23A-068 DPW Response ltr 1-13-14T REYNOLDS ENGINEERING | CIVIL ENGINEERS | PLANNING, DESIGN, AND PERMITTING SERVICES 110 PINE STREET, FLORENCE, MA 01062 | PHONE: 413-387-8078 | FAX: 413-727.3969 terry@treynoldsengineering.com | www.treynoldsengineering.com 1 January 13, 2014 Department of Public Works 125 Locust Street Northampton, MA 01060 Attn: David Veleta, P.E. RE: Engineering Response Proposed Commercial Building 100 Main Street Florence, MA Dear David: On or about January 3, 2014, T Reynolds Engineering (TRE) received comments from your office. TRE is herein responding to the comments from you and Doug McDonald. For ease of review, TRE has responded to the items and has listed the comments in their order and responded in bold below each comment. Stormwater system comments from Doug McDonald 1. It appears that the existing drywell on the site is proposed to be reused in a new location on the site. A detail of the proposed drywell should be included in the plans and should match the specifications provided in the drainage calculations.  A drywell detail is provided on sheet D-2 that matches drainage calculations. 2. Sheet C-5 shows a proposed WQU-CDS2015-4 G. A detail of this structure should be included in the plans.  A water quality unit detail has been added to sheet D-3 3. Sheet C-5 shows a proposed elevation high point of 277.1 feet across the driveway to Main Street and bicycle rack area. The proposed catch basin 1 nearby has a rim elevation of 276.8 feet leaving less than 0.3 feet for ponding around the catch basin during a storm. Please confirm that the proposed high point of 277.1 and the single catch basin grate are adequate to prevent overflow of stormwater to Main Street from the site during all design storms.  The proposed inlet has been evaluated to show the ponding will not result in stormwater overflowing into Main Street. Also, I noticed that the bicycle rack area near the entrance at Main St is proposed with only striping defining this area. A raised concrete area and curb may be necessary to better define the bike rack area and could further define the proposed drainage high point described above.  The proposed bike rack area has been revised to be a curbed raised area. 100 Main Street, Florence 1/13/2014 T REYNOLDS ENGINEERING | CIVIL ENGINEERS | PLANNING, DESIGN AND PERMITTING SERVICES 110 PINE STREET, FLORENCE, MA 01062 |PHONE:413-387 -8078,FAX:413-727-3969 terry@treynoldsengineering.com |www.treynoldsengineering.com 2 General engineering comments from David Veleta Sheet EX-1 1. The existing conditions plan shows 4 monitoring wells on the site, one of which will be covered up by the proposed building. What is the status of these wells? If they are to be formally abandoned as part of the project please indicate that on the plans.  The existing monitoring wells are to be sealed and formally abandoned. Sheets C-1 and C-2 1. There are 2 full sheets of construction notes some of which are clearly not applicable to the proposed project. They also have not been updated for this specific project. For example, Layout note #8 refers to the Town of Agawam and the Earthwork note #13 references the incorrect surveyor. Please consider editing and revising these notes so that they are project specific.  The notes have been revised to remove non-project references. Sheet C-3 1. Please include a note that the granite bound on Maple street is to be protected and preserved while retaining Layout note #5 on C-2.  A note has been included on sheet C-3. 2. Please include a note that any excess granite curbing or curb returns shall be returned to the DPW.  A note has been included on sheet C-3. 3. Please indicate the construction entrance location and extents and reference the detail on sheet D- 3.  The construction entrance location, extents and reference the detail on sheet D-3 have been added to sheet C-3. 4. The "existing water service to be protected" is a 1-inch line. If fire protection is required for the proposed building this will likely not be sufficient. Please verify.  The 1-inch line has been evaluated and will be sufficient for the proposed use. Not additional fire protection is proposed. 100 Main Street, Florence 1/13/2014 T REYNOLDS ENGINEERING | CIVIL ENGINEERS | PLANNING, DESIGN AND PERMITTING SERVICES 110 PINE STREET, FLORENCE, MA 01062 |PHONE:413-387 -8078,FAX:413-727-3969 terry@treynoldsengineering.com |www.treynoldsengineering.com 3 5. How will the site be protected from public access during demolition and construction?  A construction fence will be constructed around the perimeter of the property and is shown of sheet C-3 6. Pedestrian access connecting Main and Maple Streets must be maintained during construction. What alternate route will be provided for pedestrians during sidewalk construction and, if necessary, demolition.  Sidewalk access will be maintained throughout the construction process except as needed during sidewalk reconstruction. Signage will be posted redirecting access around the site during sidewalk reconstruction. 7. Details for silt fencing and inlet protection are provided. Please show where these are proposed to be located.  Proposed erosion control barrier locations have been added. Sheet C-4 1. The relocated curb cut on Main Street is shown as 26 feet. This should be reduced to 24 feet unless the Planning Board approves a wider width.  The curb cut has been reduced to 24 feet. 2. The new curb cut location on Maple Street expands the existing opening to 47' +/-. Is there a way to more clearly define the proposed entry so that it is no more than 24 feet, the preferred maximum commercial width?  This curb cut was intended to be 24 feet. Curb returns have been added for the abutting curb cut to the south and the relocated curb cut onto the site from Maple Street. 3. Does the proposed concrete curb return from the Maple St. driveway entrance to the southwest corner? Please clarify.  Yes it does. The concrete curb will extend to the property line to the south. 4. Please provide detail sheet references for all call outs for which there is a detail.  Detail references have been added as needed. 5. Please indicate that relocated signs shall be installed with a minimum of 7 feet to the bottom of the sign.  Minimum sign height has been added to the call out on the plans. 100 Main Street, Florence 1/13/2014 T REYNOLDS ENGINEERING | CIVIL ENGINEERS | PLANNING, DESIGN AND PERMITTING SERVICES 110 PINE STREET, FLORENCE, MA 01062 |PHONE:413-387 -8078,FAX:413-727-3969 terry@treynoldsengineering.com |www.treynoldsengineering.com 4 Sheet C-5 1. Given the proposed restaurant use, a grease trap should be installed. Please indicate this on the plan.  The proposed use will utilize an under the counter grease trap. 2. Please indicate the proposed water service connection.  The proposed water service located has been indicated on the plan Sheet D-2 1. Detail #2 is not labeled correctly. It should be Dry Well or something like that.  This has been corrected. Sheet D-4 1. The sidewalk/granite curb detail needs some cleanup and clarification. o Sidewalk cross slope shall not exceed 2% o Concrete walks are 4" thick except at driveways where they are 6" thick. The "Concrete Pad" detail on D-1 is called out for the driveways on C-4. This is a little confusing. I would guess this primarily refers to the dumpster pad. Please try to find a way to clarify the conc sidewalk and conc sidewalk at driveways distinction. o All walks to have 10/10 6x6 WWF at section midpoint. o Not sure what MHD 106.3.0 refers to. Please verify reference. o granite curb shall be backed up with 6" minimum width of concrete placed from the bottom of the curb to the bottom of the base course. o MHD granite curb reference is M904.0 through M904.6  Requested cleanup and clarification has been added to the detail. Thank you, Terrence Reynolds, PE cc: Gaurang Patel, Northampton Planning Dept.