL UNITS • FEW PARTS AND FASTENERS MAKE ASSEMBLY QUICK AND EASY • CONCRETE BLOCK BALLAST BECOMES THE MOUNT • LIGHT WEIGHT • HARDWARE IS HOT-DIPPED GALVANIZED AND ZINC PLATED TO PROVIDE CORROSION PROTECTION • DATA VSAT OPERATIONAL AT 50 mph WINDSPEED • SECURED BALLAST REDUCES RISK OF BALLAST REMOVAL • ROOF PADS PROTECT ROOF SURFACE • LONG PODS DISTRIBUTE MOUNT AND ANTENNA WEIGHT TO LESS THAN 20 psf STATIC ROOF LOAD , _- AT&T— Tridom TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS SURVIVAL WINDSPEED 105 mph MOUNT WEIGHT 140 lb ANTENNA ASSEMBLY WEIGHT 185 lb BALLAST WEIGHT 1170 lb TOTAL WEIGHT 1495 lb BASE TRIBUTARY AREA 100 ft2 STATIC ROOF PRESSURE 15.0 psf MAST SIZE 4" O.D. COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION 0.75 FACTOR OF SAFETY OVERTURNING 1.5 APPLICATION CHART 250 200 2 ° 150 W - Z 100 Z = 50 _ 0 70 75 80 85 90 95 WINDSPEED (MPH) CHARTBASED ON ANSI A58.1-1982,EXPOSUREC { {i 11 I I 1 ' r _ o / \ V I 4 1 1 1 oa11 1 1 I I } L 12'-1 1/2" PLAN VIEW SIDE VIEW •' AST Tridom - ! - r . _ SITE SURVEY FORM NOFRANQJHCOURT )(ARIErrA.CA3C057 ri3NE:(4 4)4a6-0.ac:F;Xet4(9 9402 -• - - .. .. REVISION 5/14/91 • -FIELD REP.: W-\ 14A dl.) WORK ORDER NO.: )►Z 4 Lc o h4 E COMPANY: t� SITE CODE FRS Cj ) L " TELEPHONE q 13 7 3-) - 5M ANTENNA SIZE: • I * 8" . • • AzZLO 6.3 6 FT.: I/0.4 0 • SECTION 1: CUSTQMER INFQRMATION - CUSTOMER: l_LE,f, o&STA 6L_ CONTACT: I(1 c1-. (Yiwle STET: • 1 N 6 Si PHONE: '1 13 1 $7 13(S CITY,ST,ZIP: _ N 0(z-\r.01 Fg4-1 Mt; OI 0 by EtCriCiN 2: B:.�rUN: IKEORMATION J rEg3y.(`1WE _GIT.C. S.OFi .S 1 FEET 15 ROOF`tj t� 'a•'f. �`T Z-IA MEMBRANE CONCRETE SLAB _ -k rr L - •-OTHER %CCC:S�'RUCTURE: _ M •rAL LECK 0:4 S EL FRAMING _CONCRETE SLAB WOOD Is aC ON WC?)D FRAMING OTHER WALL STl L+:211.I.i 4.: CONCF.s1:1::BLOCK L BRICK ON CONCRETE BLOCK _METAL FRAME _WOOD FRAME _OTHER ST.ICTION 3: •.NI ENNA MOUNT OPTION 1 OPTION 2 - MOUNT 1.P :T NO.: CC7'�m-CI) \ -o o\c\-1•-\ 1.PART NO.: TYPE: ' 2.i==;.:CTY, ION:_ -i tl 0 c- m s z i 2.DESCRIPTION: E.xc i Cr(' M a v.r+' REQUIRLT TO 3. _LADDER ft 3. _LADDER ft INSTAIJ.. A BUCKET MUCK _BUCKET TRUCK • " AN EN:i4 OTHER w Q Li C- -_ • . _OTHER • -- ACCESS TO 4. _ ROOF I..TCII 4. ROOF HATCH ANTENNA ._ /_ .LADDER.1--•v/_is - -- _ - LADDER ft . - - - _BU :1.ri+TLIV:1'; _BUCKET TRUCK 0 LT- lia _---- OTHER • GROUNDING 5. _^u1LDIN .'7. r1 5. BUILDING STEEL ELECil ODE __GROUND R.)1.1 GROUND ROD SYSTEM: _UNDERGROU":?D PIPING _UNDERGROUND PIPING _OTHER (,-c C j \,Lc. OTHER (Tied c P\,l.