155 Pleasant St abatementLIVE 155 PFRA+LDa 155 Pleasant St August 24, 2016 Northampton, MA Addendum #1 ADDENDUM – 1 Page 1 of 35 ADDENDUM - #1 TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS - PERMIT DRAWINGS AND PROJECT MANUAL 08-24-16 This Addendum modifies, amends and supplements designated parts of the 100% Contract Documents, Construction Drawings & Project Manual, for the Live 155 mixed use project, dated 06-03-2016, and is hereby made a part thereof by reference, and shall be as binding as though inserted in its entirety in the locations designated hereunder. It shall be the responsibility of all Contractors Subcontractors and Suppliers proposed for the various parts of the work, to incorporate any changes or modifications contained in this Addendum in their pricing/proposals. I. ADDENDUM TO THE PERMIT DOCUMENTS - PROJECT MANUAL: Addendum to the Project Manual – For Permit contains numbered item descriptions and complete revised/added specification sections. Description items are grouped and numbered by specification section number, i.e., 033000.1 is a modification or addition to the specification section 033000. Complete specification sections and the table of contents are included with changes identified in bold. Re-issued or added specification sections will follow the drawing/specification addendum list in this document. II. ADDENDUM TO THE PERMIT DOCUMENTS - DRAWINGS: Addendum to the Contract Documents Permit Drawings (issued 8/3/2016) contains numbered item descriptions and zero (0) full size sheet. Description items are grouped and numbered by discipline (Section), i.e., 4/A210 is a modification or addition to drawing #2 on the Architectural plan sheet A210. No drawings are issued as part of this addendum. LIVE 155 PFRA+LDa 155 Pleasant St August 24, 2016 Northampton, MA Addendum #1 ADDENDUM – 1 Page 2 of 35 I. ADDENDUM TO THE PROJECT MANUAL: ITEM # SECTION # DESCRIPTION 1 017400 Waste Management & Disposal 2 028200 Asbestos Remediation 3 Appendix 1 Testing Results & Site Investigation Findings 4 5 6 129 PLEASANT STREET PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 24, 2016 WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL 017400 - 1 SECTION 017400 WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Description of Work B. References C. Submittals D. Waste Categories 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and supervision for containerization, characterization, on-Site management, transportation, and incidentals necessary to transport and dispose of all waste generated as a result of the Work to a facility permitted to accept the waste and approved by the Owner. Waste includes, but is not limited to asbestos waste, hazardous materials, debris generated during the Work (i.e., used health and safety equipment, decontamination materials, polyethylene sheeting and decontamination liquids), and universal waste materials. B. The Contractor shall arrange and pay for all testing necessary to properly characterize wastes for disposal at the selected, permitted, and Owner-approved facility in accordance with facility requirements. All waste characterization samples shall be analyzed by to an accredited, Massachusetts Department of Labor Standards (MADLS) licensed laboratory. C. Contractor shall segregate each of these material types by hazardous or non-hazardous waste classification, as determined by results of samples collected. It is Owner’s intention to obtain waste classification of non-hazardous for as much of the waste as practicable, to recycle whenever possible, and to minimize the amount of materials disposed of off the Site. D. The Contractor will prepare final waste profiles, Bills of Lading (BOLs), manifests, and shipping documents as required per the Owner-approved waste disposal/recycling facilities. Following the submission of all pertinent documentation to the Engineer, the Contractor shall allow a minimum of 5 days for return of documentation requiring Owner signature. E. The Contractor shall arrange for off-Site transportation of all materials to the Owner-approved facilities and pay all necessary taxes, surcharges, transportation and tipping fees. F. Owner or Owner’s designee will sign all necessary waste profiles and shipping documents as the Generator. 129 PLEASANT STREET PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 24, 2016 WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL 017400 - 2 1.3 REFERENCES A. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standards and Regulations contained in Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Parts 1910 and 1926, including amendments as stated in Federal Register, March 6, 1989, Final Rule, 29 CFR 1910.120, "Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response" 1. United States Environmental Protection Agency Guidance a. Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, as amended. b. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 40 CFR 268 c. Posted weight limitations on roads and bridges d. Applicable USEPA Analytical Methods e. Code of Federal Regulations – Protection of the Environment, Sub-chapter I – Solid Wastes f. 40 CFR 122 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Standards g. 40 CFR 263 Standards Applicable to Transporters of Hazardous Waste h. Code of Federal Regulations – Transportation, Sub-chapter B – Hazardous Materials Transportation and Pipeline Safety i. 49 CFR 106 Rule-making Procedures j. 49 CFR 107 Hazardous Materials Program Procedures k. Code of Federal Regulations – Transportation, Sub-chapter C, Hazardous Materials Regulations l. 49 CFR 171 General Information, Regulations, and Definitions m. 49 CFR 172 Hazardous Materials Tables and Hazardous Materials Communications Regulations n. 49 CFR 177 Carriage by Public Highway o. 49 CFR 178 Specifications for Packaging p. 49 CFR 179 Specifications for Tank Cars q. 49 CFR 180 Continuing Qualification and Maintenance of Packaging r. Code of Federal Regulations – National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit s. Clean Water Act, Section 301 (a) t. 40 CFR 122.28 Remediation & Miscellaneous Contaminated Sites General Permit (RGP). See also: http://www.epa.gov/region01/npdes/rgp.html B. Conform to Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) Air Quality and Solid Waste Regulations 310 CMR 7.00 and 310 CMR 19.000 and other applicable regulatory procedures when removing, handling, disposing, or otherwise managing hazardous or contaminated materials. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Prepare and submit to Engineer within 7 days of Notice to Proceed, a project-specific Waste Management and Disposal Plan outlining procedures to be used in management of waste materials generated during the Work. The Waste Management and Disposal Plan shall address, at a minimum, the Contractor’s intended methods for characterizing, handling, preparing, storing, treating, shipping, and disposing of all excess materials and outline the areas of the Site in which waste handling activities will occur. Contractor shall identify and make arrangements with all, permitted and Owner-approved off-site reuse, salvage, recycling, and disposal facilities to be used. The Contractor shall not remove any materials from the Site until the Waste Management and Disposal Plan has been approved by the Engineer. If, following approval of the Waste Management and Disposal Plan, the Contractor desires or identifies a need to use any facility not included in the Plan, the Contractor must submit all the information 129 PLEASANT STREET PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 24, 2016 WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL 017400 - 3 as required by this paragraph, and receive approval for same from the Owner, prior to such use. The Waste Management and Disposal Plan shall, at a minimum, contain the following: 1. Include with Bid, listing of proposed disposal for each anticipated waste stream. This listing shall also include the anticipated quantity for each of the proposed facilities. The Contractor shall identify facilities that are permitted to accept these waste streams with their bids for review and approval by Owner and Engineer. These materials shall be disposed of or recycled at a facility permitted to accept these waste streams. 2. Name, title, and telephone number of contact person for each recycling/ disposal facility to be used. 3. Lists matching each facility with the materials it will accept for this project, and specifying whether the facility is a recycling, treatment, storage, or disposal facility. 4. Confirmation from the facility(ies) that they are permitted to and will accept the type and quantities of materials. 5. Description of Contractor’s procedures to manage and track materials and example of Contractor’s material tracking log. 6. Estimated volumes of waste expected to be generated including demolition debris streams. 7. Hauling company(s) name(s) and address(es). 8. Name, title, and telephone number of contact person for each hauling company to be used. B. Upon award, if the Engineer finds that the submitted Waste Management and Disposal Plan does not comply with specified requirements, the corrective revisions will be noted on the submittal copy returned to the Contractor. C. Revisions to the accepted Waste Management and Disposal Plan may be made only with the written approval of the Engineer. A change affecting the contract value of any activity including the contract time may be made only in accordance with applicable provisions of the Contract Documents. D. Contractor shall submit daily disposal truck logs to the Engineer. Log shall include date, waste characterization, transporter, disposal facility identification and location, bill of lading or manifest number, vehicle number, driver, and approximate volume and/or weight of waste. E. Contractor shall submit certificate of recycle for materials transported for recycle to the Engineer. Certificate shall include date, recycle facility, identification and location, approximate volume and/or weight of material, and description of recycled methods. F. Submit the following upon completion of activities. 1. Recorded actual quantities of materials removed on a volume and/or mass basis and provide copies of profile forms, and shipping papers. 2. Copies of all waste manifests for hazardous waste shipments, bills of lading for nonhazardous waste shipments, certificates of destruction, and certificates of recycle for all recycled materials generated during course of Work. 1.5 WASTE CATEGORIES A. The following is a listing of the waste categories anticipated for the Work. Contractor shall segregate and dispose of all materials based on these categories and the results of analytical testing required by the Owner-approved receiving facilities. Contractor shall make every effort to segregate waste streams during execution of the Work. 129 PLEASANT STREET PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 24, 2016 WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL 017400 - 4 1. Asbestos Remediation Waste – materials shall include all building materials and debris containing or impacted by asbestos, identified on the Drawings and described in the Specifications, including, but not limited to all items as outlined in Table No. 2 – Confirmed Asbestos Containing Materials included in Appendix 1 and identified by the Contractor. This category also includes used PPE and enclosure materials. 2. Hazardous Materials/Universal Waste – materials shall include lead coated components and generated wastes, and all items as outlined in Table No. 3 – Hazardous Materials Inventory Included in Appendix 1 and identified by the Contractor. This category also includes used PPE and enclosure materials. 3. Decontamination Liquids – non-hazardous decontamination liquids generated during the Work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Coordination B. Materials Handling and Off-Site Transportation C. General Waste Handling and Disposal Procedures D. Decontamination Fluids E. Labeling of Waste Containers 3.2 COORDINATION A. Contractor shall notify the Engineer prior to sampling for waste characterization for off-site disposal. The Engineer will observe all sampling activities performed by the Contractor. Any sampling performed without the knowledge of the Engineer must be repeated by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Engineer. B. Contractor shall coordinate the removal, processing (if applicable), and off site transportation of all materials and debris with the Engineer. 