Control Waiver (1) Commissioner 12.17.2020 Subject: Request for Waiver I request that you grant a modification to waive the requirement for control construction for the Park Hall Porch Project at 134 Elm Street in Northampton because the work is of a minor nature, will not affect health, accessibility, life and fire safety, or structural requirements and is impractical in that the cost of control construction is considerable when compared to the cost of the proposed work. All work will be completed within the prescriptive requirements of 780 CMR. Thank you for your consideration. “Mass Amendments, sections 107.1 allows for an exclusion from control construction for this project” Respectfully, Scott Keiter Keiter Builders, Inc. 35 Main St Florence, MA 01062 35 Main Street•Florence•MA•01062•Phone: 413-586-8600•Fax: 413-280-0124•keiterbuilders.com