� GROUNDING-CABLE LEN.?;`H -3 0 ft 6.GROUNDING CABLE I L.NGTH I"7 5 ft - CABLE RUN: 7.TOTAL CALK..%I. NG l H 3 0- ft 7.TOTAL CABLE LENGTH I S ft 8.co n u i FOD"�AGE v ft 'l 8.CONDUIT FOOTAGE \ 5 0 ft 9.THE-IX:LIi G FOOTAGE Co ft 9.TRENCHING FOOTAGE - I C 0 ft 9a.NORMAL SOIL (DIRT) Q ft 9a.NORMAL SOIL 1 ti 0 ft _ 9b.FROZEN SOIL . 0 ft 9b. FROZEN SOIL c) ft 9c. ASPHALT 0 ft 9c. ASPHALT I `7- 0 ft e. Other(De fine) 9d. CONCI'ATE o ft 9d.CONCRETE 0 ft 10.!ci-:E'RATIONS (TM) ! 10.PEr!I I RATIONS(#) I • 10a.STANDARD (#) I 10c:.STANDARD(n) 1 • ---- - 10b.NONSTANDARD(4) 0 • --10b.NONSTANDARD(#) - -0 -. -- • -. - 11.LINE AMPLIFIERS (#) (1 11.LINE AMPLIFIERS(n) 0 11a. DIST.FROM ODU(ft) I la. DIST_FROM ODU(ft) . .-- --- - -- --•--„ 1 -', V -.#2- . -0-. #3 ---- - - -- >il1-••. .-•--: n - IT °-_-- :-------- - • 12._EXTERNAL POWER SUPPLY 12. 0 EXTERNAL POWER SUPPLY 12a. DIST. FROM ODU C ft I2a. DIST. FROM ODU 0 ft ' -SECTION 4: GENERAL COMMENTS `` Page 2 INSTALLER COMMENTS: N End A N C o u L,&_; o Z osyk \Zoo F Y. 0 ) I )r t\of- fJ \.,\\ oLoVick . .. OPTl 00 ► 1 s t'v- Off j o _rtsiA )J tuea ThE PornN.Z 4- (Si1tLe 1piha ffon�s m�4i P2a E Ti orb, 1 f fih€ E \r, E1 sT i c s -- e" ()„o i a I,J u ttK, Flow- G\f€. - Ir kQviQ M orjf LA �2 I RCN cal wG t t\r (AWE pN FEN(1 N I CUSTOMER/LANDLORD COMMENTS: SECTION 5: SHIPPING INFORMATION COMPANY NAME 1 a ADDRESS i lc MA I S CITY,STATE,ZIP onsR,S lc IL' M A _ -- CONTACT ) C) E RC \r\AI'JsK TELEPHONE 50 Q31 )\ L p SECTION 6: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS THE INSTALLATION TECHNICIAN HAS EXPLAINED THE MOUNTING OPTIONS AVAILABLE FOR THIS FACILITY. I AGREE WITH THE ME I HODOLOGY OF THESE OPTIONS AS THEY-HAVE BEEN EXPLAINED. SHOULD TI-E INSTALLATION BE APPROVED,I WOULD LIKE THE SYSTEM TO BE INSTALLED AS DESCRIBED. SIGNATURE DAZE PHONE BRANCH MGR. BUILDING MGR. c c rY - 1 i-/.) 7,- 7 l 6 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ . • J• "SECTION 7:DRAWING Pagc 3 THE FOI LOWING ITEMS MUST BE SHOWN'WITH SYMBOLS AND REQUESTED INFORMATION. LABEL EACH OPTION. p ANTENNA LOCATION WITH LINE OF SIGHT ———F-1-—— LINE AMP LOCATION -•I AND DISTANCES FROM 2 WAILS WITH LOCATION DESCRIBED BUILDING DIAGRAM ———nit--— ET-POWER SUPPLY LOCATION WITH LOCATION DESCRIBED XX• CABLE PATH WITH DISTANCES' N • ® PENETRATION -ji MAGNETIC NORTH 9- 111 • F • ( V ‘.