22B-008 (39) PX Fgi (rite of Xorthampton DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS - '' INSPECTOR 212 Main Street ' Municipal Building \ Northampton, ?lfass. 01060 3/26/84 Name Thomas R. Pease Address 98 Spring St. City Tax Kap Page 22B Lot # 8 Zone GI NOTICE OF VIOLATION It has been brought to, the attention of this office that you are in violation of the Ordinances of the City of Northampton, Section Art.V , Paragraph pg.5-6 13 Specifically, Automotive Repair Shop- Special Permit Required.. . 3�1C8YitXXi►I�KEX�X3Flb$�X�f�DOF•)��X�' �� ���X}�XX�',j� CEASE & You are herewith order to Cease & Desist imedistely all functions related DESIST WV0b:WXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJ lX to: this violation on or at the above mentioned premises. Violations of this order are subject to Article 10, Section 10.8. "Penalties for violations may upon conviction, be affixed in an amount not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each offense. Each day, or portion of a day, that any violation is allowed to continue shall constitute a separate offense." Sincerely, ED�:AR.D J. TEk LL INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS Hand Delivered Recieved By date