Cover Letter 2-18-20 February 18, 2020 Douglas McDonald Stormwater Manager Department of Public Works 125 Locust Street Northampton, MA 01060 Re: Colvest/Northampton, LLC Commercial Redevelopment 301 & 303 King Street Dear Mr. McDonald, Looking through the plans it is apparent that some of the conditions of approval were addressed after 10/10/19 which you may not have received. After reviewing the Stormwater Permit and Special Permit conditions again, I also realized I had misunderstood some of what you were looking for when I prepared the last revision. As a result, I have revised the site plan set and drainage report again with what I hope will be the final revision before start of construction. The revised plan set is dated 2/17/20. The Drainage Report was also updated with the same date 2/17/20. As I promised, the following is an explanation of how each of the conditions of approval have been met by past and present revisions: Stormwater Permit Conditions 1. You should find enclosed a revised Attachment A for the stormwater agreement which excludes the pervious pavement and added the infiltration trenches. The infiltration basin maintenance now notes the 72 hour drawdown requirement. The attachment also includes provisions for maintenance of the WQU at 301 King Street. This document is also included as an Appendix in the revised stormwater report. 2. I am in the process of completing the NOI and SWPPP and will forward that to you as soon as it is completed later this week. 3. The plans are revised and attached. We do not typically prepare written specifications for Colvest projects because the plans and details are deemed sufficient for the contractors they work with. 4. The drainage report was revised as follows: a. The 4” underdrains in the rain gardens were raised 2’ above the water table elevation of 144 so that the bottom of the underdrain is at elevation 146. This change was made in the 10/10/19 revision. b. I misunderstood the request for underdrain calculations. I thought you were asking about groundwater contribution to the system but you want to know how much water Re: Colvest/Northampton, LLC Commercial Redevelopment 301 & 303 King Street Page 2 of 3 the underdrains will direct back into the system to be sure it does not exceed the system capacity. The calculations have been modified to model the 4” underdrains as a low level orifice. This is conservative since most flow will infiltrate and bypass the underdrain. The peak flows were adjusted accordingly and we are still not increasing peak flow rates. Rain Garden #9 was enlarged to account for this change in infiltration but the basin is still contained within the existing island. No changes were required for the other rain gardens. Rain Garden #9 now has a static volume which exceeds the WQV not accounting for infiltration. c. The Rain Garden detail on sheet 10 was updated to clarify that the underdrain will only be a 30”x4” stone trench with perforated pipe, 10’ long in two directions. The previous detail seemed to suggest the stone would extend the entire area of the basin which is not necessary. The range of depth of the soil media is specified as is the range of elevation difference between the bottom of the gardens and the top of the overflow structures. d. The VortSentry detail on sheet 11 was updated to specify that it is a 36” diameter structure with typical dimensions noted. A copy of the sizing calculations was also included in the revised drainage report. 5. Infiltration BMP’s must be stabilized before receiving runoff. This was not phrased as a required plan change but is a condition of the approval. 6. Development cannot increase runoff or pollution. If it is found to increase these, the owner must correct. This also was not phrased as a required plan change but is a condition of approval. Special Permit Conditions 1. Traffic revisions were provided as follows: a. Signal plans provided by VHB b. Tactile panel and ramp upgrade was incorporated on the plans by noting Mass DOT ramp at both the NW and SW corners of the driveway on the 10/21/19 revision. A detail added to sheet 11 on this current revision. 2. Cross access easements are address by separate easement map exhibits prepared by our office and easement documents prepared by Colvest’s attorney. 3. Utility easements were likewise addressed 4. Bike share easement was likewise addressed 5. Sidewalk easement was likewise addressed 6. Water and sewer connections in accordance with DPW. This appears to be a condition not a plan revision. 7. Unused line shall be removed to the main. Notes for the two water services are added to the Demolition Plan Sheet 2. 8. Lane widths are all 11’ wide with a 2’ shoulder. This change was made on the 10/10/19 revision. 9. Granite curb is noted to be removed for the new accessible ramps on King St. This note was added to the Layout Sheet in the 10/10/19 revision. 10. The ramp type along King Street was changed to a Mass DOT standard. This note was included on the Layout Sheet in the 10/21/19 revision. I have since added the specific Mass DOT detail to sheet 11. Re: Colvest/Northampton, LLC Commercial Redevelopment 301 & 303 King Street Page 3 of 3 11. The details for the 301 curb cut were coordinated with staff and included on the 10/21/19 revisions. 12. The pipe in King Street was replaced with RCP on the 10/10/19 revision. 13. A note to remove buried slabs was added to the Demolition Plan in the 10/10/19 revision. 14. The concrete walk detail on sheet 9 was updated on 10/10/19 to note the required 8” thickness and WWF at the driveway crossings. 15. The concrete walk detail was updated to depict the WWF graphically and bold the note on an 11/8/19 revision. 16. A granite curb detail was added to sheet 11 in an 11/8/19 revision. I trust you will find all conditions addressed to your satisfaction. If you have any questions, please contact my office at 860-623-0569. Sincerely, Dana Steele, P.E. Principal Engineer J.R. Russo & Associates, LLC