(7. -- 'Qcg ‘ . . _ . . _ . . . . -b�1o,o-i • . • . • - - • • - L - • 69.\\I , . . - - - - -4, -'bV\\K, • ' -- . i 1 ; . 1 ANTENNA HEIGHT ABOVE GROUND LEVEL:OPTION 1 ft OPTION 2 ft VV ., . . -..., SECTION i: PHOTOS - - Pagc 4 ...-. - ''• • . .. . " ' ... . . - . .- OPTION I ' OPTION 2 • I I - - . 1 N • , '.`,- -' `, -t", '1-' •- - -:.""%-''t''''4.0`";*-=-:1- ---t'.'"'-',. :`-''''' 1....,0 . , '''',,',V,=1,,t,17,." 5:::?,,,,;,.. -Ow',,1,4;,,',.:*‘-, ;-..--..,--.-.1.,-;.4,24:44,,..44'4,,,:;,..4•'0';'•1 •• ... ' '. -• ;.--''' —t7T. -'.- •''''.71.. ,' i .h..0' ,....I7' ' -,'t''. ,'',-' 1 ',;ii.! ,Z-.'''..' ..".."'"..) ' ' ' ' '.' •''' 449•W: .40-..0,.,..-Av.4.,,,..,.i Ail, 171;67,....t.,..,,,i-.- _ -'' ' . .. --..... . ' • . ... , --""MillitSit. , ----------, ---,- - - • PV . • ,,,..4‘.-:-----r-1 :,...:.,- - --- - ' -- ......„..., ------ ... _ "! -••• ---.0.,:--.1.--,--...."1".1'....-- '''..">.••*- -, - ,-,.., .,A,:...-:.....•.1 z-•,s;.1_,. 4...,..-i,,....,..,r4;74.....:, ..-4.--; ....._ .--._Aft -Allilligm: '•Njt Sf-,:f:2-1410 .,.,•::::.1..,.... C....','", '''''''-'• •• •••:". . ,--; - .-= e - ,..-7" . -. r. _ -..,....,AF:„....L-.....-. .....rsz-,--...- --,..; .....t.._ - v.....-_ . . 'y.,L-1..-..40 „ -.14...'"4" _....-—*P.% "..--...- ........4._....--... --1:-.. •-.... . ., -‘,..."".+.7i.7 -...---.....:....-....,.-2...-•.4,-----.-...... - _. kL 4 c-c) -)' rkj•) WZ-.°''Nr' (\I. C- \, A 1—u- L cl ----, • ANTENNA LOCATION ANTENNA LOCATION . . _...1 i i - — - -- ....____ - Q - — - -- =11111111M4. c - " it" • . --- . . . t'' •r*:"" 411Mb 4*.!.., •Ih• r. 71 ' ---i " • li••••-•-- 1,....1 k 11111e-- -._. /---. • • ic-- _ . -- -..."! 0 ••• 0 (1,::-2.;-• .• •,...,...:,....,..,„eer.a..„.._, ,.....:.. ze"),.,...•-.- — _-.,.2 1.,-4.-• ,,,.i.e.-;%-„,prs,,,,,- .....›. •• .......-":024 ---------•"----- -- - I .Z..f.,....,t,,4‘c,/,;,.:iii.%4Irp•c,..„,,,,r.4.- --4( ---, 1 1.y. .di'.11V•••'- .. , ,„`"T.:„;;;;,r,k"§",:i.1;.....2-t:IlA '1, ..\ if • ;t-.1'7 *--1,.t4; 1•,. • ,e' ......"14. 04,-. .:• ..,4. ... , •• . ,.: J: 'cr-jrjr'76-1,010.4-4.. ..41:121.