32C-107 Smith Street Planning Zoning Recorded RegistryPlanning - Decision Hearing No.: PLN-201 6-001 I City of Northarnpton Date: November 17,2015 I PB Maior Site PIan | ltrtzpnls I Name:Owner's Name:r Bk: 1 Recc lil iltil|ilil llril ilrililtillliil il|il titil til iil6 @@,o16357 g: 322 Page: 1 of 2 O8l1Ol2O16 Ogi42 PM Name: NAME: SMITH STREET ASSOC'ATES tLC NAME: SMI,TH STREETASSOC'A rES LLC ADDRESS: 36 SMrrH Sr ADDTTESS: 36 SM/rH Sr TOWN: NORTHAMPTON sTArE: I ztP CODE MA | 01060 rowN: I srArE: lztP coDe NORTHAMPTON IMA IUOAO PHONE NO.: I FAX NO tz'tlt sns-:lscs n I PHONE NO.: I paXtO. (413) 586-3s35 0 | EMAIL ADDRESS:EMAIL ADDRESS: Site Information: STREET NO.: 32 SMITH ST SITE ZONING: u R cqil/wP 6 6tlSI ( 16t /N B(qt/ COMPANY NI NE TOWN: NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 ACTION TAKEN: Aooroved ADqRESS MAP I BLocK I lor: I MAP DArE 32C | 107 | 001 | SECTION OF BYLAW: Chpt. 350- 11: Site PIan Approval TOWN:STATE: I ZIP CODE: Book: 2171 'age: 056 PHqNE NO.:FAX NO NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK 5600 SQ FT BUILDING ADI HARDSHIP: CONDITION OF APPROVAL: FINDINGS: The Planning Board appro application. In gnnting the major site tr Specifically: 1. The requested use protl opentions to be relocated 2. The requasted addition t fufthest from drivewav acc EMA|L ADDRr ;5: ,ITION ved the site plan fot ilan, the Board dete >cE adjoining prem interior to the struc vould have no impa ess and Da*ino- TI 'he 5,000 square foot building expansion be rmined that the criteria in section 11.6 had t ises agarnsf seriously detrimental uses, The ture and the site will be improved. cf on access to the site as the building addil rcre will he no ineretce in trins ha-.ed rtni:n I d upon the ;n mgt for tl tildilg expa n wquld be submitted with the addition to the site. ;ion will enable outdoor >ated on the portion of the slte >ape, exlsting buildings and massiag, egress, and'bike padlh shall have featurgs g the effect on the City's wa(er tn, sfrgefs and schools. 3. The site will function harmoniously in relation to other.structures and open spac* to thr other communify assefs in the area as it relates to landscaping, drainage, sight linas, buildi sefbacks, Rear andlor side wall facades within 50 feet of a completed or planned section of that invite pedestrian access frcm that side of the building; and natugal lanc g ortentatio cyc\e track raec inaltta supply and distribution system, sanitary and storm sewage collection and treatment COULD NOT DEROGATE BECAUSE: ;, firE protet -ILING DEADLINT: 10/242M5 VHILINg UA I tr 11/5/2015 IEARING GONTINUED DATE:JturstoN 11/26/t t<AF I tsY: t15 TEFERRALS IN DATE: 10/29n015 14KINS UruLINE UAIE 1/21/2016 {EARING CLOSE DATE: 11/12/:2015 INAL SIG 11/26/t NG tsY: t75 \PPEAL DEADLINE: 1217/201 5:IRST ADVERTISING DATE 10/29n01s 14KINU UAI E 11/12J2015 /OTING DATE: 11/12J2A15 )rcrstoN 1 1/1 7/i t75 JECOND ADVERTISING DATE: 11/5/2015 lHKlNlr I IME: 7:05 PM /OTING DEADLINE 410/20,16 )ECtStON 2/10/2a ilulf NEi 6 MEMBERS PRESENT: Theresa (Tess) Poe VOTE: votes to Grant GeoTMS@ 2015 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions, lnc. Planning - Decision Hearing No.: PLIV-201 6'001 I Alan Verson Dan Felten John Lutz Karla Youngblood Debin Bruce Ann DeWift Brooks Mark Sullivan City olFNorthampton Date. Ncrvember 17 ,2015 votes to No Action Needed votes to Grant votes to Grant votes to Grant votes to Grant votes to Grant votes to Grant MINUTES OF MEETING: Avai I