32C-058 PB DecisionPlanning - Decision Hearing No.: PLN -2015-0016 City of Northampton Date: November 21, 2014 APPLICATION TYPE: SUBMISSION DATE: PB Special Permit with Major Site Pla 1 10/16/2014 Applicant's Name: Owner's Name: NAME: SITE ZONING: CB(100)1 NAME: HAP INC ACTION TAKEN: Approved With Conditions BOINDITCH LLC ADDRESS: BLOCK: 1058 ADDRESS: 322 MAIN ST SECTION OF BYLAW: Chpt 350-10: Permit and Certificate Fees 129 PLEASANT ST TOWN: STATE: ZIP CODE. TOWN: STATE: ZIP CODE. SPRINGFIELD MA 01103 NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 PHONE NO.: FAX NO.: PHONE NO.: FAX NO.: (413) 584-9245 0 EMAIL ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: Site Information: Surveyor's Name: STREET NO.: 129 PLEASANT ST SITE ZONING: CB(100)1 COMPANY NAME: TOWN: NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 ACTION TAKEN: Approved With Conditions ADDRESS: MAP: 32C BLOCK: 1058 LOT. 001 MAP DATE: SECTION OF BYLAW: Chpt 350-10: Permit and Certificate Fees TOWN: STATE: ZIP CODE. Book: 1878 Page: 1327 PHONE NO.: FAX NO.: NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK EMAIL ADDRESS: Five story mixed residential and commercial building. To become 155 Pleasant Street HARDSHIP: CONDITION OF APPROVAL: 1) Prior to issuance of a building permit: A. At least two weeks prior to issuance of a building permit, construction documents shall be submitted for review and approved by Department of Public Works showing final conditions of stormwater pipes, inverts, depths for infiltration basins and leaching catch basins. B. The applicant shall provide video confirmation of the condition of the storm drain running from DMH 3 to the city drain must be performed. Any upgrade, repair, replacement to ensure function of drainage from site must be done. C. A stormwater O& M plan consistent with Department of Public Works specs shall be recorded. 2. The dumpster pad shall be pitched toward the driveway to drain toward DMH 3. 3. The front sidewalk shall be pitched to prevent ponding in front of the seating. 4. The entire sidewalk shall be reconstructed between the curb and the building. 5. All lights must be color temperature of 3,000K or less. 6. Wall lights intended to wash the fagade must be directed so that the illumination is cutoff by the roof eaves. Illumination shall be cutoff no further from the building than the midpoint of the eave. 7. Wall lights shall be as shown on the spec sheet: "Duo metal halide with no greater than 1 ° uplighting for wall wash". LED or other light type is allowed. 8. Wall lights shall not exceed a 39 W bulb as shown in the option. 9. If the City pulls the retaining wall back from the Pleasant Street sidewalk at the rail trail entrance, the applicant will modify the entry plaza/path to the residential entrance substantially consistent with plan sheet L2.02 "Landscape Concept Alternate Entry" 10. Water taps and lines shall be in accordance with specifications by Department of Public Works. 11. Any drainage pipes at the front of the site shall be tied into the storm drainage. 12. Grass strips should be eliminated at the base of the sitting walls. Tree grates and concrete shall GeoTMS® 2014 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions, Inc. Planning - Decision Hearing No.: PLN -2015-0016 City of Northampton Date: November 21, 2014 be used instead of the plant material. FINDINGS: The Board granted the permit based on the following plans and information submitted with the application. 1. 129 Pleasant St, Dated 10/14/2014 PRFA and LDA Sheet L1.01 Sheets L1.01,L2.01, L3.0, A101,-104, A200, 201 2. Site Utility Plan, dated 10/14/2014 by GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. Sheet C1.01 and C1 ALT 3. Details at Retail Entry dated 11/13/2014 Sheet L4.2 4. Details in Courtyard dated 11/13/2014 Sheet L4.3 5. Landscape Concept Alternative dated 10/14/2014 Sheet L2.02 6. Landscape Concept plan L2.01 7. Elevations dated 10/14/2014 Sheets A200, A201 8. East Elevation Lighting dated 10/14/2014 Sheet A209 9. Site Lighting dated 10/14/2014 Sheet A 109 10. Details dated 10/14/2004 Sheets L4, L4.1 11. M&M Manufacturing Company Flush Mount Wall Vent detail. 12. Letter to Douglas Dick from Steve D'Ambrosio RE: Stormwater Management Strategy dated October 24, 2014. 