%?Ikt":1414241%76,,:?1..-L....':%.,4'.".11'•••:.r:A....St.t., i •. . - . .1*.IS4,;:;*,.„. ,.. ..a.tifoa°4t... 44.:11,-;,.**1 --jip......p...V70,..• ., .4,,,..P"I'....‘;:.;07.k.'7....g: l'%.,0, ` • .t4.2•''' .al,•••• • Fliat'l ,,,,t1.*gliellt 4(.4- •3•7je.:•••W ..,/,' ''••,,,,,'7.."V4.f.li.4.,.•••'-.- I \ l• 41,7*. :14..„_••,-. ."'s „,...-I; , --tr. ..;te-..,'•.s.-i--,1%... -,...:'•• r‘41r..e..4.,...,%,„wigi,,,e. .......z6,4%,,,,...,....,6,4,...,....•.....?. .: ,..,,,.,. „,,,4,,,,,: ,,...,,,,,..,,,,,,„:,,,,,.,,,,,, •..,:‘,...,....„,,.. .,......... .v - -.... ii , .,..:.,. „„ ...L....4,...,4,,...,,.p.,.., - :.- . :....„.:,,I.,-. ::•-‘.,..-. ,_,....: ......z....rt-,i.e.,_.....-tt.% •. ---:' .?.4-••••• e;•441 .-'••••,...1,; -•.-1-,...,•.4--6:4.-a-,, "4,,,.iiii.1-sri "...,„ .. - "4' . si.A. 3,, ..,-4.1.• . ;., I't.l.--4"--'-4.`-'• .'to. ' - ' •. - .1" .-f /1.'''7 1-. .._- ;T..tit:-.c.41t3701t....'i-*:!.. , • • , .7,,,sr.4.1.414 . „. ' "....-11,0•000". ... 1. - .:-.T.-,z 7.71.-4/altte-rteA-tiri. 1. - ' . • 1.4!--..- . '. . ' -z•'..*I\ • • I * - •••• V'!" •• ....‘11!..'• , ,•_.•.C.,,:•••gtot...• ,. ,.lb •`• '' ,,,:' . 7.,,,••••••••..:,161..)',„,*•- ii, I'M*lr N:.•OM% • • •• " fp • . . . . ._ • . _. --- t) 0 C_r-,-• 0 Kil ON I SUPPORTING STRUCTURE ..._- SUPPORTING STRUCTURE UNDERSIDE OF ROOF OR BACKSTDE OF WALL UNDERSIDE OF ROOF OR BACKSIDE OF WALL • y w, s. • • r("- on.- 0 (2._ ‘. ____ r , .. • . ... -r M b Q. J ..:A 4 t- '�.' I,- - S;, • ''SECTION 8: PHOTOS(CONT.) Page 5 • PHOTO OF EACH SIDE OF BUILDING OR STRUCTURE > Yt , a �-. •-• 1�- r : �:'p�7 °R i ,. tr.,/ '.' '. r " '. r : a y !` h o �'1a M: lC10:4,, .y / , .- ( .,; ,. y , _ ,. , ' nT•S ,.,r/ t sl�x " k;, 02� T Y t i-0.. r '.. S„2 ii • • • W E Y r. ih- M. ,fie..� f y�sgr � a y t� t;' _ l• F I . ,-.ii • t. ,r y . ' ;`III ..N ,t V■ • 4 it > .£"kr : ..+.e .. �,LL �. wjw _- Noy\ Sou \ h • NORTH - SOUTH t 1 a : .r ,s NA Y \ r g ' I�IfBMIk I ..• _ aai�rr.. .If;.'r-Ar='".