17D-006 LETTER May 18, 2017 Mr. William Kaiser 558 Bridge Rd Florence, MA 01062 Dear Sir, Following an installation of a water heater at this location, the Plumbing& Gas Inspector performed an inspection at the above property on February 10, 2017. At that time there was no Carbon Monoxide protection on the 2nd floor. There was also an issue with the water heater temperature. The Inspector stated that he would be checking back in 30 days to see that this had been taken care of. About a month ago,this office left a voicemail message explaining that the Inspector needed to go back out and confirm this work has been done. We have not heard back, so are sending this letter in an attempt to reach you. Please call our office as soon as possible to schedule an inspection. These inspections are short and can be scheduled at your convenience. Thank you. Northampton Building Department Office of Inspections (413) 587-1271