3.3 MATERIALS HANDLING AND OFF-SITE TRANSPORTATION A. Contractor shall perform the following tasks for the proper handling of materials that will be transported to the identified Owner-approved off-site disposal facilities: 1. Pack and label materials for transportation following all USEPA, MADLS, MADEP, US and MADOT regulations and local requirements. 2. Pending the approval of the Engineer, the Contractor may transport the material from the Site to the approved recycling/disposal facility in appropriate containers or trucks. 129 PLEASANT STREET PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 24, 2016 WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL 017400 - 5 3. Manage excess liquids in accordance with regulations and disposal facility requirements governing transportation and disposal. 4. Coordinate and manage the custody of necessary waste profiles, BOLs, hazardous waste manifests, and labels, as required. The Contractor will prepare final waste profiles and shipping documents for signature by the Owner as the Generator. Following the submission of all pertinent documentation to the Engineer, the Contractor shall allow a minimum of 5 days for return of documentation requiring Owner signature. 5. Engage a licensed transporter. 3.4 GENERAL WASTE HANDLING AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES A. The Contractor shall arrange and pay for all testing necessary to properly characterize wastes for disposal at the selected Owner approved facility. Contractor shall segregate each of these material types by hazardous or non-hazardous waste classification, as determined by results of samples collected. It is Owner’s intention to obtain waste classification of non-hazardous for as much of the waste as practicable, to recycle whenever possible, and to minimize the amount of materials disposed of off the Site. B. All characterization sampling of waste for disposal or for potential recycling and reuse shall be performed by the Contractor in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations and individual waste transporters and disposal facility requirements. C. Waste shall be transported in lined and covered DOT-approved containers to be provided by waste transporter(s) or drums to be provided by Contractor and staged for waste classification sampling. Containers shall meet all US DOT shipping requirements. Shipping containers shall be filled to within legal weight and height limits for shipping. Waste shall be contained to comply with all approved disposal facility requirements. The Contractor shall be responsible for temporarily staging stored waste in an area designated in the Owner approved on-Site area. D. Asbestos transport containers shall be lined with a minimum two layers of 10-mil polyethylene sheeting. Asbestos transport containers shall be fully enclosed, placarded and lockable. E. Care should be taken not to overload waste containers. Debris shall be sized, as necessary, and placed in transport containers to achieve appropriate minimum densities. F. All demolition debris stockpiles comprised of material capable of becoming airborne or generating dust shall be covered with plastic sheeting at all times. Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining plastic sheeting on stockpiles or transport containers. G. The Contractor shall coordinate, manage, and pay for (as a part of the bid price) all waste handling activities including transportation to the approved receiving facilities. H. Contractor shall schedule all waste shipments, in coordination with the Engineer, and with the Owner identified as generator. I. Any demurrage costs and taxes associated with transportation shall be borne by Contractor at no additional cost to Owner. J. Contractor shall be responsible for transportation of all waste to Owner -approved disposal facilities unless otherwise noted in these Specifications. Contractor shall provide weight tickets for all waste disposal using commercially available scales with current calibration records. Portable scales will not be permitted for determination of pay quantities. Failure to properly weigh and record wastes transported for disposal will result in non-payment by the Owner. 129 PLEASANT STREET PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 24, 2016 WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL 017400 - 6 K. The Contractor shall maintain a daily log of each truck’s weight and all waste shipped off the Site. L. All solid waste material, containment system components, used personal protective equipment and any additional media generated during the work (which will not be decontaminated), shall be placed directly in appropriate waste receptacles immediately upon removal from its in-situ position. Suitable waste receptacles may consist of lined, enclosed roll-off containers or DOT- approved 55-gallon drums, and shall be supplied by the Contractor. M. If roll-off containers are to be utilized for containerization of Universal Waste Work wastes, the following shall apply: 1. All roll-off containers or similar vessels utilized shall be watertight and lined with 10-mil polyethylene sheeting or equivalent impermeable lining, and equipped with a secured, lockable, and impermeable cover. 2. The impermeable cover shall remain securely in place at all times when material is not being actively placed in the vessels. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the cover remains securely intact and locked until the container is removed from the Site. N. If 55-gallon drums are to be utilized for waste containerization, the drums shall consist of suitable DOT-approved 55-gallon drums that are watertight and free of corrosion, perforations, punctures, or other damage. All drums shall be securely covered and sealed at the conclusion of each work day. All drums shall be labeled in accordance with the requirements of this Section and meet the following specifications. 1. Waste disposal drums: Provide DOT 17-H Open – Top Drums (55 gallon) in accordance with DOT regulation title 49 CFR Parts 173, 178, and 179. 2. Fiberboard Drums or Equivalent: Provide sufficient quantity of fiber board drums or equivalent (as determined by Engineer) for packaging of ACMs with rough edges. O. Disposal bags and wraps to be utilized shall be 6 mil (0.15 mm) thick leak-tight polyethylene bags. P. A waste staging area shall be designated by the Contractor prior to initiation of Work, and approved by Engineer. 3.5 SCRAP STEEL HANDLING PROCEDURES A. Scrap steel shall be transported to a steel processor for smelting and a certificate of destruction/recycling provided. B. Recycle/salvage of all scrap steel generated as a result of Work shall be in accordance with all applicable federal, State, and local regulations. C. Contractor shall perform characterization of all scrap steel as necessary for recycle. This may consist of additional lead-containing paint analysis if required by the steel management company. D. Contractor shall be responsible for managing any scrap steel that contain lead- containing paint that is in poor condition and is not acceptable for recycle. Any lead-based paint debris and lead-containing waste shall be characterized and properly disposed. All lead-containing paint 129 PLEASANT STREET PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 24, 2016 WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL 017400 - 7 management must be performed in accordance with applicable federal, State, and local regulations. 3.6 LIQUID WASTE MATERIAL AND DECONTAMINATION FLUIDS A. Under no circumstances shall decontamination fluids or liquid waste be discharged to the ground surface or subsurface at the Site. B. Liquid materials, including equipment or personal decontamination fluids or similar liquids generated during work at the Site shall be placed directly into appropriately sized and sealed vessels, supplied by the Contractor. C. Acceptable vessels for the storage of liquid waste may include DOT-approved 55-gallon drums or steel or polyethylene tanks. All proposed vessels shall be compatible with the intended liquid contents. D. All storage vessels to be used in the containerization and transportation of liquid waste materials shall be free of corrosion, perforations, punctures or other conditions that may impair its ability to securely contain liquid. E. All liquid storage vessels utilized and staged at the Site shall be stored in an area on the property that will not interfere with normal flow of vehicle or pedestrian traffic, and in a manner that will minimize the potential for tipping, vandalism or damage by vehicular traffic. F. Disposal of all liquid waste generated at the Site during Work activities shall be a proper waste treatment/disposal facility that is pre-approved by Owner. 3.7 LABELING OF WASTE CONTAINERS A. All waste containers must be labeled with the name of the waste contained; the date in which the first material was placed in the vessel; and the last date at which addition of waste occurred. B. All waste containers containing hazardous waste generated during the Work shall be labeled as follows: 1. HAZARDOUS WASTE - Federal law prohibits improper disposal If found, contact nearest police or public safety authority or The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Generator’s Name:_________________________ Manifest Document No:_____________________ Such marking must be durable, in English and printed on or affixed to the surface of the package or label, tag or sign; displayed on a background of sharply contrasting color; un- obscured by labels or attachments and located away from any other marking (such as advertising) that could substantially reduce its effectiveness. 2. Provide leak-tight waste bags or containers for disposal of ACMs with labels in accordance with OSHA, EPA, and the latest revisions to the US Department of Transportation requirements, not limited to material identification number (#NA2212), material packaging group (PGIII), and labels. Warning labels will also include: Legend: Danger Contains Asbestos Fibers Avoid Creating Dust Cancer and Lung Disease Hazard 129 PLEASANT STREET PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 24, 2016 WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL 017400 - 8 In accordance with NESHAPS, label each waste bag with the name of the waste generator and address where the material was generated. Include the Contractor name and address on each label also. Attach label in a sufficient manner such that they are properly sealed to or on the containers. 3. Label all ACM waste bags, containers, and transport vehicles as required by applicable U.S. Department of Transportation Rules and Regulations. END OF SECTION 129 PLEASANT STREET PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 24, 2016 ASBESTOS REMEDIATION 028200 - 1 SECTION 028200 ASBESTOS REMEDIATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Description of Work B. Applicable Regulations C. Asbestos Removal Submittals D. References E. Training and Qualifications 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Contractor shall furnish all facilities, labor, materials, tools, supervision, transportation, and equipment necessary to perform removal and disposal of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) as specified herein and as shown in Table 2. B. A limited pre-renovation survey was performed to identify and quantify ACMs. This limited survey included the collection and analytical testing of samples of readily accessible ACMs and did not include the use of destructive or invasive sampling procedures. Given these limitations, ACMs may be present within portions of the designated renovation areas that were not readily accessible. The results of this survey are provided in Table 1 and laboratory data reports of these analyses are provided in Appendix 1 for informational purposes only. The Contractor is responsible for verifying and determining his/her own quantities and removal/disposal of all ACM as described herein and outlined in Table 2. C. Asbestos removal Work includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Proper cleaning, removal, collection, containerization, characterization, on-site management, transportation, and off-site disposal of all ACMs as outlined in Table 2 – Confirmed Asbestos-Containing Materials included in Appendix 1 and identified by the Contractor. The Contractor is responsible for identifying and verifying quantity of ACMs requiring removal and disposal. Given the limitations of the pre-renovation survey, described above, the referenced table is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all ACM materials potentially present within the 129 Pleasant Street building. D. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to determine and verify the present location, condition and nature of existing hazards, quantities and types of materials and/or wastes requiring removal, based on the information provided in the Contract Bid Documents, attached tables and by a full, complete, and thorough examination of the Site by the Contractor. The Contractor is required to verify the quantities of all materials prior, including dimensions and locations of areas requiring abatement as well as the types of material to be abated. 129 PLEASANT STREET PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 24, 2016 ASBESTOS REMEDIATION 028200 - 2 E. The Contractor is responsible for conducting all OSHA-related safety and structural investigations for roofing and general conditions within the building that could pose a hazard to their workers. The Contractor is responsible for all costs for performing these investigations and corrective measures required to abate any unsafe conditions and protect workers during abatement activities. F. Contractor shall perform all ACM characterization sampling prior to off-site transportation as necessary for proper disposal at facilities pre-approved by the Owner. All waste characterization samples shall be analyzed by an accredited, Massachusetts Department of Labor Standards (MADLS) licensed laboratory. The Contractor shall conduct ACM disposal in accordance with ACM characterization results and these Specifications and all applicable, federal, State, and local regulations. G. The Contractor will prepare profiles, manifests, and shipping documents. Following the submission of all pertinent documentation to the Engineer, the Contractor shall allow a minimum of 5 days for return of documentation requiring Owner signature. H. The Owner shall subcontract the services of a third party project monitor to perform compliance inspections, post abatement clearance visual inspections and air clearance testing throughout asbestos removal activities. The Contractor shall perform personal air monitoring and additional air monitoring in accordance with MADLS and OSHA requirements that may be required for performance of the Work. 1.3 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Adhere to work practices and procedures set forth in all applicable codes, regulations, and standards. Conform to City of Northampton, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP), MADLS, Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MADPH), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and other State and federal requirements as applicable for ACM removal activities. B. National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS), Subpart M, National Emission Standard for Asbestos (40 CFR Part 61 §140-147) apply to the owner or operator of a demolition or renovation activity. C. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 763, Subpart E Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act, (40 CFR Part 763). D. Obtain, pay all fees, and maintain all necessary permits and notifications from applicable federal, State and local permits and notifications necessary for Contractor Work. Provide copies of all permits, notifications and communications with the City of Northampton, MADEP, MADLS, and MADPH to the Owner. E. Conform to applicable federal, State and local applicable regulatory procedures when removing, handling, disposing, or otherwise managing hazardous or contaminated materials. 1.4 ASBESTOS REMOVAL SUBMITTALS A. Prepare and submit to the General Contractor within 7 days of Notice to Proceed a project- specific Asbestos Abatement Work Plan in sufficient detail to identify how the Contractor intends to perform and sequence the Work. The Contractor’s Asbestos Abatement Work Plan shall, at a minimum, address the following: 129 PLEASANT STREET PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 24, 2016 ASBESTOS REMEDIATION 028200 - 3 1. Methods the Contractor shall use to abate, properly handle, store and dispose of all ACMs. 2. Necessary permits, notifications, and waivers prior to the start of any abatement or demolition activities. Copies of all permits, notifications, and waivers shall be provided to the Owner. 3. Required certification/licensure of Contractor and workers. 4. Coordination of emergency egress and other life safety issues. 5. Coordination to complete lock-out and tag-out of power, air handling systems, fire protection systems and other equipment and systems to, and within, the Work Area as needed to complete the work in a safe manner. 6. Sealing of critical barriers to include doorways, windows, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) ducts/grills, fixtures, stationary items and other openings into the Work Area. 7. Complete isolation of Work areas from non-work areas utilizing primary barriers. 8. Negative pressurization of the Work area with the use of high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtered fan units. 9. Installation of decontamination unit(s) with air lock chambers and functional shower unit. 10. SDSs for all chemicals and cleaning supplies to be used on-site. 11. Detailed description of removal, enclosure, encapsulation, and cleaning techniques to be employed. 12. Worker protection including medical surveillance, respiratory protection, protective clothing and gloves. 13. Decontamination procedures including a cycle of HEPA vacuuming and wet wiping techniques of all Work area surfaces, materials, equipment and workers within or exiting the Work area. 14. Procedure for the capture, packaging and proper disposal of all wastewater and debris generated by the Work. 15. The Contractor shall, at a minimum, provide the following documents as part of the Asbestos Abatement Work Plan prior to initiation of any asbestos abatement activities. a. Copies of personnel training records for each individual associated with asbestos abatement operations indicating proper training as required by federal and State regulations. b. Current state/local certificates and United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certifications for each asbestos worker and site supervisor. c. Report of medical examination conducted within last 12 months as part of compliance with Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) medical surveillance requirements for each worker. d. A statement that worker is able to wear and use the type of respiratory protection proposed for the project, and is able to work safely in an environment capable of producing stress on the worker. e. Respirator fit test documentation for each worker and supervisor wearing respiratory protection. f. A notarized certification signed by an officer of the Contractor stating that exposure measurements, medical surveillance, and worker training records are being kept in conformance with 29 CFR 1926.1101. Certify the dates for primary and secondary HEPA filter changes for the filtered fan units. g. Written Respiratory Protection Program as required by OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 including the selected level of respiratory protection for each task of this project and any supporting historical air monitoring data. 16. The Contractor shall submit copies of notifications and permit applications to the Engineer for review and acceptance prior to proceeding with the Work covered by the permit. Notifications are to be submitted or permits obtained from the appropriate 129 PLEASANT STREET PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 24, 2016 ASBESTOS REMEDIATION 028200 - 4 federal, State and local agency in accordance with current regulatory requirements. Copies of all permits and notifications shall be provided to the Owner. 17. Indicate proposed variances from the Specifications. 18. Contractor shall submit in writing names of the proposed Owner approved disposal facility to be used for ACM. The Contractor shall submit in writing name of proposed waste hauler including documentation of applicable permits, insurance, and regulatory status and compliance history (including documentation of violations and resolution thereof) of hauler for approval by Owner. 19. Project specific procedures to be used in the management of waste materials generated during the asbestos removal Work. These procedures shall outline, at a minimum, the Contractor’s intended methods for handling, preparing, storing, treating, characterizing, shipping, and disposing of waste and outline the areas of the Site in which waste handling activities will occur. This section shall also include a waste tracking log to be utilized throughout the entire duration of the project to document all materials transported off-site for disposal and/or recycling. The waste tracking log shall include, but not be limited to, pertinent shipping information such as date, time, material, transporter, estimated quantity/volume, and disposal facility for the material being transported. B. Contractor shall submit daily waste disposal logs to the General Contractor. Log shall include date, waste characterization, transporter, disposal facility identification and location, manifest number, vehicle number, driver, and approximate volume and/or weight of waste. C. Contractor shall submit certificate of recycle for materials transported for recycle to the General Contractor. Certificate shall include date, recycle facility, identification and location, approximate volume, and/or weight of material and description of recycle methods. D. Submit Project Record Documents upon completion of ACM abatement work. 1. Recorded actual quantities of materials removed on a volume and/or mass basis and provide copies of waste characterization data, profile forms, and shipping papers. 2. Copies of daily and work area logs including personnel on-site, visitations, inspections, and testing. 3. Copies of analytical results from sampling completed by the Contractor during asbestos removal activities. 4. Photographic documentation of Work. 5. Copies of all waste manifests for hazardous waste shipments, bills of lading for nonhazardous waste shipments, certificates of destruction, and certificates of recycle for all recycled materials generated during course of Work. 1.5 REFERENCES A. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to perform the Work in accordance with these publications and all other applicable State, federal, and local laws, regulations and statutes. 1. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 2. ANSI A10.6 (1990) Demolition Operations 3. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 4. 40 CFR 61 – Subpart M – National Emissions Standard for Asbestos 5. 40 CFR 260-282 – Solid Wastes 6. 40 CFR 763 – Subpart E – Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act 7. OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 – Respiratory Protection 8. OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1001 – General Industry Standard for Asbestos 9. OSHA 29 CFR 1926.55 – Gases, Vapors, Fumes, Dusts, and Mists 10. OSHA 29 CFR 1926.95 – Criteria for PPE 129 PLEASANT STREET PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 24, 2016 ASBESTOS REMEDIATION 028200 - 5 11. OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101 – Asbestos Construction Standard 12. U.S. Department of Transportation Regulations 49 CFR Parts 172 and 173 13. MADEP Air Quality and Solid Waste Regulations 310 CMR 7.00 and 310 CMR 19.000. 14. MADLS Regulations 452 CMR 6.00; and 15. MADPH State Sanitary Code Chapter II; 105 CMR 410.353. 1.6 TRAINING AND QUALIFICATIONS A. All workers who work shall be provided training, at a minimum, on the following topics and in accordance with the requirements of the Site-specific Health and Safety Plan: 1. Asbestos workers shall have valid MADLS issued asbestos abatement worker certificate and EPA certified Asbestos Worker training document. 2. The health hazards of asbestos including the nature of asbestos related diseases, routes of exposure, known dose-response relationships, the synergistic relationship between asbestos exposure and cigarette smoking, latency periods, and health basis for standards. 3. Personal protective equipment including the types and characteristics of respirator classes, limitations of respirators, proper selection, inspection, donning, use, maintenance and storage of respirators, field testing the face piece to face seal (positive and negative pressure fit tests), qualitative and quantitative fit testing procedures, variations between laboratory and field fit factors, factors that affect respirator fit, selection and use of disposable clothing, use and handling of washable clothing, non-skid shoes, gloves, eye protection, and hard hats. 4. Medical monitoring requirements for workers including required and recommended tests, reasons for medical monitoring and employee access to records. 