42-060 840 Westhampton Rd ZBA Comprehensive Permit- CLUSTER-1-23-2003 (1)PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT • CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Citi IIA • 2i o Main Street, Room 1 i • Nortbampton, MA o i o60-3198 (413) 587-1266 • Fax: 587-1264 Warne Feiden, Director punning@nort�jamptonp(anning.org wrvlv.northamptonp�anning.org DECISION OF APPLICANT: City of Northampton Office of Planning & Development ADDRESS: 210 Main Street, Room 11 Northampton, MA 01060 OWNER: City of Northampton ADDRESS: 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 RE: LAND OR BUILDINGS IN NORTHAMPTON ON: Westhampton Road MAP AND PARCEL NUMBERS: MAP: 42 PARCEL: 60 PROPERTY RECORDED AT THE HAMPSHIRE COUNTY REGISTRY OF DEEDS IN BOOK 6137, PAGE(S) 317 & 327. At a meeting conducted on January 23, 2003, the Northampton Zoning Board of Appeals unanimously voted 3:0 to GRANT the request of the City of Northampton, through its Office of Planning & Development for a Comprehensive Permit under the provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 40B for Cluster Development with requested waivers for affordable housing for property located on Westhampton Road, Map 42, Parcel 60, to be constructed and located according to the plans and information submitted with the application, as amended by any conditions attached to this permit: 1, "Plan of Land in Northampton, Massachusetts, surveyed for City of Northampton" Map # 4212-020304, prepared by Heritage Surveys, Inc., dated March 4, 2002. 2. "Plan of Land in Northampton, Massachusetts, surveyed for City of Northampton" Map # 4212-010228, prepared by Heritage Surveys, Inc., dated February 28, 2001. 3. "Site Plan, Westhampton Road Residences, Route 66, Northampton, MA" Sheet No. S 1. 1, prepared by Peter Frothingham, dated August 21, 2002. 4. "Buildings 41 & 42: Preliminary Plans, Section & Elevations, Westhampton Road Residences, Route 66, Northampton, MA" Sheet No. Al. 1, prepared by Peter Frothingham, dated August 21, 2002. planning board - conservation commission - zoning board of appeals • housing partnership • redevelopment authority • northampton GIS economicdevelopment - comm unity develop ment - historicdistrictcommission . historicalcommission- centralbusinessarchitecture original printed on recg?ded paper 01/23/03 05c14pm P. 002 MEMORANDUM TO: ( Mark NeJame, Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals PR: Ned Huntley, Assistant City Engineer, Department of Public Works 114ZY DA: January 23, 2003� RC: File #03 -CP -42, Comprehensive Cluster — Westhampton Road Map 42/.parcel 60 CC: file The Department of Public Works has reviewed the above referenced application for the following items: Traffic: X volume & Impact on City Street x _ Roadway Capacity x Adequacy of City Road Construction x Site Distances x Parking x Driveway Openings Utilities: x Drainage Into City Stonnwater System Capacity of Stormwater Line Sanitary Sewer x Water __ Other: The Department of Public Works has the following comments: No Concerns, project will not have an impact on any items reviewed Traffic Study is required Roadway does not have adequate capacity to handle the additional traffic Roadway is not adequately constructed to handle proposed increase in traffic Site Distances are not adequate for proposed project Parking spaces do not meet minimum requirements Parking spaces are too close to driveway opening x Driveway openings are not adequate for proposed use — Cannot determine based upon information submitted x_ City Stormwater system is not adequate to handle increase in drainage — no information submitted addressing this issue. x Stonnwater system does not meet minimum requirements for reduction of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) - no information submitted addressnrg this issue. Sanitary Sewer line is not adequately sized for proposed use Sewer line connection is not properly shown x Water line is not adequately sized for proposed use - no information submitted addressir:g this issue. x Water line connection is not properly shown - nn information submirted addressing al is issue. Conrme/tty continue on the next page. 01/23/03 05:14pm r. www x Other Comments: • No grading plan was submitted to determine how or what impact drainage and/or grading will have on City Road. • No Stormwater management plan was submitted. • No information was submitted regarding the construction of the pedestrian fart path, ownership or maintenance responsibilities. • Water pressure in this area is low during peak demand periods. DPW cannot guarantee adequate pressure for all units. • One meter will be installed for each building. If occupants choose, a private meter may be installed after the City's meter, to determine use by accessory units. • All driveways will require pavement /curb cut permits from the DPW, complete with details on the raidii. • Permit states that the development will have 3 affordable units and three accessory apartments attached. Additionally, there will be 1 flag lot and ] regular lot. No information for these lots were included in the permit. Grading of driveways and their locations need to be submitted to the DPW to determine what, if any impacts will exist. Office of Planning and Development City of Northampton City Hall, 210 Main Street, Room 11 Northampton, MA 01060 (413) 587-1254 (413) 587-1264 fax MEMORANDUM T0: Project File; Westhampton Road Affordable Housing Development FROM: Michael T. Owens, Community Development Administer RE: DETERMINATION OF SITE APPROVAL-M.G.L. CHAPTER 40B DATE: January 23, 2003 In accordance with the Massachusetts Comprehensive Law (M. information is Sec. 2 -23) and the requirement for preliminary site approval, the g project GENERAL INFORMATION NAME AND ADDRESS City of Northampton — Office of Planning & Development OF APPLICANT: 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 PROJECT: Westhampton Road Housing Development Lot at mpton Road - As shown on lan of nd in SITE: Norththamptonton MHeritage sachu etts;;; Dated March 4, 2002 bya Massachusetts; a Survey for the City of Northampton LAND AREA: 20.5 acres / three lots totaling 35,890+/- SF OWNER: City of Northampton FUNDING Community Development Block Grant Entitlement Program, & Urban Development / $ 170,000 PROGRAM: U.S. Department of Housing HOUSING Three single-family homes with accessory units; all six (6) units price not to TYPE: available as affordable condominiums; purchase exceed $ 65,000; one market rate unit TARGET Households earning less that 50% of area medium income MARKET.