2016_1025 LIVE 155 - Bulletin_1 BULLETIN PROJECT: LIVE 155 NUMBER: 01 DATE: 10/25/16 This Bulletin modifies, amends and supplements designated parts of the Construction Drawings and Specifications – Permit Set, for the construction of the LIVE 155 project, dated 08-03-16, and is hereby made a part thereof by reference, and shall be as binding as though inserted in its entirety in the locations designated hereunder. It shall be the responsibility of all Contractors, Subcontractors and Suppliers proposed for the various parts of the work, to incorporate any changes or modifications contained in this Bulletin. No claims for additional compensation, due to lack of knowledge of this Bulletin will be considered. Bulletin - Construction Drawings: This bulletin contains numbered item descriptions and includes sixty-one (62) pages including this cover and eleven (11) full size sheets describing the proposed changes to the Construction Drawings. Bulletin – Project Manual: This bulletin contains numbered item descriptions indicating the proposed change to the Project Manual. Item # Document Reference Description Sketch # DRAWINGS 1 L 3.0 Grading Plan – REVISED SHEET N/A 2 A100 Architectural Foundation Plan – REVISED SHEET N/A 3 A122 Ceiling Plan – Level 4 – REVISED SHEET N/A 4 A601 Stair 1 Plans – REVISED SHEET N/A 5 A611 Stair 1 Sections & Details – REVISED SHEET N/A 6 A603 Stair 3 Plans – REVISED SHEET N/A 7 A614 Stair 3 Sections & Details – REVISED SHEET N/A 8 S1.01 Foundation/First Floor Plan - REVISED SHEET N/A 9 S3.01 Sections - REVISED SHEET N/A 10 S3.02 Sections - REVISED SHEET N/A 11 S3.03 Sections - REVISED SHEET N/A MANUAL 12 T.O.C. Updated Project Manual Table of Contents N/A 13 042000 Specification Revision – Addition of Section 2.5 G – Epoxy Grout (full revised specification section included) N/A 14 Appendix B Addition: Final Geotechnical Report N/A END DOCUMENT BULLETIN #1 10/25/16 15 F G E 9 I 8 10 2 14 14 M T H L B A A C 7 U 4 J K 11 13 13 12 12 D 36 2 A300 15 15 N S R Q P 18 18 17 17 16 16 19 19 20 O 21 22 1 A300 4 A301 3 A301 102'-1 1/2" 22'-2 3/4"8'-6 1/2"26'-10 1/4"60'-0"85'-5 1/2"3'-8 1/2"1'-3 1/2"2'-8 1/2"5'-2 1/2"1'-2"18'-2 3/4" 10'-4 1/4" 11'-10 1/4" 10'-3" 11'-11 3/4" 106'-7 1/2"6'-4"21'-2"5'-0"19'-6"8'-0"1 A301 2 A301 3 A300 4 A300 21.1 22'-3" 18'-0 1/4" 22'-0 1/4" 22'-0" 22'-4" 7 3/4" 2' - 0" 0' - 0" T.O. WALL @ THRESHOLD T.O. STEM WALL60'-0"22'-0 1/4" 18'-0 1/4" 22'-0 1/4" 22'-0" 18'-0 3/4" 8'-6 3/4"6'-0"12'-10"8'-8"5'-0"6'-8 1/2"19'-0 1/2" 1'-9" 2' - 0" 0' - 0" 0' - 6" T.O. STEM WALL T.O. STEM WALL T.O. WALL @ THRESHOLD 9 0 .0 °9 0 .0 °90.0°9 0 .0 ° T.O. WALL @ THRESHOLD T.O. STEM WALL T.O. STEM WALL 4'-3 1/2"22'-4"18'-3"18'-3"22'-4"T.O. STEM WALL T.O. STEM WALL T.O. WALL @ THRESHOLD T.O. BRICK SHELF T.O. WALL @ THRESHOLD 9 0 .0 ° -0' - 6" T.O. SLAB SHELF5 1/2"4 1/2"10"-4' - 0" B.O. FOOTING7 3/4"3'-10"-0' - 6" T.O. SLAB SHELF 7 7 .5 °9'-11 1/2"9 0 .0 ° 0' - 6" T.O. SLAB SHELF 2'-2 1/2"3'-4"2'-2" 0' - 6" T.O. STEM WALL -1' - 3" T.O. BRICK SHELF 4 1/2"5 1/2"6"-4' - 6" B.O. FOOTING -0' - 6" T.O. STEM WALL @ STOREFRONT (TYP.) TYP 3'-11 3/4"TYP108.0°T.O. STEM WALL @ STOREFRONT (TYP.)4 1/2"5 1/2"6"11'-8"13'-8 3/4" -4' - 6" B.O. FOOTING -4' - 0" B.O. FOOTING -0' - 6" T.O. WALL @ THRESHOLD 1'-4" 4 1/2" 5 1/2"6"1'-0"1 0 2 .5 °5'-9 1/4"11'-6"105.5°11'-6 1/4" -0' - 6" T.O. SLAB SHELF 0' - 6" -0' - 6" T.O. SLAB SHELF -1' - 0" T.O. SLAB SHELF -1' - 0" -1' - 3" -0' - 1 1/2" T.O. SLAB SHELF -0' - 6" -1' - 3" T.O. BRICK SHELF T.O. STEM WALL T.O. SLAB SHELF2'-0"3'-0"ELECTRICAL SERVICE ENTRY 1'-4"4"1'-2 1/2"-1' - 0" 8" 1'-0" 8" 1'-0"1'-4"-0' - 1 1/2"1'-4"CMU TO GRID 1" 9'-11"4 1/2" SHELF TO GRID 8'-5 3/4"CMU TO GRID9 1/2"8'-3"-1' - 3" T.O. CONCRETE 44'-5 1/4" 7'-8 1/2" PROJECT NORTH TRUE NORTH PROJECT NORTH TRUE NORTH102.5 °J.1 164.5°GRID TO CL6'-1 1/4"7 3/4"CL FOOTING TO GRID 3"8'-3 1/2"1'-11" 3 1/4"14'-0 1/2"5'-6 1/2"5'-8 1/4"1'-0 3/4"102.5°0' - 0" T.O. STEM WALL FOOTING CL TO GRID 4" -0' - 11" T.O. SLAB SHELF T.O. SLAB SHELF CL CL FOOTING FOOTING CL FOOTING CL CL FOOTING FOOTING CL CL FOOTING FOOTINGCLFOOTING CL CLFOOTING T.O. WALL -0' - 11" T.O. SLAB SHELF CL FOOTING 9'-5 1/4"1'-0 1/4"CL FOOTING CL FOOTING6'-9 1/2"CL FOOTING CL FOOTING 11'-2"1'-0"9'-5 1/4"CL FOOTING GRID TO CL 2 3/4"1'-6 3/4"11'-3 3/4"1'-1 1/2"5'-2 3/4"1'-1 1/2"8'-4"2'-2 1/4"3'-5"1'-1 1/2"10'-4"1'-1 1/2"3'-5"2'-2 1/4"8'-4"1'-1 1/2"5'-2 3/4"1'-1 1/2"11'-3 1/2"1'-6 3/4"5'-10 3/4"16'-7 1/4"23'-11 3/4"23'-11 3/4"16'-7 1/4"CL ENTRY CL ENTRY 3 '-7 1 /2 " 3'-7 1/2" 3 '-7 1 /2 " 3'-7 1/2"90.0°9 0 .0 ° 9 0 .0 °90.0°90.0°LINE OF SLAB TRANSITION 6'-6" 2'-4 3/4" 5'-5 1/2" 5'-7 3/4" 4'-11 1/2" CL FOOTING CL FOOTING 15'-5"15'-3"0' - 6"9'-5 1/4"0' - 6" 0' - 0" T.O. STEM WALL SW ABOVESW ABOVESW ABOVESW ABOVESW ABOVESW ABOVE 8"4 1/2"0' - 0"SW ABOVESW ABOVESW ABOVESW ABOVESW ABOVE SW ABOVE SW ABOVE SW ABOVE SW ABOVE SW ABOVE SW ABOVE SW ABOVE SW ABOVE SW ABOVE 0' - 0" T.O. WALL @ THRESHOLD -0' - 6" T.O. WALL @ THRESHOLD 8'-5 7/8"6'-10 5/8"5'-2 1/4"9'-9 1/8"CL FOOTING CL FOOTING 7 1/4"1'-0"SW ABOVE9 0 .0° 0' - 0" 8'-1 1/4"25'-4 3/4" 3'-4" 0' - 0" -0' - 11" 25'-9"32'-6"6'-0"11'-11 3/4"7'-1 1/4"1.IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO REVIEW EXISTING AND PROPOSED DIMENSIONS AND ALIGNMENTS AND CONFIRM LOCATIONS AND ALIGNMENTS SHOWN CAN BE ACHIEVED. DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN PROPOSED ALIGNMENTS AND LOCATIONS AND EXISTING CONDITIONS MUST BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE WORK. 2.AS-BUILT DIMENSIONS AND EXISTING CONDITIONS MUST BE FIELD VERIFIED PRIOR TO FABRICATION OF CASEWORK, FIXTURES, FURNISHINGS AND EQUIPMENT TO CONFIRM FIT AND LOCATIONS AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ARCHITECT. DISCREPANCIES MUST BE BROUGHT TO THE ARCHITECTS ATTENTION PRIOR TO ORDERING OR FABRICATING. 3.GRID AND GRID DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF FOUNDATION, EXTERIOR FACE OF FRAMING OR AS NOTED. 4.EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF FRAMING AND CENTERLINE OF OPENINGS OR AS NOTED. 5.INTERIOR DIMENSIONS ARE TO FINISH FACE OF WALL BOARD FINISH, FINISH EDGE, FINISH OPENING, CENTERLINE OF OPENING AND CENTERLINE OF FIXTURES OR AS NOTED. 6.PROVIDE ROUGH OPENINGS PER WINDOW AND DOOR MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS UNLESS NOTED OR DETAILED OTHERWISE. 7.SEE ROOF PLAN FOR ROOF INFORMATION. 8.SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR DOOR SCHEDULE & DOOR INFORMATION. 9.SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR FINISH SCHEDULE & FINISH INFORMATION. 10.SEE SHEET SPECIFICATION FOR WINDOW SCHEDULE. 11.PER MA 521 CMR, 5% OF UNITS (FOUR TOTAL - TWO STUDIO & TWO ONE BEDROOM) ARE GROUP 2B COMPLIANT. ALL OTHER UNITS CAN BE MODIFIED TO MEET GROUP 2B REQUIREMENTS. GENERAL FLOOR PLAN NOTES REVISION: SHEET INFO: ISSUANCE: DATE: SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: Office of Peter Frothingham Registered Architect 181 Main Street, Suite One Northampton, MA 01060 413 585-5910 www.pfra.us LDa Architecture & Interiors 222 Third Street, Suite 3212 Cambridge, MA 02142 617 621-1455 fax 617 621-1477 www.LDa-Architects.com As indicated 10/26/2016 3:49:29 PM2 10/19/16 8 - 3 - 2016 TA/PM/MR PM/DD ARCHITECTURAL FOUNDATION PLAN155 PLEASANT ST.NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060LIVE 155CONTRACT DOCUMENTS - PERMIT DRAWINGS A100201420SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"1 LEVEL 0 - FOUNDATION 2 BULLETIN #1 10/25/16 AB C PROJECT NORTH TRUE NORTH 2'-6"CLEQEQC EL: C3 8' - 4"AFF C EL: C1 8' - 4"AFF C EL: C3 8' - 4"AFF C EL: C3 8' - 4"AFF C EL: C1 8' - 4"AFF C EL: C3 8' - 4"AFF CL C EL: C1 9' - 1 1/2"AFF C EL: C1 9' - 1 1/2"AFF C EL: C1 8' - 1"AFF C EL: C1 8' - 1"AFF TYPICAL UNIT CEILING SEE FLOOR/CEILING ASSEMBLY F1 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON LEVELS 2-4 A431 1 Sim A421 1 Sim J1 KK C EL: C1 8' - 4"AFF K K K KK K K K K K K K K K K K K K J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J EQEQJ J SD J J J J J J SD J J SD SD SD SD SD 3'-0"3'-0"2'-0"J C EL: C1 8' - 4"AFF SD SD 4'-4" FIRST FULL CEILING TILE ALIGN EDGE OF TILE TO FINISH FACE OF GWB 2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"ALIGN EDGE OFTILE TO FINISHFACE OF GWB4'-4"ALIGN EDGE OFTILE TO FINISHFACE OF GWBFIRST FULL CEILING TILE J J1 J1 J1 J1 ELECTRICAL KEY R1 LOW VOLTAGE ADJUSTABLE (MINI SWIVEL), SEE SPECIFICATIONS (IC BOXES @ INSULATED CAVITIES) SC SURFACE MOUNTED SCONCE, SEE SPECIFICATIONS SF SURFACE MOUNTED LIGHT, SEE SPECIFICATIONS LIGHT FIXTURE SWITCH DUPLEX OUTLET QUAD OUTLET4 SD SMOKE/CO DETECTOR STRUCTURED CABLE DESTINATIONSC PENDANT LIGHT, SEE SPECIFICATIONSP SURFACE MOUNTED LIGHT, SEE SPECIFICATIONS EXHAUST FAN UNDER-CABINET LIGHT, SEE SPECIFICATIONSUC XF R2 LOW VOLTAGE LED RECESSED DOWNLIGHT, SEE SPECIFICATIONS 3-WAY LIGHT FIXTURE SWITCH3 DIMMER LIGHT FIXTURE SWITCHD WET PROTECTED DUPLEX OUTLETWP GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT DUPLEX OUTLETGFCI HD HEAT DETECTORR3 LOW VOLTAGE WET LOCATION RECESSED DOWNLIGHT, SEE SPECIFICATIONS FLOOR DUPLEX OUTLET SM LED LIGHT TAPET LOW VOLTAGE LED WALL WASHER, SEE SPECIFICATIONSR4 LOW VOLTAGE LED PINHOLE LIGHT, SEE SPECIFICATIONS COVE LIGHT (DOWN)C2 F MOTION SENSOR LIGHT FIXTURE SWITCHM C1 COVE LIGHT (UP)R5 U UTILITY LIGHT, SEE SPECIFICATIONS FLOOD LIGHT FL SPRINKLER 1.SEE INTERIOR ELEVATIONS, SHEETS A500 THROUGH A508 FOR WALL MOUNTED FIXTURE AND DEVICE LOCATIONS. 2.COORDINATE WITH FRAMING AND ADJUST FRAMING & ADD FRAMING MEMBERS AS NECESSARY TO ACCOMMODATE LIGHT FIXTURES AND DEVICES IN THE POSITIONS SHOWN. DO NOT EXCEED FRAMING SPACING SHOWN ON FRAMING PLANS. 3.LIGHT FIXTURES ARE TO BE CENTERED IN ROOMS UNLESS DIMENSIONED OTHERWISE. 4.TRANSFORMER LOCATIONS ARE FOR REFERENCE AND DO NOT INDICATE ACTUAL PROPOSED LOCATIONS. FINAL TRANSFORMER LOCATIONS ARE TO BE APPROVED BY THE ARCHITECT. 5.PROVIDE INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR POWER OUTLETS QUANTITY, TYPE AND LOCATION AS REQUIRED BY THE APPLICABLE ELECTRICAL CODE AND AS APPROVED BY THE ARCHITECT. 6.DEVICES SHOWN IN THE SAME LOCATION ARE TO BE ALIGNED ON A VERTICAL CENTERLINE. 7.CENTER OUTLETS AS INDICATED ON PLANS, CONFIRM WITH ARCHITECT IF LOCATION IS UNCLEAR. 8.OUTLETS ARE TO BE MOUNTED @ 16" A.F.F. TO CENTERLINE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. AT COUNTERTOPS OUTLETS ARE TO BE MOUNTED AT 48" A.F.F. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 9.SWITCHES ARE TO BE MOUNTED @ 48" A.F.F. TO CENTERLINE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 10.PROVIDE 24" WHIP AT WALL MOUNTED SCONCE LOCATIONS FOR FIELD POSITIONING. 11.PROVIDE 36" WHIP AT FLOOR OUTLETS FOR FIELD POSITIONING. 12.VERIFY REQUIREMENTS FOR APPLIANCE OUTLETS. 13.PROVIDE CO AND SMOKE DETECTORS PER CODE. 14.DEVICES TO BE CENTERED IN ACOUSTICAL CEILING PANELS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. GENERAL ELECTRICAL NOTES REVISION: SHEET INFO: ISSUANCE: DATE: SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: Office of Peter Frothingham Registered Architect 181 Main Street, Suite One Northampton, MA 01060 413 585-5910 www.pfra.us LDa Architecture & Interiors 222 Third Street, Suite 3212 Cambridge, MA 02142 617 621-1455 fax 617 621-1477 www.LDa-Architects.com As indicated 10/26/2016 4:47:16 PM2 10/19/16 8 - 3 - 2016 MR DD CEILING PLAN - LEVEL 4 155 PLEASANT ST.NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060LIVE 155CONTRACT DOCUMENTS - PERMIT DRAWINGS A122201420SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"1 LEVEL 4 2 BULLETIN #1 10/25/16 R Q 2 A611 2022 4 A500 CONCRETE CARPET TILE STAIR 1 1-1 UP MIN 3'-8" 1 A611 1'-11"1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 3 A611 5'-4 1/2"LEVEL 1 4 A611 11D 5 2 A611 2022 6 A500 STAIR 1 1-2 UPDOWN MIN 3'-8" MIN 3'-8" 1 A611 1'-0"1'-11"1 1/2" MIN. TYP. 1 1/2"1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" MIN. TYP.1 1/2" 1 1/2"1'-11"1'-0"POST FOR LANDING ABOVE, PER STRUCTURAL POST FOR LANDING ABOVE, PER STRUCTURAL 6 A614 3 A611 4'-7"5'-5"LEVEL 2 LEVEL 1.5 4 A611 5 HEADER ABOVE PER STRUCTURAL, TYPICAL OF LEVEL 1.5 ONLY 2 A611 2022 1 A611 UPDOWN 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2"1'-0"1'-11"MIN 3'-8" MIN 3'-8" 1 1/2" 1 1/2"1 1/2" 1 1/2" STAIR 1 1-3 CONTINUOUS METAL PIPE HANDRAIL, PAINTED MOUNTED TO WALL1'-11"1'-0"6 A614 3 A611 LEVEL 2.5 LEVEL 3 4 A611 5 LVL STRINGERS PER STRUCTURAL R Q 2 A611 2022 1 A611 STAIR 1 1-4 1'-0"3 A611 UP TO ROOF DOWN ALTERNATING TREAD DEVICE FOR ACCESS TO ROOF MIN 3'-8" 1 1/2" 1 1/2"1 1/2" 1 1/2"1'-11"1'-0"11"6'-5"CL3'-0"4'-1"1-4A MAINTENANCE ACCESS ONLY LEVEL 4 LEVEL 3.5 4 A611 5 REVISION: SHEET INFO: ISSUANCE: DATE: SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: Office of Peter Frothingham Registered Architect 181 Main Street, Suite One Northampton, MA 01060 413 585-5910 www.pfra.us LDa Architecture & Interiors 222 Third Street, Suite 3212 Cambridge, MA 02142 617 621-1455 fax 617 621-1477 www.LDa-Architects.com 1/2" = 1'-0"10/26/2016 3:31:29 PM2 10/19/16 8 - 3 - 2016 KB DD/PM STAIR 1 PLANS 155 PLEASANT ST.NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060LIVE 155CONTRACT DOCUMENTS - PERMIT DRAWINGS A601201420SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"1 STAIR 1-1 PLAN SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"2 STAIR 1-2 PLAN SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"3 STAIR 1-3 PLAN SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"4 STAIR 1-4 PLAN 2 BULLETIN #1 10/25/16 5 AC 7 1 A614 4 6 STAIR 3 3-1 2 A614 UP UNASSIGNED 125 3 A614 4 A614 MIN 3'-8"1'-11"1 1/2" 1 1/2"1 1/2" 1 1/2"3'-10 1/4"LEVEL 1 HEADER ABOVE WINDOW, TYP ONLY ON LEVEL 1.5 AC 1 A614 2 A614 UPDOWN MIN 3'-8"1'-11"1'-0"MIN 3'-8" 1 1/2" 1 1/2"1 1/2" 1 1/2"1 1/2" 1 1/2"1 1/2" 1 1/2"1'-11"1'-0"STAIR 3 3-2 POST FOR LANDING ABOVE POST FOR LANDING ABOVE 3 A614 4 A614 11"11"4'-9 1/4"MIN3'-8"LEVEL 2 LEVEL 1.5 5 AC 1 A614 2 A614 STAIR 3 3-3 MIN 3'-8" MIN 3'-8" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2"1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2"1'-0"1'-11"1'-11"1'-0"DOWN UP CONTINUOUS METAL PIPE HANDRAIL MOUNTED TO WALL3 A614 4 A614 11"4'-9 1/4"11"5'-6"LEVEL 3 LEVEL 2.5 5 5 AC 7 1 A614 4 6 2 A614 STAIR 3 3-41'-11"1'-0"1'-0"1 1/2" 1 1/2"1 1/2" 1 1/2" 3 A614 4 A614 MIN 3'-8 1/4" CONTINUOUS METAL PIPE HANDRAIL MOUNTED TO WALL11"5'-6"5'-0 3/4"LEVEL 4 LEVEL 3.5 5 DN 5D REVISION: SHEET INFO: ISSUANCE: DATE: SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: Office of Peter Frothingham Registered Architect 181 Main Street, Suite One Northampton, MA 01060 413 585-5910 www.pfra.us LDa Architecture & Interiors 222 Third Street, Suite 3212 Cambridge, MA 02142 617 621-1455 fax 617 621-1477 www.LDa-Architects.com 1/2" = 1'-0"10/26/2016 3:31:30 PM2 10/19/16 8 - 3 - 2016 TA/PM/KB DD/PM STAIR 3 PLANS 155 PLEASANT ST.NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060LIVE 155CONTRACT DOCUMENTS - PERMIT DRAWINGS A603201420SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"1 STAIR 3-1 PLAN SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"2 STAIR 3-2 PLAN SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"3 STAIR 3-3 PLAN SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"4 STAIR 3-4 PLAN 2 BULLETIN #1 10/25/16 LEVEL 1 EL:0' - 0" LEVEL 2 EL:14' - 0" LEVEL 3 EL:24' - 8" LEVEL 4 EL:35' - 4" ROOF (T.O. DECK) EL:46' - 0" T.O. FOOTING EL:-4' - 0" RQ LEVEL 0 EL:-0' - 6" 12 TREADS @ 11" 11'-0"13 RISERS @ 6-3/4"7'-4"10 RISERS @ 6-3/4"5'-7 1/4"3'-0"3'-0"3'-0"3'-0"3'-0"6 A614 3 A611 10 RISERS @ 6-3/4"5'-7 1/4"A611 8 SIM A611 6 9 TREADS @ 11" 8'-3" 9 TREADS @ 11" 8'-3" A611 9 Sim 5'-4 1/2"6'-5" 5'-4 1/2" 3'-8" RQ 12 RISERS @ 6-3/4"6'-9"3'-0"3'-0"3'-0"CONTINUOUS METAL PIPE HANDRAIL, PAINTED MOUNTED TO WALL 2X12 WOOD STRINGERS, TYP. GWB CEILING, TYP. SHEET CARPETING ON PLYWOOD RISERS & TREADS RUBBER NOSING A614 5 6 A614 3 A611 9 RISERS @ 6-3/4"5'-0 3/4"9 RISERS @ 6-3/4"5'-0 3/4"A611 6 SIM A611 8 SIM 7'-4"12'-4 1/2"10'-8"4'-11 3/4"14'-0"10'-8"10'-8"A611 9 A614 7 ROOF INSULATION 10'-8"2 A611 2022 1 A611 A614 6 3 A373 A611 5 A611 7 A611 7 SIM ALTERNATING TREAD DEVICE FOR ROOF ACCESS ROOF HATCH WITH GUARD RAIL 20 PTD GWB FINISH RIM JOIST I-JOIST NOTCH 2 LAYERS OF GWB AROUND I-JOIST WOOD WALL FRAMING WEB STIFFENER ACOUSTIC SEALANT JOINT FIRESTOPPING ACOUSTIC SEALANT JOINT 1C 20 STAIR STRINGER PLYWOOD TREAD CARPET ON RISER & TREAD RUBBER NOSING GWB FINISH ON UNDERSIDE OF STAIRS 1C SEE A002 FOR WALL TYPE DETAILS 20 GWB PER WALL TYPE PLYWOOD PER WALL TYPE PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR CARPET FINISH 2X WOOD FRAMING 2X WOOD FURRING GWB FINISH ON UNDERSIDE OF LANDING ACOUSTIC INSULATION PER WALL TYPE RESILIENT CHANNEL PER WALL TYPE 1" GYPCRETE Q PLYWOOD PER WALL TYPE, EXTEND TO SUBFLOOR CONTINUOUS GWB PER WALL TYPE, EXTEND TO SUBFLOOR GWB PER WALL TYPE, EXTEND TO SUBFLOOR BETWEEN JOISTS GWB CEILING ON 2X FURRING CEILING TYPE C-1, SEE A002 SHEET CARPET FINISH 1" GYPCRETE PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR PLYWOOD TREAD & RISER HANGER PER STRUCTURAL 2X12 STAIR STRINGER GWB CEILING RUBBER NOSING LEVEL 1 EL:0' - 0" LEVEL 2 EL:14' - 0" LEVEL 3 EL:24' - 8" LEVEL 4 EL:35' - 4" ROOF (T.O. DECK) EL:46' - 0" 2 A611 2022 1 A611 3 A373 14'-0"10'-8"10'-8"10'-8"REVISION: SHEET INFO: ISSUANCE: DATE: SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: Office of Peter Frothingham Registered Architect 181 Main Street, Suite One Northampton, MA 01060 413 585-5910 www.pfra.us LDa Architecture & Interiors 222 Third Street, Suite 3212 Cambridge, MA 02142 617 621-1455 fax 617 621-1477 www.LDa-Architects.com As indicated 10/26/2016 3:31:32 PM2 10/19/16 8 - 3 - 2016 KB DD/PM STAIR 1 SECTIONS & DETAILS 155 PLEASANT ST.NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060LIVE 155CONTRACT DOCUMENTS - PERMIT DRAWINGS A611201420SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 STAIR 1 BUILDING SECTION 1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"2 