22D-072 (4) 76 FLORENCE RD BP-2019-1355 GIs#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MatrBlock:22D-072 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot:-001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category,SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM BUILDING PERMIT Permit u BP-2019-1355 Proiect k JS-2019-002183 Est Cost:$16229.00 Fee:$75.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const Class: Contractor. License: Use Group: NORTHEAST SOLAR DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC 106113 Lot Size(sp.R.): 21780.00 Owner: SCHENCK JUDITH G&ALICE SAVOY Zoning: URA(100)/WSP(100 Applicant. NORTHEAST SOLAR DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC AT: 76 FLORENCE RD Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 136 ELM ST (413) 247-6045 0 Liability HATFIELDMA01038 ISSUED ON:6/17/2019 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORKANSTALL 14 SOLAR ROOF PANELS - 4.97 KW POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House k Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: 2iL Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy Signature: FeeType: Date Paid: Amount: Building 6/1720190:00:00 $75.00 212 Main Street, Phone(413)587-1240,Fax:(413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner So U4 SANJoy - - -- EC EI V E D Citof Northampton Builyding Department Gab CuYdhawyPMnit_ "' li 212 Main Street Serwdaapae AwwdYry MAY 2 9 2019 Room 100 WaNNWell A,rYaESry r, li =2404=413-587-1272 rthampton, MA01060 Tac Bata d BEtssSar PWR ne 4 3587.1240 Faz 413587.1272 I��i �r n101 piMf,IPI9nrOTo I. e MW APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT.ALTER.REPAIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH 1 A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING RECTION I •SITE NFORMATIDN 6Y--l Cf - / j ss 1.1 Pmosrtr Address: This aaetlon to be cm wkdmd by odic' 76 Florence Rd Map —2`� D Lt C) 7-}—unit Florence MA 01062 zaps Owlay District Elm EL ONk CO Distdct SECTION z•PROPERTY OWTRMHr/AUTHOREED ADEM V Omar at Raaard: 76 Florence Rd Alice Savoy Florence MA 01062 vsm(PrMI Curren:Maibq/bdma' 413-586-5824 _ teresrore $gnalw4 r 136 Elm St Hatfield MA 01038 4Yre tempv Cunen:Miming A4dreas' 413-247-6045 SplmWle Tgaurora Sem Estimamd Cast(Dauanl m w ORdr LIM caw cornpielad by cennit applicant 1. Building (a)BuiMiw Permit Fm 2. Elecbical (6)Estm lsd Tow Caruf Constructor,from 3. Plumbing Building Permit Fm c 4. Machanical(HVA12j, S.Fine Prooacoan 6. Tote)= t .2�3-4. 5 16 CTsd1 WmtW This Radian Fm OSNw Um Only Building Permt Number. D9N Issued: lk DamrratlP nfpe dBUMgs 01111111 $cede.4. ZONING ul Mrormanan Mutt ee Comp"",Verna Can ae Den'to flue to ft r plate Mfmmarmnn Extsung Proposed Required>y Zoning Ther:alum.w Ac MW..bl buiAng Depnr era W Sine F Setbacks Front Side L: 0. L R: Rear Bwldiog Height Bldg.Square Footage Open Space Ferriage Mn.ma ai.u.hdaa w•cu _. MkiW n of Parking Spam Fill: rduoe 4 LaYm A. Has a Special Permit/Varlance/Finding aver been issued for/on the site? NO O DONT KNOW ® YES O IF YES,date Issued: IF YES: Was the permit fecorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO O DONT KNOW O YES O IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document B. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO ® DONT KNOW O YES O IF YES,has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservatlon Commission? Needs to be obtained O Obtained O . Date Issued: C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES O NO IF YES, describe size, type and location: D. