38A-108 Chrobek email 2017-08-248/24/2017 City of Northampton Mail - Fwd: ServiceNet, Olander Drive - Soil Testing and Revised Drainage https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/?ui=2&ik=ec5f19a57e&jsver=NQ90xUauj60.en.&view=pt&search=inbox&th=15e1505ba3eebff0 1/2 Louis Hasbrouck <lhasbrouck@northamptonma.gov> Fwd: ServiceNet, Olander Drive - Soil Testing and Revised Drainage 1 message Kevin Chrobak <kevinchrobak@gmail.com>Thu, Aug 24, 2017 at 12:14 PM To: Louis Hasbrouck <lhasbrouck@northamptonma.gov> Cc: Andy <asmith@rpmasiello.com> Hi Louis Here is correspondence on test pits and storm drainage modifications between civil engineer, Dave Valeta and Doug MacDonald. I have a 1:00 phone call with civil on another project and will ask him if he is squared away with Doug on modifications to the subsurface drainage. As I understand it the test pits were a precondition on foundation permit. I think the ball is in Doug's court right now, will let you know what the civil tells me. k c kevin chrobak, principal architect Juster Pope Frazier Architects 82 north street 68 decker reef road northampton massachusetts 01060 east boothbay, maine 04544 413.586.1600 207.350.4295 live inspired, do good, create beauty 60 justerpopefrazier.com ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Pete Parent <pparent@cmeengineering.com> Date: Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 11:15 AM Subject: ServiceNet, Olander Drive - Soil Testing and Revised Drainage To: "David Veleta (dveleta@northamptonma.gov)" <dveleta@northamptonma.gov> Cc: "asmith@rpmasiello.com" <asmith@rpmasiello.com>, "began@rpmasiello.com" <began@rpmasiello.com>, "kevinchrobak@gmail.com" <kevinchrobak@gmail.com> Hi David,   We performed soil testing in the area of the proposed infiltration system for ServiceNet on Monday.  As you’ll see on the attached plan, we encountered some undesirable soils at the far eastern edge of the originally proposed system, but soils to the west were consistent with the previous soil data that we used as a basis for our design.  To address this issue, we have made the proposed system shorter and wider to maintain the provided storage volume while staying clear of the less pervious soils.  We also encountered mottling slightly higher than we originally anticipated, so we raised the bottom of the system about 0.4’ to ensure we had the 2-feet of separation.  I’ve attached the HydroCAD report for the revised proposed conditions.  Peak Flows, Recharge Volume, etc. remain virtually unchanged from the previous report.   Please review and let me know if you have any questions/concerns, and what you’ll need us to submit for revised plans and calculations.   8/24/2017 City of Northampton Mail - Fwd: ServiceNet, Olander Drive - Soil Testing and Revised Drainage https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/?ui=2&ik=ec5f19a57e&jsver=NQ90xUauj60.en.&view=pt&search=inbox&th=15e1505ba3eebff0 2/2 Thank You, Pete   Pete Parent, P.E. | Civil Engineer pparent@cmeengineering.com 33 Wilbur Cross Way, Suite 105 ∙ Mansfield, CT 06268 T 860.885.1055 ext. 2113 ∙ C 860.933.2914 ∙ www.cmeengineering.com     Virus-free. www.avast.com 3 attachments image001.jpg 11K 2017-08-08 ServiceNet Revised Drainage Plan.pdf 312K Pr Cond HydroCAD Report.pdf 1767K