STAIR 1 BUILDING SECTION 2 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"3 STAIR 1 BUILDING SECTION 3 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0"5 2-HR RATED SHEAR BEARING WALL @ I-JOIST FLOOR SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0"7 2-HR RATED SHEAR BEARING WALL @ STRINGER SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0"8 2-HR RATED SHEAR BEARING WALL @ LANDING SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0"6 2-HR RATED SHEAR BEARING WALL @ 2X10 FLOOR SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0"9 TYP. STAIR STRINGER DETAIL SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"4 STAIR 1 BUILDING SECTION 4 2 BULLETIN #1 10/25/16 LEVEL 1 EL:0' - 0" LEVEL 2 EL:14' - 0" LEVEL 3 EL:24' - 8" LEVEL 4 EL:35' - 4" ROOF (T.O. DECK) EL:46' - 0" 57 T.O. FOOTING EL:-4' - 0" 6 3 A300 LEVEL 0 EL:-0' - 6"14 RISERS @ 7"8'-2"3'-0"13 TREADS @ 11" 11'-11" 9 TREADS @ 11" 8'-3" 9 TREADS @ 11" 8'-3"3'-0"3'-0"3'-0"11 1/4"CONTINUOUS METAL PIPE HANDRAIL, PAINTED MOUNTED TO WALL 2X12 WOOD STRINGERS GWB CEILING CARPET ON PLYWOOD RISERS & TREADS RUBBER NOSING A614 5 SIM 6 A614 SIM A611 8 SIM A611 8 SIM 6"A614 8 57 46 11 RISERS @ 7"6'-5"9 RISERS @ 6-3/4"5'-0 3/4"3'-0"3'-0"3'-0"3'-0"3'-0"1 1 1 / 4 " CONTINUOUS METAL PIPE HANDRAIL, PAINTED MOUNTED TO WALL 2X12 WOOD STRINGERS GWB CEILING CARPET ON PLYWOOD RISERS & TREADS RUBBER NOSING A611 6 SIM A611 8 SIM 11 TREADS @ 11" 10'-1" BA C 1 A614 2 A614 A611 5 SIM A611 7 SIM A611 7 SIM LEVEL 2 EL:14' - 0" LEVEL 3 EL:24' - 8" LEVEL 4 EL:35' - 4" ROOF (T.O. DECK) EL:46' - 0" BA C 1 A614 T.O. FOOTING EL:-4' - 0" LEVEL 0 EL:-0' - 6" 2 A614 A611 5 SIM A611 8 SIM 6 3/4" RISER11" TREAD 3/4" OFFSET RUBBER NOSING SHEET CARPETING PLYWOOD TREADS & RISERS 2X12 WOOD STRINGER GWB 11 1/4"1 1/2"1 1/2"4"1-1/2" DIAMETER METAL HANDRAIL, PAINTED 1/2" DIAMETER METAL BRACKET, PAINTED1 1/2"4-1/2" X 1-1/2" METAL PLATE, PAINTED MOUNTED TO WALL 2x12 STAIR STRINGER 2X6 LEDGER GWB CEILING 1X WOOD FURRING HANGER HANGER 1" GYPCRETE PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR 2X12 STAIR STRINGER 2X4 LEDGER REVISION: SHEET INFO: ISSUANCE: DATE: SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: Office of Peter Frothingham Registered Architect 181 Main Street, Suite One Northampton, MA 01060 413 585-5910 www.pfra.us LDa Architecture & Interiors 222 Third Street, Suite 3212 Cambridge, MA 02142 617 621-1455 fax 617 621-1477 www.LDa-Architects.com As indicated 10/26/2016 3:31:33 PM2 10/19/16 8 - 3 - 2016 KB DD/PM STAIR 3 SECTIONS & DETAILS 155 PLEASANT ST.NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060LIVE 155CONTRACT DOCUMENTS - PERMIT DRAWINGS A614201420SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 STAIR 3 - BUILDING SECTION 1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"2 STAIR 3 - BUILDING SECTION 2 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"3 STAIR 3 - BUILDING SECTION 3 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"4 STAIR 3 - BUILDING SECTION 4 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0"5 TYPICAL STAIR DETAIL SCALE: 3" = 1'-0"6 TYPICAL HANDRAIL DETAIL SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0"7 TYPICAL STAIR LANDING DETAIL SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0"8 TYPICAL STAIR LANDING @ GYPCRETE 2 BULLETIN #1 10/25/16 NOTES:1.FOR GENERAL NOTES SEE S0.01.2.FOR TYPICAL DETAILS SEE S0.02 & S0.03.3.WB-1 ETC INDICATES BRACING ELEVATION.SEE S2.01 FOR ELEVATION & DETAILS.4.CP1 ETC INDICATES CIP PIER. SEE DETAILSON S0.02, S3.01, & S3.03 FOR SIZE & REINF.5."F1" ETC INDICATES FOOTING TYPE SEE THISDRAWING FOR SCHEDULE.6."SF" INDICATES STEPPED FOOTING SEE DETAIL11 ON S0.02.7.ELEVATION 0'-0" EQUALS ELEVATION 125'-078".8. INDICATES LOCATION OF SIMPSON TYPE 'MST37' STRAP TIE.9. INDICATES LOCATION OF SIMPSON TYPE 'LTT131' TENSION TIES T&B w/ 58"Ø THREADED ROD.MARKTYPEREINFFOOTING SCHEDULE2 TSF (ALLOWABLE BEAM CAPACITY)F66'-0"x6'-0"x1'-4"8-#5 BEWF55'-0"x5'-0"x1'-3"5-#5 BEWF4.54'-6"x4'-6"x1'-0"5-#5 BEWF77'-0"x7'-0"x1'-8"7-#6 BEWF8A8'-0"x8'-0"x2'-0"9-#6 T&B EWF6A6'-0"x6'-0"x2'-0"8-#5 T&B EWF88'-0"x8'-0"x2'-0"9-#6 BEW9820145678ABCDEFGHILM1451011131415161718SRQPN1912JTU2233K2221OSW SWSWSWSWSW WB-1 WB-2 WB-3 WB-4 5" SLAB ON GRADEREINFORCE w/ 6x6-W2.9xW2.9 WWFTOC EL 0'-0"F4.5A(-2'-9")F4.5(-4'-0")F6(-5'-0")F6(-2'-4")F8A(-3'-6")F5(-4'-3")F4.5A(-2'-9")F8(-3'-6")F6A(-10'-4")CP1F6(-6'-4")F6A(-8'-0")F5(-4'-9")F6(-4'-10")F6A(-10'-4")5" SLAB ON GRADEREINFORCE w/ 6x6-W2.9xW2.9 WWFTOC EL -6"F8(-4'-9")F8A(-3'-0")F8A(-5'-0")CP1F7(-5'-3")F6(-4'-4")F8(-3'-6")F8(-3'-6")F6A(-8'-4")F6A(-5'-6")F8(-5'-6")CP1F8(-5'-6")2S3.011S3.011'-3" THICK SLABw/ #6@9" T&B EWTOC EL -5'-0"F6(-4'-10")F6(-4'-10")4S3.01F5(-4'-9")F6A(-5'-6")F6A(-5'-6")F4.5(-4'-0")CP1F4.5A(-4'-3")SW SW SW SW SWSW SW SW SWSW HSS 4.0 x .25POST UP (AESS)w/ 58"x12"x12"BASE PLATE +4-34"Ø ANCHORBOLTS2'-6"x2'-6"x1'-0"FOOTING2'-6"x2'-6"x1'-0"FOOTINGF4.5A4'-6"x4'-6"x1'-3"5-#5 BEWF4.5A(-2'-9")C1 UPBASE PLATETYPE AF4.5A(-2'-9")C1 UPBASE PLATETYPE AC3 UPBASE PLATETYPE CC3 UPBASE PLATETYPE AC3 UPBASE PLATETYPE CC7 UPBASE PLATETYPE ABC4 UPBASE PLATETYPE AAF8(-5'-6")P2 UPP2 UPC7 UPBASE PLATETYPE AAC1 UPBASE PLATETYPE AC1 UPBASE PLATETYPE AC1 UPBASE PLATETYPE BC1 UPBASE PLATETYPE AC1 UPBASE PLATETYPE AC7 UPBASE PLATETYPE ABC7 UPBASE PLATETYPE ABC7 UPBASE PLATETYPE ABC7 UPBASE PLATETYPE A28S3.018S3.01(-4'-0")13S3.0111S3.01(-4'-6")CP2(-4'-6")(-4'-0")(-4'-0")CP1F4.5A(-6'-3")SWCP4CP4CP4CP4CP4CP4CP2C3 UPBASE PLATETYPE C1CP1F8(-5'-6")SWSWC7 UPBASE PLATETYPE ABF8(-3'-6")3S3.01C3 UPBASE PLATETYPE A1C3 UPBASE PLATETYPE D1C2 UPBASE PLATETYPE CC2 UPBASE PLATETYPE BC2 UPBASE PLATETYPE CC2 UPBASE PLATETYPE D1C1 UPBASE PLATETYPE CC3 UPBASE PLATETYPE B1C8 UPBASE PLATETYPE C2C8 UPBASE PLATETYPE C2C8 UPBASE PLATETYPE C2C8 UPBASE PLATETYPE C2C8 UPBASE PLATETYPE C2C8 UPBASE PLATETYPE C2C3 UPBASE PLATETYPE B1C2 UPBASE PLATETYPE CC2 UPBASE PLATETYPE A1MARKTYPEPOST / COLUMNSCHEDULEP12-2x6P23-2x6P3312x312 LVLP4312x514 LVLP5514x514 LVLP6514x7 LVLC1HSS 5x5x516C2HSS 5x5x38C3HSS 5x5x12C4HSS 6x6x12C5HSS 4x4x38C6HSS 6x6x58C7HSS 8x8x12C8HSS 5x10x38CP1F4.5A(-6'-3")C7 UPBASE PLATETYPE ABC3 UPBASE PLATETYPE A1C7 UPBASE PLATETYPE A2C7 UPBASE PLATETYPE A2C1 UPBASE PLATETYPE D13S3.01F5(-4'-9")F5(-4'-9")F5(-4'-9")C1 UPBASE PLATETYPE DF5(-4'-9")(-4'-6") SF(-4'-6")SF (-9'-4")(-7'-4")SWSWSW SW SW SWSWSWSW C1 UP(-4'-0")(-4'-0")1'-9"25'-914"5'-0"21'-6"6'-0"4'-312" 8'-612"26'-1018" 22'-4"18'-234"18'-314"22'-4"22'-3"18'-014"22'-014"22'-0"18'-034"8'-634"22'-4"8'-0"19'-6"5'-0"21'-2"6'-4"11'-1158"22'-1516"10'-4516"18'-234"5'-0" 22'-6" 5'-0" 514"9'-514"7'-3"7'-312"1ST FLR2-2x6@12" OCWALL TYPE "W2"WALL TYPE "W1"BEARING WALL TYPE SCHEDULE2ND FLR2ND FLR3RD FLR3RD FLR2x6@16" OC2x6@16" OC4TH FLR4TH FLR2x6@16" OC2x6@16" OCROOFROOF2-2x6@16" OC2-2x6@16" OCP5 UPP2 UPP5 UPP5 UPP2 UPW113S3.01(-4'-0")W1W1 W1 W1 W1 MULTIPLE PIPESTHRU FOUNDATIONWALL ALONGCOLUMNS P & Q,COORDINATEw/ PLUMBING /MECH DRAWINGS3'-0" TYPW1W1W1 W1 W1 9S3.01(-4'-6")(-4'-6")PENETRATION IN WALLFOR ELECTRICAL CONDUITS.SEE DETAIL 12 ON S0.02 FORREINFORCEMENT. COORDINATEw/ ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS.CP3(-4'-6") (-7'-0") SF W1 3S3.01W1 CP29S3.01(-4'-6")(-7'-0") SF 10S3.01CP2CP1CP1GB (24x24)6" PIPE, SEEPLUMBINGDWGS(-9'-4") 4'-338"7S3.01(-7'-4")12S3.01C1 UPBASE PLATETYPE D(-9'-4")12S3.014S3.01SF(-9'-4")WALL NOTES:1.ALL INTERIOR WALLS SHOWN STARTING ARE2x6@16" OC (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTEDw/ W1 OR W2), SEE ARCH DRAWINGS.2.ALL EXTERIOR WALLS SHOWN STARTING ARE112x512 VERSA-STUDS @16" OC w/ 12" PLYWOODSHEATHING ON ONE SIDE, PLYWOOD IS NAILED TOSTUDS w/ 10d GALVANIZED COMMON NAILS SPACEDAT 4" OC AT PANEL EDGES AND 12" OC ATINTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS. ALL EXTERIOR WALLSARE BLOCKED AT PANEL JOINTS.AT BRICK BACKUP 112x512 VERSA-STUDS ARE TO BESPACED @12" OC.3.INDICATES 2x6@16" OC (UNLESS OTHERWISENOTED w/ W1 OR W2) w/ 12" PLYWOOD SHEATHINGON ONE SIDE, SHEAR WALL PLYWOOD IS NAILED TOSTUDS w/ 10d GALVANIZED COMMON NAILS SPACED@4" OC AT PANEL EDGES AND 12" OC AT INTERMEDIATESUPPORTS. ALL SHEAR WALLS ARE BLOCKED AT PANELJOINTS.SWW2P6 UPP6 UPP6 UPC2 UPBASE PLATETYPE DC2BASE PLATETYPE DC2BASE PLATETYPE DC2BASE PLATETYPE D16S0.02CP16" PIPE, SEEPLUMBINGDWGSCP5CP5CP5CP5CP6CP4CP413S3.01(-4'-6")CP3CP3 ACP3 ACP36S3.036S3.037S3.037S3.03CIPRAMPP5 UPP2 UPP5 UP(-4'-0")SF SF(-4'-0")(-4'-6")9S3.039S3.031S3.0111S3.0110S3.011111111111111111111111111REVISION:SHEET INFO:ISSUANCE:DATE:SCALE:DRAWN:CHECKED:18" = 1'-0"BSMRRFOUNDATION / FIRST FLOOR PLANS1.01LDa Architects, LLP222 Third Street, Suite 3212Cambridge, MA 02142617 621-1455 fax 617 621-1477www.LDa-Architects.com155 Pleasant Street Northampton, MA 01060 201420 LIVE 155Office of Peter Frothingham Registered Architect181 Main Street, Suite OneNorthampton, MA 01060413 585-5910www.pfra.usCONTRACT DRAWINGS - PERMITDRAWING08/03/16REVISION 110-07-20161SUPERCEDES 9/23/2016 VERSION1BULLETIN #1 10/25/16 421SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"BOT OF FTGEL SEE PLAN3" CLEARSEE PLAN FOR FTGSIZE & REINFGRIDPIER TYPE "CP1"5"WWFHSS COLUMN, SEEFDN PLAN FOR COLUMN& BASE PLATE SIZESGRIDGRID8-#7 V#4 TIES@8" OCPIER TYPE "CP1"SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"BOT OF FTGEL SEE PLAN3" CLEARGRID5"WWFHSS COLUMN, SEEFOUNDATION PLANFOR COLUMN & BASEPLATE SIZESSCALE: 1" = 1'-0"9SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"83SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"5FIN GRADE2'-0"1'-0" 4'-0" MIN 2-#5 CONT5"3"WWF#4 @15"10"#4@15" EW EFSCALE: 1" = 1'-0"6GRIDSCALE: 1" = 1'-0"FIN GRADE2'-0"1'-0" 4'-0" MIN 2-#5 CONT5"WWF#4 @15"10"#4@15" EW EFGRID7SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"FIN GRADE4'-0" MIN 5"3"WWF#4 @15"SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"CP4PIER TYPE "CP4"#4@12" EWEF#4@12"1'-3"BENTONITEWATERSTOPTYPMETALLICWATERPROOFING5"6"1'-0"WWFDOWELS TOMATCH CMUVERT REINF8" CMU w/#5@24" V &#9 GAGE WIRELADDER @16" OC#6@9"T&B EW5'-0"HSS COLUMN, SEEFDN PLAN FOR COLUMN& BASE PLATE SIZESSEE PLAN FOR FTGSIZE & REINF1'-0" 1'-0"SEE PLAN FOR FTGSIZE & REINFBOT OF FTGEL SEE PLANGRID10"512"2'-0" MAX GRID10"10SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"11115" 1'-6"11WWF2-2x6 PT SILLS w/ 58"ØEXP BOLTS @24" OC3'-0"115" 1'-6"2x6@16" OC (U.N.O. w/ W1 OR W2)112-#5 CONTWWF2-2x6 PT SILLS w/ 58"ØEXP BOLTS @24" OC2'-0"12" PLYWOOD ATSHEAR WALLS ONLYSEE PLAN FORLOCATIONS12" PLYWOOD ATSHEAR WALLS ONLYSEE PLAN FORLOCATIONSSEE PLAN FOR PLYWOOD LOCATIONSEE PLAN FOR PLYWOOD LOCATION3-#5 CONT112x512 VERSA STUDS@16" OC w/ 12"PLYWOOD2-2x6 PT SILLS w/ 58"ØEXP BOLTS @24" OC2-2x6 PT SILLS w/ 58"ØEXP BOLTS @24" OCWWFWWF5"5"#4@15" EW EF512"#4@15" EW EFTOC EL SEE PLANTOC EL SEE PLANTOC EL -6"TOC ELSEE PLANTOC EL SEE PLANTOC EL SEE PLANTOC EL SEE PLANFOR TOP OF WALLEL SEE ARCH DWGSTOC EL SEE PLANBOT OF FTGEL SEE PLANFOR INFORMATION NOTSHOWN, SEE DETAIL 5ON THIS SHEETFOR INFORMATION NOTSHOWN, SEE DETAIL 5ON THIS SHEET6"MAX FOR TOP OF WALLEL SEE ARCH DWGSTOC EL SEE PLANCONC WALL BEYOND - SEEDETAILS 8 & 9 ON THIS SHEETFOR ADD'L INFORMATIONHSS COLUMN, SEE FDN PLANFOR COLUMN & BASE PLATESIZES1'-4"21SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"12FIN GRADE5"GRIDWWFTOC ELSEE PLAN2'-0"1'-0"BOT OF FTGEL SEE PLAN4'-0" MIN2-#5 CONT#4 @15"#4@15" EW EF#4@15" CEW512"BRICK VENEERSEE ARCH DWGSSEE ARCH DWGS112x512 VERSA STUDS@16" OC w/ 12"PLYWOOD112x512 VERSA STUDS@12" OC w/ 12"PLYWOOD13SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"2'-0"1'-0" 5"3"WWF2-#58"#4@12"#4@12"CENTEREDEACH WAYTOC EL SEE PLANBOT OF FTGEL SEE PLAN6" MAX 12" PLYWOOD ATSHEAR WALLS ONLYSEE PLAN FORLOCATIONS2x6@16" OC2-2x6 PT SILLS w/ 58"ØEXP BOLTS @24" OCFIN GRADEFIN GRADERIGID INSULATIONSEE ARCH DRAWINGSRIGID INSULATIONSEE ARCH DRAWINGS2x6@16" OC (U.N.O. w/ W1 OR W2)SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"CONC WALL BEYOND - SEEDETAIL 12 ON THIS SHEETFOR ADD'L INFORMATIONHSS COLUMN, SEE FDN PLAN FORCOLUMN & BASE PLATE SIZESFIN GRADE5"GRIDWWFTOC EL SEE PLAN#4 @15"#4@15" EW EFBRICK VENEERSEE ARCH DWGSSEE ARCH DWGSGRIDGRID1'-0"1'-0"FOR BRICKSHELF EL SEEARCH DWGSBRICK SHELFFOR BRICKSHELF EL SEEARCH DWGS1'-4" @6" SHELF1'-6" @8" SHELF1'-4" @6" SHELF1'-6" @8" SHELFBRICK SHELF6" OR8" COORDw/ ARCHDWGSTOC EL SEE PLAN512"FOR BRICKSHELF EL SEEARCH DWGSRIGID INSULATIONSEE ARCH DRAWINGS2-2x6 PT SILLS w/ 58"ØEXP BOLTS @24" OC8-#7 V#4@8" TIESBRICK SHELF6" OR 8"COORD. w/ARCH DWGS6" OR 8"COORD. w/ARCH DWGS4"8"111111REVISION:SHEET INFO:ISSUANCE:DATE:SCALE:DRAWN:CHECKED:AS NOTEDBSMRRSECTIONSS3.01LDa Architects, LLP222 Third Street, Suite 3212Cambridge, MA 02142617 621-1455 fax 617 621-1477www.LDa-Architects.com155 Pleasant Street Northampton, MA 01060 201420 LIVE 155Office of Peter Frothingham Registered Architect181 Main Street, Suite OneNorthampton, MA 01060413 585-5910www.pfra.usCONTRACT DRAWINGS - PERMITDRAWING08/03/16REVISION 110-07-20161SUPERCEDES 9/23/2016 VERSION1BULLETIN #1 10/25/16 WOODPOSTBELOW1END POST DETAIL@LVL BEAM(REQUIRED)4MULTIPLE LVL NAILING & BOLTINGPATTERN (UP TO 3 PILES)NOTE:2 ROWS OF 16d NAILS @12" OC FOR 912" LVL3 ROWS OF 16d NAILS @12" OC FOR 1178" LVL2 ROWS OF 12"Ø BOLTS @24" OC FOR 14" LVL (SIDE LOAD)3 ROWS OF 12"Ø BOLTS @24" OC FOR 16" & 18" LVL3 ROWS OF 16d NAILS @12" OC FOR UP TO 16" LVL (TOP LOAD)(TYPICAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED)END BEARINGDETAIL @LVLWOODPOSTBELOWSIMPSON 'CC/ECC'COLUMN CAP SERIESEND BEARING DETAIL@LVL (REQUIRED)LVL BEAMSIMPSON 'CC/ECC'COLUMN CAP SERIESWOOD POSTABOVELVL BEAMINVERTED SIMPSONCOLUMN CAP 'CC/ECC'SERIESLVL BEAMLVL BEAMOR HEADERTRIMMERSSTRAP PER CODEIF TOP PLATE IS NOTCONTINOUS OVERHEADERSCALE: 1" = 1'-0"2SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"3SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"5SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"678SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"9SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"10SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"11SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"12SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"13SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"2x6@16" OCw/ 12" PLYWOOD34" T&G PLYWOOD118" RIMBOARDI-JOISTFINISHWEB STIFFENEREACH SIDE TYP.2x6@16" OCw/ 12" PLYWOOD(TYP)34" T&G PLYWOODJOISTSFINISH118" RIMBOARD2x6@16" OCw/ 12" PLYWOOD@SHEAR WALLSSEE PLAN FORLOCATIONI-JOIST34" T&GPLYWOODFINISH2x10@16" OCJOISTHANGERCONT 2x10LEDGER w/ 38"Ø LAGS@ 16" OC T&BWEB STIFFENEREACH SIDE TYP.118" RIMBOARD2x6@16" OCw/ 12" PLYWOOD@SHEAR WALLSSEE PLAN FORLOCATIONI-JOISTFINISH2x10@16" OCJOISTHANGERCONT 2x10LEDGER w/ 38"ØLAGS T&B @ 16" OC8" CMU w/#5@24"V &#9 GAGE WIRELADDER @16" OC H2-#5 CONT INBOND BEAM34" T&GPLYWOODFINISHI-JOISTS2-2x8 PT w/ 34"ØEXP BOLTS @24" OCIN SOLID GROUTEDCELLS8" CMU w/ #5@24" V& #9 GAGE WIRELADDER @16" OC H2-#5 CONT INBOND BEAMFINISHI-JOIST118" RIM BOARDw/ 2-34"Ø EXPANSIONBOLTS @24" OC2x4 WEB STIFFENEREACH SIDE TYP.CONT. ICE & WATERSHIELD BETWEENRIM BOARD & CMUWALLFINISHI-JOISTI-JOISTLVL SEE PLANJOIST HANGERJOIST HANGERWEB STIFFENEREACH SIDE TYP.34" T&G PLYWOODFINISHI-JOIST2x6@16" OC w/ 12"PLYWOOD @SHEARWALLS SEE PLANFOR LOCATION2x6@16" OC (U.N.O.w/ W1 OR W2) w/ 12"PLYWOOD @SHEARWALLS SEE PLANFOR LOCATION2-2x TOP PLATE514x16 LVLI-JOISTWEB STIFFENEREACH SIDE TYP.WEB STIFFENEREACH SIDE TYP.34" T&G PLYWOODLVL BEAMJOISTSJOISTBLOCKINGFINISH15NOTE "A" - WELD AFTERALIGNMENT TYPBRICK RELIEF ELSEE ARCH DWGCONT L6x8x716(LLH)NOTE AW BEAM, SEEPLAN FOR SIZE14SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"FLITCH BEAM #13-134"x14" LVL &2-516"x1312" PLATESw/ 12"Ø THRU BOLTS-2 EE+ @16" OC T&B FLITCH BM2"2"SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"16SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"∠8x8x38@734" OR∠6x8x716 (LLV)@614w/ 2-38"Ø LAGSCREWS @12" OC2x6@12" OCw/ 12" PLYWOODBRICK VENEERSEE ARCH DWGSBRICK VENEERSEE ARCH DWGSGRIDVARIES FROM 614" TO 734"SEE ARCH DWGSBRICK RELIEF ELSEE ARCH DWG312"℄ BEAM2-2x NAILER w/ 12"ØBOLTS @24" OCSTAGGERED34" T&GPLYWOOD2x6@12" OCw/ 12" PLYWOOD17W BEAM SEEPLAN FOR SIZEFINISHI-JOISTI-JOIST2x6@16" OC (U.N.O. w/ W1OR W2) w/ 12" PLYWOOD@SHEAR WALLSSEE PLAN FORLOCATIONSCALE: 1" = 1'-0"1" GYPCRETE19I-JOIST34" T&G PLYWOODFINISH2x10@16" OCSIMPSON TYPE'JB210' JOIST HANGER2x6@16" OC @SHEARWALL SEE PLAN FORLOCATIONSEE PLAN FORBEAM SIZE2-2x NAILER w/ 12"ØTHRU-BOLTS @24" OCSTAGGEREDSCALE: 1" = 1'-0"18JOIST HANGER34" T&G PLYWOODBLOCK OUTWEB ASREQUIREDW BEAM SEEPLAN FOR SIZEJOISTSCALE: 1" = 1'-0"2-2x NAILER w/ 12"ØTHRU-BOLTS @12" OCSTAGGEREDJOIST HANGERJOIST HANGERWEB STIFFENEREACH SIDE TYP.2-2x NAILER w/ 12"ØTHRU-BOLTS @24" OCSTAGGERED1" GYPCRETE34" T&GPLYWOOD1" GYPCRETE1" GYPCRETE1" GYPCRETE34" T&GPLYWOOD1" GYPCRETE34" T&GPLYWOODJOIST HANGER1" GYPCRETE1" GYPCRETE34" T&GPLYWOOD1" GYPCRETE1" GYPCRETE1" GYPCRETEFINISHBLOCK WEB SOLID w/ 12"ØTHRU-BOLTS @24" OCSTAGGERED T&BBLOCK WEB SOLIDw/ 12"Ø THRU-BOLTS@24" OC STAGGEREDT&BHSS 6x4x38 @4'-0" OCFINISH1" GYPCRETE1" GYPCRETE1" GYPCRETE38" STIFF PLON BSVARIES FROM 614" TO 734"NOTE:1.WHERE ANGLES ABUTEACHOTHER, GROOVEWELD ANGLES & PAINT w/ZINC RICH PAINT2.STEEL IS HOT DIPPEDGALVANIZED3.CUT HORIZ LEG ASREQUIRED4.SEE ARCH DWGS FORLOCATION OF BRICK.6"W BEAM,SEE PLANFOR SIZENOTE A:1.HORIZONTALLEG OFANGLE TO BENOTCHEDAS REQUIRED,COORDINATEw/ ARCH DWGS2.STEEL IS HOTDIPPEDGALVANIZED20L6x6x516TYPICALTYP4-34"Ø EXP BOLTSINTO SOLID GROUTEDCELLSL6x6x5162-12"Ø THRU BOLTS34" PLYWOODLVL - SEE PLANFOR SIZE4-34"Ø EXP BOLTSINTO SOLID GROUTEDCELLSSCALE: 1" = 1'-0"BLOCKING @12" OR 16" OC;MUST ALIGN w/ EXTERIORSTUDS38" STIFF PLON BSW BEAM, SEEPLAN FOR SIZE38" BENT PL@ 8'-0" OC34"Ø A325 BUILT INVERT SLOTTED HOLEL3x3x14 BETWEEN HANGERSTO SUPPORT 2x6 STUD WALL516"NOTE B:1.WELDBETWEENL6x8 & HSS 6x4HANGERNOTE B111REVISION:SHEET INFO:ISSUANCE:DATE:SCALE:DRAWN:CHECKED:AS NOTEDBSMRRSECTIONSS3.02LDa Architects, LLP222 Third Street, Suite 3212Cambridge, MA 02142617 621-1455 fax 617 