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of Signs intended for the property? YES O NO IF YES, describe sin, type and location: E. Nall Me[maeucfian actruiry 6saab( ng,grading, ravalum.or filling)over t acre or s i part of a common plan met vnll dsmum over 1 ave? YES � NO IF YES.men a Northampton Sturm Weser Management Permt from the DPW is required SEC7ION i DELERIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK hdarok ell applicable) New House ❑ Addition ❑ 0e pplears ent Windows Alteration(s) ❑ Roagng ❑ Aeoeuory Bldg. ❑ Demolltiw ❑ New Signs (OI Decks IQ Sldini Othar(M Brief Description of Proposed Work Install 14 solar panels on Roof Anniston of ewuing bedroom_Yes No Adding new bedroom Yes No Attachad Nerratrve Renovecng unfinished basement _Yes _No Pana Attached Rdl -Sheet RA M Nwv house and or addltign to existing housing, COM06 ti b)i a. Use of building One Fam.:y _ two=emry Other 0. Number of morns in each family unit: Numbs of Bathmome Q Is here a garage attached? d. Proposed Square footage of new construction. Dimensions e. Number of stones? f. Method of healing? Fireplaces or Woodataras Number of each g. Erergy Comm"pon Compliance. Manorial Energy Compliance form asadWO i Type of oona[rudan i. Is construction within 100 f.or wetlands?__Yes No. Is constructor, within 100 yr. fbodplain_Yea_No F Depth at basement or oaltar floor below linishad grade k. Will building confirm to the Building and Zoning regulations? Yoe_No. I. Septic Tank_ CitySewer Private'.wll_ Gly water Supply_ SECTION Ts-OWNER AUTHORIZATION-TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT Alice Savoy .as owner of he wbiect Property herebyauma® Northeast Solar to act;pry he1W Hall matters Relative to wart sulhanzed by this building perms application. - 9 mmorO Data I. Gregory Garrison/Northeast Solar as OwnenAuhori Agent hereby declare that the sMMmenre and edomrlation on he foregorg application am we and accurate.to me beat of my know edge and belief. Signed under the pane d penalties of pertu . Gre o iso Prot Neva 2 9 Wreor Ownw/ DrIN SECTION a-CON6TRUCTION SERVICES Not AppWahM 0 tlsmS.ol.l7amamlON Phillip Saunsgard CS106113 LioenM Nuwaa 41 Beath Rd Colrain, Ma 01340 6/7KRi Faairtlbn Des • , ,��,�,�j,�j 413-247-6045 860% Nepaons NotApplftade O Northeast Solar 169641 GampamLm ma Reglarstion Number 136 Elm HaXfie a 01038 7/13/2019 Expiralim DWA Telephone 413-247-604S SECTION 110.WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE APFIOAVR(111.0!a.161,§2111 MM Workers Compensation Insurance alfides+t must t o eorrpated and submtterl wish this application.Failure to provide that affidavit will rea ll In Me denial of the, of the builtlin snot Signed Affidavit Adached Vas....._XI No..... 0 11. - Home Owner Exemption Thecurcmexempticn :or"homeowners"was catendedtoinclude Owner-oceankd Dwellings clone r 1) or moC)families and to allow such horrsowner to enpgc an individual for hue who docs not possess a license,omvided that the owner alts as nmeMsor.CNIR 780. Sixth Ei itlo¢ Section 1013.51, nefinlnom of Homeowner: Person(s)who own a parcel of land on which bc.she resides or intends to reside,on which that is,or s:mended m bc. a one Of tsso fsadly dwelling,attached m deacbed structures acetsanry to such use and. or from structures.A xenon who conftmets more than one home Ina two-veer aMod shall not he considered a homeowner. Such"homeowner'shall submit to the Building Official.an a form acceptable to the Building Oflicia4 that liyshe sh&U he remomlhle for aB inch work lerfnrmed ander the binding pairs t. As acting Cog,ftpctio,Sonemizar your presence on thejob site will he required from time to time,dicing and upon completion of the work for which this permit is atmcd Alan be advised that with reference to Chapter 152(Workers'Compensation) and Cbapter 153(Liability of Empfovers to Employees for injrateS hot resulting in Death)of the Massachusetts General Laws Annotated,you may he Bahle for person(s) you hire to perform work for ynu under this pernut. The undersigned"honxowner"certifies and assumes responsibility fm