347 King St Cosenzi PB DecisionPlanning -Decision Hearing No.: PLN-2013-0024 City of Northampton Date: December 18,2012 APPLICATION TYPE: PB Major Site Plan Applicant's Name: NAME: SUBMISSION DATE: 1111312012 Owner's Name: NAME: COSENZI AUTOMOTIVE REAL TY LIMITED F COSENZI AUTOMOTIVE REALTY LIMITED PA ADDRESS: ADDRESS: 40 RUSSELL ST 40 RUSSELL ST TOWN: STATE: I ZIP CODE: TOWN: STATE: I ZIP CODE: HADLEY MA 01035 HADLEY MA 01035 PHONE NO .. FAX NO .. PHONE NO.: FAX NO.: (413) 570·1302 (413) 570·1302 EMAIL ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: s·t I f f len orma Ion: s , N urveyors arne: STREET NO.: SITE ZONING: COMPANY NAME: 347 KING ST HB(100)1 TOWN: ACTION TAKEN: ADDRESS: NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 Approved With Conditions MAp· I BLOCK: I LOT I MAP DATE: SECTION OF BYLAW 18D 051 001 Chpt. 350· 11: Site Plan Approval TOWN: STATE: I ZIP CODE: Book: I~;; 1108 PHONE NO.: FAX NO .. EMAIL ADDRESS: NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK: Redevelopment of the site to include demolition of building and construction of two automobile dealerships (VW, HYUNDAI) of 18,421 & 17,821 SQ FT and associated site development. HARDSHIP: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1) Prior to issuance of a building permit, proof of recording cross access easements with the Colvest property to the south shall be provided. 2. As offered by the prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy or occupancy of the building, the owner will deed the strip of land as shown in the mitigation spreadsheet and map detail to the city of Northampton. 3. As offered by the applicant, prior to issuance of a final co, the applicant shall make a payment in the amount of $79, 230 for the remaining traffic mitigation requirement to the City of Northampton 4. The Demolition Plan should be revised to reflect the 12111112 revisions to the Grading and Utilities Plan. 5. Drain lines to be abandoned shall be plugged with bricks and mortar in the receiving manhole. Please note this on the plans. 6. The 6·inch drain line and the 4·inch sewer line at the north end of the site should be called out as being cut and capped. 7. An additional R3-2 (No Left Turn graphic) sign may be warranted for cars exiting the site. 8. For clarity and ease of understanding, all details should be numbered and the location of all numbered details should be called out and referenced on the appropriate plan sheets. 9. The Curb Ramp detail should include a detectable warning strip. Please revise. 10. The minimum thickness and reinforcement requirements for manhole and catch basin sections and bases should be called out. 11. The size of the Doghouse Drain Manhole should be identified. A diameter larger than the minimum 4 feet will likely be required to accommodate the three 21-inch lines. 12. Sign posts within the right of way shall be DPW standard green channel posts with channel posts GeoTMS® 2012 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions, Inc. Planning -Decision Hearing No.: PLN-2013-0024 City of Northampton Date: December 18,2012 and break away hardware, not the U·post shown on the detail. FINDINGS: The Planning Board approved the project for construction of 36,000 +. square feet of buildings (18,000 sf each) for two automobile dealerships based on the following information and plans submitted with the application. 1. Northampton Volkswagen and Country Hyundai Redevelopment, 347 King Street, Prepared by Associated Builders, Inc. for Consenzi Automotive Realty Limited Partnership, Dated November, 9, 2012 Pages T1.1, Existing Survey Plan, L 1.1, L 1.2, L2.1, L2.2, L3.1(photometric), L4.1 (landscaping), L5.1-5.4 (details), A 1.5, A3.1 (Architectural Elevations and fixtures) A 1.4, A2.1. 2. Storm water Report and Pollution Prevention Plan 3. Traffic Analysis, by Fuss & O'Neill 4. Traffic Mitigation letter and commitment letter 5. Zoning Compliance letter In approving the major project for the construction of two automobile dealerships at the site, the Board found that all the criteria in section 11.6 for Site Plan Approval had been met in accordance with: A. The requested use protects adjoining premises against seriously detrimental uses. The use is allowed and is consistent with surrounding commercial uses. Lighting, storm water have been addressed. B. The requested use will promote the convenience and safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement within the site and on adjacent streets, cycle tracks and bike paths, minimize traffic impacts on the streets and roads in the area. The project contains one right-in, right· out entry with alternative access by easement through the abutting parcel where there is a full traffic signal. Safe pedestrian and bicycle access has been designed from the sidewalk/street to the property. The applicant has addressed required traffic incremental impacts over and above Kollmorgen's impact value of $282,000 in mitigation through offer of land dedication of the sidewalk and buffer along King Street for a value of $69,630. In addition, $79,230 payment·in·lieu of remaining mitigation will be made to the City (3) Access by non motorized means has been accommodated. C. The site will function harmoniously in relation to other structures and open spaces to the natural landscape, existing buildings and other community assets in the area as it relates to landscaping, drainage, sight lines, building orientation, massing, egress, and setbacks. D. The requested use will not overload, and will mitigate adverse impacts on, the City's resources, including the effect on the City's water supply and distribution system, sanitary and storm sewage collection and treatment systems, fire protection, streets and schools. E. The requested use meets all the special regulations set forth in this chapter as they relate to design standards for the Highway Business District. F. Compliance with the following technical performance standards: (1) Curb cuts onto streets shall be minimized. Access to the businesses shall uses common driveway through the abutting parcel to the south. (2) Pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular traffic movement on site is separated, (3) The project has received a separate stormwater permit. COULD NOT DEROGATE BECAUSE: FILING DEADLINE: MAILING DATE: HEARING CONTINUED DATE: 1112212012 121612012 REFERRALS IN DATE: HEARING DEADLINE DATE: HEARING CLOSE DATE: 1112912012 111712013 1211312012 FIRST ADVERTISING DATE: HEARING DATE: VOTING DATE: 11/2912012 1211312012 1211312012 SECOND ADVERTISING DATE: HEARING TIME: VOTING DEADLINE: 121612012 10:00 PM 311312013 MEMBERS PRESENT VOTE: John Lutz votes to Grant Karla Youngblood votes to Grant Debin Bruce votes to Grant Ann DeWitt Brooks votes to No Action Needed Stephen Gilson votes to Grant Jennifer Dieringer votes to Grant Mark Sullivan votes to Grant Francis Johnson votes to Grant MOTION MADE BY-SECONDED BY-VOTE COUNT Karla Youngblood John Lutz 7·0 GeoTMS® 2012 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions, Inc. DECISION DRAFT BY-APPEAL DATE: 1212712012 FINAL SIGNING BY-APPEAL DEADLINE: 1212712012 11712013 DECISION DATE: 1211812012 DECISION DEADLINE: 311312013 DECISION: Approved with Conditions Planning -Decision Hearing No.: PLN-2013-0024 MINUTES OF MEETING: Available in the Office of Planning & Development. City of Northampton Date: December 18,2012 I, Carolyn Misch, as agent to the Planning Board, certify that this is a true and accurate decision made by the Planning Board and certify that a copy of this and al/ plans have been filed with the Board and the City Clerk on the date shown above. I certify that a copy of this decision has been mailed to the Owner and Applicant. Notice of Appeal An appeal from the decision of the Planning Board may be made by any person aggrieved pursuant to MGL Chapt. 40A, Section 17 as amended within twenty (20) days after the date of the filing of the notice of the decision with the City Clerk. The date is listed above. Such appeal may be made to the Hampshire Superior Court with a certified copy of the appeal sent to the City Clerk of the City of Northampton. GeoTMS® 2012 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions, Inc.