621-1477www.LDa-Architects.com155 Pleasant Street Northampton, MA 01060 201420 LIVE 155Office of Peter Frothingham Registered Architect181 Main Street, Suite OneNorthampton, MA 01060413 585-5910www.pfra.usCONTRACT DRAWINGS - PERMITDRAWING08/03/16REVISION 110-07-20161BULLETIN #1 10/25/16 1SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"2SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"3SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"FINISHES1" GYPCRETE2x6@12" OCw/ 12" PLYWOOD34" T&G PLYWOOD2-2x NAILER w/ 12"ØTHRU- BOLTS @12"OC STAGGEREDCUT FROM L8x6x716(LLH)w/ 2-58"Ø LAGSCREWS @12" OCBRICK VENEERSEE ARCH DWGS34" T&G PLYWOOD'FRT'BLOCK WEB SOLIDw/ 12"Ø THRU-BOLTS@12" OC STAGGEREDT&B2x NAILER w/ 12"ØTHRU-BOLTS @24"OC STAGGERED2x10@16 OC 'FRT'JOIST HANGERW BEAM, SEEPLAN FOR SIZEBLOCK WEB SOLID w/ 12"Ø THRU-BOLTS @24" OC STAGGERED T&BW BEAM, SEEPLAN FOR SIZE12" PLATE w/ 4-12"ØTHRU-BOLTS12"x3"x3" PLATEWASHER TYPICAL1'-0" MAX38" PLATEWP6"BRICK VENEER SEEARCH DRAWINGSLVL POST SEEPLAN FOR SIZE12" PLYWOOD1'-0"6"112" TYP 112"112"3"HSS 1.9x0.188AESS HANGER4" MINTYP34" T&GPLYWOOD'FRT'2x NAILER w/ 12"ØTHRU-BOLTS @24"OC STAGGERED2x10@16 OC 'FRT'JOIST HANGERBLOCK WEB SOLIDw/ 12"Ø THRU-BOLTS@24" OC STAGGEREDT&BW BEAM, SEEPLAN FOR SIZE1'-0" MAX 38" PLATEWPHSS 1.9x0.188 AESS HANGER4" MINTYP6"312"6789DETAIL NOTUSED102-12"Ø THRU-BOLTSBENT PLATE 14"1'-1"LVLLVLHSS COLUMN112"112"2"4"3"12#4 @12"5"8"5"SEEPLANWWF2-#4 CONTSEEPLANSEE PLAN 115" 1'-6"2x6@16" OC (U.N.O. w/ W1 OR W2)112-#5 CONTWWF2-2x6 PT SILLS w/ 58"ØEXP BOLTS @24" OC2'-0"12" PLYWOOD ATSHEAR WALLS ONLYSEE PLAN FORLOCATIONSSEE PLAN FOR PLYWOOD LOCATIONTOC EL SEE PLANSEE ARCH#4@12" EWEF#4@12"1'-3"BENTONITEWATERSTOPTYPMETALLICWATERPROOFING5"6"1'-0"WWFDOWELS TOMATCH CMUVERT REINF8" CMU w/#5@24" V &#9 GAGE WIRELADDER @16" OC#6@9"T&B EW5'-0"TOC EL 0'-0"8"6"4"SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"114SCALE: 3" = 1'-0"514x7 LVL POSTHSS 5x10x38 BEAML6x8x716 LLH (CUTHORIZ LEG ASREQUIRED) OR 38"THK BENT PLBRICK VENEERSEE ARCH DWGS12"x6"x1'-0" ENDPLATE w/ 4-58"ØLAG BOLTSNOTE:1.HORIZONTAL LEGOF ANGLE TO BENOTCHED ASREQUIRED,COORDINATEw/ ARCH DWGS2.STEEL IS HOTDIPPEDGALVANIZED3"2"1"BRICK VENEERSEE ARCHDWGS5SCALE: 3" = 1'-0"BRICK VENEERSEE ARCH DWGSHSS 5x5x38 POSTL4x4x716 OR 38"THK BENT PLHSS5x10x38BEAM12"x6"x1'-6" ENDPLATE w/ 4-58"ØLAG BOLTS514x7 LVLPOSTTYP112"TYPNOTE:ALL STEEL TO BEHOT DIPPED GALVREVISION:SHEET INFO:ISSUANCE:DATE:SCALE:DRAWN:CHECKED:AS NOTEDBSMRRSECTIONSS3.03LDa Architects, LLP222 Third Street, Suite 3212Cambridge, MA 02142617 621-1455 fax 617 621-1477www.LDa-Architects.com155 Pleasant Street Northampton, MA 01060 201420 LIVE 155Office of Peter Frothingham Registered Architect181 Main Street, Suite OneNorthampton, MA 01060413 585-5910www.pfra.usCONTRACT DRAWINGS - PERMITDRAWING08/03/16REVISION 110-07-20161SUPERCEDES 9/23/2016 VERSION1BULLETIN #1 10/25/16 155 Pleasant St PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 3, 2016 Revised 10/25/16 TABLE OF CONTENTS 000110 - 1 PROJECT MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 00 - PROCUREMENT AND CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS 00 72 00 General Conditions (AIA 201) 00 73 00 Supplementary Conditions SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Section 011000 General Requirements Section 014320 Quality Control and Testing Services Section 014330 Mock-Ups Section 015639 Temporary Tree and Plant Protection Section 016200 Substitution Request Form Section 017400 Construction Waste Management DIVISION 02 - EXISTING CONDITIONS Section 023000 Subsurface Investigation Section 024100 Demolition Section 024110 Site Preparation DIVISION 03 - CONCRETE Section 033000 Cast-In-Place Concrete Section 033001 Cast-In-Place Concrete - Sitework Section 033515 Concrete Finishing Section 035412 Gypsum Cement Underlayment DIVISION 04 - MASONRY Section 042000 Unit Masonry Section 042113 Brick Masonry - Site Section 044302 Granite - Site DIVISION 05 - METALS Section 051200 Structural Steel Section 055000 Metal Fabrications DIVISION 06 - WOOD, PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES Section 061000 Rough Carpentry, Trusses and Joists Section 064020 Interior Architectural Woodwork DIVISION 07 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Section 071100 Bituminous Dampproofing 155 Pleasant St PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 3, 2016 Revised 10/25/16 TABLE OF CONTENTS 000110 - 2 Section 071610 Crystalline Waterproofing Section 072100 Thermal Insulation Section 072419 Water-Drainage Exterior Insulation and Finish System (EIFS) Section 072450 Direct-Applied Finish System (DAFS) Section 072700 Air Barriers Section 074610 Fiber-Cement Siding Section 075400 Thermoplastic Membrane Roofing Section 076200 Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim Section 077200 Roof Accessories Section 078100 Applied Fireproofing Section 078410 Penetration Firestopping Section 078440 Fire-Resistive Joint Systems Section 079200 Joint Sealants Section 079201 Exterior Joint Sealants - Site DIVISION 08 - OPENINGS Section 080010 Door Schedule Section 081110 Hollow Metal Doors and Frames Section 081400 Flush Wood Doors Section 083110 Access Doors and Frames Section 083480 Overhead Coiling Smoke Curtain Section 083510 Horizontal-Sliding Accordion Fire Doors Section 084110 Aluminum-Framed Entrances and Storefronts Section 085120 Fire-Rated Steel Windows Section 085413 Fiberglass Windows Section 087100 Door Hardware Section 088000 Glazing Section 089000 Louvers and Vents DIVISION 09 - FINISHES Section 090000 Finish Schedule Section 092110 Gypsum Board Assemblies Section 092120 Gypsum Board Shaft-Wall Assemblies Section 093000 Tiling Section 095100 Acoustical Ceilings Section 096510 Resilient Flooring and Accessories Section 096810 Tile Carpeting Section 096820 Sheet Carpeting Section 099000 Painting and Coating DIVISION 10 - SPECIALTIES Section 101400 Signage Section 102110 Toilet Compartments Section 102600 Wall and Door Protection Section 102800 Toilet Accessories Section 104400 Fire Protection Specialties Section 105500 Postal Specialties Section 105720 Wire Closet and Utility Shelving 155 Pleasant St PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 3, 2016 Revised 10/25/16 TABLE OF CONTENTS 000110 - 3 DIVISION 11 - EQUIPMENT Section 110140 Tie-Back and Lifeline Anchors Section 113100 Appliances DIVISION 12 - FURNISHINGS Section 122110 Horizontal Louver Blinds Section 123570 Kitchen Casework Section 124810 Entrance Floor Mats and Frames Section 129300 Site Furnishings DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION Not Used DIVISION 14 - CONVEYING EQUIPMENT Section 142100 Electric Traction Elevators DIVISION 21 - FIRE SUPPRESSION Section 210000 Fire Suppression DIVISION 22 - PLUMBING Section 220000 Plumbing DIVISION 23 - HEATING VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Section 230000 HVAC DIVISION 26 - ELECTRICAL Section 260000 Electrical Section 263100 Photovoltaic Collectors DIVISION 27 - COMMUNICATIONS Section 270000 Low Voltage Cabling Section 271000 Wireless Network Section 272000 IP Telephone System DIVISION 28 – ELECTRONIC SAFETY AND SECURITY Section 281000 Access Control Hardware Section 282300 Video Surveillance DIVISION 31 - EARTHWORK Section 311300 Selective Tree Removal and Trimming Section 312300 Site Excavating, Backfilling and Compacting Section 312500 Erosion and Sedimentation Controls 155 Pleasant St PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 3, 2016 Revised 10/25/16 TABLE OF CONTENTS 000110 - 4 DIVISION 32 - EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS Section 321216 Bituminous Concrete Paving Section 321313 Portland Cement Concrete Paving Section 321416 Brick Unit Paving Section 321443 Pervious Concrete Unit Paving Section 321543 Stabilized Stone Dust Surfacing Section 321545 Gravel Paving Section 321640 Granite Curbing Section 329115 Structural Soil Section 329119 Landscape Grading Section 329200 Lawns and Grasses Section 329300 Trees, Plants, and Ground Covers DIVISION 33 - UTILITIES Section 331000 Water Utilities Section 333000 Sanitary Sewer Utilities Section 334000 Storm Drainage Utilities APPENDICES Appendix A Preliminary Geotechnical Report Appendix B Final Geotechnical Report Addendum #1 071400 - Waste Management & Disposal 028200 - Asbestos Remediation Appendix 1 – Testing Results & Site Investigation Findings END OF TABLE OF CONTENTS 155 Pleasant St PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 3, 2016 Revised September 27, 2016 UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 1 SECTION 042000 UNIT MASONRY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Attention is directed to the CONTRACT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS and all Sections within DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS which are hereby made a part of this Section of the Specifications. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work Included: Provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work of this Section, including but not limited to the following: 1. Concrete masonry units. 2. Face brick. 3. Embedded flashing. 4. Reconstructed stone trim units. 5. Installation of cast stone trim units. 6. Mortar and grout. 7. Reinforcing steel, masonry joint reinforcement, ties and anchors. B. Related Work: The following items are not included in this Section and are specified under the designated Sections: 1. Section 061600 - SHEATHING for plywood sheathing on wood framing. 2. Section 072100 - THERMAL INSULATION for cavity wall insulation. 3. Section 078440 - FIRE-RESISTIVE JOINT SYSTEMS for fire-resistive joint systems openings in masonry walls and at heads of masonry walls. 4. Section 079200 - JOINT SEALANTS for sealing control and expansion joints in unit masonry. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. B. Shop Drawings: For the following: 1. Masonry Units: Show sizes, profiles, coursing, and locations of special shapes. 2. Stone Trim Units: Show sizes, profiles, and locations of each stone trim unit required. 3. Reinforcing Steel: Detail bending and placement of unit masonry reinforcing bars. Comply with ACI 315, "Details and Detailing of Concrete Reinforcement." C. Samples for Verification: For each type and color of the following: 1. Exposed concrete masonry units. 2. Face brick, in the form of straps of five or more bricks. 155 Pleasant St PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 3, 2016 Revised September 27, 2016 UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 2 3. Pigmented mortar. Make Samples using same sand and mortar ingredients to be used on Project. Label Samples to indicate types and amounts of pigments used. 4. Stone trim. 5. Weep holes/vents. 6. Accessories embedded in masonry. D. Qualification Data: For testing agency. E. Material Certificates: Include statements of material properties indicating compliance with requirements including compliance with standards and type designations within standards. Provide for each type and size of the following: 1. Masonry units: a. Include material test reports substantiating compliance with requirements. b. For bricks, include size-variation data verifying that actual range of sizes falls within specified tolerances. c. For exposed brick, include material test report for efflorescence according to ASTM C 67. d. For masonry units used in structural masonry, include data and calculations establishing average net-area compressive strength of units. 2. Cementitious materials. Include brand, type, and name of manufacturer. 3. Mortar mixes. Include description of type and proportions of ingredients. 4. Grout mixes. Include description of type and proportions of ingredients. 5. Reinforcing bars. 6. Joint reinforcement. 7. Anchors, ties, and metal accessories. F. Mix Designs: For each type of mortar and grout. Include description of type and proportions of ingredients. 1. Include test reports, per ASTM C 780 for mortar mixes required to comply with property specification. 2. Include test reports, per ASTM C 1019 for grout mixes required to comply with compressive strength requirement. G. Cold-Weather Procedures: Detailed description of methods, materials, and equipment to be used to comply with cold-weather requirements. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Testing Agency Qualifications: An independent agency qualified according to ASTM C 1093 for testing indicated. B. Source Limitations for Masonry Units: Obtain exposed masonry units of a uniform texture and color, or a uniform blend within the ranges accepted for these characteristics, through one source from a single manufacturer for each product required. C. Source Limitations for Mortar Materials: Obtain mortar ingredients of a uniform quality, including color for exposed masonry, from a single manufacturer for each cementitious component and from one source or producer for each aggregate. 155 Pleasant St PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 3, 2016 Revised September 27, 2016 UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 3 D. Preconstruction Testing Service: The Owner will engage a qualified independent testing agency to perform preconstruction testing indicated below. Payment for these services will be made by the Owner. Retesting of materials that fail to meet specified requirements shall be done at Contractor's expense. 1. Prism Test: For each type of construction required, per ASTM C 1314. E. Fire-Resistance Ratings: Where indicated, provide materials and construction identical to those of assemblies with fire-resistance ratings determined per ASTM E 119 by a testing and inspecting agency, by equivalent concrete masonry thickness, or by other means, as acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. F. Sample Panels: Build sample panels to verify selections made under sample submittals and to demonstrate aesthetic effects. Comply with requirements in Division 01 for mockups. 1. Build sample panels for typical exterior and interior walls in sizes approximately 48 inches long by 48 inches high by full thickness. 2. Clean one-half of exposed faces of panels with masonry cleaner indicated. 3. Protect approved sample panels from the elements with weather-resistant membrane. 4. Approval of sample panels is for color, texture, and blending of masonry units; relationship of mortar and sealant colors to masonry unit colors; tooling of joints; aesthetic qualities of workmanship; and other material and construction qualities specifically approved by Architect in writing. a. Approval of sample panels does not constitute approval of deviations from the Contract Documents contained in sample panels unless such deviations are specifically approved by Architect in writing. G. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements in Division 01. Agenda shall include protection of air barrier membrane during construction. 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Store masonry units on elevated platforms in a dry location. If units are not stored in an enclosed location, cover tops and sides of stacks with waterproof sheeting, securely tied. If units become wet, do not install until they are dry. B. Store cementitious materials on elevated platforms, under cover, and in a dry location. Do not use cementitious materials that have become damp. C. Store aggregates where grading and other required characteristics can be maintained and contamination avoided. D. Deliver preblended, dry mortar mix in moisture-resistant containers designed for lifting and emptying into dispensing silo. Store preblended, dry mortar mix in delivery containers on elevated platforms, under cover, and in a dry location or in a metal dispensing silo with weatherproof cover. E. Store masonry accessories, including metal items, to prevent corrosion and accumulation of dirt and oil. 155 Pleasant St PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 3, 2016 Revised September 27, 2016 UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 4 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Protection of Air Barrier Membrane: During construction, protect air barrier membrane from penetrations which allow air to pass through air barrier assemblies. Engage original installer to repair damage promptly using identical materials and methods of installation, and to the satisfaction of the Architect. B. Protection of Masonry: During construction, cover tops of walls, projections, and sills with waterproof sheeting at end of each day's work. Cover partially completed masonry when construction is not in progress. 1. Extend cover a minimum of 24 inches down both sides and hold cover securely in place. 2. Where 1 wythe of multiwythe masonry walls is completed in advance of other wythes, secure cover a minimum of 24 inches down face next to unconstructed wythe and hold cover in place. C. Do not apply uniform floor or roof loads for at least 12 hours and concentrated loads for at least 3 days after building masonry walls or columns. D. Stain Prevention: Prevent grout, mortar, and soil from staining the face of masonry to be left exposed or painted. Immediately remove grout, mortar, and soil that come in contact with such masonry. 1. Protect base of walls from rain-splashed mud and from mortar splatter by spreading coverings on ground and over wall surface. 2. Protect sills, ledges, and projections from mortar droppings. 3. Protect surfaces of window and door frames, as well as similar products with painted and integral finishes, from mortar droppings. 4. Turn scaffold boards near the wall on edge at the end of each day to prevent rain from splashing mortar and dirt onto completed masonry. E. Cold-Weather Requirements: Do not use frozen materials or materials mixed or coated with ice or frost. Do not build on frozen substrates. Remove and replace unit masonry damaged by frost or by freezing conditions. Comply with cold-weather construction requirements contained in ACI 530.1/ASCE 6/TMS 602. 