ab I e at www. n o rth am pto n m a. g ovlp I an l, Carolyn Misch, as agent to the Planning Board, certify that thiis is a true and accurate r that a iopy of this and all plans have been filed with the Board iand the City Clerk on the this deciiion has been mailed to the Owner and Appticant. Notice of APPeal An appeal from the decision of the Planning Board may be ma.le by any person aggrieved amended within twenty (20) days after the date of the fitring of the notice of the decision wi appeal may be made to the Hampshire Superior Court with a cevtified copy of the appeal l, Wendy Mazza, City Clerk of the City of Northampton, hereby certify Northampton Planning Board was filed in the Office of the City Clerk days have elapsed since such filing and that no appeal has been filed i City the Planning Board and cedify Chapt 40A, Section 17 as The date is listed above. Sucfi Clerk of the City of Nofthampton. 8,2015 Decision of the 17,2015, that twenty shown the City at the a Novem GeoTMSd 2015 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions, Inc. Attest: ci REGISTER Zoning Board of Appeals - Decision Hearing No.: ZBA-201 6-0004 City of Northampton Date: November 17, 2015 ]z.ooees:.ro ""* i.'r})toed: OB/1O/20t6 Og:+2 pifa APPLICATON ryPE: I SUBMISSION DATE: Commercial Finding | 9/25/2015 Name: Site Information: NATURE OF PROPOSEO WORK 5600 SQ FT BUILDING ADDITION HARDSHIP: CONDITION OF APPROVAL: FINDINGS: The Zoning Board gnnted the'Finding for the expansion of the building within the URC submitted with the applicationl. The Board determined that the expansion to the detrimental to the neighborhood than the existing nonconforming nature ofthe use. The that are currently being conducted e*ertor b the building will be brought into the new COULD NOT DEROGATE BECAUSE: Name: based upon the plans will not be substantially nlore I that many of the activitieg conditions on site. MEMBERS PRESENT: Malcolm B.E. Smith Sara Northrup Bob Riddle VOTE: votes to Grant votes io Grant votes io Grant MINUTES OF MEETING: Available in the Office of Planning & Sustainability. I, Carolyn Misch, as agent to th,e Zoning Board certify thaf fhrb is a true and accurate copy of this and all plans have been filed with the Board and the City Clerk on the date I ceftify that a copy of this decision has been maited to the Owner and Applicant. ADDRESS: 36 SMITH ST ADDRESS: 36 SMITH ST TOWN: NORTHAMPTON SECTION OF BYLAW: Chapt. 350-9.3 (1.) (D) : Pr*existing Nonconforming Structures or Uses May be Changed, &ended or Altered with a Finding from the Zoning Board of Appeals. GeoTMS@ 20'15 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions, Inc. Zoning Board and certify thpt a WAl Notice of Appeal l, Wendy Mazza, City Clerk of the City of Northampton, hereby certify Northampton Zoniri;g Board of Appeals was filed in the Office of the that twenty days have elapsed since such filing and that no appeal has Zoning Board of Appeals - Decision Hearing No.: ZBA-201 6-0004 Gity of Northampton DatQ: November 17,2015 An appeal from the decisi.o_1 of, the zoning Board may be made by any person aggrievedamended within twenty (20) davs after the date of, the fiting of me'notici of the deEision wappeal may be made to the Halnpshire superior coun wi{h a certified copy of the appeal . Chapt,40A, Section tT as The dbte is listed above. of lhe City of ..-. (t- g, 2015 Decision of the ber 17,20L5, this nnatter, GeoTMS@ 2015 Des Lauriers Solutions, Inc. Attest: