32A-135 (9) t ---- • 1tW4PrIJo ` cu)r f�tti 2pr NO 1<r`s K,ter t.41 �� t e Erection. ,r_dor t 1 ( - ) -r_. � Alteration ricurx-a.cr r Cr d6U 6 Repair ( ) Plans must be filed with the Building Inspector, " Repainting ( ) before a permit will be granted,_ Removal ( ) • Qtft iii Norttemptart, ass. -3,,,/ Application for a Permit to Place or Maintain a Sign or other Advertising Device (Application to be filled out in ink or typewritten,)" FEE ' PAGE PLOT Northampton, Mass.,.. ....»1• 19.....E.t.. To the Building Commissioner.: - Application`for'a=permit to place or maintain a sign or other advertising device, or marquee. ot,r�BUSINESSNAME.,.. Fe* V h 1. LOCATION, STREET and No. .OIt1 . a.4cuel, ±-4% 2. Owner's name .: Fj.,C.c4 C'- . 3. Owner's address V,,.:1m Si', .Gr�-Inr.�tiraa�,a k.....1 � 4. Maker's name .N'l. '— .w C? 5. Maker's"address. ,$0 r:�ialc 'fun�....lakV- . G.U.( .. 'e.... I L GOQU7 6. Erector's name rf 7. Erector's address `` SIGN KIND OF SIGN 1. Sign will be (check'one) illuminated 1� non-illuminated (Designate). 2. Will sign obstruct a fire escape, window or door? Q:.. Marquee 3. Lower edge will be l ..:ft. Q ins. above the public way. Projecting 4. Upper edge will be 1 3.;..ft. 0 ins. above the public way. Roof • 5. Height.. ??.. ..ft Q." ins. Width C ft I ins. Temporary 6. Fac.e area.. .(„�,.sq. ft. . Wall` 7. Inner edge will be ins from the building or pole. Ground...G 8. . Outer edge will be ins.from the building or pole., Other 9. Face of building or pole is ins. back from the street line. 10. Sign will project £J ins. beyond the street line.. 12. Of, what material will sign be constructed''? Frame. 4 Y.n.mh•r kta.......... Face &.t 11. Sign will extend ft.....Cj:.........ins. above the buildingor pole. 13. Estimate cost....3)..QJ.GS1 ' The undersigned certifies that the above statements are true to the best of his knowledge and belief:.n4: 411(6/ ‘ - Ve4.2 (Si nature of Owner or geppt) NOTE: In order that this application maybe3�tN mjcn �I`: j'YCa ea ar/Cfld6o�U pp accepted, the data called lot above must be'set forth CLEARLY.and FULLY." P " ' C7 c_-- Zu).e. Sze rVYI oacwwpr= oy ,,,, J� S �TG tT Ar XP� �Yl"t�' : "'z 'a® Erection.._. . (7 H Y� Ictr,c1.,cs rr) CI G 0 O •=° i' ( ) =' G Alteration Plans must be filed with the Building Inspector, Repair ( ) Repainting ( ) before a permit will be granted, • Removal ( ) Qt if attIu to e Application for a. Permit to Place or Maintain a Sign or other Advertising Device (Application to be filled out in ink or typewritten) . FEE I PAGE PLOT Northampton, Mass. q, 5" 19 9.1,... 1 To the Building Commissioner: Application for a permit to place or maintain a sign or other advertising device, or marquee.. BUSINESS NAME...F.1.Ce+..:..gPn.r--- 1. LOCATION, STREET and No. ...044..e, \L 2. Owner's name...Fl.aPCA--- ��,,.,a.n,� f 3. Owner's address....Qih ,: a. . .. Ee.1:.. ........ ).ctr uvv�.�p 4 4. Maker's name...Ac.i.n. t.. C. 1 V �- . 1. 5. Maker's addressP-Lt..!O ctn.lr: Cr E . x....1.d.1.,:iiG?. ni.-4- c'ac 7 6. Erector's name t, c, `� I 7. Erector's address `` 4 C SIGN KIND OF SIGN (Designate) 1. Sign will be (check one) illuminated non-illuminated X 2. Will sign obstruct a fire escape, window or door?..f-o Marquee 3. Lower edge will be ' ft. G ins. above the public way. Projecting 4.. Upper edge will be 5 ft. q, ins. above the ublic way. Roof 5. Height.." ft Q _ ins. Width 1 ft ins: Temporary 6. Face area I.0 sq. ft. Wall e will be ins from the buildingGround 7. Inner edge or pole. / Other 5 At'L.r.. 144,ml j, 3. Outer edge will be ins. from the building or pole. ` ) 9. Face of building or pole is ins. back from the street line. �te'�s ``? 10. Sign will project 0 ins.beyond the street line. 11. Sign will extend V ft ins. above the building or pole.. �s...,ya4t.,.r,N:.c.weel 12. Of what texzal will sign ?be constructed . Frame.:.:s14...4 4.,rmtk+.�trti. Face 13. Estimate c st...-00.. The undersigned certifies that the above statements are true to the best of his knowledge and belief.444 . G . . . ... .. -4 . r- 9-03-G q.7- 5360 . Si:: ature of Owner or Agent) 34 H. cictrotten Or iYI cu, cLcs+Cr C C OLe 0 NOTE: In order that this application maybe accepted, the data callyed'for above must be set forth CLEARLY and FULLY. pRIN NSF • tar sigis:40 (-----.. ______ .. ... L.:, J " , • r ) • [-.r• _t 4 _ Sa b31 .{t i t �" _ x + -ti• : ? ' 4i f, Ka1r l r r• 7 'a -/i :1:(1.1,:i!y1.-...:Avi..1.:I .•• 4-r r� a Pifti 1 t ;'; i { f- r J k �, tk �� k•S y }Fir ,•c..z+�.z -a 3', J• - i L.^ �.4 �r II ,"—• 'S k{ .ems ) l r. �,,.., 4•^ti+�ri. 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