347 King St DPWCITY OF NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 125 Locust Street Northampton, MA 01060 413-587-1570 Fax 413-587-1576 Edward S. Huntley, P.E. Director ASSIGNMENT OF HOUSE NUMBER Street: ICUngStreet Assessors Map: lSD-071 House Number: 361 Date: January S, 2013 Remarks: This number was assigned by the Engineering Department on January 8, 2013. The number is assigned to Parcell A as shown on a Planning Board approved , ANR plan dated December 12, 2012 by Heritage Surveys for Cosenzi Automotive Realty. Parcel1B on this plan retains Assessors Map lSD-051 and the number 347 assigned to it. The number assignment was requested by the owner's' engineering representative, Kim Masiuk, for pennitting purposes for the construction ofa new car dealership. cc: Central Dispatch Water I)ivision Sewer Division Streets Division Inspectors Assessors Police Department James Thompson (GIS Coordinator) Registrar ofVoters Applicant: Kimberly Masiuk, P.E. Associated Builders 4 Industrial Drive South Hadley, MA 01075 K:\House Numbers\King Street\#361 King Street.doc Board ofHealth Tax Collector National Grid Verizon Telephone Comcast Columbia Gas ofMassachusetts Post Office (Northampton) Post Office (Easthampton) School Department (Joy Winnie)