23D-066 (5) 12/29/21, 11:38 AM City of Northampton Mail- 170 Federal St.,/Demo Permit Garage 06/02/20 �h `; hamCity p 3 �� Kim Carson <kcarson@northamptonma.gov> ' '''Northampton �.. CSC, 170 Federal St.,/Demo Permit Garage 06/02/20 1 message john handzel <nuwayhomes60@gmail.com> Wed, Dec 29, 2021 at 11:01 AM To: "NoHo Building Dept. Jonathan Flagg" <jflagg@northamptonma.gov> Cc: Kim Carson <kcarson@northamptonma.gov>, Kevin Ross <kross@northamptonma.gov> Jonathan back on June 02, 2020, I pulled a permit to demo the garage and the shed at 170 Federal St. Needless to say that I never did and instead I fixed up both buildings. Hopefully this does not mess up the the assessors office, best regards https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=28605c8627&view=pt&search=all&permth id=thread-f%3A1720496886940619144&simpl=msg-f%3A1720496886940619144 1/1