5. Air monitoring procedures and requirements for workers including description of equipment and procedures, reasons for monitoring, types of samples and current standards with recommended changes. 6. Work practices for ACM removal including purpose, establishment of regulated areas, proper construction and maintenance of airtight plastic critical and primary barriers, job set-up of airlocks, posting of warning signs, engineering controls, electrical and ventilation system lockout, proper working techniques, waste cleanup, storage and disposal. 7. Personal hygiene including entry and exit procedures for the work area, use of showers and prohibition of eating, drinking, smoking, and chewing in the Work area. 8. Special safety hazards that may be encountered including electrical hazards, air contaminants (carbon monoxide, wetting agents, and encapsulants), fire and explosion hazards, scaffold and ladder hazards, slippery surfaces, confined spaces, heat stress, and noise. 9. Workshops allowing both supervisory personnel and abatement workers the opportunity to observe and experience the construction of containment barriers and decontamination facilities. 10. Lockout/Tagout and Confined Space Entry procedures. B. Asbestos Abatement Site Supervisor Qualifications 1. The Contractor shall provide at least one MADLS certified and EPA accredited asbestos abatement Site Supervisor per work area, whose responsibilities include coordination, safety, security, and execution of all phases of the asbestos abatement work. The individual and his/her qualifications shall be clearly identified in the Contractor’s Asbestos Abatement Work Plan. The Site Supervisor shall not be used as an asbestos worker. 129 PLEASANT STREET PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 24, 2016 ASBESTOS REMEDIATION 028200 - 6 2. The asbestos abatement Site Supervisor shall be fully qualified in all aspects of asbestos removal practices and procedures, and have valid State of MADLS- issued asbestos abatement supervisor certificate and EPA- certified Asbestos Contractor/Supervisor training document. The asbestos training course shall cover all topics listed above as well as training in contract specifications, liability insurance and bonding, legal considerations related to abatement, establishing respiratory protection medical surveillance programs, EPA and OSHA record-keeping programs, as well as any other topics requested by the Owner. 3. The certified asbestos Site Supervisor shall be certified in CPR and Emergency First Aid by an appropriate authority, as well as having received the required training under the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard. 4. The Site Supervisor shall be fully qualified and experienced in all aspects of hazardous waste operations to be conducted as part of this work and shall have an additional 8 hours of training in managing Hazardous Waste Operations. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Removal Materials and Equipment B. Cleaning Materials and Equipment C. Protective Equipment D. Disposal Bags E. Drums F. Disposal Labels and Signs G. Sheeting and Covering 2.2 REMOVAL MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT A. The Contractor shall provide new materials and new or used equipment in undamaged and serviceable condition. Only materials and equipment that are recognized as being suitable for the intended use, by compliance with appropriate standards, are to be used during the Work. 1. Fire Extinguishers - The Contractor shall provide multi-purpose ABC minimum rating to A40BC fire extinguishers. The Contractor shall comply with the applicable recommendations of NFPA Standard 10 "Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers." Fire extinguishers shall be located where they are most convenient and effective for their intended purpose, but provide not less than one extinguisher inside each Work area in the equipment room and one outside each Work area in the clean room. 2. Construction Lumber - Construction lumber for critical barrier walls shall consist of nominal, 2" x 4" framing, 16 inches center to center. 3. Plastic Sheeting - The Contractor shall provide non-combustible, fire-retardant, 4- and 6- mil thick clear, frosted, or black plastic sheeting in the largest size possible to minimize seams in accordance with local fire department requirements. The use of spray plastic will not be allowed. 129 PLEASANT STREET PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 24, 2016 ASBESTOS REMEDIATION 028200 - 7 4. Adhesive Materials - The Contractor shall provide duct tape in 3" widths, with an adhesive that is formulated to aggressively stick to plastic sheeting. The Contractor may also provide spray adhesive in aerosol cans that is specifically formulated to stick tenaciously to plastic sheeting. 5. Shower Assembly - Contractor shall provide a leak tight shower enclosure with integrated drain pan fabricated from fiberglass or other durable waterproof material, approximately 3' x 3' square with minimum 6' high sides and back. The Contractor shall structurally support the unit as necessary for stability and equip it with a hose bib, mounted at approximately 4'-0" above drain pan. The Contractor shall provide a factory made shower-head producing a spray of water that can be adjusted for spray size and intensity. The Contractor shall feed shower with water mixed from hot and cold supply lines, as required by Commonwealth of Massachusetts regulations, arranged so that control of water temperature, flow rate, and shutoff is from inside shower without outside aid. The Contractor shall provide a totally submersible waterproof sump pump with an integral float switch. The unit shall be sized to pump two times the flow capacity of all showers or hoses supplying water to the sump, through the filters specified herein when they are loaded to the extent that replacement is required. The unit shall be capable of pumping debris, sand, plaster or other materials washed off during decontamination procedures without damage to mechanism of pump. The Contractor shall adjust float switch so that a minimum of 3" remains between top of liquid and top of sump pan. Cascaded filter units shall be installed on drain lines from showers or any other water source carrying asbes- tos contaminated water from the Work Area. 6. Negative Air Filtration System - The Contractor shall provide air-filtering equipment capable of filtering particles to 0.3 micrometers at 99.97% efficiency and of sufficient quantity and capacity to cause a complete air change within the work area at least once every 15 minutes. Such equipment shall exhaust the filtered air so as to maintain a negative pressure inside the work area. Air shall flow in through the decontamination unit and exhaust through the negative air filtration unit by means of flexible duct leading outside the work area, preferably outside of the building. Negative air filtration shall be in operation at all times during abatement activities. 7. HEPA Vacuum - The Contractor shall utilize high efficiency filter wet vacuums to filter particles of 0.3 micrometers or larger at 99.97% efficiency or greater. The Contractor shall obtain HEPA vacuum attachments, such as various size brushes, crevice tools, and angular tools to be used for varied application, and service the HEPA vacuum routinely to assure proper operation. Caution shall be used any time the vacuum is opened for HEPA filter replacement or debris removal. Operators shall wear protective clothing and respirators or more negative pressure within the Work area relative to adjacent building areas. The unit must be equipped with a safety system that prevents it from being operated with the HEPA filter in an improper orientation when using the HEPA vacuum. Vacuuming by conventional means is unacceptable. 8. Encapsulant - The Contractor shall provide an owner approved liquid material that can be applied to surfaces stripped of ACM that controls the release of asbestos fibers (“lock down encapsulation”) from the material either by creating a membrane over the surface (bridging encapsulant) or by penetrating into the material and binding its components together (penetrating encapsulant). 9. Amended Water - For wetting prior to disturbance of asbestos-containing materials, the Contractor shall use an amended water solution. The Contractor shall provide water to which a commercial surfactant (i.e., not dish detergent) has been added. The Contractor shall use a mixture of surfactant and water, which results in wetting of the asbestos- containing material and retardation of fiber release during disturbance of the material, equal to or greater than that provided by the use of one ounce of a surfactant, consisting 129 PLEASANT STREET PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 24, 2016 ASBESTOS REMEDIATION 028200 - 8 of 50% polyoxyethylene ester and 50% polyoxyethylene ether mixed with 5 gallons of water. 2.3 CLEANING MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT A. Cleaning materials must not include any solvent-based products or any products which may contaminate or otherwise cause deterioration of the surfaces. Only water and approved surfactants (if necessary) will be used for cleaning. All cleaning equipment and materials must be pre-approved by General Contractor and Owner prior to mobilization and use on-Site. B. Water shall be clean and potable. C. All decontamination water must be captured, characterized, and properly disposed by the Contractor. D. To collect dust and small debris, vacuums equipped with high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters shall be used as appropriate. 2.4 PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT A. Provide health and safety equipment required to protect workers and to comply with the Contractor’s Site-specific Health and Safety Plan, OSHA, including 29 CF 1926.1101, and Massachusetts regulations. 2.5 DISPOSAL BAGS A. Provide 6 mil (0.15 mm) thick leak-tight polyethylene bags with labels as required by federal, state and local regulations. 2.6 DRUMS A. Waste disposal drums: Provide DOT 17-H Open – Top Drums (55 gallon) in accordance with DOT regulation title 49 CFR Parts 173, 178, and 179. B. Fiberboard Drums of Equivalent: Provide sufficient quantity of polyethylene lined fiber board drums or equivalent (as determined by Engineer) for packaging of ACMs with rough edges. 2.7 DISPOSAL LABELS AND SIGNS A. Provide leak-tight waste bags or containers for disposal of ACMs with labels in accordance with OSHA, EPA, and the latest revisions to the US Department of Transportation requirements, not limited to material identification number (#NA2212), material packaging group (PGIII), and labels. Warning labels will also include: Legend: Danger Contains Asbestos Fibers Avoid Creating Dust Cancer and Lung Disease Hazard In accordance with NESHAPS, label each waste bag with the name of the waste generator and address where the material was generated. Include the Contractor name and address on each label also. Attach label in a sufficient manner such that they are properly sealed to or on the containers. 129 PLEASANT STREET PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 24, 2016 ASBESTOS REMEDIATION 028200 - 9 B. Label all ACM waste bags, containers, and transport vehicles as required by applicable U.S. Department of Transportation Rules and Regulations. 2.8 SHEETING AND COVERINGS A. Waterproof sheeting used in the lay-down/segregation area(s), within transport containers, and/or to cover stockpiles shall be strong, durable, impermeable, flexible 20 mil (two layers of 10-mil) minimum thickness polyethylene sheeting or other MADEP-approved material. It shall be capable of resisting tears or punctures due to equipment placement. The sheeting shall be clear, with a minimum density of 0.926 g/cm3 and a minimum impact strength of 151 grams. B. Equipment or structural material that is cut and is placed on laydown area that has liner must be cut and placed such that sharp edges do not tear liner. C. If during Work, sheeting or covering becomes torn or punctured, Contractor shall immediately repair or replace damaged sheeting or covering at no additional cost to the Owner. Contractor shall be responsible for inspecting sheeting or covering at least once per day to check if repair is needed. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Asbestos Removal Requirements B. Asbestos Removal Access Control C. Asbestos Removal Location Preparation and Removal D. Housekeeping E. Quality Control F. Personal Protection G. General Waste Handling Procedures 3.2 ASBESTOS REMOVAL REQUIREMENTS A. Asbestos removal includes proper cleaning, removal, collection, containerization, characterization, on-site management, transportation, and off-site disposal of all ACMs. B. Owner is not liable to Contractor for lost Work time due to federal, State, or local government actions including inspections, data review, Work stoppage, or other unforeseen actions. C. Owner is not liable to Contractor for lost Work time due to federal, State, or local government actions including inspections, data review, Work stoppage, or other unforeseen actions. D. If the Contractor encounters undiscovered, encased or suspect ACMs during the course of the Work other than those identified in this Section, cease work in affected area only and immediately notify Owner and General Contractor of such discovery. Do not proceed with Work in such areas until authorized by the Owner. Continue Work in other areas. 129 PLEASANT STREET PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 24, 2016 ASBESTOS REMEDIATION 028200 - 10 E. The Contractor is responsible for determining the proper removal procedures and proper disposal of ACMs in accordance with current regulatory requirements. F. The Contractor is responsible for implementing proper engineering controls for protection of public, employees, subcontractors, and building occupants or trades during the Work and to prevent contamination of the buildings outside of the designated work areas. G. The Contractor shall conform to building, fire, electrical, environmental, OSHA, State and local requirements, and all other applicable codes for abatement work, safety of structure, preservation of property, dust control, disposal of generated waste materials, etc. The Contractor shall immediately report all accidents or near miss accidents to the General Contractor. H. Protect abutting properties and structures, appurtenances, and utilities during ACM abatement activities. Cease operations immediately if abutting structures appurtenances, or utilities appear to be in danger, and notify Engineer immediately. Structures, fencing, and other improvements damaged by Contractor that are intended to remain shall be repaired or replaced at no additional cost to the Owner. I. Conduct operations with minimum interference to Site access. Maintain Site egress and access at all times. J. Access to adjacent properties for Work is not permitted. 3.3 ASBESTOS REMOVAL ACCESS CONTROL A. The Contractor is responsible for conducting all OSHA-related safety and structural investigations for roofing and general conditions within the building that could pose a hazard to their workers. The Contractor is responsible for all costs for performing these investigations and corrective measures required to abate any unsafe conditions and protect workers during abatement activities B. Isolate the Work area to prevent entry by authorized personnel or the public. Notify the Engineer and General Contractor of all doors and other openings that must be secured to isolate Work area. Access to stairwells and building exits must be maintained as indicated by the Owner, Engineer and General Contractor. C. Arrange access to Work area so that only access into Work area is through securable doors to personnel and equipment decontamination units. D. Provide solid construction barriers to prohibit unauthorized access. At a minimum, provide solid barriers as necessary to isolate all work areas with abatement activity. At a minimum provide solid barriers as necessary to isolate all Work areas with removal activity. The Contractor shall report to the General Contractor and Engineer and immediately repair any damage to barriers. Work inside the Work area shall stop until all damaged areas are repaired to the satisfaction of the Owner, General Contractor and Engineer. E. Make-safe all energized circuits and components in the Work area. The Contractor is responsible for the complete isolation of any energized circuits in all removal Work areas. Contractor shall install temporary electrical and water service as necessary for the completion of abatement activities. Contractor is responsible for all electrical and water usage charges throughout Site activities. 129 PLEASANT STREET PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 24, 2016 ASBESTOS REMEDIATION 028200 - 11 F. Provide warning signs at each door and barrier leading to the Work area as follows: Legend: Danger Keep Out Beyond This Point Construction Work In Progress Immediately inside door (leading to Work area) and outside all accessible critical barriers post a manufactured caution sign, approximately 20-inch by 14-inch, displaying the following legend with letter sizes and styles of a visibility required by 29 CFR 1926: Legend: Danger Asbestos Cancer and Lung Disease Hazard Authorized Personnel Only Respirators and Protective Clothing Are Required In This Area G. The signs shall be posted at the perimeters of asbestos removal, demolition or construction areas where the asbestos-containing material to be removed exists. H. The Contractor shall maintain all temporary and critical barriers, facilities and controls as long as necessary for the safe and proper completion of the work. All containments shall consist of floors covered with 2 layers of 6-mil poly sheeting and ceilings and walls covered with 2 layers of 4-mil poly ethylene sheeting, except in those instances where such surfaces are deemed contaminated or are to be abated. I. Any breaches in the containment will be corrected at the beginning of each shift and as necessary during the workday by the Contractor. Work will not be allowed to commence until all control systems are in place and operable to the satisfaction of the Engineer and Owner’s third party project monitor. J. No barriers shall be removed until the work areas are thoroughly cleaned and all debris has been properly bagged and removed from work areas, and the air has passed final clearance tests, in accordance with provisions detailed herein. 3.4 ASBESTOS REMOVAL LOCATION PREPARATION AND REMOVAL A. Area Cleaning and Preparation 1. Pre-clean all work area surfaces using HEPA vacuums and wet wiping methods. As applicable, detach all electrical and mechanical items, such as lighting fixtures, clocks, diffusers, registers, escutcheon plates, etc. which cover any part of the surface to be worked on or which may be impacted during work. Respiratory protection and protective clothing shall be required as defined by OSHA regulation 1926.1101. All pre-cleaning shall be inspected by the Owner’s third party project monitor. During pre- cleaning activities, the Work area shall have its primary and critical barriers in place and be under adequate negative pressure as described herein. Do not complete any work that may result in disturbance to the ACM until all other work area preparations are completed. Any changes to the pre-cleaning shall be at the approval of the Asbestos Project Designer and Engineer. It should be noted that pre-cleaning shall take place in all Work areas prior to commencement of abatement. Pre-cleaning shall include wet wiping and HEPA vacuuming of the floor areas and non-movable items. In addition, all cleanable 129 PLEASANT STREET PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 24, 2016 ASBESTOS REMEDIATION 028200 - 12 movable items deemed "contaminated" by the Engineer and Owner’s third party project monitor shall also be pre-cleaned. 2. All critical barriers to the Work area(s) shall be sealed using two layers of 6-mil fire retardant polyethylene sheeting, covering all openings where possible airborne fiber migration can occur. This includes, but is not limited to, windows, doors, vents, HVAC openings, receptacles, holes, floor drains, shafts, and entry points to the Work area(s), etc. to prevent discharge to the environment during the course of the work. 3. All wall, ceiling and floor surfaces within removal areas not scheduled for removal as part of this project shall be covered with fire retardant polyethylene sheeting. All seams and joints shall be sealed with tape. Wall and ceiling coverings shall consist of a minimum of two layers of 4-mil thickness, fire-rated polyethylene sheeting. Floor coverings shall consist of a minimum of two layers of 6-mil thickness, fire-rated polyethylene sheeting. Surfaces from which ACMs are being removed are exempt from this covering requirement. 4. The Contractor shall demarcate the regulated exterior work area with barrier tape and appropriate asbestos hazard signage, seal openings into the building adjacent to the work area with critical barriers comprised of two layers of 6-mil fire-rated polyethylene sheeting. Ground tarps shall be installed on surfaces under the work area, fastening the tarp to the foundation 3 feet above the ground surface and extending out from the foundation 10 feet per every floor of the structure. Louvers, grills, open pipes, etc. shall be covered from the exterior. 5. The Contractor is responsible for clearing and off-site disposal of trees and brush over growth around the building within the Limits of Work as needed to complete the work. 6. The Contractor shall take all steps necessary to ensure that asbestos fibers do not escape the Work area. The Contractor shall be required to clean all areas of the ground or other man-lift or platform surfaces where contamination is observed. Work will cease until cleaning is completed to the satisfaction of the Owner’s third party project monitor and steps have been initiated to prevent further contamination. 7. The Engineer and Owner’s third party project monitor shall conduct an inspection of the Work area(s) preparations and engineering controls prior to the Contractor commencing asbestos abatement activities. Such inspections may include smoke testing potential routes of migration from the Work area(s). B. Decontamination Unit and Procedures 1. It is the Contractor's responsibility to provide a personnel decontamination unit contiguous to the Work Area consisting of a serial arrangement of connected rooms or spaces, changing (clean) room, shower room, equipment room (with associated air- locks). Require all persons without exception to pass through this decontamination unit for entry into and exiting from the Work Area for any purpose. Do not allow parallel routes for entry/ exit. Shower shall be completely functional as described herein. 2. Install air locks between the clean room, shower room, and equipment room. At a minimum, air-locks must be 24" in length. This shall be designed to minimize fiber migration and airflow between the decontamination unit rooms. 3. The rooms shall be constructed out of wood, metal, or plastic supports as necessary. The units must be completely sealed and water-tight. A minimum of 2 layers of 6-mil polyethylene sheeting shall be installed on all interior walls and floors in the unit. Install black sheeting as necessary for privacy. Construct each section of the unit with sufficient size to adequately accommodate decontamination and other work activities. Provide flap doors separating each section of the unit. Fabricate from two overlapping sheets with openings a minimum of 3' wide. Configure so that sheeting overlaps adjacent surfaces. Weigh sheets at bottoms as required so that they quickly close after being released. One sheet shall be secured at the top and left side, the other sheet at the top and right side. Contractor shall provide additional protective coverings as needed to protect the building 129 PLEASANT STREET PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 24, 2016 ASBESTOS REMEDIATION 028200 - 13 surface from water or humidity damage. Provide water source continuously and during all phases of work. 4. The rooms together shall be referred to as the decontamination unit. A decontamination unit shall be required for each separate containment area, if the Work is to be divided into sections. 