compliance with the State Building Code,City of Nortbarnptan Ordinances,State and Local Zoning Laws and State of Massechuutts General Laws Annotated. Hameowsar SlgnaWm City of Northampton 212 Main Street,Northampton, MA 01060 Solid Waste Disposal Affidavit In accordance of the provisions of MGL c 40, S54, I acknowledge that as a condition of the building permit all debris resulting from the construction activity governed by this Building Permit shall be disposed of in a properly licensed solid waste disposal facility/, as defined by MGL c 111, S 150A. Address of the work: �(l/ 7 CG /�Ce YS� �GY�G�Cr � The debris will be transported by: IUC > 50` The debris will be received by: a", � Building permit number: Name of Permit Applicant : 4)01gAO-,6j 1 � DatC 9 ure of Perms pplica Tyre conrnromream of Massachinsetts Depmtruent of lndustrW Accidents Office of Investigations 1 Congress Skeet, Suite 100 Boston,MA 02114-2017 vrww.rrtarajfov/din Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: General Businesses Applicant Information Please Print Legibly Business/Organization Name:Northeast Solar Add,ess:136 Ern SL City/StateMp:Hatfield,Ma 01038 phone#:413-247-6045 An you as employery Cheek tke app rip slob hon Hainan Type(aetaned)r I Q I am a employer with 17 employees(full and/ 5. ❑Retail or parttime)! 6. ❑RestawantlBu/Eeting Esablisbmmt 2 ❑ I am a sole proprietor or partnership and have no 7. ❑Office and/or S ales(incl.red estate, au o, etc) employees working for re e in my capacity. IN o workers'comp.insurance required] 8. ❑Noo-prufit 3.❑ We are a corporation and its officers have erescised 9. ❑Entertairmem theirsigkof ezemptimperc. 132,§I(4), mdweh&ve 1013Mandactiaing no employees.[Noworkeri camp.insurance regtired]* 4 E We are anm-prffitorpnizatioq staffedbyvahatteers, 11.❑He&lthCare with no employees.[No workers' carip.insurance req.] 12.❑Omer *Aewaprbcmtthatc6dsbmM mmaboffioattW aacambabw shovis�wednw'euepmsatienpolcyiifonafiva *"Ilia corywa4 dhcea bare uanpkd tlemelres,bat 0e cwpmaaonbaa oaaraarylolreu,awodan'caveaariontolieli wquiwd ad suchen osanmtimiabodd clackbm�el. fasmigr8yar"sprorWgworkerscwmpens de iu rancelormyemployees. Bebwis Meponcyaformadan. in"..Companyxame. ACE American Insurance Co Ina ren sAddre".. 76 Florence Rd Cityrswarzip. Florence MA 01062 P they#or S elf-in.Lic. # 1 K445604UB Expiration Det,7/8/19 Attach a copy afore workers'compematbnp*Gey declaration page(showing the policy numb err and exp 6atbn dab). F adure to secure coverage asregWred wear Section 25A of MGL c. 152 can lead to the impositim of criminal penalties rf a fore up to f 1,500 D0 and/orane-yearimpriswnent,"well as civil penalties in the form of aSIOP RORK ORDER and afire ofupta S250.00adayageinsttheviolator. Be advised that&copy of the statement maybe forwarded to the Office of Imesugatims of the DIA for insurance coverage verific&tim. lack...by a Mara of d ' e provided allow k•Lira and torrent Am 2019 Phone ,413- 47 6 Officiolasa only. Do aotwidte in chis moa,b be completed by rdy ortowa officio1 C or' Permit'Licenw 0 I�iJry'`✓''6 Audmrlty(ekele neer): .Board of Health 2.1 a/dhp,Department 3.City?awn Clerk 4.Licensing Board 5. Selectmen's OH'ce 6.Other Condut Person: Phone 6: ww.weroWta Utility meter and utility 1x SolarEdge accessible solar AC SE380OH-US disconnect on exterior wall string inverter on exterior wall R M4, Main electric Roof mounted panel in solar array with basement 14x Solaria modules Judith Schenck 76 Florence Rd Florence, Ma 01062 Northeast Solar Vreeland Design Associates An integrative approach to design engineering and site planning Date: May 27,2019 To: Justin Annis Northeast Solar 136 Elm Street Hatfield, MA 01038 From: David Vreeland, P.E. Vreeland Design Associates Re: Alice Savoy,76 Florence Rd, Florence, MA: Structural assessment of existing house roof to support proposed solar array. 