- AFFORDABILITY ARKET: AFFORDABILITY Deed rider affordability restriction; 50 years RESTRICTION: PERMITTING: Comprehensive permit in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 40 B Sec. 20-23 DEVELOPER Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity Inc. STATUS: not for profit FINDINGS 1. Program Eligibility The project described above is eligible for Community Development Block Grant funds under the following regulatory citations: Acquisition of real property 24 CFR Part 570.201 (a); Administrative expenses to facilitate housing 24 CFR Part 570.206 (g) (1) (2); Housing activities benefiting low and moderate income persons 24 CFR Part 570.208 (A) (3). 2. On Site Inspection The Community Development Block Grant Administrator for the City of Northampton has performed an on site inspection of the site and has reviewed pertinent information provided by the applicant. Furthermore, an Environmental Assessment pursuant to CDBG regulations (24 CFR Part 58) has been completed and placed in the project file. 3. Compatibility & Urban Impact The proposed Westhampton Road Housing Development is appropriate for the site on which it is to be located. The proposed development of four parcels is compatible with the residential character of the Westhampton Road area of Northampton. 4. Financial Feasibility Based on comparable housing sales figures, the project appears financially feasible within the Northampton area housing market. An initial pro forma has been reviewed and the project appears financially feasible on the basis of the estimated development costs. 5. Developer Eligibility The selected developer, Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity Inc., is a non-profit community based housing developer and meets the eligibility standards of the Community Development Block Grant Program. ATTACHMENTS ■ Designation of Provisional Developer Status; Dated August 7, 2002 ■ Sources and Uses of Funds Statement; Dated August 1, 2002 ■ Plan of Land in Northampton Massachusetts; Dated March 4, 2002 by Heritage Survey for the City of Northampton ■ Westhampton Road Concept Plan — Peter Frothingham AIA SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION ■ CDBG Environmental Assessment — Westhampton Road Affordable Housing Project, Northampton MA, dated March 1, 2001 ■ Northampton Office of Planning and Development — Request for Proposals Garfield Avenue and Westhampton Road; dated May 29, 2002 ■ Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity — Proposal to Develop Affordable Homes at Garfield Avenue and Westhampton Road; dated June 14, 2002 ■ Community Development Block Grant Entitlement Regulations 24 CFR Part 570 n Michael T. Owens Community Development Administrator C. Wayne Feiden Date: January 23, 2003 BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS RICHARD P. BRUNSWICK, M.D., MPH, Chair ROSEMARIE KARPARIS, R.N., MPH JAY FLEITMAN, M.D. PETER J. McERLAIN, Health Agent (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 MEMO CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH TO: Angela Dion, Board Secretary Office of Planning and Development FROM: Peter McErlain, Health Agent /�/* DATE: January 14, 2003 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 SUBJECT: Comprehensive Permit Review — Habitat for Humanity - Affordable Housing Project on Westhampton Rd. The Northampton Board of Health will not be meeting again until January 30, 2003 and therefore will not be able to review the Comprehensive Permit application for the Habitat for Humanity'- Affordable Housing project proposed for Westhampton Rd. prior to the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting on January 23, 2003. However, I have informally reviewed the application and plan for the project and have walked the site and have found nothing, which would be of concern to the Board of Health. The site has been "perc" tested and is suitable for the construction of on-site sewage disposal systems. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of further assistance. Thank you. BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS RICHARD P. BRUNSWICK, M.D., MPH, Chair ROSEMARIE KARPARIS, R.N., MPH JAY FLEITMAN, M.D. PETER J. McERLAIN, Health Agent (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 MEMO CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH TO: Angela Dion, Board Secretary Office of Planning and Development FROM: Peter McErlain, Health Agent /�/* 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 DATE: January 14, 2003 SUBJECT: Comprehensive Permit Review — Habitat for Humanity - Affordable Housing Project on Westhampton Rd. The Northampton Board of Health will not be meeting again until January 30, 2003 and therefore will not be able to review the Comprehensive Permit application for the Habitat for Humanity'- Affordable Housing project proposed for Westhampton Rd. prior to the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting on January 23, 2003. However, I have informally reviewed the application and plan for the project and have walked the site and have found nothing, which would be of concern to the Board of Health. The site has been "perc" tested and is suitable for the construction of on-site sewage disposal systems. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of further assistance. Thank you. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT • CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Cit,qHaff • 21 0 Main Street, Room t t • N0rt4jampton MA o> o60-3 i 98 • (41 3) 587-1266 Fax: 587-1264 Wahne FelCjen) t)Irector . p1annlny@norttJa YLlptonptannlnq.orq H'H'11!.noYC�7a Wl ptonp�annlny.oY� Memorandum TO: Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Angela Dion, Board Secretary DATE: January 16, 2003 SUBJECT: Westhampton Road Comprehensive Permit On January 9, 2003, the Northampton Planning Board reviewed the above — referenced project and unanimously voted to recommend to the Zoning Board of Appeals that the permit be approved with the following condition: 1. The City shall retain the right to pave the trail that is shown on the plans, in the future, if needed. planning boa r,1 • conser4�atlon Commission • Zomny boar,[of appeals • bolising partners6Jlp • reeve to pment aN ttlorlth • nor[bam pton GtS econonfic(leveloprnent 1)istorlc4listrictcommissl0n • tJ)Storlca[cOnl Yrllssion• central bNSlnessarct ItectHre orilivia Ili rim WOki rac,rlcfed palie r 01/22/02 0s:11Pm P. 002 MEMORANDUM TO: Mark NeJame, Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals FR: Ned Huntley, Assistant City Engineer, Department of Public Works_ DA: January 23, 2003 RE: File 403-f-43 —15 Locust Street — DB Mart addition to rear CC: file The Department of Public Works has reviewed the above referenced application for the following items: Traffic: x Volume & Impact on City Street Roadway Capacity Adequacy of City Road Construction x Site Distances Parking x Driveway Openings Utilities: x Drainage Into City Stormwater System x Capacity of Stormwater Line Sanitary Sewer Water Other: The Department of Public Works has the following comments: x No Concerns, project will not have an impact on any items reviewed Traffic Study is required Roadway does not have adequate capacity to handle the additional traffic Roadway is not adequately constructed to handle proposed .increase in traffic Site Distances are not adequate for proposed project Parking spaces do not meet minimum requirements Parking spaces are too close to driveway opening Driveway openings are not adequate for proposed use City stormwater system is not adequate to handle increase in drainage Stormwater system does not meet minimum requirements for reduction of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Sanitary Sewer line is not adequately sized for proposed use Sewer line cotmection is not properly shown Water line is not adequately sized for proposed use Water line connection is not properly shown Other Comments: January 22, 2003 Bob Riddle, Chair Zoning Board of Appeals City of Northampton 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Dear Mr. Riddle and Members of the Board; At its regularly scheduled meeting held last evening, January 21St, the Northampton Housing Partnership voted unanimously to endorse the concept and design of the housing development planned for Westhampton Road. It is our understanding that the project will be coming before you seeking a comprehensive permit. The project proponent has spent a significant amount of time planning a thoughtful development that will serve 7 local families. Six of those units will become homes to families with lower incomes who would not be able to afford to live in Northampton without the collaboration of Habitat for Humanity and the City. Developments such as this address the goals expressed in the Vision 2020 effort, which advocate for smaller, mixed income housing developments scattered throughout the City. We ask that you look favorably on this request. If I can answer any questions or provide additional information, do not hesitate to contact me at 584-5403. Thank you for offering the Partnership the opportunity to comment and to express our wholehearted support for this endeavor. Respectfully, Jack Hornor, Chair Northampton Housing Partnership CITY OF NORTHAMPTON ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS APPLICATION FOR: 05 c p O 3. Applicant's Name: City of Northampton, through its Office of Planning & Developmen Address: 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton, MA 01060 Telephone: (413) 587-1265 11 5 rel Parcel Identification: Zoning Map # 42 Parcel # 60 Street Address: Westhampton Road Property Recorded at the Registry of Deeds: County: Hampshire Book: 6137 _ Zoning District: SR Page: 317 & 327 Status of Applicant: X Owner; Contract Purchaser; Lessee Other (e)plain) Property Owner: Address: Same Telephone: 7. Describe Proposed Work/Project (Use additional sheets if necessary): A comprehensive permit for three single family homes, each with an accessory apartment, with all six units developed as affordable housing by Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity, and two market -rate single family homes. The project is being developed as a cluster, with some requested waivers to allow the affordabl( ***************************************************************************** component. Has the following information been included in the application? X Site/Plot Plan X List of requested waivers X fee (ST 1q) not applicable; municipal applicant X Signed dated and denied Zoning Permit Application 3 CITY CLERKS OFFICE NORTiiAMPTON MA 01060 8. Special Permit Approval Criteria If any permit criteria does not apply, explain why. A. How will the requested use protect adjoining premises against seriously detrimental uses? The project will preserve the vast majority of the site as open space, will provide buffers to neighbors, and will include a neighborhood tot/lot playground. How will the project provide for: surface water drainage: By developing only a very small percentage of the site, and that area on very pervious sands. sound and sight buffers: By providing a large conservation area and providing buffer strips to many of the abutters. the preservation of views, light and air: By keeping most of the land behind all of the abutting homes as undeveloped. B. How will the requested use promote the convenience and safety of pedestrian movement within the site and on adjacent streets? By providing a public walking trail from Glendale Road to the parcel's frontage on Westhampton Road a third of a mile away. How will the project minimize traffic impacts on the streets and roads in the area? Project is very small (far smaller then the site could accomodate) and driveways are located in locations with good line -of -site. Where is the location of driveway openings in relation to traffic and adjacent streets? Driveway on Westhampton Road has good line of site and is not located close to any site streets. What features have been incorporated into the design to allow for: access by emergency vehicles: Driveways are short and f lat . the safe and convenient arrangement of parking and loading spaces: Parking is available that exceeds zoning reouirements. provisions for persons with disabilities: Grades are flat on most of the residential DroDerties and one of the units could be made accessible if needed to serve a buyer. M C. How will the proposed use promote a harmonious relationship of structures and open spaces to: the natural landscape: The development will be clustered along the road, reserving most of the site and avoiding all wetlands. to existing buildings: Project design respects the best in the architecture of this area. other community assets in the area: Proj ect provides a buffer from the landfill and proposed landfill expansion. D. What measures are being taken that show the use will not overload the City's resources, including: water supply and distribution system: Residential demand from proposed proj ect will have negligable impacts on the city's water system. sanitary sewage and storm water collection and treatment systems: Sanitary and stormwater will be treated on-site. fire protection, streets and schools: Demand from the project is minor. Developing immediately adjacent to streets, with no new roads, minimizes city costs. How will the proposed project mitigate any adverse impacts on the City's resources, as listed above? A conservation area and public tot lot/recreation area and a public walking trail will all be created. E. List the section(s) of the Zoning Ordinance that states what special regulations are required for the proposed project (Accessory apartment, home occupation, accessory structure, etc.) Cluster development/open space residential development (sections 5.2 and 10.5) and M.G.L. 40B - Comprehensive Permit. How does the project meet the special requirements? (Use additional sheets if necessary)? See Attached Sheet All requirements are met or exceeded, except as shown in the waivers submitted in accordance with the comprehensive permit. 5 Westhampton Road, Northampton, Limited Development Project Supplemental Material --Application for Comprehensive Permit Aublication Reauirement Checklist* Filing Requirement Status This is not a required component, Although not required, we began the process with an but we found it critical for our site alternatives analysis: assessment: 1. Condo Option: 26 condominium/townhouse units and one flag could be done in conformance with current Alternatives Assessment zoning and would likely receive a permit from the Planning Board. 2. Flag Lot Option: 4 flag lots could be done in conformance with current zoning and would likely receive a permit from the Planning Board. Both of these options, as shown, would meet all of the zoning standards, but would: 1. Create less open space and recreation 2. Create no affordable housing 3. Create no public access 4. Be intrusive to abutters. 5. Crowd development close to the City's planned landfill expansion site. 6. Have greater wetlands and wildlife habitat impacts. 7. Generate greater traffic impacts. Preliminary site development plans 1. Westhampton Road Residences, Site Plan (S 1. 1), signed Peter Frothingham, Registered Architect, 8/21/2002 2. Westhampton Road Residences, Buildings #1, #2, and #3, Preliminary Plans, Sections, and Elevations (A 1.1 and A 1. 2), signed Peter Frothingham, Registered Architect, 8/21/2002 3. Plan of Land in Northampton, Massachusetts Surveyed for City of Northampton, survey plan signed Bruce Coombs, Registered Land Surveyor 3/4/2002 (with notations added) 4. Plan of Land in Northampton, Massachusetts Surveyed for City of Northampton, survey and topography plan signed Bruce Coombs, Registered Land Surveyor 2/28/2001 (with notations added) Report on existing conditions Same as above; plus Comprehensive Permit Project, Traffic Review, review letter signed by Stephen J. Savaria, Professional Engineer, Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. Preliminary architectural plans Items 2 and 3 cited above for affordable units. Market rate units will be required to be designed to be compatible with those units. Westhampton Road Limited Development Project--- Page 1 Tabulation of proposed buildings Item I cited above for affordable units. Additionally, there will be one single family home on each of the two market rate lots. Preliminary subdivision plan, if ANR subdivision plan (see item 3 