1. Cold-Weather Cleaning: Use liquid cleaning methods only when air temperature is 40 deg F and above and will remain so until masonry has dried, but not less than 7 days after completing cleaning. F. Hot-Weather Requirements: Comply with hot-weather construction requirements contained in ACI 530.1/ASCE 6/TMS 602. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MASONRY UNITS, GENERAL A. Defective Units: Referenced masonry unit standards may allow a certain percentage of units to exceed tolerances and to contain chips, cracks, or other defects exceeding limits stated in the standard. Do not uses units where such defects, including dimensions that vary from specified 155 Pleasant St PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 3, 2016 Revised September 27, 2016 UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 5 dimensions by more than stated tolerances, will be exposed in the completed Work or will impair the quality of completed masonry. 2.2 CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS (CMUS) A. Concrete Masonry Units: ASTM C 90, normal weight unless indicated otherwise manufactured to dimensions 3/8 inch less than nominal dimensions. B. Shapes: Provide standard shapes indicated and as required for building configuration. Provide special shapes for lintels, corners, jambs, sashes, movement joints, headers, bonding, and other special conditions. 2.3 BRICK A. Face Brick: ASTM C 216, Grade SW, Type FBS. 1. Trade Reference and Color: Golden Buff standrd by Harmar. 2. Size (Actual Dimensions): Standard. 3. Initial Rate of Absorption: Less than 30 g/30 sq. in. per minute when tested per ASTM C 67. 4. Efflorescence: Provide brick that has been tested according to ASTM C 67 and is rated "not effloresced." B. Building (Common) Brick where Concealed: ASTM C 62, Grade SW. C. General: Provide shapes indicated and as follows: 1. For ends of sills and caps and for similar applications that would otherwise expose unfinished brick surfaces, provide units without cores or frogs and with exposed surfaces finished. 2. Provide special shapes for applications where stretcher units cannot accommodate special conditions, including those at corners, movement joints, bond beams, sashes, and lintels. 3. Provide lip stretcher brick at relieving angles. 4. Provide special shapes for applications requiring brick of size, form, color, and texture on exposed surfaces. 5. Provide special shapes for applications where shapes produced by sawing would result in sawed surfaces being exposed to view. 6. Units which are sawn and less than one-half full size shall not be used. 2.4 STONE TRIM UNITS A. Reconstructed Stone Units: Provide WT-F, 3-5/8 in. by 11-5/8 in. by 23-5/8 in. units by Hanover Architectural Products. Colors and textures as selected by the Architect. B. Provide stone units accurately shaped, with exposed faces dressed true, and with beds and joints at right angles to faces. 2.5 MORTAR AND GROUT MATERIALS A. Regional Materials: Provide aggregate for mortar and grout, cement, and lime that have been extracted, harvested, or recovered, as well as manufactured, within 500 miles of Project site. 155 Pleasant St PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 3, 2016 Revised September 27, 2016 UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 6 B. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I or II, except Type III may be used for cold-weather construction. Provide natural color or white cement as required to produce mortar color indicated. C. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C 207, Type S. D. Mortar Pigments: Natural and synthetic iron oxides and chromium oxides, compounded for use in mortar mixes. Use only pigments with a record of satisfactory performance in masonry mortar. 1. Available Products: a. LanXess; Bayferrox Iron Oxide Pigments. b. Davis Colors; True Tone Mortar Colors. c. Solomon Grind-Chem Services, Inc.; SGS Mortar Colors. E. Aggregate for Mortar: ASTM C 144. For mortar that is exposed to view, use washed aggregate consisting of natural sand or crushed stone. F. Aggregate for Grout: ASTM C 404. G. Epoxy Pointing Mortar: ASTM C 395, epoxy-resin-based material formulated for use as pointing mortar for window sills (and approved for such use by manufacturer of units); in color selected by Architect from manufacturer's colors. 1. Basis-of-Design: MVIS Epoxy Pointing Mortar by Laticrete. H. Water: Potable. 2.6 REINFORCEMENT A. Uncoated Steel Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 615/A 615M or ASTM A 996/A 996M, Grade 60. B. Masonry Joint Reinforcement, General: ASTM A 951. 1. Interior Walls: Mill-galvanized, carbon steel. 2. Exterior Walls: Hot-dip galvanized, carbon steel. 3. Wire Size and Spacing: As required by Code. 4. Provide in lengths of not less than 10 feet, with prefabricated corner and tee units. C. Masonry Joint Reinforcement for Multiwythe Masonry: 1. Ladder type with 1 side rod at each face shell of hollow masonry units more than 4 inches in width, plus 1 side rod at each wythe of masonry 4 inches or less in width. 2.7 TIES AND ANCHORS A. Materials: Provide ties and anchors specified in subsequent paragraphs that are made from materials that comply with subparagraphs below, unless otherwise indicated. 1. Mill-Galvanized, Carbon-Steel Wire: ASTM A 82; with ASTM A 641/A 641M, Class 1 coating. 155 Pleasant St PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 3, 2016 Revised September 27, 2016 UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 7 2. Hot-Dip Galvanized, Carbon-Steel Wire: ASTM A 82; with ASTM A 153/A 153M, Class B-2 coating. 3. Stainless-Steel Wire: ASTM A 580/A 580M, Type 316. 4. Galvanized Steel Sheet: ASTM A 653/A 653M, Commercial Steel, G60 zinc coating. 5. Steel Plates, Shapes, and Bars: ASTM A 36/A 36M. 6. Stainless Steel Bars: ASTM A 276 or ASTM A 666, Type 304. B. Adjustable Anchors for Connecting to Structure: Provide anchors that allow vertical or horizontal adjustment but resist tension and compression forces perpendicular to plane of wall. 1. Anchor Section for Welding to Steel Frame: Crimped 1/4-inch-diameter, hot-dip galvanized steel. Mill-galvanized wire may be used at interior walls, unless otherwise indicated. C. Partition Top Anchors: 0.097-inch-thick metal plate with 3/8-inch-diameter metal rod 6 inches long welded to plate and with closed-end plastic tube fitted over rod that allows rod to move in and out of tube. Fabricate from steel, hot-dip galvanized after fabrication. D. Stone Anchors: Fabricate dowels, cramps, and other stone anchors from stainless steel. E. Adjustable Masonry-Veneer Anchors: 1. General: Provide anchors that allow vertical adjustment but resist tension and compression forces perpendicular to plane of wall, for attachment over sheathing to wood or metal studs, with structural performance capable of withstanding a 100-lbf load in both tension and compression without deforming or developing play in excess of 0.05 inch. 2. Screw-Attached, Masonry-Veneer Anchors: Units, equal to Pos-I-Tie Brick Veneer Anchoring System by Heckmann Building Products Inc., consisting of a wire tie and a metal anchor section. a. Anchor Section: Zinc-alloy barrel section with flanged head with wing-nut eye and corrosion-resistant, self-drilling screw. Eye designed to receive wire tie and to serve as head for drilling fastener into framing. Barrel length to suit sheathing thickness, allowing screw to seat directly against framing with flanged head covering hole in sheathing. b. Wire Ties: Triangular-, rectangular-, or T-shaped wire ties fabricated from 0.188- inch-diameter, hot-dip galvanized steel wire. 2.8 MISCELLANEOUS ANCHORS A. Anchor Bolts: L-shaped steel bolts complying with ASTM A 307, Grade A; with ASTM A 563 hex nuts and, where indicated, flat washers; hot-dip galvanized to comply with ASTM A 153/A 153M, Class C; of dimensions indicated. 2.9 EMBEDDED FLASHING MATERIALS A. Metal Flashing: Provide metal flashing complying with Section 076200 - SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM and as follows: 1. Stainless Steel: ASTM A 240/A 240M, Type 304, 0.016 inch (0.40 mm) thick. 155 Pleasant St PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 3, 2016 Revised September 27, 2016 UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 8 2. Configuration: Provide continuous flashing including preformed outside, inside corners, and end dams with smooth uninterrupted soldered seams and hemmed edges to maintain continuity. See drawings for profiles required. B. Solder and Sealants for Sheet Metal Flashings: As specified in Section 076200 – SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM. C. Adhesives, Primers, and Seam Tapes for Flashings: Flashing manufacturer's standard products or products recommended by flashing manufacturer for bonding flashing sheets to each other and to substrates. Verify compatibility between flashing materials and substrates. D. Transition Strips: Provide long-term compatible 6” wide transition strips to seal embedded flashing terminations to air barrier membrane. Comply with requirements of section 072700 – AIR BARRIERS. E. Drip Edge: Provide type 316, 0.016 inch (0.40 mm) thick stainless steel drip edge plates with factory applied adhesive strip for all through-wall flashing conditions. Provide preformed outside and inside corner drip plate corners with smooth uninterrupted soldered seams and hemmed drip edges to maintain continuity. Custom sizes will be required see drawings for profiles required. 2.10 MISCELLANEOUS MASONRY ACCESSORIES A. Compressible Filler: Premolded filler strips complying with ASTM D 1056, Grade 2A1; compressible up to 35 percent; of width and thickness indicated; formulated from neoprene. B. Preformed Control-Joint Gaskets: Made from styrene-butadiene-rubber compound, complying with ASTM D 2000, Designation M2AA-805 designed to fit standard sash block and to maintain lateral stability in masonry wall; size and configuration as indicated. C. Bond-Breaker Strips: Asphalt-saturated, organic roofing felt complying with ASTM D 226, Type I (No. 15 asphalt felt). D. Weep/Vent Products: Free-draining mesh; made from polyethylene strands, full height and width of head joint and depth 1/8 inch less than depth of outer wythe; in color selected from manufacturer's standard. E. Cavity Drainage Material: Free-draining mesh, made from polymer strands that will not degrade within the wall cavity. Provide strips, full-depth of cavity and 10 inches wide, with dovetail shaped notches 7 inches deep that prevent mesh from being clogged with mortar droppings or equivalent. Available products: 1. Advanced Building Products Inc.; Mortar Break. 2. Archovations, Inc.; CavClear Masonry Mat. 3. Hohmann & Barnard, Dur-O-Wal Division; Polytite MortarStop. 4. Mortar Net USA, Ltd.; Mortar Net. 2.11 MASONRY CLEANERS A. Proprietary Acidic Cleaner: Manufacturer's standard-strength cleaner designed for removing mortar/grout stains, efflorescence, and other new construction stains from new masonry without 155 Pleasant St PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 3, 2016 Revised September 27, 2016 UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 9 discoloring or damaging masonry surfaces. Use product expressly approved for intended use by cleaner manufacturer and manufacturer of masonry units being cleaned. 1. Available Manufacturers: a. Diedrich Technologies, Inc. b. EaCo Chem, Inc. c. ProSoCo, Inc. 2.12 MORTAR AND GROUT MIXES A. General: Do not use admixtures, including pigments, air-entraining agents, accelerators, retarders, water-repellent agents, antifreeze compounds, or other admixtures, unless otherwise indicated. 1. Do not use calcium chloride in mortar or grout. 2. Limit cementitious materials in mortar to portland cement and lime. B. Mortar for Unit Masonry: Comply with ASTM C 270, Proportion Specification. Provide the following types of mortar for applications stated unless another type is indicated or needed to provide required compressive strength of masonry. 1. For masonry below grade or in contact with earth, use Type M. 2. For reinforced masonry, use Type S. 3. For exterior, above-grade, load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls and parapet walls; for interior load-bearing walls; for interior non-load-bearing partitions; and for other applications where another type is not indicated, use Type N. C. Pigmented Mortar: Use colored cement product. Pigments shall not exceed 10 percent of portland cement by weight. D. Grout for Unit Masonry: Comply with ASTM C 476. 1. Use grout of type indicated or, if not otherwise indicated, of type (fine or coarse) that will comply with Table 1.15.1 in ACI 530.1/ASCE 6/TMS 602 for dimensions of grout spaces and pour height. 2. Provide grout with a slump of 8 to 11 inches as measured according to ASTM C 143/C 143M. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of work. 1. For the record, prepare written report, endorsed by Installer, listing conditions detrimental to performance of work. 2. Verify that foundations are within tolerances specified. 155 Pleasant St PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 3, 2016 Revised September 27, 2016 UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 10 B. Before installation, examine rough-in and built-in construction for piping systems to verify actual locations of piping connections. C. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Thickness: Build cavity and composite walls and other masonry construction to full thickness shown. Build single-wythe walls to actual widths of masonry units, using units of widths indicated. B. Build chases and recesses to accommodate items specified in this and other Sections. C. Leave openings for equipment to be installed before completing masonry. After installing equipment, complete masonry to match the construction immediately adjacent to opening. D. Use full-size units without cutting if possible. If cutting is required to provide a continuous pattern or to fit adjoining construction, cut units with motor-driven saws; provide clean, sharp, unchipped edges. Allow units to dry before laying unless wetting of units is specified. Install cut units with cut surfaces and, where possible, cut edges concealed. Do not use units cut to less than one-half size. E. Do not install concrete masonry units with more than 5 percent damage to the face. Do not install brick units which will show defects after installation. F. Select and arrange units for exposed unit masonry to produce a uniform blend of colors and textures. Mix units from several pallets or cubes as they are placed. G. Comply with construction tolerances in ACI 530.1/ASCE 6/TMS 602 and with the following: 1. For conspicuous vertical lines, such as external corners, door jambs, reveals, and expansion and control joints, do not vary from plumb by more than 1/8 inch in 10 feet, 1/4 inch in 20 feet, or 1/2 inch maximum. 2. For vertical alignment of exposed head joints, do not vary from plumb by more than 1/4 inch in 10 feet, or 1/2 inch maximum. 3. For conspicuous horizontal lines, such as lintels, sills, parapets, and reveals, do not vary from level by more than 1/8 inch in 10 feet, 1/4 inch in 20 feet, or 1/2 inch maximum. 4. For exposed bed joints, do not vary from thickness indicated by more than plus or minus 1/8 inch, with a maximum thickness limited to 1/2 inch. Do not vary from bed-joint thickness of adjacent courses by more than 1/8 inch. 5. For exposed head joints, do not vary from thickness indicated by more than plus or minus 1/8 inch. Do not vary from adjacent bed-joint and head-joint thicknesses by more than 1/8 inch. 6. For faces of adjacent exposed masonry units, do not vary from flush alignment by more than 1/16 inch except due to warpage of masonry units within tolerances specified for warpage of units. 3.3 LAYING MASONRY WALLS A. Lay out walls in advance for accurate spacing of surface bond patterns with uniform joint thicknesses and for accurate location of openings, movement-type joints, returns, and offsets. 155 Pleasant St PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 3, 2016 Revised September 27, 2016 UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 11 Avoid using less-than-half-size units, particularly at corners, jambs, and, where possible, at other locations. B. Bond Pattern for Exposed Masonry: Unless otherwise indicated, lay exposed masonry in bond pattern indicated on Drawings; do not use units with less than nominal 4-inch horizontal face dimensions at corners or jambs. Prior to installation review bond pattern with Architect. C. Stopping and Resuming Work: Stop work by racking back units in each course from those in course below; do not tooth. When resuming work, clean masonry surfaces that are to receive mortar, remove loose masonry units and mortar, and wet brick if required before laying fresh masonry. D. Built-in Work: As construction progresses, build in items specified in this and other Sections. Fill in solidly with masonry around built-in items. E. Fill space between steel frames and masonry solidly with mortar, unless otherwise indicated. F. Fill cores in hollow concrete masonry units with grout 24 inches under bearing plates, beams, lintels, posts, and similar items, unless otherwise indicated on Structural Drawings. G. Build non-load-bearing interior partitions full height of story to underside of solid floor or roof structure above, unless otherwise indicated. 1. Install compressible filler in joint between top of partition and underside of structure above. 2. Fasten partition top anchors to structure above and build into top of partition. Grout cells of CMUs solidly around plastic tubes of anchors and push tubes down into grout to provide 1/2-inch clearance between end of anchor rod and end of tube. Space anchors 48 inches o.c., unless otherwise indicated. 