1 have investigated the roof framing in the area of the proposed PV solar panel installation. The 18'x 26', 1-3/4-story house, based on assessor's records,was constructed in 1918. 14 PV solar panels are to be installed on the south facing roof of the house.The house rafters are full dimension 2x5 installed 24"on-center, spanning 9' with an 8/12 roof pitch.2x4 ceiling joists and what appears to be balloon framed walls have prevented the roof from spreading. The original roof boards have been removed and replaced with plywood sheathing.The roofing is composite asphalt shingles. I have reviewed the mounting details for the proposed array. Based on my calculations and a PV solar panel unit weight of 48f lbs,with the attachment points of the army placed at a maximum of 4' on center and staggered to minimize the load to any one rafter,the existing roof framing is adequate to support the proposed PV solar array and the snow and wind load requirements of the current MA State Building Code. Please contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, 'A OFDAVID "o'I . REELAND CSG CIVIL David Vreeland, PE No.46317 Vreeland Design Associates T,�y,GIM a/papL E� 116 River Road, Leyden, MA 01337 Phone: (413) 624-0126 Email: dvreeland@verizon.net Fax: (413) 624-3282 EVALUATION REPORT u* rRoofReport NYmtN: 0246 Originally Issued: 0912012 Valid Through: ogaol3 s : 08—WOOD AND PLASTICS 7.0 DESCRIPTION :08080—Connections and Fasteners 3.1 General Description HOLDER: EZ Roof Mount L-Foot Kit consists of 5 basic o Corporation components: (1)once assembly with captive waterproof 6°i St,Suite A washer, (2)lag bolt to fasten through the shingles to the er,WA 98661 roof rafter, (3) Bashing that is placed under the row of shingles above the shoe and then over the shoe, (4) L. TION SUBJECT Foot that is placed over the protruding shoe threads and (5) hex cap that is secured on to the shoe. See o EZ Roof Mount L-Foot Kit for Shingle Figures 1 to 5 in Table 2. J.2 Materlale . LUATION SCOPE: FZ Roof Mount is fabricated from aluminum. Shoe 1.1 Compliance with the following codes: assembly is fabricated using casting aluminum alloy with dimensions of 2.80 inches in diameter and 1.00 • 2009 International Building Code® inches in height It is held in place using one 5116 inch • 2009 International Residential Code® diameter lag bolt that is 4 inch in length and made of • 2006 International Building Code® stainless steel. Flashing is fabricated from sheet • 2006 International Residential CodoO aluminum with dimensions of 10.0 inches in width, 12.5 inches in length and 0.04 inches in thickness. 1.2 Evaluated In accordance with: L fool Is a 2.00 inch long unequal leg angle made from • Evaluation Criteria for Joist Hangers and 13063-T6 aluminum with dimensions of 3.00 inches in Miscellaneous Connectors (IAPMO ES EC002- depth, 2.00 inches in width and 0.24 inches in 2011),Approved March 2011 thickness. It contains a 0.375 inch diameter round hole • Acceptance Criteria ler Roof Fleshing for Pipe with a 0.83 inch diameter chamfer (in base) that is Penetrations(ICC-ES AC286),Approved April 2010 located in the center of the base leg. One slot measuring 1.64 inch long by 0.40 inch wide occurs in 1.3 Properties Evaluated: the center and Is located 0.30 Inches from the top edge of the vertical leg, which has a scallop front and rear • Structural face. See Table 2 for component material properties • Weather Protection and figures. 2.0 USES 4.0 DESIGN AND INSTALLATION FZ Roof Mount L-Foot Kit for Shingle Roofs is used to 4.1 Design mount solar systems and other rooftop devices such as satellite dishes on asphalt shingle rook with woad Tabulated allowable loads shown in Table i of this rafters underneathreport are based on allowable stress design (ASD). Adjustments to these values are required for wet FZ Roof Mount is specifically designed to be used for service conditions, sustained exposure to elevated installation of solar panels for electric or hot water temperatures. use with fire retardant lumber or with lumber whose specific gravity is lass than 0.55 production con roofs with slopes from 3 b 12 units (Southern Pine). Allowable values based on fosterer vertical in 12 units horl2ontal. etre th rtq may be adjusted for duration of boding. See footnotes of Table 1 for more detailed explanation. Page 1 of 4 �manMiamrr•huus•n•amumtlp nmau�.nrrgMw.rpo�amro rnnen a,uix,e.w...wgnamwaT w��ow��ma n ewni pm,a urun•am n m win a q•n rxw,nairtxc mm+ua pewprc w•n•,a n A n pmm,.rn ,wrra[mn�.vu 9Gp•)]uhi.n.p.m�,nu.ao:unwrw:aaaa.a.cwrt�r,han ��y, TQC EVALUATION REPORT Report Number: 0248 Originally Issued: 0912012 Valid Through: 0912013 4.2 Installation Rain test data and thickness of aluminum Hashing submitted is in conformance with Acceptance Criteria EZ Roof Mount must be installed using Me 5/16 inch for Roof Flashing for Pipe Penetrations (ICC-ES AC diameter stainless steel lag screw at each bracket 266-2006). Rain teat conformed to Underwriters location as described in the manufacturefs installation Laboratory SUMeM for Gas Vents, UL 441-96 Section instructions. Lag screw must penetrate into the roof 25. rafter a minimum of 2 Y.inches. Prior to installation,the roof railer shell be bored with the required lead and Teat resuHs ere from laboratories in compliance with clearance hole for the unthreaded and shank portions ISOREC 17025. of the lag screw as required in Section 11.1.3 of Me NDS -05. Threaded portion of the lag screw shall be 7.0 IDENTIFICATION inserted into its lead hole by turning wah a wrench and not driving by a hammer. A dle-stamp label in the Hashing bearing the name and address of the manufacturer, the model number, Use of auxiliary holes in the Shoe other then the use of b1PMO Uniform ES Marks of Conformity, and this an extra fastener to stop the shoe from rotating during Evaluation Report Number(ER-0248). installation is outside the scope of this report. Flashing should be Installed full under the shingle up to we the raised portion of Me Hashing to prevent wateringress under the shingle. No portion of the flashing should be bent upward; the fleshing must rest fullyagainst the roof shingles. Otherwise the water and wind TM Performance may be impaired. wPMo 00248 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE EZ Roof Mount L-Foot KK for Shingle Roofs described in this report complies with the codes listed in Section 1.0 of this report subject to the following conditions: 6.1 EZ Roof Mount shall be installed in accordance with this report, manufacturers installation instructions and the cod"fisted in Section 1.1. 5.2 Calculations to verify the imposed loads on the EZ Roof Mount assembly do not exceed the allowable bads contained in Table 1 of this report shall be submitted to the code official when requested. Calculations shall be prepared by a registered design professional when required by the statues of the jurisdiction where the work is constructed. 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Testing and analysis data submitted Is in conformance with Evaluation Criteria for Joist Hangers and Miscellaneous Connectors QAPMO ES EC 002-2011). Page 2 of 4 EVALUATION REPORT `M Repan Number: 0248 ! Originally Issued: 0912012 Valid Through: 0912013 Fload"lues ABLE I: ALLOWABLE(AADS FOR EZ ROOF MOUNT I -FOOT KIT(Iba)rxx"-1 rtctionM Load a[ Test lead atdlcalatWAlbwabk below) 0 inch 0.125 inch FesteaedMaal Design Load laUon deflection Stren h hdrawal) .800 695 340 340nal240 130 153 130 able IoW values art based a the Icestvlue from theuhimae IoWofthreetests(strength limit),tested 0.125 inch deflection(deflection limit),calculated fastenor capacity(withdrawal or latera)for wood specific gravity of 0.55(Sumhem Pine)or allowable stress of the aluminum L-foot connector. able load values arc based on lumber with ell of the following characteristics: a. Located in dry,service conditions where the moisture content does not exceed 19%for an extended period aftime such ss in most covered structures. b. Located where it does not experience sustained exposure to elevated temperatures that exceed Igo°F. For any other conddions.allowable table values shall be multiplied by the misled adjustment facter(s)(Cm and'"Q in accordance with the National Design Specification for Wood Construction(NDS-05), 3. Allowable load values am based on lumber with a specific gravity 9170.55(Southern Pine or equal). 4. Allowable load values for withdrawal are based on a minimum penetration of 2'h inches into the motrafter by one 5/16 inch x 4 inch long stainless steel lag screw. S. Allowable values may not be increased for lad duration in accordance with Section 10.3.2 of the NDS45. Uplift Lateral Page 3 of 4 EVALUATION REPORT6 � Report Num4ar: 0248 OriBlnally Issued, 09/2012 Valid"rough: 0912019 FqHex LE 2:MATERIAL PROPERTIES Mnterid Alumiamal ANSVAA A380.0 EPDM with dummem rW of 60 304 stainless Reel ASTM A 240 Alumilmm elle 6063•T6 ASTM B221 Aluminum allo ANSVAA A3g0.0 Aluminum al 1060 ASTM B209 ROOF MOUNT COMPONENTS 4® � i ; qw, , Figure I:ShoeAssembly Pigua 4:Nu Cap Figure 2:Lag Boh Figure 5:Flashing I Figure 3:L fool Page 4 M 4 EVALUATION REPORT \ / Report Number: 0248 J Originally Issued: 0&2012 Valid Thro.,lu 0912013 TABLE 1: ALLOWABLE LOADS FOR E2 ROOF MOUNT'L-F(KI'P KIT W Load at Tert Load at CatcalatedLoad Direction 50 brit11 0.13519ch Faatener/Metal Ali. ble (see Bgure bel°w) ection deflection Saran DeaKn Load UpliB(Withdtawal) ,800 695 340 340 Lateral 240 130 153 130 Naas 1. Allowabk had values ate baud on the least value from the ultimate bad of three tests(shangth limiq,tested bad w 0.125 mcb deflection(deflection limit),calculated fastener capacity(withdrawal or lateral)for wood F;a specific gravity of 0.55(Southam Pine)or allowable strew of the aluminum I.-foot connector. 2. Allowable bad values ere based on lumber with al of the following characteriaths'. a. Located in dry service condlfions where the moisture content does not exceed 19%for an extended period of time such as in most coveted structures. b. Located where it does not experience sustained exposureto elevated temperatures that exceed JOT F. For any other conditions,allowable table values shall be multiplied by the related agjustmem fsemt(s)(Cm and/or Q in accordance with the National Design Specification for Wood Construction(NDS-05). 3. Allowable load values era based on lumber with a specific gravity ofO.55(Southent Pine or equal). 4. Allowable load values for withdrawal arc based on a minimum penetration of 2 V, inches into the roof rafter by one 5/16 inch x 4 inch long stainless steel lag screw. 5. Allowable values may not be increased for load duration in accordance with Section 10.3.2 of the NDS-05. ;.ateml I I a.m° Faa a.ro ®.nolitlD6! 1 I DYIA.NiO gvnob 1018 Ral.Rn rv.w 71 Ll LJ . . . . . . . I F i ,wwa FlWn rnoum,�mv-rw vle. w e�m s.maw-FWi Ym..