above). No subdivision subdivision involved is required if ZBA grants waivers granted below. Preliminary utilities plan Item I sited above Site Control letter The City of Northampton hereby certified that we are a public agency owning and controlling the property and will be conveying the lot for affordable units to Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity, a non profit. The project is a local initiative proposal eligible for a comprehensive permit (a letter from DHCD to this effect will be provided to the ZBA) and in any case, the project is fundable, and has been funded, for low and moderate income housing using federal Community Development Block Grant funds. List of requested exceptions Included in this supplemental material package. Filing fees Waived as applicant is a city agency *Per Rules and Regulations (ByLaws) of the Zoning Board of Appeals, City of Northampton, Article VI: Comprehensive Permit Rules, Section 3.00- Filing, Time Limits and Notice. Westhampton Road Limited Development Project--- Page 2 Uses and Allocation of Lots within Limited Development d Future Owner Timing Improvements by whom ents single- e MThree Highest bidder Spring Private purchaser e -family homes each Habitat for Humanity 2003 2003- Habitat forHumanity with (They will sell with 2006 accessory apartment, all affordability six units affordable restrictions when units complete) 3 Tot Lot/Playground Northampton Spring Recreation Commission, Recreation 2003 using $10,000 donation Commission from development. Additional improvements dependent on city forces 4 Conservation Area with Northampton P Winter and contributions. Conservation Commission trail and small parking lot Conservation 2003 will do trail using Commission volunteers and as city 5 Landfill buffer and City of Northampton 2003- forces. Board of Health Open Space with access (through its Board of 2005 roadway around landfill Health) with development restrictions OR Conservation Commission with Board of Health maintaining right of roadway 6 Market -rate single- family home Conservation Future Conservation Commission and small parking lot Commission holds right for small parking will do parking lot as city lot. Land banked by forces or contributions allow. City, with possible future sale to highest bidder. 7 to Donated ($1.00) to 13 abutting property Abutting property owners Winter None planned owners who want 2003 buffers 14 Sold (low value) to abutter as buffer Abutting property Winter None planned owner 2003 Westhampton Road Limited Development Project--- Page 3 ZoninLy and Subdivision Analysis and RPnnPctPrd wa;yavc Type Section Requirements vProvided Waiver request Zoning §5.2, Open -Space Special Permit and Comprehensive Comprehensive §10.5, §11 Residential Site Plan Approval Permit Permit instead of Development special permit and (cluster), land site plan approval donation for open (required under space, site plan MGL c. 40B)) approval Zoning §6.2 1 -family min. Lot 10,000 sq. feet Lot 1=21,061 None Cluster Size Lot 6=1.5 + acres Zoning §6.2 1- family min 80 feet Lot 1=15'+- at Frontage (lots Cluster frontage and lot one point could be made to width Lot 6=+-50' meet zoning, but trail, recreation area, open space, and size of affordable lot would all shrink) Zoning §6.2 1 -family min 110' Lot 1= 218' None Cluster depth Lot 6= 384' Zoning §6.2 1 -family min 25' Lot 1= 100' or None Cluster front setback more Lot 6= 100' or more Zoning §6.2 1 -family min. 15' Lot 1= 15 or more None Cluster sideyard setback Lot 6= 15'or more Zoning §6.2 1 -family min. 25' Lot 1= 25' or None Cluster rear setback more Lot 6= 25' or more Zoning §6.2 1 -family max 35' Lot 1= 35' or less None Cluster building height Lot 6= 35' or less Zoning §6.2 1 -family min. 75% Lot 1= 75% or None Cluster open space more Lot 6= 75% or more Zoning §6.2 Townhouses (3 7,500/unit=45,000 35,890 square feet None (unless Cluster townhouses, each Ft2 OR 7,500/1- viewed as six units, as 1 -family home family unit=22,500 then waiver needed with accessory Ft2 for lot size) apartment) Zoning §6.2 Townhouse min 160' or 130' 172' None Cluster frontage and lot Westhampton Road Limited Development Project--- Page 4 Westhampton Road Limited Development Project--- Page 5 width Zoning §6.2 Townhouse min 215 196' and 217' None (with land Cluster and depth and land could reduce to donation) or §6.3 land donation for open 110' with land reduction in donation space donation „ frontage. Zoning §6.2 Townhouse min 25' 25' None Cluster front setback Zoning §6.2 Townhouse min. 25' 25' None Cluster sideyard setback Zoning §6.2 Townhouse min. 25' 25' None Cluster rear setback Zoning §6.2 Townhouse max 35' 25.5' None Cluster building height Zoning §6.2 Townhouse min. 70% 25% None Cluster open space Zoning § 10.5 Standards for Detailed standards All met None Cluster Cluster Zoning § 11.6 Site Plan Detailed standards All met—see None Site Plan Approval traffic analysis Standards letter Subdivision Frontage Approval not Frontage met, IF RequiremeJforRegulations Requirements required IF zoning comprehensive subdivisiofrontage met, permit waiver printed zootherwise granted frontage n subdivision Other Other Any other waivers Requirements required to allow designed project. Westhampton Road Limited Development Project--- Page 5 Q07 Fuss & O'Neill Inc. Consulting Engineers November 27, 2002 Wayne Feiden, Director Office of Planning and Development City of Northampton 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Re: Comprehensive Permit Project Traffic Review Dear Mr. Feiden: 78 Interstate Drive, West Springfield, MA 01089 TEL 413 452-0445 FAX 413 846-0497 INTERNET: www.fussandoneill.com Other Offices: Manchester, Connecticut Trumbull, Connecticut Providence, Rhode Island DEC :Q07 At your