13. Preliminary Drainage Calculations, Prepared by GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. In approving the Site Plan with Special Permit, the Board made the following determinations: A. The requested use protects adjoining premises against seriously detrimental uses. If applicable, this shall include provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers and preservation of views, light, and air; and B. The requested use will promote the convenience and safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement within the site and on adjacent streets, cycle tracks and bike paths, minimize traffic impacts on the streets and roads in the area. If applicable, this shall include considering the location of driveway openings in relation to traffic and adjacent streets, cross -access easements to abutting parcels, access by public safety vehicles, the arrangement of parking and loading spaces, connections to existing transit or likely future transit routes, and provisions for persons with disabilities; and: C. No parking is required, though six spaces are provided. D. The project, located in the Central Business District replaces existing residential units whild adding units and commercial space. The site abuts the bike path and provides walkable access to other services in downtown. No traffic mitigation is required for development in the CB district. E. Access by nonmotorized means is accommodated with facilities including covered and uncovered bike racks, sidewalk connections from the building to the street. F. The site will function harmoniously in relation to other structures and open spaces to the natural landscape, existing buildings and other community assets in the area as it relates to landscaping, drainage, sight lines, building orientation, massing, egress, and setbacks. G. The requested use will not overload, and will mitigate adverse impacts on, the City's resources, including the effect on the City's water supply and distribution system, sanitary and storm sewage collection and treatment systems, fire protection, streets and schools. The construction materials and methods for water lines, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, fire protection, sidewalks, private roads, and other infrastructure shall be those set forth in the Northampton Subdivision Regulations. H. The requested use meets any special regulations set forth in this chapter. The additional 5' setback enhances the pedestrian space along Pleasant Street with plaza features including trees, benches and expanded sidewalk. I. Compliance with the following technical performance standards: (1) Curb cuts onto streets are minimized to one access. (2) Pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular traffic movement on site are separated. 3) Stormwater has been handled through a series of infiltration areas. COULD NOT DEROGATE BECAUSE: FILING DEADLINE: MAILING DATE: HEARING CONTINUED DATE: DECISION DRAFT BY: APPEAL DATE: 10/23/2014 11/6/2014 11/27/2014 REFERRALS IN DATE: HEARING DEADLINE DATE: HEARING CLOSE DATE: FINAL SIGNING BY: APPEAL DEADLINE: 10/30/2014 12/20/2014 11/13/2014 11/27/2014 12/11/2014 FIRST ADVERTISING DATE: HEARING DATE: VOTING DATE: DECISION DATE: 11/13/2014 11/13/2014 11/21/2014 SECOND ADVERTISING DATE: HEARING TIME: VOTING DEADLINE: DECISION DEADLINE: 7:30 PM 2/11/2015 2/11/2015 MEMBERS PRESENT: Theresa (Tess) Poe William Grinnell VOTE: votes to Grant votes to Grant GeoTMS® 2014 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions, Inc. Planning - Decision City of Northampton Hearing No.: PLN -2015-0016 Date: November 21, 2014 Alan Verson votes to Grant John Lutz votes to Grant Debin Bruce votes to Grant Ann DeWitt Brooks votes to Grant Mark Sullivan votes to Grant MOTION MADE BY: SECONDED BY: VOTE COUNT: DECISION: Alan Verson Theresa (Tess) Poe 7 Approved with Conditions MINUTES OF MEETING: Available at www.northamptonma.gov 1, Carolyn Misch, as agent to the Planning Board, certify that this is a true and accurate decision made by the Planning Board and certify that a copy of this and all plans have been filed with the Board and the City Clerk on the date shown above. I certify that a copy of this decision has been mailed to the Owner and Applicant. Notice of Appeal An appeal from the decision of the Planning Board may be made by any person aggrieved pursuant to MGL Chapt. 40A, Section 17 as amended within twenty (20) days after the date of the filing of the notice of the decision with the City Clerk. The date is listed above. Such appeal may be made to the Hampshire Superior Court with a certified copy of the appeal sent to the City Clerk of the City of Northampton. GeoTMS® 2014 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions, Inc.