23A-150 April 26, 2017 Dennis Grimaldi 104 Pine St Florence, MA 01062 Hello, Our records indicate that you had a natural gas test done by the Plumbing& Gas Inspector on 3/22/17. At that time the Inspector was unable to confirm that you have adequate Carbon Monoxide protection at this location and informed whoever was there that he would need to return in 30 days to assure this protection is in place. There needs to be working Carbon Monoxide detectors on each floor, including the basement. The Inspector needs to come out and check them. These inspections are brief and can be scheduled mostly at your convenience. Please call to schedule this as soon as possible.Thank you. Meghan Cahill Inspections City of Northampton Building Dept 413-587-1271 mcahill@northamptonma.gov Q � �� ���