24D-048 City of Northampton Mail - 32 Stoddard St5/10/2018 City of Northampton Mail - 32 Stoddard St https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/1/?ui=2&ik=ec5f19a57e&jsver=awrWbfDFcFs.en.&cbl=gmail_fe_180429.15_p3&view=pt&search=sent&th=1634b9a51ccdf25f&siml= Louis Hasbrouck <lhasbrouck@northamptonma.gov> 32 Stoddard St 1 message Louis Hasbrouck <lhasbrouck@northamptonma.gov>Thu, May 10, 2018 at 3:49 PM To: John Handzel <nuwayhomes60@gmail.com> John, The zoning for 32 Stoddard St is approved. You'll need to mark the plot plan for the 4 trees required on each lot (8 total) before we issue the permit and the easement needs to be recorded before we issue the Certificate of Occupancy. I attached a copy of the regulations. Louis Hasbrouck Building Commissioner City of Northampton Town of Williamsburg (413) 587-1240 office (413) 587-1272 fax 350-10.14 Zero Lot Line.pdf 73K