3. Wedge non-load-bearing partitions against structure above with small pieces of tile, slate, or metal. Fill joint with mortar after dead-load deflection of structure above approaches final position. 4. At fire-rated partitions, treat joint between top of partition and underside of structure above to comply with Section 078440 – FIRE-RESISTIVE JOINT SYSTEMS. 3.4 MORTAR BEDDING AND JOINTING A. Lay hollow brick and concrete masonry units as follows: 1. With face shells fully bedded in mortar and with head joints of depth equal to bed joints. 2. With webs fully bedded in mortar in all courses of piers, columns, and pilasters. 3. With webs fully bedded in mortar in grouted masonry, including starting course on footings. 4. With entire units, including areas under cells, fully bedded in mortar at starting course on footings where cells are not grouted. B. Lay solid masonry units with completely filled bed and head joints; butter ends with sufficient mortar to fill head joints and shove into place. Do not deeply furrow bed joints or slush head joints. C. Set stone trim units in full bed of mortar with full vertical joints. Fill dowel, anchor, and similar holes. 155 Pleasant St PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 3, 2016 Revised September 27, 2016 UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 12 1. Clean soiled surfaces with fiber brush and soap powder and rinse thoroughly with clear water. 2. Allow cleaned surfaces to dry before setting. D. Tool exposed joints slightly concave when thumbprint hard, using a jointer larger than joint thickness, unless otherwise indicated. E. Cut joints flush for masonry walls to receive plaster or other direct-applied finishes (other than paint), unless otherwise indicated. 3.5 CAVITY WALLS A. Bond wythes of cavity walls together using one of the following methods: 1. Masonry Joint Reinforcement: Installed in horizontal mortar joints. Where one wythe is of clay masonry and the other of concrete masonry, use adjustable (two-piece) type reinforcement with continuous horizontal wire in facing wythe attached to ties to allow for differential movement regardless of whether bed joints align. 2. Masonry Veneer Anchors: Comply with requirements for anchoring masonry veneers. B. Bond wythes of cavity walls together using bonding system indicated on Drawings. C. Keep cavities clean of mortar droppings and other materials during construction. Bevel beds away from cavity, to minimize mortar protrusions into cavity. Do not attempt to trowel or remove mortar fins protruding into cavity. D. Coordinate and allow access for air and vapor barrier membrane installed in cavity under Section 072700 - AIR BARRIERS. 3.6 MASONRY JOINT REINFORCEMENT A. General: Install entire length of longitudinal side rods in mortar with a minimum cover of 5/8 inch on exterior side of walls, 1/2 inch elsewhere. Lap reinforcement a minimum of 6 inches. Space reinforcement not more than 16 inches o.c. B. Interrupt joint reinforcement at control and expansion joints, unless otherwise indicated. C. Provide continuity at wall intersections by using prefabricated T-shaped units. D. Provide continuity at corners by using prefabricated L-shaped units. 3.7 ANCHORING MASONRY TO STRUCTURAL MEMBERS A. Anchor masonry to structural members where masonry abuts or faces structural members to comply with the following: 1. Provide an open space not less than 1 inch in width between masonry and structural member, unless otherwise indicated. Keep open space free of mortar and other rigid materials. 2. Anchor masonry to structural members with anchors embedded in masonry joints and attached to structure. 155 Pleasant St PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 3, 2016 Revised September 27, 2016 UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 13 3. Space anchors as indicated, but not more than 24 inches o.c. vertically and 36 inches o.c. horizontally. 3.8 ANCHORING MASONRY VENEERS A. Anchor masonry veneers with masonry-veneer anchors to comply with the following requirements: 1. Fasten screw-attached anchors through insulation and sheathing to wall framing and to concrete and masonry backup as applicable with metal fasteners of type indicated. 2. Embed tie sections in masonry joints. Provide air space indicated on the Drawings between back of masonry veneer and face of insulation. 3. Locate anchor sections to allow maximum vertical differential movement of ties up and down. 4. Space anchors as required by Code. 3.9 CONTROL AND EXPANSION JOINTS A. General: Install control and expansion joint materials in unit masonry as masonry progresses. Do not allow materials to span control and expansion joints without provision to allow for in- plane wall or partition movement. B. Form control joints in concrete masonry using one of the following methods: 1. Fit bond-breaker strips into hollow contour in ends of concrete masonry units on one side of control joint. Fill resultant core with grout and rake out joints in exposed faces for application of sealant. 2. Install preformed control-joint gaskets designed to fit standard sash block. 3. Install interlocking units designed for control joints. Install bond-breaker strips at joint. Keep head joints free and clear of mortar or rake out joint for application of sealant. 4. Install temporary foam-plastic filler in head joints and remove filler when unit masonry is complete for application of sealant. C. Form expansion joints in brick made from clay or shale as follows: 1. Build flanges of metal expansion strips into masonry. Lap each joint 4 inches in direction of water flow. Seal joints below grade and at junctures with horizontal expansion joints if any. 2. Build flanges of factory-fabricated, expansion-joint units into masonry. 3. Build in compressible joint fillers where indicated. 4. Form open joint full depth of brick wythe and of width indicated, but not less than 3/8 inch for installation of sealant and backer rod specified in Section 079200 - JOINT SEALANTS. D. Provide horizontal, pressure-relieving joints by either leaving an air space or inserting a compressible filler of width required for installing sealant and backer rod specified in Section 079200 - JOINT SEALANTS but not less than 3/8 inch. 1. Locate horizontal, pressure-relieving joints beneath shelf angles supporting masonry. 155 Pleasant St PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 3, 2016 Revised September 27, 2016 UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 14 3.10 LINTELS A. Install steel lintels where indicated. B. Provide minimum bearing of 8 inches at each jamb, unless otherwise indicated. 3.11 FLASHING, WEEP HOLES, CAVITY DRAINAGE, AND VENTS A. General: Install embedded flashing and weep holes in masonry at shelf angles, lintels, ledges, other obstructions to downward flow of water in wall, and where indicated. B. Install flashing as follows, unless otherwise indicated: 1. Prepare masonry surfaces so they are smooth and free from projections that could puncture flashing. Where flashing is within mortar joint, place through-wall flashing on sloping bed of mortar and cover with mortar. Before covering with mortar, seal penetrations in flashing with adhesive, sealant, or tape as recommended by flashing manufacturer. 2. At multiwythe masonry walls, including cavity walls, extend flashing through outer wythe, turned up a minimum of 8 inches, and 1-1/2 inches into the inner wythe. Form 1/4-inch hook in edge of flashing embedded in inner wythe. 3. At masonry-veneer walls, extend flashing through veneer, across air space behind veneer, and up face of sheathing at least 8 inches; with upper edge covered with elastomeric membrane, lapping at least 4 inches. 4. At lintels and shelf angles, extend flashing a minimum of 6 inches into masonry at each end. At heads and sills, extend flashing 6 inches at ends and turn up not less than 2 inches to form end dams. 5. Install air barrier transition strips to seal embedded flashings in masonry to air barrier membrane in accordance with Section 072700 – AIR BARRIERS. C. Install reglets and nailers for flashing and other related construction where they are shown to be built into masonry. D. Install metal drip edge plate in accordance with architectural details and manufacturer’s requirements. E. Install weep holes in head joints in exterior wythes of first course of masonry immediately above embedded flashing and as follows: 1. Use specified weep/vent products to form weep holes. 2. Space weep holes 24 inches o.c., unless otherwise indicated. F. Place cavity drainage material in cavities to comply with configuration requirements for cavity drainage material in Part 2 "Miscellaneous Masonry Accessories" Article. G. Install vents in head joints in exterior wythes at spacing indicated. 3.12 REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY INSTALLATION A. Temporary Formwork and Shores: Construct formwork and shores as needed to support reinforced masonry elements during construction. 155 Pleasant St PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 3, 2016 Revised September 27, 2016 UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 15 1. Construct formwork to provide shape, line, and dimensions of completed masonry as indicated. Make forms sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of mortar and grout. Brace, tie, and support forms to maintain position and shape during construction and curing of reinforced masonry. 2. Do not remove forms and shores until reinforced masonry members have hardened sufficiently to carry their own weight and other temporary loads that may be placed on them during construction. B. Placing Reinforcement: Comply with requirements in ACI 530.1/ASCE 6/TMS 602. C. Grouting: Do not place grout until entire height of masonry to be grouted has attained enough strength to resist grout pressure. Comply with requirements in ACI 530.1/ASCE 6/TMS 602 for cleanouts and for grout placement, including minimum grout space and maximum pour height. 3.13 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspectors: Engage qualified independent inspectors to perform inspections and prepare reports. Allow inspectors access to scaffolding and work areas, as needed to perform inspections. Place grout only after inspectors have verified compliance of grout spaces and grades, sizes, and locations of reinforcement. B. Testing Agency: Engage a qualified independent testing and inspecting agency to perform field tests and inspections indicated below and prepare test reports. Retesting of materials failing to comply with specified requirements shall be done at Contractor's expense. C. Testing Frequency: One set of tests for each 5000 sq. ft. of wall area or portion thereof. Test types as determined by the independent testing and inspection agency. 3.14 REPAIRING, POINTING, AND CLEANING A. Remove and replace masonry units that are loose, chipped, broken, stained, or otherwise damaged or that do not match adjoining units. Install new units to match adjoining units; install in fresh mortar, pointed to eliminate evidence of replacement. B. Pointing: During the tooling of joints, enlarge voids and holes, except weep holes, and completely fill with mortar. Point up joints, including corners, openings, and adjacent construction, to provide a neat, uniform appearance. Prepare joints for sealant application, around penetrations and where indicated. C. In-Progress Cleaning: Clean unit masonry as work progresses by dry brushing to remove mortar fins and smears before tooling joints. D. Final Cleaning: After mortar is thoroughly set and cured, clean exposed masonry as follows: 1. Remove large mortar particles by hand with wooden paddles and nonmetallic scrape hoes or chisels. 2. Test cleaning methods on sample wall panel; leave one-half of panel uncleaned for comparison purposes. Obtain Architect's approval of sample cleaning before proceeding with cleaning of masonry. 3. Protect adjacent stone and nonmasonry surfaces from contact with cleaner by covering them with liquid strippable masking agent or polyethylene film and waterproof masking tape. 155 Pleasant St PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 3, 2016 Revised September 27, 2016 UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 16 4. Wet wall surfaces with water before applying cleaners; remove cleaners promptly by rinsing surfaces thoroughly with clear water. 5. Clean concrete masonry by cleaning method indicated in NCMA TEK 8-2A applicable to type of stain on exposed surfaces. 6. Clean brick by bucket-and-brush hand-cleaning method described in BIA Technical Notes 20. 7. Clean stone trim to comply with stone supplier's written instructions. 3.15 MASONRY WASTE DISPOSAL A. Salvageable Materials: Unless otherwise indicated, excess masonry materials are Contractor's property. At completion of unit masonry work, remove from Project site. B. Waste Disposal as Fill Material: Dispose of clean masonry waste, including excess or soil- contaminated sand, waste mortar, and broken masonry units, by crushing and mixing with fill material as fill is placed. 1. Crush masonry waste to less than 4 inches in each dimension. 2. Mix masonry waste with at least two parts of specified fill material for each part of masonry waste. Fill material is specified in Division 31 - EARTHWORK. 3. Do not dispose of masonry waste as fill within 18 inches of finished grade. C. Excess Masonry Waste: Remove excess clean masonry waste that cannot be used as fill, as described above, and other masonry waste, and legally dispose of off the Site. END OF SECTION APPENDIX B: FINAL GEOTECHNICAL REPORT An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/V/H October 14, 2016 File No. 15.0166433.01 HAP, Inc. 322 Main Street, Suite 1 Springfield, MA 01105-2403 Attention: Mr. Peter A. Serafino Project Manager Re:Final Design Phase Geotechnical Engineering Report LIVE155Redevelopment 129PleasantStreet Northampton, Massachusetts Dear Mr. Serafino: GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (GZA) is pleased to present this Final Design Phase Geotechnical EngineeringReportfortheabovereferencedProject.Thisreportwaspreparedinaccordance with our October 3, 2016 proposal, and is subject to the limitations that are attached in Appendix A. GZA provided preliminary geotechnical recommendations for the subject project in August 2014. The purpose of this updated report is to further evaluate fill thicknesses and provide final geotechnical recommendations for the project. Elevations cited in the report are reference to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). BACKGROUND Our understanding of the existing conditions and proposed project are based on: A September 15, 2011 (existing conditions) survey plan prepared by Harold Eaton & Assoc. of Hadley Massachusetts; A May 21, 2014 (existing conditions) survey plan prepared by Holmberg & Howe of Easthampton Massachusetts; and LIVE 155 Contract Documents – Permit Drawings, dated 8/3/2016 prepared by PFRA+LDa Architects of Northampton Massachusetts. EXISTING CONDITIONS The Project is located on an approximately ¾-acre lot in a mixed-use area of the City of Northampton, Massachusetts. The site location is shown on Figure 1,Locus Plan. The site is bordered on the northeast by Pleasant Street; to the south/southwest by the Manhan Rail October 14, 2016 15.0166433.01 LIVE 155 Geotech Report Page | 2 Proactive byDesignTrail,arailbedconvertedto abikeandwalkingpath;andtothenorth/northwestbypropertywitha5-storybrickbuilding. At the time of GZA’s subsurface explorations, the site was occupied by a two-story multi-unit residential building with a footprint of approximately 4,200 square feet. The existing building was surrounded by asphalt-paved driveways and parking areas, asphalt and concrete walkways, and landscaping. At the time of GZA’s recent subsurface explorations on October4,2016,HAP’sSiteWorkContractor(HAP’sContractor)hadinitiateddemolitionoftheexistingproperty,including removal of pavements, abandoning utilities, etc. PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT We understand that HAP is proposing to construct a new four-story steel- and wood-framed residential structure, with a footprint of about 14,200 square feet with a finished first floor elevation of about 124.6 feet. The building will generally frontPleasantStreetandthebikepathwithat-gradeparkingwillbelocatedonthenorthsideofthebuildingonthelowest level along with mixed use office, retail and residential space. Based on the information on the structural drawings included in thePermit Drawings dated 8/3/2016, we understand the maximum column load to be 256 kips. SCOPE OF SERVICES GZA previously performed the following services for the preliminary geotechnical evaluation: Facilitated and observed one day of test borings; Reviewed the data collected relative to the conceptual design plans; and Prepared a geotechnical memorandum dated August 29, 2014 summarizing the results of the borings and presenting preliminary geotechnical design recommendations. For the final design phase, GZA performed the following additional services: Observed excavation of four (4) test pits; Reviewed the preliminary geotechnical engineering recommendations for consistency with the recent subsurface investigations. Performedengineeringanalyses,developedgeotechnicaldesignandconstructionrecommendationsfortheproposed building additions, and prepared this updated report summarizing our findings. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATIONS AND LABORATORY TESTING PREVIOUS SUBSURFACE EXPLORATIONS Two (2) test borings were drilled on July 30, 2014 as part of the preliminary geotechnical evaluation. The locations of the test borings are shown on Figure 2 and logs of the borings are included in Appendix B.The borings were drilled by Seaboard Drilling of Chicopee, Massachusetts using a truck-mounted drill rig, and were advanced using both hollow stem augers and rotary wash methods with casing. Boring GZ-1 was drilled with rotary wash methods and 3-inch inside October 14, 2016 15.0166433.01 LIVE 155 Geotech Report Page | 3 Proactive byDesigndiameter (ID) steel casing to a depth of 30 feet. From 30 to 50 feet the boring was advanced with rotary wash methods without casing. Boring GZ-2 was drilled using 2½-inch ID hollow stem augers. The drilling methods are noted on the logs. Splitspoonsoilsampleswereobtainedsemi-continuouslythroughthetop12feetofsoilsandat5-footintervalsthereafter in general accordance with ASTM D 1586, the StandardPenetration Test (SPT). The SPT consists of advancinga 1-3/8 inch inside diameter standard split spoon sampler at least 18 inches with a 140-pound hammer dropping from a height of 30 inches. The SPT value, referred to as the “N” value, is the number of blows per foot of penetration required to drive the sampler from 6 to 18 inches of penetration, a commonly used indicator of soil density and consistency. A GZA engineer observed the explorations, classified the subsurface materials and prepared boring logs. The test borings were located in the field by line of sight and tape measuring from existing site features. RECENT SUBSURFACE EXPLORATIONS On October 3, 2016, HAP’s site work contractor (Contractor) excavated four (4) test pits at locations on the site selected with input from GZA. The locations of the test pits are indicated on Figure 2 and logs of the test pits are included in Appendix B. The purpose of the test pits was to obtain additional information the depth(s) of existing fill in the building area. The test pits were excavated using a tracked excavator and the depths of excavation were limited to the fill depths or the reach of the excavator, whichever was shallower. Following excavation, the test pits were backfilled by HAP’s Contractor in approximately 12-inch thick loose lifts and compacted using a jumping-jack type pneumatic compactor. AGZAengineerobservedtheexcavations,classifiedthesubsurfacematerialsandpreparedtestpitlogs.Thetestpitswere located in the field by line of sight and tape measuring from existing site features. LABORATORY TESTING Two (2) soil samples collected from the test borings were tested for grain size distribution by sieve analysis to confirm field classification. Atterberg Limits were determined for two (2) samples of varved clay and moisture contents were determined on five (5) samples of alluvial and varved clay deposits. Laboratory test results are attached in Appendix C. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The subsurface materials encountered were consistent with our general understanding of the geology and previous development at the site. The materials encountered included existing fill, alluvium (layered sand, silt and clay) overlying glacial lake deposits (varved silt and clay). The following presents a generalized description of the subsurface strata encountered in the explorations. FILL Fill was encountered in both test borings and all four test pits and the thicknesses ranged from about 2 to 6 feet. The composition of the fill ranged from silty sand and gravel to sandy silt. Trace amounts of cobbles and boulders, bricks and otherdebris(brokenceramicflatware,glassbottles,etc.)werealsoobservedinthetestpits. SPTNvaluesrecordedduring the test borings indicate that the relative density of the Fill encountered is loose. ALLUVIUM Alluvial deposits were encountered in both test borings and test pits TP-1, TP-2 and TP-3 beneath the Fill. It consisted of layers of Sand and Silt with lesser amounts of Gravel. The bottom of the alluvium was encountered about 20 to 25 feet October 14, 2016 15.0166433.01 LIVE 155 Geotech Report Page | 4 Proactive byDesignbelowgroundsurface(bgs)inthetestborings,thisstratum wasnotfullypenetratedinthetestpits. SPTN-valuesindicate that the density of the alluvial soils is medium dense. VARVED SILT AND CLAY Varved Silt and Clay was encountered in both test borings below the alluvium. At test pit TP-4, apparent varved silt and clay was observed directly beneath the Fill at a depth of 6-1/2 feet. The varved Silt and Clay was not fully penetrated at the locations of either the test borings or at test pit TP-4. At test boring GZ-1, the thickness of this stratum was at least 28 feet. At test boring GZ-2, the varved Silt and Clay stratum was penetrated only 6 feet prior to termination. The consistency of the varved Silt and Clay encountered varied from thin (less than 1-inch thick) layers of gray Silty Clay and Clayey Silttomoremassivelayers(morethan2-feetthick)ofgrayClay. Frequent fine Sand partingswereobservedwithin the recovered samplesfrom the testborings. SPTN-values indicatethattheconsistency ofthevarvedsilt and clay ranged from very soft to medium stiff. GROUNDWATER Groundwaterwasencounteredinbothtestboringsatdepthsrangingfromabout13to15feetbgs,afterabout10minutes of equilibration time. Groundwater was not observed in the test pits. It should be notedthat fluctuations ingroundwater levels will likely occur due to variations in season, rainfall, site features and other factors different from those existing at the timeoftheexplorations andmeasurements. GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS Thegeotechnicaldesignandconstructionrecommendationspresentedbelowarebasedonourevaluationoftheavailable data and design information provided to GZA and are subject to the limitations contained in Appendix A. References to the IBC refer to the International Building Code 2009 with Massachusetts State Building Code 8th Edition (MSBC) amendments. BUILDING FOUNDATIONS Forthecolumnloadsdescribedabove,theproposedbuildingmaybesupportedonshallowspreadorstripfootingsbearing on a working mat at least 12 inches of compacted Structural Fill overlying the naturally-deposited, undisturbed alluvial (sand and silt) soils. The existing fill is of poor quality and is mixed with deleterious material. Existing fill, topsoil, utilities, tree stumps, pavement, previous building foundations and any other deleterious materials encountered within the new building area and foundation bearing zones should be removed and replaced with compacted Structural Fill. The limits of removal should extend from a point one (1) foot beyond the exterior edges of new footings, and then downward and outward at a slopeof 1H:1V to the topof naturally deposited soils. Excavation to final subgrade elevationsshould be performed with a smooth-edged bucket to reduce the potential for disturbance. Exposed alluvial soil subgrades should be proof- compacted with a large vibratory plate compactor or a small vibratory roller. Because the naturally-deposited alluvial soils are easily disturbed during construction, a working mat of at least 12 inches of compacted Structural Fill should be immediately placed to protect the natural subgrade surface from disturbance. If the subgrade becomes disturbed at any time during excavation, it should be over-excavated and replaced with either Structural Fill or Crushed Stone wrapped in geotextile fabric. October 14, 2016 15.0166433.01 LIVE 155 Geotech Report Page | 5 Proactive byDesignA maximum netallowablebearing pressureof4,000pounds persquare foot(psf)is recommendedfordesign forfootings. For footing widths less than 3 feet, the bearing value should be reduced to one third of the above value multiplied by the least lateral footing dimension in feet. Isolated and strip footings should be at least 24 inches wide. Forfrostprotection,exteriorfootingsshouldextendatleast4feetbelowfinalexteriorgrade. Interiorfootingsorfootings in heated areas should bear at least 18 inches below the bottom of the floor slab. Soil bearing surfaces below completed foundations and slabs should be protected against freezing before and after concrete placement. If construction is performed during freezing weather, footings on soil should be backfilled to a sufficient depth (up to 4 feet) as soon as possible after they are constructed. If backfilling cannot be accomplished, insulating blankets, heating in enclosures or other means may be used for protection against freezing. For site preparation and foundations designed and constructed in accordance with the recommendations of this report, theestimatedtotalbuildingsettlementsareexpectedtobelessthan1inch. Maximumanticipateddifferentialsettlement between adjacent columns is estimated to be less than ½ inch. SLABS-ON-GRADE Slabs-on-grade for the proposed building should bear on a base course consisting of at least 12 inches of Select Fill or Crushed Stone, over naturally-deposited inorganic soils (alluvium) or compacted Structural Fill placed after removal of unsuitable materials as described below. Existing fill remaining at the proposed subgrade elevation should be removed and replaced with compacted Structural Fill to aminimum of3-feet below proposed subgrade elevation orto thetopof naturally deposited inorganic soils, whichever is shallower. In lieu of replacement of excavated fill with Structural Fill, re-use of excavated existing fill, when placed and compactedinaccordancewiththerecommendationspresentedinthefollowingsections,maybeproposedbeneathslabs- on-gradewiththeapprovaloftheGeotechnicalEngineer.Wenotethatre-useofexistingfillmaterialsmaybedifficultand require significant effort to achieve proper placement and compaction. Prior to placement of Structural Fill or re-worked existing fill, subgrades should be intensively surface compacted (proof compacted) with a minimum of 6 passes of a vibratory roller with a minimum static weight of 10,000 pounds. Vibrations should be discontinued if disturbance or weaving of the subgrade is observed. Any identified areas of weak or unstable soils, as well as previous test pit or other excavations at the site that may not have been properly backfilled should be over-excavated and replaced with compacted Structural Fill. The modulus of subgrade reaction recommended for slab design is 150 pounds per cubic inch. Vaporbarrierandwaterproofingrequirementsofthebuildingcodeshouldbeincorporatedintothedesignasappropriate. EARTHQUAKE DESIGN CRITERIA Soils at this site are not considered susceptible to liquefaction. Based on criteria set forth in Section 1613.5.2 of the 2009 IBC, the Site Class is E. LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES Activeandpassivelateralpressurecoefficientsof0.33and3.0,respectivelyarerecommendedfordesignofretainingwalls that are unrestrained at the top. For wallsthat are restrained, a lateral pressurecoefficientof 0.6 is recommended. Total and buoyant unit weights of 130 and 68 pounds per square foot are recommended for compacted fill. Retaining walls October 14, 2016 15.0166433.01 LIVE 155 Geotech Report Page | 6 Proactive byDesignshould be backfilled with free-draining granular material and subsurface drainage system provided so that hydrostatic pressures are relieved from behind the walls. Surcharge loads should be added to static loads for design. A minimum static surcharge pressure of 250 psf should be used for the design of retaining walls. Lateral loads can be resisted by the friction at the base of the footings. The recommended coefficient of friction for resistance to lateral sliding of foundation walls, retaining walls if any), slabs, and footings is 0.45. This value is for new cast-in-place concrete, placed directly on crushed stone or compacted granular Structural Fill. In general, passive soil pressure for footings with a shallow embedment (interior column footings) should be ignored in calculatinglateralloadresistance. Forcaseswherepassiveearthpressureisconsideredto resistlateralloads(e.g.,deeply embedded footings), the upper foot of soil should be ignored. The recommended maximum allowable passive soil pressure of 250 pcf (equivalent fluid pressure) may be used to calculate the lateral resistance. Where passive pressure will be used to resist lateral load, the backfill around the footing should be compacted within an area which extends at least 3 feet horizontally beyond the footing (at the bottom of the footing) or a distance equal to at least 2 times the depth from the finish grade to bottom of footing (whichever is greater). The recommendations provided above assume no hydrostatic pressures acting on the walls. Therefore, free draining backfill should be used for wall backfill (Select Fill in accordance with the Recommended Fill and Backfill Section) within 3 feet laterally of the back of the wall, and foundation drains are recommended for site retaining walls and for any building walls subjectto unbalanced lateralearthpressures. Referto corresponding foundation drainagerecommendations inthe following sections. The minimum factors of safety for sliding and overturning of retaining walls under static loads should be 1.5 and 2, respectively. Passive pressure at the toe of the walls should not be included as a resisting force when analyzing for overturning and sliding. For mechanically stabilizedmodular block retaining walls, factors of safety and designs should be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. PAVEMENT DESIGN Preliminary minimum pavement design sections are as follows: Layer (in descending order) Light Duty Asphalt Heavy Duty Asphalt Thickness (inches)Thickness (inches) Bituminous Finish Course 1.5 1.5 Bituminous Binder Course 1.5 2.5 Base Course 6 8 Subbase Course 6 12 * See Recommended Fill and Backfill Section for material definitions. October 14, 2016 15.0166433.01 LIVE 155 Geotech Report Page | 7 Proactive byDesignThe modulus of subgrade reaction recommended for rigid concrete pavement design (by others) is 150 pounds per cubic inch. Subgrade Preparation Beneath Paved Areas Beneath new pavement existing topsoil, fill, pavement, and foundations should be removed to a depth sufficient to construct the total pavement thickness including asphalt, base and subbase courses. Priorto subbase placementand constructionof the pavement base and subbasecourses,subgrades should be intensively surface compacted with a minimum of 8 passes of a vibratory roller with a minimum static weight of 10,000 pounds, and capable of producing a minimum dynamic force of 30,000 pounds. Vibrations should be discontinued if disturbance or weaving of the subgrade is observed. Any weak or unstable areas identified should be overexcavated and replaced with compacted Structural Fill. Note that, if existing fill is left in-place below parking areas and driveways, a risk remains of long term settlement due to the inconsistent quality of the fill, the undocumented compaction effort (if any) applied to those materials, and the potentialpresenceofotherdeleteriousmaterialswithinthefill. Inordertoreducetherisk,theOwnermayelecttofurther or fully remove the existing fill beneath proposed paved areas and to replace it with engineered, compacted fill. RECOMMENDED FILL AND BACKFILL Considering project requirements and available on-site and local materials, it is recommended that earth materials for this project be specified as follows: Structural Fill for use as fill within the building area (except where Select Fill is specified) should be gravelly sand or sand and gravel free from ice, snow, roots, sod, rubbish or other deleterious or organic matter and shall conform to the following graduation requirements: Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weight 3” No. 4 No. 40 No. 200 100 40-85 10-50 0-12 Select Fill for use immediately below slabs-on-grade, as backfill above retaining wall drains (if any) and as site retaining wall backfill within three (3) feet laterally of below-grade building walls, slab base course and other applications requiring free draining, non-frost susceptible backfill. The fill should be free of ice, snow, roots, sod, rubbish and other deleterious or organic matter and should conform to the following gradation requirements. October 14, 2016 15.0166433.01 LIVE 155 Geotech Report Page | 8 Proactive byDesign Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weight 3” No. 10 No. 40 No. 200 100 30-95 10-70 0-6 Pavement Base and Subbase below pavements should conform to the Massachusetts Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges Section M1.03.0 Type B, Gravel Borrow. Crushed Stone for use as subgrade protection, a working mat, in wet conditions to aid in dewatering and for underslab drainage systems, should consist of ⅜- or ¾-inch minus angular crushed stone. GeotextileFabric shouldbeusedtoseparatecrushedstonefromsurroundingsoils.Thefabricshouldconsistofafiltration- type non-woven geotextile (Mirafi 1100N or approved equal). Ordinary Fill for use as general fill and backfill in landscaped areas should be friable inorganic soil essentially free of trash, ice, snow, tree stumps, roots and organic materials. Ordinary fill shall contain no stone or rubble exceeding two-thirds of the specified loose lift thickness for material placement. The recommended minimum degree of compaction for fill and backfill, based on the percentage of maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D1557 (modified Proctor), is: Below Structures (footings and slabs)-95% Pavement/Sidewalk/Exterior Slab Base and Subbase -95% Behind Retaining Walls -93% Below Pavement Subbase -92% Utility Trenches (within 2 feet of surface)-95% Utility Trenches (more than 2 feet below surface)-92% Areas of General Landscape -90% Recommended maximum loose lift thicknesses for soil fill and the minimum number of passes of compaction equipment are summarized on the following table. October 14, 2016 15.0166433.01 LIVE 155 Geotech Report Page | 9 Proactive byDesign Compaction Method Maximum Stone Size Maximum Loose Lift Thickness Minimum Number of Passes Below Structures and Pavement Less Critical Areas Below Structures and Pavement Less Critical Areas Hand-operated vibratory plate or light roller in confined areas 3”6”8”6 4 Hand-operated vibratory drum rollers weighing at least1,000# inconfined areas 6”8”10”6 4 Light vibratory drum roller, minimum dynamic force 3,000# per foot of drum width 6”10”14”6 4 Medium to heavy vibra. drum roller, min. dynamic force 5,000-8,000# per foot drum width 8”12”18”6 4 The Contractor should reduce or stop drum vibration if pumping or weaving of the subgrade is observed. Crushed Stone should be compacted to an unyielding surface. Compaction within 5-feet of foundation and retaining walls should be performed using hand-operated roller or plate compactors to reduce the potential for construction-induced damage to the walls. Extra care should be used when compacting adjacent to walls. Where walls are buried on both sides, backfill and compaction should proceed on both sides of the wall so that the difference in top of fill on either side does not exceed 2 feet. Where backfill of walls is onlyon one side, the wall should be designed for unbalanced loading conditions. In addition, walls with unbalanced loads should be compacted with hand-operated rollers of plates not weighing more than 250 pounds within 10 feet laterally of the unbalanced walls. REUSE OF SITE SOILS Excavated materials and construction subgrades may consist of existing fill, alluvial soils and silt and clay, large portions of which are not likely to meet the recommended gradations for Structural Fill or Select Fill due to the high silt and clay (fines) content or other deleterious materials in the existing fill. The high percentages of fines in the existing fill and naturally-deposited soils will make them slow draining and very difficulttoreuseparticularlyduringwetandwinterweatherconditionsandwhenthemoisturecontentisaboveoptimum. Subgradescomprisedofthesematerialswillbesusceptibletodisturbancewhenexposedtoprecipitationandconstruction traffic. Compaction and maintenance of subgrades will be difficult; in particular if they become wet. These soils will be October 14, 2016 15.0166433.01 LIVE 155 Geotech Report Page | 10 Proactive byDesignsusceptible to frost heave. These soils should not be used for applications requiring free-draining Select Fill or beneath pavements, foundations and slabs-on-grade. Structural Fill, Select Fill and Crushed Stone materials will need to be imported for the project. Excavated site soils will likely require management off-site in accordance with applicable local, state, and federal regulations. FOUNDATION DRAINS With groundwater at about 10 to 15 feet below grade and no planned basement, perimeter foundation drains are not expected to be needed. If the proposed building has a deep elevator pit, foundation drainage may be required in this area. Alternatively, the elevator pit could be designed water-tight and to withstand hydraulic pressures, including uplift pressures. GROUNDWATER CONTROL Excavations for foundations are not expected to encounter significant quantities of groundwater, however, deeper excavationsforsomeutilitiesmay. Additionally,surfacewatermayenteropenexcavationsduringperiodsofprecipitation. It is anticipated that construction dewatering (where required) can be accomplished by creating interceptor trenches or ditches around the perimeter of the excavations and by open pumping from filtered sumps within excavations. Dewatering should be performed as necessary to allow excavation and observation of the subgrades in the dry and to maintain stable and dry bottoms. Dischargeofpumpedgroundwateroff-site(ifrequired)shouldbeperformedinaccordancewithallfederal,state,and/orlocal regulations,whichmayrequireadischargepermitandpossiblefiltrationandchemicaltestingofthewaterpriortodischarge. Inaddition,waterthatcollectsfromprecipitationeventsmayalsoimpactconstruction.Itisrecommendedthattemporary control measures be implemented to reduce the amount of surface water (from rainfall runoff) from potentially entering and ponding in the excavations. Temporary measures should include, but not be limited to, construction of drainage ditches to divert and/or reduce the amount of surface water flowing over exposed subgrades during construction. EXCAVATION SLOPES The Owner and the Contractor should make themselves aware of and become familiar with applicable local, state, and federal safety regulations, including the current Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Excavation and Trench Safety Standards. Construction site safety generally is the sole responsibility of the Contractor, who shall also be solely responsible for themeans,methods, and sequencing of constructionoperations. We are providing this information solely as a service to our Client. Under no circumstances should the information provided below be interpreted to mean that GZA is assuming responsibility for construction site safety or the Contractor’s activities; such responsibility is not being implied and should not be inferred. The Contractor should be aware that slope height, slope inclination, or excavation depths (including utility trench excavations) should in no case exceed those specified in local, state, or federal safety regulations, e.g.; OSHA Health and Safety Standards for Excavations, 29 CFR Part 1926, or successor regulations. Such regulations are strictly enforced and, if they are not followed, the Owner, Contractor, and/or earthwork and utility subcontractors could be liable for substantial penalties. October 14, 2016 15.0166433.01 LIVE 155 Geotech Report Page | 11 Proactive byDesignAs a safety measure, it is recommended that all vehicles and soil piles be kept a minimum lateral distance from the top of a vertical excavation or the crest of a sloped excavation equal to no less than the total excavation height. Exposed slope faces should also be protected against the elements. CONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES We trust the information presented herein is sufficient for your use in the design of the proposed building. We recommended that GZA be retained for the following additional services: Review Contractor’s geotechnical-related submittals during construction for general conformance with the recommendations presented in this report and the Project foundation plans and geotechnical specifications. Perform preconstruction video surveys if blasting is required. Observe construction to evaluate footing subgrades, perform vibration monitoring, observe and test backfill during placementand compaction, and forgeneralconformancewiththerecommendations presented inthisreport andthe Project foundation plans and geotechnical specifications. CLOSING We thank you for the opportunity to continue to work with HAP on this Project and would look forward to our continued involvement. Do not hesitate to contact the undersigned if you have any questions. Very truly yours, GZA GEOENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Nathaniel L. Russell, P.E.DanT.Kinard Senior Project Manager Consultant/Reviewer Thomas E. Billups, P.E. Principal-in-Charge Attachments: Figure1:SiteLocus Figure2:SubsurfaceExplorationPlan AppendixA: Limitations AppendixB: ExplorationLogs AppendixC: LaboratoryTestResults Figure No: 1 HAPHousing129 Pleasant StreetNorthampton, Massachusetts Date: Checked by: Project No:LOCUS MAP 15.0166409.00 AJC PJS APRIL 2014--Data obtained from the Office of Geographic Information (MassGIS),Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Information Technology Division BASE MAP: USGS Togographic MapEASTHAMPTON 1979 & MT. HOLYOKE 1979 µ Drawn by: GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.Springfield, Massachusetts 1,000 0 1,000500Feet SITE LOCATION 1 NGRAPHIC SCALE 0 15 30 60 SCALE IN FEET GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. Engineers and Scientists PREPARED BY:PREPARED FOR: www.gza.com PROJECT NO.DATE:REVISION NO. DESIGNED BY: PROJ MGR: DRAWN BY: REVIEWED BY:CHECKED BY: SCALE: PLEASANT STREET SITE DESIGN 129 PLEASANT STREET NORTHAMPTON, MA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION PLAN HAPHOUSING 132 MAIN STREET SPRINGFIELD, MA OCT. 2016 15.0166433.00 - FIGURE 1 STD NLR STD EDM NLR 1"=30'2 Appendix A: Limitations GEOTECHNICAL LIMITATIONS 15.0166433.00 Page | 1 October 2016 Proactive by Design USE OF REPORT 1. GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (GZA) prepared this report on behalf of, and for the exclusive use of our Client for the stated purpose(s) and location(s) identified in the Proposal for Services and/or Report. Use of this report, in whole or in part, at other locations, or for other purposes, may lead to inappropriate conclusions; and we do not accept any responsibility for the consequences of such use(s). Further, reliance by any party not expressly identified in the contract documents, for any use, without our prior written permission, shall be at that party’s sole risk, and without any liability to GZA. STANDARD OF CARE 2. GZA’s findings and conclusions are based on the work conducted as part of the Scope of Services set forth in Proposal for Services and/or Report, and reflect our professional judgment. These findings and conclusions must be considered not as scientific or engineering certainties, but rather as our professional opinions concerning the limited data gathered during the course of our work. If conditions other than those described in this report are found at the subject location(s), or the design has been altered in any way, GZA shall be so notified and afforded the opportunity to revise the report,as appropriate, to reflect the unanticipated changed conditions . 3. GZA’s services were performed using the degree of skill and care ordinarily exercised by qualified professionals performing the same type of services, at the same time, under similar conditions, at the same or a similar property. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made. 4. In conducting our work, GZA relied upon certain information made available by public agencies, Client and/or others. GZA did not attempt to independently verify the accuracy or completeness of that information. Inconsistencies in this information which we have noted, if any, are discussed in the Report. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 5. The generalized soil profile(s) provided in our Report are based on widely-spaced subsurface explorations and are intended only to convey trends in subsurface conditions. The boundaries between strata are approximate and idealized, and were based on our assessment of subsurface conditions. The composition of strata, and the transitions between strata, may be more variable and more complex than indicated. For more specific information on soil conditions at a specific location refer to the exploration logs. The nature and extent of variations between these explorations may not become evident until further exploration or construction. If variations or other latent conditions then become evident, it will be necessary to reevaluate the conclusions and recommendations of this report. 6. In preparing this report, GZA relied on certain information provided by the Client, state and local officials, and other parties referenced therein which were made available to GZA at the time of our evaluation. GZA did not attempt to independently verify the accuracy or completeness of all information reviewed or received during the course of this evaluation. 7. Water level readings have been made in test holes (as described in this Report) and monitoring wells at the specified times and under the stated conditions. These data have been reviewed and interpretations have been made in this Report. Fluctuations in the level of the groundwater however occur due to temporal or spatial variations in areal recharge rates, soil heterogeneities, the presence of subsurface utilities, and/or natural or artificially induced perturbations. The water table encountered in the course of the work may differ from that indicated in the Report. 8. GZA’s services did not include an assessment of the presence of oil or hazardous materials at the property. Consequently, we did not consider the potential impacts (if any) that contaminants in soil or groundwater may have on construction activities, or the use of structures on the property. GEOTECHNICAL LIMITATIONS 15.0166433.00 Page | 2 October 2016 Proactive by Design 9. Recommendations for foundation drainage, waterproofing, and moisture control address the conventional geotechnical engineering aspects of seepage control. These recommendations may not preclude an environment that allows the infestation of mold or other biological pollutants. COMPLIANCE WITH CODES AND REGULATIONS 10. We used reasonable care in identifying and interpreting applicable codes and regulations. These codes and regulations are subject to various, and possibly contradictory, interpretations. Compliance with codes and regulations by other parties is beyond our control. COST ESTIMATES 11. Unless otherwise stated, our cost estimates are only for comparative and general planning purposes. These estimates may involve approximate quantity evaluations. Note that these quantity estimates are not intended to be sufficiently accurate to develop construction bids, or to predict the actual cost of work addressed in this Report. Further, since we have no control over either when the work will take place or the labor and material costs required to plan and execute the anticipated work, our cost estimates were made by relying on our experience, the experience of others, and other sources of readily available information. Actual costs may vary over time and could be significantly more, or less, than stated in the Report. ADDITIONAL SERVICES 12. GZA recommends that we be retained to provide services during any future: site observations, design, implementation activities, construction and/or property development/redevelopment. This will allow us the opportunity to: i) observe conditions and compliance with our design concepts and opinions; ii) allow for changes in the event that conditions are other than anticipated; iii) provide modifications to our design; and iv) assess the consequences of changes in technologies and/or regulations. Appendix B: Exploration Logs All fractions > 10% <10% fine<10% coarse<10% fine and medium <10% coarse and fine<10% coarse and medium PROPORTION OFCOMPONENT Fine to coarse Medium to coarseFine to mediumCoarse MediumFine Very Soft SoftMedium StiffStiff Very StiffHard Consistency Blows/Ft.SPT N-Value < 2 2 - 44 - 88 - 15 15 - 30>30 PLASTIC SOILS GRAVEL & SAND Density NAME GRAVEL, SAND, FINES* Gravel, Sand, Fines* COMPONENT MAJOR Minor *See identification of fines table. LOG KEY Engineers and Scientists GZAGeo Environmental, Inc. ABBREVIATIONS and somelittle trace >5035 - 5020-35 10-200-10 PERCENT BYWEIGHTPROPORTIONALTERM Highly Organic Soils SILT & CLAY Cannot Roll Clayey SILT CLAY & SILT Silty CLAY 0 1-5 5-10 10-20 20-40 1/4" 1/8" 1/16" 1/32" SILT CLAY >40 1/64" Material PI IDENTIFICATION OF FINES Atterberg Thread Dia. Very Loose LooseMedium DenseDense Very Dense Blows/Ft.SPT N-Value Silts and Clays Liquid Limit <50 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM (USCS) (ASTM D 2487) ORGANIC SOIL CLASSIFICATION BURMISTER SOIL CLASSIFICATION GRADATION DESIGNATION MR = Mud Rotary HSA = Hollow Stem AugerSSA = Solid Stem AugerSS = Split Spoon Sampler U = Undisturbed Sample (Shelby Tube)MC = Modified California Sampler V = VibracoreM = Macrocore USCS = Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM D2487)NYCBC = New York City Building CodeWOR = Weight of Rods WOH= Weight of HammerSPT = Standard Penetration Test (ASTM D1586)N-Value = Cumulative number of uncorrected blows for the middle two six-inch intervals (blows/foot). < 44 - 1010 - 30 30 - 50> 50 Silts and CLays Liquid Limit >50 Clean Gravels (Little or no fines) Gravels with Fines(Appreciable amount of fines) Clean Sands(Little or no fines) Sands with Fines(Appreciable amount of fines) Sand More than 50%smaller than No. 4 sieve. Gravel More than 50%larger than No. 4 sieve. Fine Grained Soils More than 50% of materialsmaller than No. 200 sieve. Coarse Grained Soils More than 50% of materiallarger than No. 200 sieve. MAJOR DIVISIONS Group Symbols GW GP GMGC SWSP SMSC MLCL OLMH CHOH Pt Fibrous PEAT (Pt) - Lightweight, spongy, mostly visible organic matter, water squeezes readily from sample. Typically near top of deposit. Fine Grained PEAT (Pt) - Lightweight, spongy, little visible organic matter, water squeezes readily from sample. Typically below fibrous peat.Organic Silt (OL) - Typically gray to dark gray, often has strong H2S odor. Typically contains shells or shell fragments. Lightweight. Usuallyfound near coastal regions. May contain wide range of sand fractions. Organic Clay (OH) - Typically gray to dark gray, high plasticity. Usually found near coastal regions. May contain wide range of sand fractions.Need organic content test for final identification. Tv = Field Vane Shear Test (Torvane) Shear StrengthPP = Pocket Penetrometer Shear Strength PI = Plasticity IndexWn = Moisture Content CO = ConsolidationUC = Unconfined Compression TestUU = Unconsolidated Undrained (Triaxial) Test SI = Sieve AnalysisDS = Direct ShearPID = Photoionization Detector ppm = Parts Per MillionREC = RecoveryRQD = Rock Quality Designation = Measured Water Level S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 S-7 S-8 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 S-1 : Top 4": Dark brown, SILT, little fine Sand, trace Roots/Organics Bottom 12": Brown, SILT and fine SAND S-2 : Top 6": Brown, SILT and fine SAND Bottom 10": Gray-brown, SILT, trace fine Sand S-3 : Loose, brown, fine SAND, little Silt S-4 : Top 6": Brown, fine to coarse SAND, little fine Gravel, trace Silt Middle 3": Brown to gray, fine to medium SAND, trace Silt Bottom 3": Brown, fine to coarse SAND, little fine Gravel, trace Silt S-5 : Top 5": Brown, fine to coarse SAND, little fine Gravel, trace Silt Bottom 3": Brown, fine SAND, trace Silt S-6 : Medium dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, little Silt, trace fine Gravel S-7 : Dense, brown to gray, fine to medium SAND, trace Silt S-8 : Soft, gray, Silty CLAY, frequent fine Sand partings PP = 0.5 tsf 5 5 9 17 23 16 35 3 1 2 0-2 2-4 5-7 7-9 10-12 15-17 20-22 25-27 16 16 9 12 8 8 12 24 1 2 3 4 3 3 2 3 2 3 6 12 9 6 11 13 12 11 12 13 8 8 8 9 11 17 18 11 1 1 2 2 0.4 3 23.5 TOPSOIL FILL ALLUVIAL DEPOSITS VARVED CLAY AND SILT 1 - Hollow-stem augers were advanced to 15 feet below grade in an offset boring approximately 5 feet north of the borehole to collect groundwater elevation data. 2 - PP = Pocket Penetrometer Reading in tons per square foot (tsf) Ground Surface Elev. (ft.): Hammer Fall (in.): Auger or Casing O.D./I.D Dia (in.):REMARKSExploration No.: GZ-1 Engineers and Scientists 52 GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. Logged By: Drilling Co.: 7/30/2014 - 7/30/2014 1300 Dry V. Datum: Date Start - Finish: NA No. 7/31/14 129 Pleasant Street Northampton, Massachusetts Water DepthDate TEST BORING LOG Foreman: Pen. (in) Sampler O.D. (in.): Sampler Type: Sampler Length (in.): B-53 Type of Rig:Mobile Rig Model: EXPLORATION NO.: GZ-1 SHEET: 1 of 2 PROJECT NO: 45338 REVIEWED BY: C. Tonzi Sample Description and Identification (Modified Burmister Procedure) Depth (ft) 5 10 15 20 25 30 Project Project Stratification lines represent approximate boundaries between soil and bedrock types. Actual transitions may begradual. SPT Value 24 2.0 SS RemarkCasing Blows/ Core Rate Drilling Method: Depth (ft.) Sample GZA TEMPLATE TEST BORING; 8/29/2014; 12:47:28 PMH. Datum: Groundwater Depth (ft.) 1310 Rec. (in) 7/31/14 Stab. Time D. Barstow Elev.