-FIr god �Rjd"R&l Fboft f mcww EM CUM I °.uec-i,wr woolcwwde_n _ _- _ I I � I 9edlm-FLN Abum-SbooO wod --- oew°-ua cwm°m wtl-sn.em o.ue em mwr- r.ra• r•ea• _ - - ' ,wwiFaen MantMnv-Ewnuon r-_. IR-2.01 • i Solaria PowerXT8-360R-PD SOLARIA Solaria PowerXT°-355R-BD 0=.1111111m. Solaria Power%T- 350R-BD 35511-BD 3558-PD 3608-PO Cell Type Monocrystallme Silicon Max Power Pini IWI 350 355 355 360 Dimensions(L x W x H) 1621 mm x 7116m x 40mm Efficiency J%J 19.4 19.6 19.6 19.9 Weight 21 kg/46lbs Open Circuit Voltage(Vac) IV] 47.4 47.7 47.4 47.7 Glass Type/Thickness AR Coated,Tempered/3.2mm Short Circuit Current(I.) JAI 9.44 9.48 9.53 9.56 Frame Type Black Anodized Aluminum Max Power Voltage(Vmp) IV] 39.2 39.5 39.1 39.5 Cable Type/Length 12 AWG PV Wire(UL)/t000mm Max Power Current(imp) JAI 8.94 8.99 9.09 9.13 Connector Type MC4 compatible Power Tolerance [%I -003 -0/N -003 -0/43 Junction Bax IP67/4 diodes NO a til 1- Front Load(UL 1703) 5400 Pa/113par- Rear Load(UL 1703) 2400 Pa/50 psf' Max Power(Pmax) IWI 258 ' 261 261 265pewmsaan,lnp.11.nan uwm,lemenw6 Open Circuit Voltage(Vac) IV] 44.6 44.8 44.6 "A Short Circuit Current(/.) JAI 7.61 7.64 7.68 7.71 Max Power Voltage(Vmp) IV] 36.1 36.3 36.0 36.3 Certifications UL 1703/IEC 61215/IEC 61730/CEC Max Power Current(Imp) (AI 715 7.19 7.27 7.30 CAN/CSA-C22.2 fire Type(UL 1703) 1 Power B Product Warranty 25years• NOCT J°CI 45a/-2 •wwomq 9°me.a....nwia Temp.Coeff.of Pma+ J%/°CI -0.39 Temp.Coeff.of Voc I%/-CI '029 Stacking Method Horizontal/Palletized Temp.Coeff.of lsc J%/-Cl 0.04 Piss/Pallet 25 Pallet Dims 1668 x 1150 x 1230 mm Operating temperature l°CI -40 Pallets/40-ft Container 28 toi85 Pallet Weight 590 kg/13001bs Max System Voltage IV] 1000 Pcs/40-ft Container 700 Max Fuse Rating IAI 15 Bypass Diodes 141 4 m 1000 W/m' EarlI� q _ •1 w a e a 800 W/m' 7 <y 500W/m' w5 fix . 400 W/m' _ u3 r 100 W/m' rmWml 1 pe s 10 15 20 25 W 35 x0 45 0 1* e w VOIiaGFIVI "Z _ ,as 25-year workmanship aM peHormaue from Solaria � � � awei typical I sic l induslw w.r:; laown 1 awn (aaawl -L [,Www wl 6t a l0 A16 II S7wl B0 6YMIR19Hol£ 1Umrn pa,. 3saww .a ymam, ,s . n Tie Solar a-,,,aeoni]OCBroadway,Cokland,CA9d612 P (510)2702500 wwwsolanacom Cori C 2019 The Solena Corpom0on Prescott specdmat i9ns aro subject to change without notice_ Rev IK 02-142019 t S�u4R a�o PI/Squared Solar]w .pvsquaredcoop Phone:413-772-87881 Fm.413-772-8668 + 311 Wells St,Ste,B I Greenfield,MA 01301 MA Elec llc A13764114A HIC 140077 Dear Town Inspections Officials, Please see our enclosed applications to permit a Solar Photovoltaic System in your Jurisdiction. As you are likely aware, PV Squared is a worker-owned-cooperative B-Corp, employing 40+ people in Greenfield. We have installed thousands of PV Systems out of our Greenfield, MA Headquarters since 2002. PV Squared is committed to complying with all Commonwealth laws and regulations.Our worksite guidelines are created with the intention of exceeding all safety,electrical,and building requirements as defined by their respective jurisdictional entities. This includes the work of people from multiple disciplines,including electrical engineering, structural engineering,civil engineering, electricians, construction supervisors, roofers,and their associated helpers. We are a company that values training and education.We make certain that every individual is qualified for the roles and responsibilities that they assume. It is our policy to pay for the employees travel and training time and cost of the education, Including CSL and journeyman and Master Electrician classes. As an electrical contractor we are furthermore guided by the January 30,2009 Massachusetts Board of State Examiners of Electricians (BSEE)judgements,and rulings that have followed.We pay strict adherence to these mandates and all electrical work is conducted by an electrician and an electrician's apprentice in a 1:1 ratio. We also understand that non-electrical tasks associated with a Solar installation can be completed by non-electrical workers,such as CSLs and others. I have attached our installation policy for your review,as well as a list of example non-electrical tasks. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy or delineation of work please let us know. We are a learning organization that is always trying to improve on what we do. Respectfully, Adam Thurrell Operations Manager r