request, Fuss & O'Neill has reviewed certain traffic related issues associated with the proposed eight unit residential development to be located on Westhampton Road east of Glendale Road. We conducted sight distance measurements in accordance with standard practice at the proposed cluster site driveway intersection with Westhampton Road (Route 66). We have determined that available stopping sight distance to the east and west exceeds the acceptable minimums for intersection operations. We have also estimated the daily and peak hour vehicle trips to be generated by the proposed project. The proposed project consists of two single-family residences with individual access on Glendale Road and Westhampton Road, plus a cluster of three two-family residences sharing a single driveway to Westhampton Road. SIGHT DISTANCE Two sight distance measurements were recorded in the field: stopping sight distance (SSD) and intersection sight distance (ISD). Stopping sight distance determines the minimum distance required to safely avoid an object with a height of 2 feet in the roadway at the intersection, representing the taillights of a stopped vehicle waiting to turn into the site driveway. This is generally considered the absolute minimum site distance criteria. Intersection sight distance determines the minimum distance needed for vehicles traveling on the main road and those exiting a minor street or driveway to be able to see each other across the corners of the intersection for safe intersection operations. Existing available stopping sight distance was measured to be 450 feet west of the proposed driveway. The stopping sight distance to the east is over 900 feet. Posted speed F:AP2002\611\A10\SJS 1111 A.doc Q0lFuss & O'Neill Inc. Consulting Engineers Wayne Feiden, Director November 27, 2002 Page 2 limit in the vicinity of the site is 40 mph. Radar speed measurements indicate the prevailing operating speed to be approximately 45 mph to the west and approximately 50 mph to the east. The table below illustrates the required sight distances for Westhampton Road and the available sight distance measured at the proposed driveway location. DRIVEWAY SIGHT DISTANCE (FEET) Approach Stopping Sight Distance* Intersection Sight Distance** Required Available Required Available Eastbound 360 450 500 520 Westbound 425 920 555 900 Exhibit 3-1, Stopping Sight Distance, AASHTO "Geometric Design of Highway and Streets" ** Exhibit 9-55, Design Intersection Sight Distance, AASHTO "Geometric Design of Highway and Streets" Minimum safe stopping sight distance in accordance with AASHTO Exhibit 9-55, Design Intersection Sight Distance, is at least 360 feet for vehicles traveling at 45 mph and 425 feet for vehicles traveling at 50 mph. The available stopping sight distance in both directions exceeds the minimum required. TRAFFIC GENERATED BY PROPOSED PROJECT An estimate was made of the additional traffic that would be generated by the proposed project during the peak traffic periods. The peak periods used for analysis are the morning and afternoon commuting peaks, representing the highest hours of site trip generation. The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) "Trip Generation" report uses actual field surveys to estimate trips associated with a variety of land uses and is a nationally accepted standard. Land Use Code 210 — Single Family Detached Housing was used to project traffic volumes for this development assuming 8 units occupied. FAP2002\611\AIO\SJSIIIIA.doc Q07 Fuss &O'Neill Inc. Consulting F„g,,,ee,,, Wayne Feiden, Director November 27, 2002 Page 3 SITE TRIP GENERATION ESTIMATES VEHICLE TRIPS Time Period Weekday Morning Peak Hour Single Family - 2 Units Multifamily - 6 Units Total Weekday Evening Peak Hour Single Family - 2 Units Multifamily - 6 Units Total Weekday 24-hour Single Family - 2 Units Multifamily - 6 Units Total Enter Exit Total 0 2 2 1 4 5 1 6 7 2 1 3 6 3 9 8 4 12 14 14 28 39 39 78 53 53 106 The proposed residential development will generate approximately 106 vehicle trips per day. During the morning peak hour, a total of 7 vehicle trips will be generated (1 entering and 6 exiting the site). In the evening peak hour, a total of 12 vehicle trips will be generated (8 entering and 4 exiting the site). Please contact this office with any questions concerning these findings or if additional information is required. Sincerely, Step n J. Savaria, -PP .EF Senior Traffic Engineer F:\P2002\611 \A 10\SJS I I I 1 A. doc File # MP -2003-0020 — APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON CITY OF NORTHAMPTON ADDRESS/PHONE 212 MAIN STREET (413)587-1000() PROPERTY LOCATION WESTHAMPTON RD MAP 42 PARCEL 060 001 ZONE SR THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST T. RT('T nOlCTN T)77/I­­- New )T'/IT - New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing AccessoKy Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/ Statement or License 3 sets of Plans / Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFORMATION PRESENTED: Approved Additional permits required (see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Intermediate Project : Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit with Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit with Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: $ (/ Finding Special Permit Variance* JP Received & Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Co ssion 8 LoOZ_ Signature of Building Official Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health, Conservation Commission, Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. * Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A. Contact the Office of Planning & Development for more information. AUG -1 202 File No. mo- -,)o I Please type or print all information and return this form to the Building Inspector's Office with the $10. filing fee (check or money order) payable to the City of Northampton i. Name of Applicant: City of Northampton, Office of Planning & Development Address: 210 Main St., Rm. 11, Northampton 01060 Telephone: 587-1265 2. Owner of Property: City of Northampton, c/o Office of Planning & Development Address: Same Telephone: 587-1265 3. Status of Applicant: Owner X Contract Purchaser Lessee Other (explain) 4. Job Location: Westhampton Road and Glendale Road Parcel, I'd: Zoning,Map#. 