(ft.)30 Safety Hammer Field Test Data 10 min.13.8 Seaboard Drilling Final Boring Depth (ft.): Core Barrel Size: Rotary Wash (cased/uncased) Hammer Weight (lb.):140 Blows (per 6 in.) Hammer Type:Time Depth(ft.)J. Nitsch Boring Location: 3" ID Casing Stratum Description See Plan 5 min. S-9 S-10 S-11 S-12 S-13 24 24 24 24 24 S-9 : Soft, gray, varved Silty CLAY (layers 1/4" to 1/2" thick) and Clayey Silt (layers 1/8" to 1/4" thick), frequent fine Sand partings PP = 0.25 tsf S-10 : Very soft, gray, CLAY PP = 0.1 tsf S-11 : Soft, gray, CLAY, occasional Clayey Silt layers (1/8" to1/4" thick) PP = 0.1 tsf S-12 : Very soft, gray, varved Silty CLAY (layers 1/4" to 1/2" thick) and Clayey SILT (layers 1/8" to 1/4" thick), occasional fine Sand partings S-13 : Medium stiff, gray, varved Silty CLAY (layers 1/4" to 3/4" thick) with Clayey Silt (layers 1/8" to 1/2" thick) with occasional fine Sand partings End of exploration at 52 feet. 3 2 3 2 6 3 4 30-32 35-37 40-42 45-47 50-52 24 24 24 24 24 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 WH 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 3 52 VARVED CLAY AND SILT 3 - Borehole was advanced from 0 to 30 feet below grade with cased-wash methods and advanced from 30 to 50 feet below grade with open-hole, wash methods. 4 - Borehole was grouted to the ground surface after completion. Grout mix consisted of about 25 gallons of water, 25 pounds of bentonite and 50 pounds of cement. The adjacent auger borehole was backfilled with a mixture of auger spoils and grout. Ground Surface Elev. (ft.): Hammer Fall (in.): Auger or Casing O.D./I.D Dia (in.):REMARKSExploration No.: GZ-1 Engineers and Scientists 52 GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. Logged By: Drilling Co.: 7/30/2014 - 7/30/2014 1300 Dry V. Datum: Date Start - Finish: NA No. 7/31/14 129 Pleasant Street Northampton, Massachusetts Water DepthDate TEST BORING LOG Foreman: Pen. (in) Sampler O.D. (in.): Sampler Type: Sampler Length (in.): B-53 Type of Rig:Mobile Rig Model: EXPLORATION NO.: GZ-1 SHEET: 2 of 2 PROJECT NO: 45338 REVIEWED BY: C. Tonzi Sample Description and Identification (Modified Burmister Procedure) Depth (ft) 35 40 45 50 55 60 Project Project Stratification lines represent approximate boundaries between soil and bedrock types. Actual transitions may begradual. SPT Value 24 2.0 SS RemarkCasing Blows/ Core Rate Drilling Method: Depth (ft.) Sample GZA TEMPLATE TEST BORING; 8/29/2014; 12:47:29 PMH. Datum: Groundwater Depth (ft.) 1310 Rec. (in) 7/31/14 Stab. Time D. Barstow Elev.(ft.)30 Safety Hammer Field Test Data 10 min.13.8 Seaboard Drilling Final Boring Depth (ft.): Core Barrel Size: Rotary Wash (cased/uncased) Hammer Weight (lb.):140 Blows (per 6 in.) Hammer Type:Time Depth(ft.)J. Nitsch Boring Location: 3" ID Casing Stratum Description See Plan 5 min. S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 S-7 S-8 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 S-1 : Top 6": Dark brown, SILT, little fine Sand, trace Organics Bottom 9": Dark brown, fine to coarse SAND, some Silt, trace fine Gravel S-2 : Top 7": Dark brown, fine to coarse SAND, some Silt, little fine Gravel Bottom 6": Black, fine to coarse SAND, little fine Gravel, little Silt S-3 : Medium dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, little fine Gravel, trace Silt S-4 : Medium dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, some fine to coarse Gravel, trace Silt S-5 : Top 5": Orange-brown, fine SAND, some Silt Middle 2": Brown, SILT Bottom 8": Brown, fine SAND, little Silt S-6 : Top 3": Orange-brown, fine SAND, little Silt Bottom 9": Orange-brown to brown, SILT, little fine Sand S-7 : Top 8": Brown, fine SAND and SILT bottom 14": Gray CLAY and SILT, frequent fine Sand partings S-8 : Medium stiff, gray, varved Silty CLAY (layers 1/4" to 1/2" thick) with Clayey Silt (layers 1/8" to 1/4" thick), frequent fine Sand partings End of exploration at 27 feet. 7 5 14 25 17 12 4 5 1 2 0-2 2-4 5-7 7-9 10-12 15-17 20-22 25-27 15 13 12 8 15 12 24 12 3 4 3 3 3 2 3 3 8 6 8 10 11 12 13 13 6 7 10 10 4 5 7 8 2 2 2 3 4 3 2 2 5.5 21 27 FILL ALLUVIAL DEPOSITS VARVED CLAY ANDSILT 1 - Borehole was advanced from 0 to 25 feet below grade with hollow stem augers. 2 - Borehole was backfilled with a mixture of bentonite (50 pounds), cement (100 pounds) and auger spoils. Ground Surface Elev. (ft.): Hammer Fall (in.): Auger or Casing O.D./I.D Dia (in.):REMARKSExploration No.: GZ-2 Engineers and Scientists 27 GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. Logged By: Drilling Co.: 7/31/2014 - 7/31/2014 1415 14.6 V. Datum: Date Start - Finish: NA No. 129 Pleasant Street Northampton, Massachusetts Water DepthDate TEST BORING LOG Foreman: Pen. (in) Sampler O.D. (in.): Sampler Type: Sampler Length (in.): B-53 Type of Rig:Mobile Rig Model: EXPLORATION NO.: GZ-2 SHEET: 1 of 1 PROJECT NO: 45338 REVIEWED BY: C. Tonzi Sample Description and Identification (Modified Burmister Procedure) Depth (ft) 5 10 15 20 25 30 Project Project Stratification lines represent approximate boundaries between soil and bedrock types. Actual transitions may begradual. SPT Value 24 2.0 SS RemarkCasing Blows/ Core Rate Drilling Method: Depth (ft.) Sample GZA TEMPLATE TEST BORING; 8/29/2014; 12:47:29 PMH. Datum: Groundwater Depth (ft.) Rec. (in) 7/31/14 Stab. Time D. Barstow Elev.(ft.)30 Safety Hammer Field Test Data Seaboard Drilling Final Boring Depth (ft.): Core Barrel Size: HSA Hammer Weight (lb.):140 Blows (per 6 in.) Hammer Type:Time Depth(ft.)J. Nitsch Boring Location: 2.5" ID HSA Stratum Description See Plan 10 min. Test Pit No.TP-1HAP Housing Page No.1 of 1129 Pleasant Street File No.15.0166433.01 Northampton, Massachusetts Checked By: GZA Rep.D. Harris Contractor Date Operator Ground Elev.Weather Overcast, 57° F Make Bobcat Model 442 Time Started Capacity Reach ± 14'Time Completed Depth Soil Description Sample PID Boulders: No.Reading Excav.Count/Note (ppm)Effort Class No. Dry, dark brown, fine to coarse SAND, some Silt, little Gravel, little roots, trace Asphalt, trace Glass.(FILL) 2.5' West side of pit: Dry, light brown, fine to coarse SAND and GRAVELEast side of pit: Dark gray, Coal, Slag (FILL)3.2' Dry, dark brown, SILT, some fine Sand, trace Roots, trace Brick, trace Concrete(FILL)5.0' Moist, reddish-brown, fine to coarse SAND, some Gravel, trace Silt.6.0'Bottom of excavation Notes: 1. Test pit backfilled with excavated soils in approximate 1-foot thick lifts, compacted with jumping jack compactor. Test Pit Plan 7' NORTHVolume =cu. yd. Western Builders 10/4/2016 Bill See Plan0840 0910 E E E 1B S-1 S-2 S-3 E E 1 E S-4 16 10' Boulder ClassLetter Size Range Designation ClassificationA 6" -17"B 18" -36"C 36" and Larger 0 1' 16' TRACE (TR.) LITTLE (LI.) SOME (SO.) AND 0 -10% 10 -20% 20 -35% 35 -50% Excavation EffortE-----Easy M-----ModerateD-----Difficult AbbreviationsF = Fine M = MediumC = Coarse V = VeryF/M = Fine to mediumF/C = Fine to coarseGR = GrayBN = BrownYEL = Yellow GROUNDWATER ElapsedTime toReading(Hours) () Encountered( X ) Not Encountered Depthto Ground-water ProportionsUsed Stratification lines represent approximate boundaries between soil types, transitions may be gradual. Water level readings havebeen made at times and under conditions stated. Fluctuations of groundwater may occur due to factors other than those present at the time measurements were made. GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. Engineers/Scientists 2' 15' 14' 13' 12' 11' 10' 3' 9' 6' 4' 5' 7' 8' Test Pit No.TP-2HAP Housing Page No.1 of 1129 Pleasant Street File No.15.0166433.01 Northampton, Massachusetts Checked By: GZA Rep.D. Harris Contractor Date Operator Ground Elev.Weather Overcast, 58° F Make Bobcat Model 442 Time Started Capacity Reach ± 14'Time Completed Depth Soil Description Sample PID Boulders: No.Reading Excav.Count/Note (ppm)Effort Class No. Dry, dark brown, SILT, some Sand, little Gravel, little Roots, trace Brick, trace Asphalt.(FILL) 2.1'Dry, light brown, fine SAND and SILT, trace Roots. 3.2' Moist, tan, fine to medium SAND, trace Silt.6.0'Bottom of excavation Notes: 1. 4" AC pipe encountered at approx. 32" bgs. Relocated test pit to the south toward existing building. 2. Test pit backfilled with excavated soils in approximate 1-foot thick lifts, compacted with jumping jack compactor. Test Pit Plan 9' NORTHVolume =cu. yd. S-1 S-2 S-3 E 2 E E E E 1 E 10' 20 Western Builders 10/4/2016 Bill ± 120' AMSL0940 1010 Boulder ClassLetter Size RangeDesignation Classification A 6" -17"B 18" -36" C 36" and Larger 0 1' 16' 0 -10% 10 -20% 20 -35% 35 -50% AbbreviationsF = FineM = MediumC = CoarseV = VeryF/M = Fine to mediumF/C = Fine to coarseGR = Gray BN = BrownYEL = Yellow GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. Engineers/Scientists 2' 15' 14' 13' 12' 11' 10' 3' 9' 6' 4' 5' 7' 8' Boulder ClassLetter Size RangeDesignation ClassificationA 6" -17" B 18" -36"C 36" and Larger 0 1' 16' TRACE (TR.) LITTLE (LI.) SOME (SO.) AND Excavation Effort E-----EasyM-----ModerateD-----Difficult GROUNDWATER ElapsedTime toReading(Hours) () Encountered( X ) Not Encountered DepthtoGround-water ProportionsUsed Stratification lines represent approximate boundaries between soil types, transitions may be gradual. Water level readings havebeen made at times and under conditions stated. Fluctuations of groundwater may occur due to factors other than those present at the time measurements were made. GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. Engineers/Scientists 2' 15' 14' 13' 12' 11' 10' 3' 9' 6' 4' 5' 7' 8' Test Pit No.TP-3HAP Housing Page No.1 of 1129 Pleasant Street File No.15.0166433.01Northampton, Massachusetts Checked By: GZA Rep.D. Harris Contractor Date Operator Ground Elev.Weather Overcast, 58° F Make Bobcat Model 442 Time StartedCapacityReach± 14'Time Completed Depth Soil Description Sample PID Boulders: No.Reading Excav.Count/Note (ppm)Effort Class No. Dry, dark brown, SILT, some fine Sand, some Brick, Some Roots. Ceramic shards, cementious pipe fragments, iron pipe fragments.(FILL)2.5' Dry, brown, fine to medium SAND, little Silt. 3.8' Dry, reddish-brown, fine to medium SAND, trace fine Gravel, trace Silt 5.0' Moist, reddish-brown, medium to coarse SAND, little fine Gravel.6.0'Bottom of excavation Notes: Test Pit Plan 8' NORTHVolume =cu. yd. E Western Builders 10/4/2016Bill± 120' AMSL10421115 E E S-1 S-3 E E S-2 E S-4 10' 18 Boulder Class Letter Size RangeDesignation ClassificationA 6" -17"B 18" -36"C 36" and Larger 0 1' 16' 0 -10% 10 -20% 20 -35% 35 -50% AbbreviationsF = FineM = MediumC = CoarseV = VeryF/M = Fine to mediumF/C = Fine to coarseGR = GrayBN = Brown YEL = Yellow GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.Engineers/Scientists 2' 15' 14' 13' 12' 11' 10' 3' 9' 6' 4' 5' 7' 8' Boulder ClassLetter Size RangeDesignation ClassificationA 6" -17" B 18" -36"C 36" and Larger 0 1' 16' TRACE (TR.) LITTLE (LI.) SOME (SO.) AND 0 Excavation EffortE-----Easy M-----ModerateD-----Difficult GROUNDWATER ElapsedTime toReading(Hours) () Encountered( X ) Not Encountered DepthtoGround-water ProportionsUsed Stratification lines represent approximate boundaries between soil types, transitions may be gradual. Water level readings havebeen made at times and under conditions stated. Fluctuations of groundwater may occur due to factors other than those present at the time measurements were made. GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.Engineers/Scientists 2' 15' 14' 13' 12' 11' 10' 3' 9' 6' 4' 5' 7' 8' Test Pit No.TP-4HAP Housing Page No.1 of 1129 Pleasant Street File No.15.0166433.01Northampton, Massachusetts Checked By: GZA Rep.D. Harris Contractor Date Operator Ground Elev.Weather Overcast, 58° F Make Bobcat Model 442 Time StartedCapacityReach± 14'Time Completed Depth Soil Description Sample PID Boulders: No.Reading Excav.Count/Note Moist, dark brown, SILT and SAND, some Roots.(ppm)Effort Class No.(TOPSOIL)0.3' Dry, brown, SILT, some fine to coarse Sand, some fine to coarse Gravel, some Boulders, some Brick, some broken Granite Blocks, little broken Ceramics.(FILL) 6.5' Moist, light gray, stiff, SILT, little fine Sand lenses, ~40% orange redox concentrations 7.5'Bottom of excavation. Notes: 1. Test pit located between existing brick structure and stone masonry retaining wall. Boulders encountered were angular, possibly remaining material from stone masonry wall.. 2. "Orangeburg" -type pipe encountered and ruptured during excavation, releasing several gallons of water to excavation. Pipe appeared to be a roof drain pipe from adjacent brick structure (to be demolished). Test Pit Plan 10' NORTHVolume =cu. yd. Western Builders 10/4/2016Bill± 120' AMSL11401220 M 1 M 2 M D 6A, 3B D 2C S-1 S-2 M 12' 33 Boulder ClassLetter Size RangeDesignation ClassificationA 6" -17"B 18" -36"C 36" and Larger 0 1' 16' T 0 -10% 10 -20% 20 -35% 35 -50% AbbreviationsF = FineM = MediumC = CoarseV = VeryF/M = Fine to mediumF/C = Fine to coarseGR = GrayBN = BrownYEL = Yellow GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. Engineers/Scientists 2' 15' 14' 13' 12' 11' 10' 3' 9' 6' 4' 5' 7' 8' Boulder ClassLetter Size RangeDesignation ClassificationA 6" -17"B 18" -36"C 36" and Larger 0 1' 16' TRACE (TR.) LITTLE (LI.) SOME (SO.) AND 0 Excavation EffortE-----EasyM-----ModerateD-----Difficult GROUNDWATER ElapsedTime toReading(Hours) () Encountered( X ) Not Encountered DepthtoGround-water ProportionsUsed Stratification lines represent approximate boundaries between soil types, transitions may be gradual. Water level readings havebeen made at times and under conditions stated. Fluctuations of groundwater may occur due to factors other than those present at the time measurements were made. GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. Engineers/Scientists 2' 15' 14' 13' 12' 11' 10' 3' 9' 6' 4' 5' 7' 8' Appendix C: Laboratory Test Results Project Name 129 Pleasant Street Project Location Northampton, MA Reviewed By Project No.05.0045338.00 Assigned By C. Tonzi Project Manager C. Tonzi Date Date Reviewed 8/14/2014 Consol. Boring/ Test Pit No. Sample No. Depth ft. Lab No. Water Content % LL % PL % OD LL % Sieve -200 % Hyd -2µ % ORG % Dry unit wt. pcf Torvane or Type Test sc psf Failure Criteria s1 - s3 or t psf Strain %1 + e0 Laboratory Log and Soil Description GZ-1 S-2 2-4 1 29.3 92.3 Gray CLAY & SILT, trace Sand GZ-1 S-6 15-17 2 22.8 10.3 Brown f-m SAND, little Silt, trace Gravel GZ-1 S-8 25-27 3 43.6 40 24 Gray CLAY & SILT, trace Sand GZ-1 S-10 35-37 4 50.3 55 30 Gray Silty CLAY GZ-1 S-13 50-52 5 55.0 195 Frances Avenue Cranston, RI 02910 401-467-6454 LABORATORY TESTING DATA SHEET Identification Tests Strength Tests 8/14/2014 Cc ASTM D422 Gravel Sand Fines 0.0%7.7%92.3% Lab #Exploration Depth WC LL PL PI 1 GZ-1 2-4'Gray CLAY & SILT, trace Sand 29.3 Sieve Size % Passing ¾"100.0 ½"100.0 #4 100.0 #10 100.0 #20 99.8 #40 99.4 #60 98.9 Tested by: 195 Frances Ave., Cranston, RI 02910 #100 96.9 Reviewed by: 401-467-6454 #200 92.3 GZA Project # 05.0045338.00 LM Date:8/13/14 MBP Date:8/14/14 Sample Description S-2 74-14-0003 129 Pleasant Street Northampton, MA 3" 2" 1" 3/4" 1/2" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110100Percent Finer by Weight Grain Size (mm) U.S. STANDARD SIEVE AND HYDROMETER SAND C L A Y GRAVEL Fine Coarse Coarse Fine Medium SILT ASTM D422 Gravel Sand Fines 4.9%84.8%10.3% Lab #Exploration Depth WC LL PL PI 2 GZ-1 15-17'Brown f-m SAND, little Silt, trace Gravel 22.8 Sieve Size % Passing ¾"95.1 ½"95.1 #4 95.1 #10 95.0 #20 93.7 #40 86.9 #60 69.2 Tested by: 195 Frances Ave., Cranston, RI 02910 #100 32.0 Reviewed by: 401-467-6454 #200 10.3 GZA Project # 05.0045338.00 LM Date:8/13/14 MBP Date:8/14/14 Sample Description S-6 74-14-0003 129 Pleasant Street Northampton, MA 3" 2" 1" 3/4" 1/2" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110100Percent Finer by Weight Grain Size (mm) U.S. STANDARD SIEVE AND HYDROMETER SAND C L A Y GRAVEL Fine Coarse Coarse Fine Medium SILT