+ • M t. I. •• •.. i t: -- �� -_— . - a — I I , L._'- EAST WEST II* CO • .. EAST 42- 1- I3LacV- wL� 4) use ow 111. c r 0/ l 7 H % • 2 f O Q ,r...7 _, PLAN VIEW 6,'__- T SURVIVAL WINDSPEED 105 mph = MOUNT WEIGHT 140 lb — Z.Icoss-t�1N ---- _ O ~- ANTENNA ASSEMBLY WEIGHT 185 lb 14gS I6 INu�= -_ - 0 BALLAST-WEIGHT 1170Ib - --1,410/117 - el. 1 TOTAL WEIGHT 1495 lb riz°wrvt. - V U N 2 BASE TRIBUTARY AREA 100 ft2 °>'- �4TAT, ���- I- r 86.3 O 'STATIC ROOF PRESSURE 15.0 psf ' J \- MAST SIZE 4" O.D. i— 7 COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION 0.75 1 otSLLI Y FACTOR OF SAFETY OVERTURNING 1.5 Q � -� TRIDOM � I I l l l l l 1 )`��- l I I I 1 I I Q-� SITE NONS 9'1Z- ROOF PLAN I/ ,z� , ,�z- .0'� !'a q� CODE SIDE VIEW DATE .-3 -1-7-Az REVISIONS no 'Date Piled L"�1 1 // . ` ," a, rile . No , _ _..�.__._.I__ • ZONING PIJRMIT APPLICATION (,rj 10 , 2 ) ' 1 , Name :of Applicant ; C, CjZU:eC.7..5 " Addx.eas l 1 1a �`: S Telephone : :;S S. 2 Ownerrty; r� ' Address : . LA-S K', r�cl \ `. Telephone : 'Li 1. .�� —•• . • 3 , . ,9tatus 'of Applicant ; Owner Contract Purchaser , Lessee other (expla n : _) 41 Parcel Identification ; Zonincj 14ap Sheet#� )o��' ' Pa:ccol,%,_��'�' • , Zoninc1 District (s) . ( in.clude overlays) • , Street Address �i • Y%no] N ^. ..�__ n.':ClUirod 5 , Nx,. rising ' _ . rroponed '?:.._..'i;9 iin_g Use of. Structure/Property . ( if. project 'is only intoriorwork, skip to #6 ) ' Building height " ' ,• kBldy , Coverage (Footprin ) _ , . S,etklacks - ,front • ' _ . . - - side ' • . - rear Lo't size . . , F'z,.o n t a g e �. ... _ _ ' , P'.loor, Area Ratio xClpt:n Sp�toe (Lot area 'minus "1:(4i'J.d.inq and park.iny) j Par.ltincl -Spades —M1I _,,.... — 'Z+gading Signs F _ _.._„ ___ Fi L.\ (volu,me h location) 6 � Narrative DescrIption' of Proposed Hlork/Pr.oject: (Use addil:1.( ;imi. .:,Jheets ' .• . if nmcessary) ',W LA ' '' S� ' �i\r \ _Y2.q _ .7 , ; ' Attached Plans ; Sketch Plan ,site Plan 8 ,' ; Certification ; ,I ' hereby certify " that the information oontu ' 1:^, hc,rein a, ' i.e true and accurate to the best of my knowledg , . . J Date i—1;3 //?� Applicant ).s Signature : . , ,,,,,� --A.,..., .• [[ THIS SBOTION 1'OR OF1�'ICIAL UE.34 ONLY : . , • _. •'Approve'cl as 'preseritec /based on infox6at'ion ' presented ' Deni.ed as preseni;a,d , . Re son.( Defila'l t . qna , ci: Bu ny ' Inspector . c to NOW: (aquanou of a zonO P ormt dooa not t wo an appllconta bunion to compl/wills all zoning toqulrumon� and oblNn ;;J l;o(JriU(torn the Board.of Honith, Conoowallon Cornmlaalon, Popnrtronl of Publlo Worko and GUN( oppllcnblo ponnit prariUnp auQhn,fU