42 Parcel# 060 District(s): SR In Elm Street District In Central Business District (TO BE FILLED IN BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT) 5. Existing Use of Structure/Property: V 6. Description of Proposed Use/Work/Project/Occupation: (Use additional sheets if necessary): 1) 6 cluster affordable units ( 3 single-family homes, each with accessory apartment) 2) 1 flag lot 3) 1 additional cluster lot 4) Conservation area, recreation area, and landfill buffer 5) Land to abutters , All to be developed using a comprehensive permit to ensure affordability. 7. Attached Plans: Sketch Plan Site Plan X Engineered/Surveyed Plans X 8. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO X DON'T KNOW YES IF YES, date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO DON'T KNOW YES IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document # 9. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO DON'T KNOW IF YES h YES X , as a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? All work more than 100' from wetlands. Needs to be obtained Obtained , date issued: (Form Continues On Other Side) 10. Do any signs exist on the property? YES IF YES, describe size, type and location: NO Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES X IF YES, describe size, t --NO type standard residential numbers and construction signs alJnwprl ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED, or PERMIT CAN B -DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION. E DENIED This column to be filled in �EXXIS�TING by the Building Depart. PROPOSED REQUIRED13 Lot Sizenr,rrr� Frontage Setbacks Front Side I L: Rear Building Height Buildinf Square Footage Yo Open Space: (tot area minus building & paved parkin£ # of Parking Spaces # of Loading Docks Fill: (volume Et location 20.009 acres 233.64 = Westham 123.05 = Glendale N/A R: --------------- N/A N/A 100% N/A N/A Flag lot = 1.587 acre Lot 1 = 21,061 sq.ft. pjfflag= Rd. 123.05 = flag 1 . 51.50 = lot 1 Flag = 130 it - Cluster = 251 40' .Flag = 40 ster = 25' R.Cluster = Flag = 801 Cluster = 251 25' to 35' 6,300 total 6 unit c 2,300,flag lot X300 t t , CFF __ uter°t �1 flag lot L2 cluster None None 12. Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and my knowledge. accurate to the best of )ate: — In2 Applicant's Signature TOTE: Issuance of a zoning permit does not relieve an applicant's burden to comply with alI zoning requirements and obtain alI required po ermits from the Board of Health, Conservation Commission, Historic and Architecturai Boards, Department Public Works and other applicable permit granting authorities. P of se) "Building #3: Preliminary Plans, Section & Elevations, Westhampton Road Residences, Route 66, Northampton, MA" Sheet No. A1.2, prepared by Peter Frothingham, dated August 21, 2002. Zoning Board Members present and voting were: Bob Riddle, Malcolm B. Smith and David Narkewicz. In Granting the Comprehensive Permit, the Zoning Board of Appeals found: A. The requested use, to construct three single-family homes as affordable housing, each with an accessory apartment, and two market rate single-family homes, protects adjoining premises against seriously detrimental uses because the proposed project will preserve the vast majority of the site as open space, will provide buffer strips to many of the abutters and will prevent most of the land behind the abutting homes from being developed. The project will improve and will not detract from the character of the surrounding suburban residential neighborhood because a neighborhood tot/lot playground will be constructed and only a small percentage of the site will be developed in an area with very pervious sands. In addition, the location and design of the proposed project protects adjoining properties from surface water drainage and other detrimental uses as depicted on plans and information submitted with the application. B. The requested use will promote the convenience and safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement within the site and on adjacent streets, minimize traffic impacts on the streets and roads in the area because a public walking trail will be created thus providing safe access from Glendale Road to the parcel's frontage on Westhampton Road. A traffic study was performed by Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. that included driveway site distance and site trip generation estimates. The study concluded that available stopping sight distance to the east and west exceeds the acceptable minimums for intersection operations. C. The requested use will promote a harmonious relationship of structures and open spaces to the natural landscape, existing buildings and other community assets in the area because the development will be clustered along the road and will preserve most of the site thus avoiding all wetlands. In addition, the project provides a buffer from the existing landfill and possible future expansions of the landfill for the neighborhood. D. The requested use will not overload, and will mitigate adverse impacts on, the City's resources including the effect on the City's water supply and distribution system, sanitary and storm sewage