32C-001 EXTERIOR WINDOWS - THORNES 2015-07-29Disclaimer: Floor Plan measurements are approximate and are for illustrative purposes only. While we do not doubt the floor plans accuracy, we make no guarantee, warranty or representation as to the accuracy and completeness of the floor plan. You or your advisors should conduct a careful, independent investigation of the property to determine to your satisfaction as to the suitability of the property for your space requirements. Rev Date Description Project Title Architects REGISTERED ARCHITECT, COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THOMAS DOUGLAS Additions & Renovations to: THORNES M A R K E T P L A C E 150 Main Street, Northampton, MA Phone: (413) 584-5582 info@thornesmarketplace.com Issue Date: 06/09/2015 Drawn By: Checked By: Project ID: Drawing No. Sheet Title: Scale: EE/ TD AS NOTED 12XXX 07/15/15 PROPOSED WINDOW REPLACEMENT1 CONFIRM ALL MEASUREMENTS.A-200 EXTERIOR FRONT ELEVATIONT H O R N E S REPLACE WITH KANEER ENCORE STOREFRONT FRAME IN EXISTING ROUGH OPENINGS. SEE SHOP DRAWING FOR DETAILS.T H O R N E S REMOVE EXISTING STEEL WINDOWS. PROPOSED FRONT ELEVATION WINDOW REPLACEMENT SCALE : 1/4" = 1'-0"4 EXISTING FRONT ELEVATION NTS1 REPLACE SECOND AND THIRD FLOOR FRONT WINDOWS EXISTING WIINDOW SILL NTS2 EXISTING WALL EXISTING SILL EXISTING WALL 3"±DEMO EXISTING STEEL WINDOW1 1/2"1 3/4"EXISTING WIINDOW SILL NTS3 PROPOSED FRONT ELEVATION WINDOW REPLACEMENT SCALE : 1/4" = 1'-0"5 Existing vertical section shall be repainted to match new window framing ('Hartford Green'). Rev Date Description Project Title Architects REGISTERED ARCHITECT, COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THOMAS DOUGLAS Additions & Renovations to: THORNES M A R K E T P L A C E 150 Main Street, Northampton, MA Phone: (413) 584-5582 info@thornesmarketplace.com Issue Date: 06/09/2015 Drawn By: Checked By: Project ID: Drawing No. Sheet Title: Scale: EE/ TD AS NOTED 12XXX 07/15/15 PROPOSED WINDOW REPLACEMENT1 CONFIRM ALL MEASUREMENTS.A-200 EXTERIOR FRONT ELEVATION SHOP DRAWING NTS3