24C-110 Misch STRUCTURALDRAWINGS-S1-NEWTHIRDFLOORANDROOF.123 MASSASOIT STREET NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 JACOB SMITH ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 5THIRD FLOOR FRAMING PLANSCALE: 14" = 1'-0"NEW ROOF FRAMING PLANSCALE: 38" = 1'-0"1. See General Notes on this sheet.2. Coordinate all dimensions, elevations and openings with Architectural drawings.3. Provide (1) H2.5 clip at each rafter (existing and new) to wall or beam below.4. Attach each end of each roof beam to post or beam below with an ST18 strap or a HTS20 twist strap.5. Roof sheathing shall be minimum PS1 grade, 1932" thick, APA rated 3216, Exposure I, T & G plywood. Nail with 8d commonsat 6" o.c. at panel edges (U.N.O. on plan), and 12" o.c. at intermediate framing. .1. See General Notes on this sheet.2. Coordinate all dimensions, elevations and openings with Architectural drawings.GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTESDESIGN LIVE LOADS: 2009 I.R.C. and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 8th Edition Amendments* SnowPg = 35 psf* Wind90 mph, exposure B, 3-Sec gust* SeismicSs = .23,S1 = .070Design Catagory BWOOD FRAMING:* Dimension Lumber is designed and shall be supplied using T.S.A. VALUES Design Criteria.* General framingSpruce Pine Fir No. 1/ No. 2 and better (Maximum Moisture Content 19%) U.N.O.* Plates:Sill plates: Pressure Treated Timber Strand LSL by Trus Joist or Pressure treated Doug Fir or Southern Pine #2 or better:Top and Bottom plates: Spruce Pine Fir No. 1/ No. 2 and better.*Laminated Veneer Lumber (L.V.L.): Fb = 2600 psi, E = 1.9x10^6 psi.* Studs: 2x6 Spruce Pine Fir No. 1/ No. 2 Grade. 5RRI6KHDWKLQJPLQLPXPò´&';SO\ZRRGRU´26%$3$QQDLOHG :DOOVKHDWKLQJò´&';SO\ZRRGRU´26%$3$EORFNHGDQGQDLOHG* Nailing per shall comply with or IBC Table 2304.9.1 except where more or larger nailing shown on drawings.* All roof rafters, joists, beams shall be anchored to supports with metal framing anchors. .* Provide continuous wall studs each side of new wall openings equal to one half or greater of number of studs interrupted by openings.* All wall studs shall be continuous from floor to floor or from floor to roof.* Cross bridge all dimensional lumber roof and floor joists at midspan and provide solid blocking or rim joists at all joist supports and joistends.* Metal connectors: Simpson Strong Ties unless otherwise noted, install with number and type of nails to achieve maximum rated capacity.Note that heavy duty and skewed hangers may require special order.* All beams shall be braced against rotation at points of bearing.* Unless otherwise indicated, install two lengths of solid blocking x joist depth x 12 inches long in floor framing under column loads.Columns must have a continuous load path to foundation.STRUCTURAL ERECTION AND BRACING REQUIREMENTS.* The structural drawings illustrate the completed structure with all elements in their final positions, properly supported and braced. Thecontractor, in the proper sequence, shall provide proper shoring and bracing as may be required to achieve the final completed structure.* These plans have been engineered for construction at one specific building site. Builder assumes ALL responsibility for use of theseplans at Any Other building site. Plans shall not be used for construction at any other building site without specific review by the engineer.* Observations of foundation reinforcing or framing required by the owner, lender, building department or any other party will beaccomplished by the engineer at the owner's expense. At least 24 hours advance notice is requested.BUILDING SECTIONSCALE: 12" = 1'-0"1S1BUILDING SECTIONSCALE: 34" = 1'-0"2S1