collection and treatment systems, fire protection, streets and schools because demands from the project are minor and will have minimal impacts on the City's water system. E. The requested use meets all special regulations set forth in Sections 5.2 & 10.5 of the Zoning Ordinance as well as M.G.L. Chapter 40B (See Attachment A). F. The requested use bears a positive relationship to the public convenience or welfare. The use will not unduly impair the integrity of character of the district or adjoining zones because the density of housing from this project is lower than the existing neighborhood, the design is compatible and the open space will contribute to the area. The use will not be detrimental to the health, morals, or general welfare, and the use shall be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Ordinance because the project will provide home ownership opportunities to those otherwise forced out of the market. G. The requested use promotes City planning objectives to the extent possible and does not adversely affect those objectives, as defined in City master or study plans adopted under M.G.L. Chapter 41, Section 81-C and D by providing affordable housing and open space. In reviewing the proposed project, the Zoning Board of Appeals voted 3:0 to approve the following requested waivers: 1. Zoning § 5 2 §10-5 11 — Comprehensive Permit instead of special permit and site plan approval (required under MGL c. 40B). 2. Zoning §6.2 Cluster — Frontage (lots could be made to meet zoning, but trail, recreation area, open space, and size of affordable lot would all shrink). 3. Zoning §6.2 Cluster — None (unless viewed as six units, then waiver is needed for lot size. 4. Zoning §6.2 Cluster and § 6 3 Land Donation — None (with land donation) or reduction in frontage. 5. Subdivision Regulations — Requirement for subdivision if printed zoning frontage not met. 6. Any other waivers required to design project. Conditions imposed upon the project are as follows: 1. Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) of the sale proceeds from lot 1 shall be used to capitalize the construction of a community playground on lot 3. 2. The City shall retain the right to pave the trail that is shown on the plans, in the future, if needed. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 11, I, Angela Dion, Board Secretary, hereby certify that I delivered by hand, copies of this decision, to the Applicant and Owner on January 31, 2003. d' Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws (MGL), Chapter 40A, Section 11, no Comprehensive Permit, or any extension, modification or renewal thereof, shall take effect until a copy of the decision bearing the certification of the City Clerk that twenty days have elapsed after the decision has been filed, or if such an appeal has been filed that it has been dismissed or denied, is recorded in the Hampshire County registry of Deeds or Land Court, as applicable and indexed under the name of the owner of record or is recorded and noted on the owner's certificate of title. The fee for such recording or registering shall be paid by the owner or applicant. It is the owner or applicant's responsibility to pick up the certified decision from the City Clerk and record it at the Registry of Deeds. The Northampton Zoning Board of Appeals hereby certifies that a Comprehensive Permit has been GRANTED and that copies of this decision and all plans referred to in it have been filed with the Planning Board and the City Clerk. Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40A, Section 15, notice is hereby given that this decision is filed with the Northampton City Clerk on the date below. If anyone wishes to appeal this action, an appeal must be filed pursuant to MGL Chapter 40A, Section 17, with the Hampshire County Superior Court or the Northampton District Court and notice of said appeal filed with the City Clerk within twenty days (20) of the date that this decision was filed with the City Clerk. Applicant: City of Northampton — Westhampton Road DECISION DATE: January 23, 2003 DECISION FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: January 31, 2003 ���� l) eC Y�"7- Le i "ATTACHMENT A" Section 10 10 Accesser;Anartments. In reviewing the application for a Comprehensive Permit, the Zoning Board determined: A. The accessory apartment meets the setbacks of the principal structure in the Suburban Residential district, including a 30' front, 20' side and 40' rear setback. B. The apartment will be a complete, separate housekeeping unit containing both kitchen and bath. C. Only one accessory apartment will be created within a single-family house or house lot. D. The owner(s) of the residence in which the accessory unit is created will continue to occupy at least one of the dwelling units as their primary residence. This Comprehensive Permit automatically lapses if the owner no longer occupies one of the dwelling units. E. Any new outside entrance to serve an accessory apartment shall be located on the side or in the rear of the building. F. The gross floor area of the accessory apartment will not be greater than nine hundred (900) square feet. G. The accessory apartment shall never be enlarged beyond nine hundred (900) square feet allowed by this Ordinance. H. This accessory apartment may not be occupied by more than three (3) people. I. Three off-street parking spaces will be available for use by the owner-occupant(s) and guests. J. The design and room size of the apartment must conform to all applicable standards in the Health, Building and other codes. K. The applicant has submitted a floor plan of one-quarter (1/4) inch to the foot must be submitted showing the building, including proposed interior and exterior changes to the building.