32C-058 CBAC DecisionPlanning - Decision Hearing No.: PLN -2015-0017 City of Northampton Date: November 21, 2014 APPLICATION TYPE: SUBMISSION DATE: Central Business Arch. District Permi 10/16/2014 Applicant's Name: Owner's Name: NAME: SITE ZONING: CB(100)1 NAME: HAP INC ACTION TAKEN: Approved With Conditions BOINDITCH LLC ADDRESS: BLOCK: 1058 ADDRESS: 322 MAIN ST SECTION OF BYLAW: 156: CENTRAL BUSINESS ARCHITECTURE REVIEW 129 PLEASANT ST TOWN: STATE: ZIP CODE. TOWN: STATE: ZIP CODE. SPRINGFIELD MA 01103 NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 PHONE NO.: FAX NO.: PHONE NO.: FAX NO.: 11/21/2014 (413) 584-9245 0 HEARING TIME: EMAIL ADDRESS: DECISION DEADLINE: EMAIL ADDRESS: Site Information: Surveyor's Name: STREET NO.: 129 PLEASANT ST SITE ZONING: CB(100)1 COMPANY NAME: TOWN: NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 ACTION TAKEN: Approved With Conditions ADDRESS: MAP: 32C BLOCK: 1058 LOT. 001 MAP DATE: SECTION OF BYLAW: 156: CENTRAL BUSINESS ARCHITECTURE REVIEW TOWN: STATE: ZIP CODE. Book: 1878 Page: 1327 PHONE NO.: FAX NO.: NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK EMAIL ADDRESS: Mixed residential and commercial structure. To become 155 Pleasant St. HARDSHIP: CONDITION OF APPROVAL: 1) The Committee approved all parts of the project but the following for elements, which with agreement by the applicant, will be submitted for discretionary approval prior to issuance of a building permit: 1. The cornice shall wrap from the front of the building around the sides of the building. 2. The blank wall on the south east side of the site shall be redesigned with windows, articulation or other means to break up this massing. 3. The height of the wing walls behind the cornice shall be lowered to be no taller than the cornice. 4. The materials for the courtyard fagade shall be finalized and submitted for approval. FINDINGS: The Central Business Architecture Committee approved the project based on the following submitted with the application 1. 129 Pleasant St, Dated 10/14/2014 PRFA and LDA Sheet L1.01 Sheets L1.01,L2.01, L3.0, A101,-104, A200, 201 2. Site Utility Plan, dated 10/14/2014 by GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. Sheet C1.01 and C1 ALT 3. Details at Retail Entry dated 11/13/2014 Sheet L4.2 4. Details in Courtyard dated 11/13/2014 Sheet L4.3 5. Landscape Concept Alternative dated 10/14/2014 Sheet L2.02 6. Landscape Concept plan L2.01 7. Elevations dated 10/14/2014 Sheets A200, A201 8. East Elevation Lighting dated 10/14/2014 Sheet A209 9. Site Lighting dated 10/14/2014 Sheet A 109 10. Details dated 10/14/2004 Sheets L4, L4.1 11. M&M Manufacturing Company Flush Mount Wall Vent detail. The Committee found that the project met the criteria in Chapter 156 including guidelines for new buildings, rooflines, window placement ornamental details. COULD NOT DEROGATE BECAUSE: FILING DEADLINE: MAILING DATE: HEARING CONTINUED DATE: DECISION DRAFT BY: APPEAL DATE: 11/27/2014 11/6/2014 11/27/2014 REFERRALS IN DATE: HEARING DEADLINE DATE: HEARING CLOSE DATE: FINAL SIGNING BY: APPEAL DEADLINE: 10/30/2014 12/20/2014 11/13/2014 11/27/2014 12/12/2014 FIRST ADVERTISING DATE: HEARING DATE: VOTING DATE: DECISION DATE: 10/30/2014 11/13/2014 11/13/2014 11/21/2014 SECOND ADVERTISING DATE: HEARING TIME: VOTING DEADLINE: DECISION DEADLINE: 11/6/2014 7:30 PM 12/28/2014 12/28/2014 GeoTMS® 2014 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions, Inc. Planning - Decision City of Northampton Hearing No.: PLN -2015-0017 Date: November 21, 2014 MEMBERS PRESENT: VOTE: Barry Steeves votes to Grant Aelan Tierney votes to Grant Rick Klein votes to Grant Bruce Kriviskey votes to Grant Bob Walker votes to Grant Joseph Blumenthal votes to Grant MOTION MADE BY: SECONDED BY: VOTE COUNT: DECISION: Joseph Blumenthal Bruce Kriviskey 6 Approved with Conditions MINUTES OF MEETING: Minutes available on the City's website at www.northamptonma.gov/1087/Planning-Board. 1, Carolyn Misch, as agent to the Central Business Architecture Committee, certify that this is a true and accurate decision made by the Central Business Architecture Committee and certify that a copy of this and all plans have been filed with the Board and the City Clerk on the date shown above. I certify that this decision has been mailed to the Owner and Applicant. Any issuance or denial of a permit by the Committee may be appealed to the Northampton Planning Board, by an applicant or other aggrieved party, provided such appeal has been filed within 21 days of the filing of said decision with the City Clerk. The Planning Board shall limit its consideration of such an appeal to considering errors of the Committee and shall need a two-thirds vote of its members to overturn the action of the Committee. GeoTMS® 2014 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions, Inc.