5. The Equipment Room shall serve as a transfer room for decontamination procedures to occur in. This room shall be vacuumed and washed at the end of each work shift and whenever necessary in order to prevent asbestos dust and debris accumulations. Workers leaving the containment shall remove and dispose of protective suits and footware in the equipment room and proceed into the shower room. 6. The shower room shall contain an appropriate number of shower heads supplied with hot and cold water adjustable at the tap. Uncontaminated soap, shampoo, and towels shall be available at all times. The shower water shall be drained, collected, and filtered through a cascaded filter unit system with water passing through primary filter of 20 microns and output of primary filter passes through secondary filter of 10 microns and final filter of at least 5.0-micron particle size collection capability to avoid rapid clogging of the filtration system by large particles. Filtered wastewater and contaminated filters shall be disposed of as asbestos waste. 7. The clean room shall store asbestos workers' street clothing, clean protective clothing, and clean respirator equipment. Do not allow any asbestos-contaminated material in this room. Access is only from the non- work area (or non-containment areas) or from the shower room after complete decontamination. The clean room will serve as an access for personnel entering the Work area after donning of respiratory protection and protective clothing and for changing into street clothes after decontamination. 8. The decontamination enclosure system (load out station) for removing packaged asbestos waste from the Work area(s) shall consist of an air lock from the Work area(s) leading into the bag wash and wipe room, and another air lock leading to outside the Work area(s). 9. The bag wash and wipe room shall be equipped with the facilities to wash and wipe the outside of the non-porous drums or bags prior to final packaging and loading waste into transport containers or vehicles. Make provisions to collect any contaminated run-off and prevent from leaving the bag wash room. C. HEPA Filtration Adequate negative pressure shall be provided within the enclosure as specified below. 1. After asbestos work area containment preparation is completed, and prior to commencement of Work, the Engineer and Owner’s third party project monitor will accompany the Abatement Supervisor to perform a visual assessment of the work area. This will consist of checking the integrity of barriers including smoke testing the containment if deemed necessary by the Engineer and Owner’s third party project monitor. The assessment does not relieve the Contractor's responsibility to ensure the isolation of the work area. The volume of air within the contained work area shall be changed a minimum of four times per hour. A pressure differential reading of -0.02 inches of water shall be maintained within the negative pressure work area relative to surrounding space in the building. Accomplish the pressure differential by exhausting a sufficient number of HEPA filtered fan units from the work area. manometer with a strip chart recorder shall be used to show that the proper pressure differential is being maintained. The manometer shall be placed in a location acceptable to the Engineer. No ACM shall be disturbed until the manometer is installed, is functioning properly and indicates a negative pressure of - 0.02 inches of water column. 129 PLEASANT STREET PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 24, 2016 ASBESTOS REMEDIATION 028200 - 14 All flexible ducting, vent tubing, adapter plates and other equipment used for the passage of filtered air shall be undamaged, uncontaminated, and free of air leaks at all points. 2. Provide units with pre-filters and intermediate filters installed either on or in the intake grid of the unit and held in place with special housings or clamps. The pre-filter consists of low-efficiency type (e.g., for particles 100 um and larger) filter media and the intermediate filter consists of a medium efficiency (e.g., effective for particles down to 5 um) filter. Pre- filters shall be changed frequently during asbestos removal activities. 3. HEPA filtered fan units shall exhaust to the outside of the building. All HEPA-filtered fan units shall be tested on-Site by the Contractor. 4. Air movement shall flow uninterrupted from outside the Work area through the decontamination unit into the work area. There shall be no other openings for air to enter the containment unless approved by the Engineer and Owner’s third party project monitor in writing. 5. HEPA-filtered fan units shall be placed as far as possible from the air intake to the containment to prevent short cycling of fresh air. 6. This containment, along with the decontamination unit, shall constitute the critical containment of the Work area from the surrounding areas. All openings to this critical containment are to be sealed except where air must enter the work area due to the use of exhaust equipment. 7. Unless approved by the Engineer, air shall enter the critical containment only through the decontamination unit. A pressure differential meter will be installed and maintained. If pressure differential drops below 0.02 inches of water, stop work until proper negative pressure is restored. 8. Written modifications to these isolation and sealing methods, procedures, and design may be considered if all elements of proper and safe procedures to prevent contamination and exposure can be demonstrated. 9. Written modifications to these requirements must be submitted to the Asbestos Project Designer for review before they can be implemented. D. Asbestos Removal 1. Asbestos removal shall not begin until the Owner’s third party project monitor has given authorization to proceed. This authorization will be given after the removal area has passed a visual inspection by the Owner’s third party project monitor based on the criteria presented herein. The Owner and General Contractor reserve the right to inspect the work area at any time and to order the Contractor to stop Work. 2. During all abatement Work, workers shall wear OSHA-approved and required safety equipment and clothing. 3. The Contractor shall provide equipment as necessary to gain access to all interior and exterior ACMs. The Contractor shall provide all training as appropriate to all workers and supervisors required to operate lifts, ladders, etc. The Contractor shall provide fall protection training and OSHA-approved fall protection for all applicable Work. 4. The Contractor is responsible for the demolition of walls, chases, ceilings, etc. to access all ACMs that may be located within these spaces. The Contractor may be required to sequence asbestos removal and interior demolition phases of Work as needed to access ACMs. Should the Contractor co-mingle non-asbestos building materials with asbestos- containing or asbestos-contaminated materials, then the Contractor shall dispose of these materials as asbestos waste at no additional cost to the Owner. 5. The Contractor is responsible for the removal/disposal of all non-asbestos coverings or structures required to access asbestos-containing flooring. In areas where carpet or other coverings are applied directly to floor tiles, the coverings may be disposed of as construction debris if removed prior to the disturbance of other ACM in the work area and if the asbestos-containing floor tiles and floor mastic are not disturbed by removal of the covering. 129 PLEASANT STREET PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 24, 2016 ASBESTOS REMEDIATION 028200 - 15 6. All asbestos-containing material shall be removed utilizing required regulated areas, containments and negative air filtration. All materials shall be sufficiently saturated/wetted with amended water to reduce fiber release so that the airborne fiber concentration does not exceed the established OSHA Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs). All wastewater shall be filtered through cascade filter system as described herein before being disposed. 7. Dry removal shall not be permitted at any time. 8. All asbestos-containing material shall be carefully removed and placed into double 6-mil polyethylene bag, non-porous 6-mil polyethylene lined fiber drums, or individually double wrapped with 6-mil polyethylene sheeting for disposal. All bags, containers or wrapped materials transported out of the work area shall be cleaned, packaged and labeled with preprinted labels required by USEPA, OSHA and the Department of Transportation regulations. The name of the waste generator (Owner) and the project location address shall also be placed on each bag/drum. 9. Fine cleaning of residual ACM shall consist of carefully scraping and brushing using wet methods, and wet wiping the material from surfaces. 10. Air testing may be performed outside the regulated asbestos areas by the Owner’s third party project monitor in accordance with Commonwealth of Massachusetts regulations. If fiber concentrations exceed 0.010 fibers per cubic centimeter (fibers/cc), or background levels, Work shall stop and the Contractor shall perform clean-up activities in the affected areas and check the integrity of all barriers at no additional cost to Owner or General Contractor. No Work shall commence until air testing verifies that air quality levels are acceptable. 11. Clean-up activities shall include, but not be limited to, wet-wiping and vacuuming surfaces with a HEPA equipped vacuum. Work may continue only after the source of contamination is identified, corrected, and proper cleaning activities are implemented. 12. After brushing and scraping, surfaces shall be free of visible debris and fibers. A final wipe-down of the substrate with wet, lint-free cloths shall take place in order to ensure proper cleaning. All surfaces including floors, walls, ceilings, and suspended ceiling grid- work shall also be HEPA vacuumed clean. 13. All visible ACM is to be removed by the Contractor before encapsulation procedures are allowed to begin. The Owner’s third party project monitor will conduct an inspection of the Work area prior to giving approval to begin encapsulation of the Work area. The removal substrate must be clean and bare, and the entire Work area must be free and clear of any suspect material for the Contractor to pass this visual inspection and begin encapsulation. E. Encapsulation Procedures 1. The polyethylene barriers shall be cleaned of gross contamination before a lockdown sealant can be applied to the substrate. 2. After the substrate has been cleaned and all polyethylene barriers of the Work area are cleaned of all visible debris, the Contractor shall request a visual inspection of the Work area by the Owner’s third party project monitor. 3. Workers performing lockdown must wear disposable protective clothing and respirators suitable for asbestos. The encapsulation process shall not be treated any differently from the removal process in this respect. 4. All surfaces from which ACMs have been removed shall be encapsulated. A minimum of one coat of lockdown encapsulant shall be applied to both the substrate and the polyethylene sheeting serving as the containment barrier. If the lockdown material is being applied to irregular, grooved, or corrugated surfaces, it shall be administered from the opposing side, or at a right angle to the direction of the previous application. 129 PLEASANT STREET PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 24, 2016 ASBESTOS REMEDIATION 028200 - 16 5. The encapsulant shall be left to dry before the commencement of final air testing. After final clearance and inspection criteria have been met, the Contractor shall begin final take-down procedures. F. Removal of Critical Barriers 1. No critical barrier shall be taken down until the final visual inspection is in compliance and final clearance air tests are found to be below 0.010 fibers/cubic centimeter by Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM), NIOSH 7400 Method. 2. After a successful final visual inspection by the Owner’s third party project monitor, encapsulation, and a successful clearance visual inspection and final air test, as applicable, the Contractor shall conduct the post abatement takedown. 3. All encapsulated polyethylene sheeting used in the construction of the decontamination unit and containment area shall be bagged and disposed at an Owner-approved disposal facility as asbestos-contaminated waste by the Contractor. 4. Surfaces exposed in the Work area during this process shall be examined for traces of suspect ACM debris. 5. If any suspect ACM debris is observed, it shall be removed up by HEPA vacuuming and wet cleaning and a coat of encapsulant shall be applied to the affected areas. Based on the amount of suspect material found, the third party project monitor may request the use of misters in the surrounding area. 6. The Contractor shall then implement the use of misters as a precautionary measure. 3.5 HOUSEKEEPING A. Throughout the Work, the Contractor shall maintain the buildings and Site in a standard of cleanliness as described in these Specifications. 1. Contaminated disposable clothing, respirator filters, and other debris shall be bagged and sealed at the end of each workday. 2. All asbestos generated by either removal or repair shall be bagged immediately and not be allowed to be left exposed at the end of each workday. 3. Respirators shall be thoroughly cleaned at the end of each workday and stored for the next day’s use. 4. The Contractor shall retain all stored items in an orderly arrangement allowing maximum access, not impeding traffic, and providing the required protection materials. 5. The Contractor shall not allow the accumulation of scrap, debris, waste material, and other items not required for completion of the Work. 6. The Contractor shall provide adequate storage for all items awaiting removal from the Site, observing all requirements for fire protection and protection of the environment. 7. Daily, and more often if necessary, the Contractor shall inspect the Work areas and adjoining spaces, and pick up all scrap, debris, and waste material. Remove all such items to the place designated for their storage. 8. The Contractor shall maintain the Site in a neat and orderly condition at all times. 3.6 QUALITY CONTROL A. The Owner shall retain the services of a third party project monitor to provide monitoring of asbestos removal work practices and performance, inspection of the Work, bulk fiber identification, personal, perimeter, and clearance air sampling and analysis, and visual clearance inspections throughout the asbestos abatement work. The third party project monitor shall be on Site periodically during all asbestos abatement related activities. 129 PLEASANT STREET PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 24, 2016 ASBESTOS REMEDIATION 028200 - 17 B. Air Monitoring 1. The air clearance acceptance criteria for this project is 0.010 fibers/cubic centimeter by PCM. PCM sample analysis shall be available within 24 hours. 2. Background (pre-testing) air samples may be taken to represent conditions before the Contractor starts masking and sealing operations. 3. During removal, daily area samples may be collected by the Owner’s third party project monitor outside major openings in the containment, in the clean room, at other critical points outside the Work areas, just outside the clean room, inside the contained Work sites, and at HEPA exhaust locations. The Contractor shall be responsible for all OSHA personal sampling. Final clearance air samples shall be collected by the Owner’s third party project monitor inside each removal area after acceptance of visual inspection and encapsulation. NOTE: Encapsulation on all surfaces (including floor) must be dry prior to final air sampling. 4. A sufficient number of samples to reliably characterize the air quality shall be collected. Air shall be agitated by means of a small leaf blower prior to the test, and kept agitated by means of a small electric fan. The results of all samples must comply with the requirements set forth in this Section. Failure to meet the specified criteria will require the Contractor to re-clean the designated work area and then the project monitor to repeat the final air clearance testing at no additional cost to the Owner. All repeat air testing shall be the Contractor's financial responsibility. Cleaning and testing will be repeated until the specified criteria are met, at no additional cost to Owner or General Contractor and the Contractor shall be responsible for any Owner’s third party project monitor fees associated with the retesting. C. Work Review 1. The Engineer and Owner’s third party project monitor will review the Contractor's work practices prior to the start of, and during all asbestos related work, and will report any violations to the Contractor. If the Contractor fails to correct deficiencies in a timely manner, the Engineer will notify the General Contractor and Work may be stopped. 2. The Owner’s third party project monitor will review the containment structure and negative air conditions before Work begins and after the Contractor Site Supervisor has given approval. 3. Outside containment and exterior regulated work areas airborne fiber concentrations must not exceed 0.010 fibers/cc or pre-abatement levels, whichever is greater. 4. If concentrations exceed this level, then Work must be stopped, conditions reviewed as to the probable cause, and then corrected by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. The Owner’s third party project monitor shall keep a daily log of the Contractor's work practices and shall make these daily logs a part of the final project documents. 3.7 PERSONAL PROTECTION A. Respirators and Protective Clothing 1. Protective Clothing a. Personal protection, in the form of disposable Tyvek suits, and NIOSH approved respirators, are required for authorized personnel entering the regulated work area at the work Site during the set-up, removal, and cleaning operations. b. The Contractor shall provide all this protective equipment for workers, supervisors, Owner, project monitor, and authorized personnel to access the work areas. 129 PLEASANT STREET PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 24, 2016 ASBESTOS REMEDIATION 028200 - 18 c. Each worker shall be supplied with a disposable uniform prior to each entry to the regulated work area. Under no circumstances will anyone entering the removal area be allowed to reuse a contaminated uniform. d. Work clothes shall consist of disposable full body suits, head covers, gloves, footwear, and eye protection. Street clothes are forbidden in the work area at all times even under protective suits. 2. Respiratory Protection a. The Contractor shall supply workers and supervisory personnel with NIOSH approved protective respirators and HEPA filtered cartridges. b. Appropriate respirator selection shall be determined by the daily personal samples being taken and strictly follow the guidelines set forth in the OSHA respiratory program 29 CFR 1910.134. The respirators shall be sanitized and maintained according to the manufacturer's specifications. Appropriate respirators shall be selected using the information provided in OSHA Title 29 CFR Part 1910.1926 Final Rules. c. The Contractor will maintain on Site a sufficient supply of disposable HEPA-filtered cartridges to allow workers and supervisory personnel to change contaminated cartridges at least three times daily. The Contractor is solely responsible for means and methods used and for compliance with applicable regulations. d. Respirators shall be individually assigned to removal workers for their exclusive use. e. All respiratory protection shall be provided to workers in accordance with the written submitted respiratory protection program, which includes all items in OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 (b) (1-11). A copy of this program shall be kept at the on Site and shall be posted in the Clean Room of the Decontamination Unit. f. Workers must perform negative and positive pressure fit tests each a time a respirator is put on, whenever the respirator design permits. g. Workers shall be given a qualitative fit test in accordance with procedures detailed in the OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1025, Appendix D, Qualitative Fit Test Protocols, for all respirators to be used on this project. An appropriately administered quantitative fit test may be substituted for the qualitative fit test. h. Upon leaving the active work area, the pre-filter shall be discarded, cartridges removed, and respirators cleaned in disinfectant solution and clean water rinse. Clean respirators shall be stored in plastic bags when not in use. The Contractor shall inspect respirators daily for broken, missing, or damaged parts. 3. Personal Sampling a. The Contractor shall provide daily personal sampling to check personal asbestos exposure levels for the purpose of establishing respiratory protection needs. b. Samples shall be taken for the duration of the work shift or for eight hours, whichever is less. c. Personal samples need not be taken every day after the first day if working conditions remain consistent, but must be taken every time there is a change in the removal operation, either in terms of the location or the type of work, or during any changes in personnel. Sampling will be to determine eight-hour Time Weighted Averages (TWA). The Contractor is responsible for personal sampling as outlined in OSHA Standard 1926.1101. d. Sampling personnel shall be proficient in the taking of asbestos air samples as prescribed by NIOSH 7400, and must be supervised by an individual who has completed the NIOSH 582, or equivalent, training course. 129 PLEASANT STREET PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 24, 2016 ASBESTOS REMEDIATION 028200 - 19 e. Asbestos air sampling results shall be available for posting at the job Site in written form no more than 48 hours after the completion of a sampling cycle. The document shall list each sample's result, sampling time and date, individual monitored, flow rate, sampling duration, microscope field area, number of fibers per fields counted, cassette size, and analyst's name and company. Air sample analysis results will be reported in fibers per cubic centimeter. 3.8 GENERAL WASTE HANDLING PROCEDURES A. Disposal of all wastes generated as a result of Work shall be performed by the Contractor in accordance with all applicable federal, State, and local regulations. B. The Contractor shall arrange for all material sampling and transportation of samples to an accredited, MADLS licensed laboratory to properly characterize wastes for disposal at facilities pre-approved by the Owner. Contractor shall segregate each of these material types by hazardous or non-hazardous waste classification, as determined by results of samples collected. It is Owner's intention to obtain waste classification of non-hazardous for as much of the waste as practicable. C. The Contractor will prepare profiles, manifests, and shipping documents. Following the submission of all pertinent documentation to the Engineer, the Contractor shall allow a minimum of 5 days for return of documentation requiring Owner signature. D. Waste shall be transferred into DOT-approved containers to be provided by waste transporter(s) or drums to be provided by Contractor and staged for waste classification sampling. Asbestos waste containers shall be lined with a minimum of two layers of 10-mil polyethylene sheeting. Containers shall be DOT shippable. Shipping containers shall be filled to within legal weight and height limits for shipping. Waste shall be contained to comply with approved disposal facility requirements. Contractor is responsible for temporarily staging waste in an area designated in Contractor’s Asbestos Removal Plan approved by the General Contractor. E. Care shall be taken not to overload waste containers. Waste shall be sized, as necessary, and placed in transport containers to achieve appropriate minimum densities. F. Contractor shall coordinate, manage, and pay for (as a part of the bid price) all waste handling activities with transport firm(s) and with disposal facility(ies) unless otherwise noted in these Specifications. Waste handling activities shall be conducted in accordance with approved schedule so as not to delay Work. G. Contractor shall perform scheduling of all waste shipments, in coordination with the General Contractor and with the Owner identified as generator. Owner will sign waste profiles and manifests prepared by the Contractor. Contractor shall provide waste manifests to Owner to sign 72 hours prior to shipment of waste, and Owner will in-turn sign manifests in a timely manner. General Contractor will assist Contractor to coordinate Owner’s signature on waste manifests. H. Any demurrage costs associated with transportation shall be borne by Contractor. I. Waste shipments shall be transported directly from the Site to the disposal facility(ies). No temporary off-site storage of waste materials is permitted. J. Contractor shall be responsible for transport of all waste to disposal facility(ies) approved by the Owner unless otherwise noted in these Specifications. Contractor shall provide weight tickets for all waste disposals, using commercially available scales with current calibration records. 129 PLEASANT STREET PFRA+LDa Northampton, MA August 24, 2016 ASBESTOS REMEDIATION 028200 - 20 K. Material shall be contained such that characterization and removal can be performed efficiently. L. Maintain daily log of each truck’s weight and all waste shipped off Site. APPENDIX 1 – Tables 1 and 2 END OF SECTION APPENDIX 1 TABLE 1 SUSPECT ACM SAMPLE INVENTORY HAP Housing 129 Pleasant Street Northampton, Massachusetts 04.0190438.00 Page 1 of 3 SAMPLE NUMBER MATERIAL DESCRIPTION MATERIAL LOCATION ANALYTICAL RESULTS 032316B-01 2'x4' Suspended ceiling tile, white Pinhole and indent pattern 2nd Floor, north staircase, utility closet NAD 032316B-01B 2'x4' Suspended ceiling tile, white Pinhole and indent pattern 1st Floor, community room NAD 032316B-02 2'x4' Suspended ceiling tile, white Large pinhole and indent pattern 1st Floor, corridor, north NAD 032316B-02B 2'x4' Suspended ceiling tile, white Large pinhole and indent pattern 2nd Floor, corridor, south NAD 032316B-03 9"x9" Floor tile, green mottle 1st Floor, manager's office 3% Chrysotile 032316B-03B 9"x9" Floor tile, green mottle 2nd Floor, Unit 28 NA/PS 032316B-04 Mastic, black 1st Floor, manager's office, below B03 5% Chrysotile 032316B-04B Mastic, black 2nd Floor, Unit 28, below B03B NA/PS 032316B-05 9"x9" Floor tile, beige mottle 1st Floor, manager's office NAD 032316B-05B 9"x9" Floor tile, beige mottle 2nd Floor, Unit 40 NAD 032316B-06 12"x12" Floor tile, gray mottle 1st Floor, central staircase, landing (level with 1st floor)NAD 032316B-06B 12"x12" Floor tile, gray mottle 1st Floor, central staircase, landing (level with main entrance)NAD 032316B-07 Mastic, black 1st Floor, central staircase, landing, below B06 5% Chrysotile 032316B-07B Mastic, black 1st Floor, central staircase, landing, below B06B NA/PS 032316B-08 12"x12" Floor tile, gray mottle 1st Floor, Unit 2 NAD 032316B-08B 12"x12" Floor tile, gray mottle 2nd Floor, Unit 33 NAD 032316B-09 Mastic, yellow 1st Floor, Unit 2, below B08 NAD 032316B-09B Mastic, yellow 2nd Floor, Unit 33, below B08B NAD 032316B-10 12"x12" Floor tile, beige mottle 1st Floor, Unit 4 NAD 032316B-10B 12"x12" Floor tile, beige mottle 2nd Floor, Unit 32 NAD 032316B-11 Mastic, yellow 1st Floor, Unit 4, below B10 NAD 032316-B11B Mastic, yellow 2nd Floor, Unit 32, below B10B NAD 032316-B12 Gypsum wallboard, brown-white 1st Floor, central staircase, west wall NAD 032316-B12B Gypsum wallboard, brown-white 2nd Floor, north staircase, center wall NAD 032316-B13 Wall paper, brown 1st Floor, central staircase, west wall, on B12 NAD 032316-B13B Wall paper, brown 2nd Floor, north staircase, center wall, on B12B NAD 032316-B14 Staircase tread, red mottle 1st Floor, central staircase NAD 032316-B14B Staircase tread, red mottle 2nd Floor, north staircase NAD 032316-B15 Mastic, brown 1st Floor, central staircase, below B14 2% Chrysotile 032316-B15B Mastic, brown 2nd Floor, north staircase, below B14B NA/PS 032316-B16 9"x9" Floor tile, red mottle North staircase, mid-landing, north NAD 032316-B16B 9"x9" Floor tile, red mottle North staircase, mid-landing, south NAD 032316-B17 Mastic, yellow North staircase, mid-landing, north, below B16 NAD 032316-B17B Mastic, yellow North staircase, mid-landing, south, below B16B NAD 032316-B18 Floor paper, black North staircase, mid-landing, north, below B17 NAD 032316-B18B Floor paper, black North staircase, mid-landing, south, below B17B NAD 032316-B19 Mastic, brown North staircase, mid-landing, north, below B18 NAD 032316-B19B Mastic, brown North staircase, mid-landing, south, below B18B NAD 032316-B20 3" Covebase, brown 1st Floor, north staircase NAD 032316-B20B 3" Covebase, brown 2nd Floor, north staircase NAD 032316-B21 Cove base mastic, brown 1st Floor, north staircase, under B20 Trace Chrysotile P:\04Jobs\0190400s\04.0190438.00\Report\Tables\Table 1 - Suspect ACM Sample Summary\ Table 1 - ACM Sample Inventory.DGOxlsx.xlsx GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. TABLE 1 SUSPECT ACM SAMPLE INVENTORY HAP Housing 129 Pleasant Street Northampton, Massachusetts 04.0190438.00 Page 2 of 3 SAMPLE NUMBER MATERIAL DESCRIPTION MATERIAL LOCATION ANALYTICAL RESULTS 032316-B21B Cove base mastic, brown 2nd Floor, north staircase, B20B 2% Chrysotile 032316-B22 9"x9" Floor tile, brown with white streaks Basement, central staircase, landing 3% Chrysotile 032316-B22B 9"x9" Floor tile, brown with white streaks 1st Floor, Unit 8 NA/PS 032316-B23 Mastic, black Basement, central staircase, landing, below B22 5% Chrysotile 032316-B23B Mastic, black 1st Floor, Unit 8, below B22B NA/PS 032316-B24 Window caulk, white 2nd Floor, north staircase, east wall NAD 032316-B24B Window caulk, white 1st Floor, community room NAD 032316-B25 Corrugated paper, brown Basement, Unit M, west wall NAD 032316-B25B Corrugated paper, brown 2nd Floor, Unit 34, south wall NAD 032316-B26 12"x12" Floor tile, tan-brown 1st Floor, Unit 1 NAD 032316-B26B 12"x12" Floor tile, tan-brown 1st Floor, Unit 1 NAD 032316-B27 Adhesive, brown Basement, Unit N, north, under wood wall panel 3% Chrysotile 032316-B27B Adhesive, brown Basement, Unit N, south, under wood wall panel NA/PS 032316-B28 Gypsum board, gray Basement, Unit F, west wall NAD 032316-B28B Gypsum board, gray Basement, Unit D, east wall NAD 032316-B29 Joint compound, white Basement, Unit F, on B28 2% Chrysotile 032316-B29B Joint compound, white Basement, Unit D, on B28B NA/PS 032316-B30 6" Covebase, tan Basement, Unit M NAD 032316-B30B 6" Covebase, tan Basement, Unit M NAD 032316-B31 Mastic, tan Basement, Unit M, under B30 NAD 032316-B31B Mastic, tan Basement, Unit M, under B30B NAD 032316-B32 Sheet flooring, gray, with faux tile pattern Basement, laundry, north NAD 032316-B32B Sheet flooring, gray, with faux tile pattern Basement, laundry, south NAD 032316-B33 Paper backing, gray Basement, laundry, north Associated with B32 NAD 032316-B33B Paper backing, gray Basement, laundry, south Associated with 32B NAD 032316-B34 Mastic, tan Basement, laundry, north, below B32 NAD 032316-B34B Mastic, tan Basement, laundry, south, below B32B NAD 032316-B35 Sheet flooring, white and brown, with random square pattern 1st Floor, women's bathroom, north 30% Chrysotile 032316-B35B Sheet flooring, white and brown, with random square pattern 1st Floor, women's bathroom, central NA/PS 032316-B36 Paper backing, gray 1st Floor, women's bathroom, north Associated with B35 NA/PS* 032316-B36B Paper backing, gray 1st Floor, women's bathroom, central Associated with B35B NA/PS* 032316-B37 Sheet flooring, gray, with random stone pattern 1st Floor, kitchen, north 40% Chrysotile 032316-B37B Sheet flooring, gray, with random stone pattern 1st Floor, kitchen, south NA/PS 032316-B38 Paper backing, gray 1st Floor, kitchen, north Associated with B37 NA/PS* 032316-B38B Paper backing, gray 1st Floor, kitchen, south Associated with B37B NA/PS* 032316-B39 Mastic, tan 1st Floor, kitchen, north, below B37 5% Chrysotile 032316-B39B Mastic, tan 1st Floor, kitchen, south, below B37B NA/PS 032316-B40 Residual mastic, brown 1st Floor, kitchen, north, below B39 2% Chrysotile 032316-B40B Residual mastic, brown 1st Floor, kitchen, south, below B39B NA/PS 032316-B41 Sheet flooring, orange, with random square pattern 2nd Floor, men's bathroom 50% Chrysotile 032316-B41B Sheet flooring, orange, with random square pattern 1st Floor, men's bathroom NA/PS P:\04Jobs\0190400s\04.0190438.00\Report\Tables\Table 1 - Suspect ACM Sample Summary\ Table 1 - ACM Sample Inventory.DGOxlsx.xlsx GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. TABLE 1 SUSPECT ACM SAMPLE INVENTORY HAP Housing 129 Pleasant Street Northampton, Massachusetts 04.0190438.00 Page 3 of 3 SAMPLE NUMBER MATERIAL DESCRIPTION MATERIAL LOCATION ANALYTICAL RESULTS 032316-B42 Paper backing, gray 2nd Floor, men's bathroom Associated with B41 NA/PS* 032316-B42B Paper backing, gray 1st Floor, men's bathroom Associated with B41B NA/PS* 032316-B43 Sheet flooring, gray, with black dots 2nd Floor, men's bathroom NAD 032316-B43B Sheet flooring, gray, with black dots 1st Floor, men's bathroom NAD 032316-B44 Paper backing, gray 2nd Floor, men's bathroom Associated with B43 NAD 032316-B44B Paper backing, gray 1st Floor, men's bathroom Associated with B43B NAD 032316-B45 Door caulk, white Basement, north staircase, east door frame 15% Chrysotile 032316-B45B Door caulk, white Basement, north staircase, west door frame NA/PS 032316-B46 Brick mortar, gray Exterior, west side, at main entrance NAD 032316-B46B Brick mortar, gray Exterior, south side, adjacent to fire escape NAD 032316-B47 Foundation sealant, black Exterior, east wall 12% Chrysotile 032316-B47B Foundation sealant, black Exterior, west wall NA/PS 032316-B48 Caulk, white Exterior, east wall, decorative metal panel below northernmost window NAD 032316-B48B Caulk, white Exterior, west wall, decorative metal panel below southernmost window NAD 032316-B49 Window caulk, white Exterior, east wall, below northernmost window NAD 032316-B49B Window caulk, white Exterior, west wall, below southernmost window NAD 032316-B50 Door caulk, white Exterior, south entrance NAD 032316-B50B Door caulk, white Exterior, main entrance NAD NOTES: NAD No Asbestos Detected NA/PS Sample Not Analyzed Due To Positive Stop * Sample not analyzed at laboratory discretion as material was determined to integral to the sheet flooring material. See analytical report for details. P:\04Jobs\0190400s\04.0190438.00\Report\Tables\Table 1 - Suspect ACM Sample Summary\ Table 1 - ACM Sample Inventory.DGOxlsx.xlsx GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. TABLE 2 CONFIRMED ASBESTOS-CONTAINING MATERIAL RESULTS HAP Housing 129 Pleasant Street Northampton, Massachusetts 04.0190438.00 Page 1 of 1 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION MATERIAL LOCATION PERCENT/TYPE ASBESTOS USEPA CATEGORY CONDITION Joint compound, white Associated with gray gypsum wallboard Basement: Units B, D, E, F, M and 17 2% Chrysotile RACM Good 4,000 SF 2nd Floor: maintenance closet, north staircase maintenance closet, and Units 22, 23, 26-31, and 40 2,000 SF 1st Floor: Manager's office, and Units 3, 5, 7, 8, 10-13, 16, 18S, 18N, and 20 3,000 SF 1st Floor: Unit 20 2 SF Basement: Units A, C, D, E, J, K, N, O and corridor 2,500 SF Sheet flooring, white and brown with, random square pattern and backing paper 1st Floor: women's bathroom 30% Chrysotile Category I Good 50 SF Sheet flooring, gray, with random stone pattern and backing paper 1st Floor: kitchen 40% Chrysotile Category I Good 75 SF 2nd Floor: men's bathroom 100 SF 1st Floor: men's bathroom 100 SF 2nd Floor: maintenance closet, north stairway maintenance closet, and units 21, 22, 23, 26-31, 33, 39, 40 and 42 3,000 SF 1st Floor: office, units 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10-13, 16, 18S, 18N, and 20, and central staircase landing 3,000 SF Basement: units A, C, D, E, J, K, L, N, O, corridor and central staircase landing 3,000 SF Mastic, tan 1st Floor: kitchen 5% Chrysotile Category I Good 75 SF Residual mastic, brown 1st Floor: kitchen 2% Chrysotile Category I Damaged 75 SF Stair tread mastic, brown North and central staircases 2% Chrysotile Category I Good 1,500 SF Cove base mastic, brown North and central staircases 2% Chrysotile Category II Good 750 LF Wood panel adhesive, brown Basement: Unit N and corridor 3% Chrysotile Category II Good 2,000 SF Door caulk, white Basement: north corridor door to north staircase 15% Chrysotile Category I Good 20 LF Foundation sealant, black Exterior, foundation walls, below grade 12% Chrysotile Category I Good 3,300 SF Roofing Materials Exterior, roof Assumed ACM Category I Good 4,500 SF NOTES: 1 LF = Linear Feet, SF = Square Feet 5% Chrysotile Category I Damaged 9"x9" Floor tile, green mottle 3% Chrysotile Category I Damaged ESTIMATED QUANTITY This summary includes the location, material type, and approximate quantities of accessible asbestos identified in the site building. Quantities of materials were assessed by a non-calibrated wheeled tape measure or visual estimation and should be considered as approximate values. It should be noted that these are only estimates, and are based on limited visual observations of accessible areas of the site. 2 RACM: Includes materials that, when dry, may be crumbled, pulverized or reduced to powder by hand pressure 3 Category I Non-friable: Includes asbestos-containing packings, gaskets, asphaltic roofing products, resilient flooring, pliable sealants and mastics 4 Category II Non-friable: Includes any non-friable materials other than Category I materials that contain more than 1% asbestos Mastic, black Good Sheet flooring, orange, with random square pattern and backing paper 50% Chrysotile Category I Good 9"x9" Floor tile, brown, with white streaks 3% Chrysotile Category I P:\04Jobs\0190400s\04.0190438.00\Report\Tables\Table 2 - Confirmed ACM Summary\ Table 2 Confirmed ACM Summary.DGOxls.xls GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.