24C-198 15102964BF-Ghazey_Bates-rk-121715-Floor Budget PP floor trussOVERHANG INFO HEEL HEIGHT GABLE STUDS 00-04-03 24 IN. OC END CUT RETURN PLUMB NO REQ. ENGINEERING NONE REQ. LAYOUTS JOBSITE 1 QUOTE LAYOUT CUTTING BRT DATEBY SHIP TO 24 West St Hatfield, MA 01038 R.K. Miles-HatfieldSOLD TO (413) 247-8300 SALES REP ORDER DATE REQ. QUOTE DATE DELIVERY DATE / / / / / /ORDER # QUOTE # TERMS SALES AREA CUSTOMER PO # CUSTOMER ACCT # INVOICE # LMCWRKMI ORDERED BY SUPERINTENDENT JOBSITE PHONE # DATE OF INVOICE 15102964BF Brian Tetreault Massachusetts / / / Andy Clogston ( ) - PAGE 1 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: *Budget price only. *12" floor truss option for 2nd Flr. only. *Beams by others. *No provisions for vertical chases or plumbing hits. DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS: JOB NAME: MODEL: TAG: Ghazey-Bates / 2nd Flr. Trusse BUILDING DEPARTMENT Floor Trusses JOB CATEGORY: Residential LOT # SUBDIV: DATE12/17/15 Northampton, MA Ghazey-Bates /Rosemund Andy Clogston 12/17/15 / / / / 155 Bay Road, PO Box 945, Belchertown, MA. 01007 Phone: 413-323-7247 Fax: 413-323-5257 UFP Belchertown, LLC QTY DEPTH O/A LEFT RIGHT CANTILEVER LEFT RIGHTID TOTALPRICEPRICEUNITEND TYPE INT BEARING SIZE LOCATIONPROFILE FLOOR FLOOR TRUSS SPACING:24.0 IN. O.C. (TYP.) 1.00 PLY SPAN SPAN BASE LEFT RIGHT STUB F01 01-00-00 22-09-00 3 22-09-00 F01L 01-00-00 30-03-02 1 30-03-02 F02 01-00-00 31-10-08 4 31-10-08 F02L 01-00-00 12-00-00 1 12-00-00 F03 01-00-00 22-09-00 1 22-09-00 F03L 01-00-00 24-03-02 1 24-03-02 F04 01-00-00 30-03-02 1 30-03-02 F04L 01-00-00 05-00-00 1 05-00-00 F05 01-00-00 30-03-02 1 30-03-02 F05L 01-00-00 19-08-10 1 19-08-10 F06 01-00-00 25-03-02 2 25-03-02 F06L 01-00-00 31-08-10 1 31-08-10 F07 01-00-00 25-03-02 1 25-03-02 F08 01-00-00 25-03-02 1 25-03-02 F09 01-00-00 24-03-02 4 24-03-02 F10 01-00-00 31-08-10 3 31-08-10 F11 01-00-00 19-08-10 7 19-08-10 F12 01-00-00 25-03-02 1 25-03-02 F13 01-00-00 07-11-08 1 07-11-08 FLOOR SUB-TOTAL: OVERHANG INFO HEEL HEIGHT GABLE STUDS 00-04-03 24 IN. OC END CUT RETURN PLUMB NO REQ. ENGINEERING NONE REQ. LAYOUTS JOBSITE 1 QUOTE LAYOUT CUTTING BRT DATEBY SHIP TO 24 West St Hatfield, MA 01038 R.K. Miles-HatfieldSOLD TO (413) 247-8300 SALES REP ORDER DATE REQ. QUOTE DATE DELIVERY DATE / / / / / /ORDER # QUOTE # TERMS SALES AREA CUSTOMER PO # CUSTOMER ACCT # INVOICE # LMCWRKMI ORDERED BY SUPERINTENDENT JOBSITE PHONE # DATE OF INVOICE 15102964BF Brian Tetreault Massachusetts / / / Andy Clogston ( ) - PAGE 2 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: *Budget price only. *12" floor truss option for 2nd Flr. only. *Beams by others. *No provisions for vertical chases or plumbing hits. DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS: JOB NAME: MODEL: TAG: Ghazey-Bates / 2nd Flr. Trusse BUILDING DEPARTMENT Floor Trusses JOB CATEGORY: Residential LOT # SUBDIV: DATE12/17/15 Northampton, MA Ghazey-Bates /Rosemund Andy Clogston 12/17/15 / / / / 155 Bay Road, PO Box 945, Belchertown, MA. 01007 Phone: 413-323-7247 Fax: 413-323-5257 UFP Belchertown, LLC ACCEPTED BY BUYER PURCHASER: BY: TITLE: ADDRESS: PHONE: DATE: ACCEPTED BY SELLER BY: TITLE: DATE OF ACCEPTANCE: SUB-TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Quote is based on current design values at the time of quote (lumber, EWP, hardware, etc). Should any of these values change prior to completion of this project, reserves the right to adjust the sell price accordingly. UFP Belchertown, LLC QUOTE POLICY: QUOTE VALID FOR 15 DAYS. AFTER 15 DAYS, UFP RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REVIEW / ADJUST ALL PRICING. Sealed individual truss drawings are included in the pricing. Sealed layouts, stamped bracing diagrams are NOT included BUT can be provided for an additional charge. ConventionallyFramedConventionallyFramedThis is for BUDGET ONLY. No provisions for plumbing hits or vertical chases.BBO1BBO2BBO3BBO4BBO5F01LF02LF03LF04LF03F04F05F06F06F07F08F05LF12F06LF13F01(3)F02(4)F09(4)F10(3)F11(7)62' 0" 5' 0" 1' 0"44' 0" 12' 0" 62' 0" 12' 8" 7' 8" 9' 8"30' 0"15' 0"15' 0"30' 0"10' 10 3/4" 11' 10 1/4" 7' 8"14' 5 3/4" 9' 11 1/4"1' 10 1/4"2' 0" 2' 0" 2' 0" 2' 0" 2' 0" 2' 0" 2' 0" 2' 0" 2' 0" 2' 0" 2' 0" 2' 0" 2' 0"THIS IS A TRUSS PLACEMENT DIAGRAM ONLY. These trusses are designed as individual building components to beincorporated into the building design at the specificationof the building designer. See individual design sheets for eachtruss design identified on the placement drawing. The building designer is responsible for temporary and permanent bracingof the roof and floor system and for the overall structure. The design of the truss support structure including headers, beams,walls, and columns is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding bracing, consult "Bracing ofwood trusses" available from the Truss Plate Institute, 583D'Onifrio Drive; Madison, WI 53179. It is the responsiblility of theGeneral Contractor/Superintendent to verify that the provided truss layout shall match the final intended construction plans,loading conditions, and use. If they do not, it is the responsiblility of the General Contractor/Superintendent to provideprints/plans containing the latest specifications and designs. Universal Forest Products will not be responsible forprint/planchanges by others after final approval ofshop drawings, norwill they be responsible for errors or modifications made on-siteduring construction. DO NOT CUT, NOTCH, DRILL, OR OTHERWISE"REPAIR" MANUFACTURED TRUSSES IN ANY WAYWITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION BY A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL DESIGNATED BY UFP. UFP WILL NOTBE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY MODIFICATIONS OR "CHARGE BACKS"DONE WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTENAUTHORIZATION FROM UFPGhazey-Bates/RosemundNorthampoton, MA12/17/152nd Flr. Truss-Budget Only15102964BF