15 11 06 letter to building commissionerNovember 6, 2015 Northampton Building Department Puchalski Municipal Building 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Re: Smith College Facilities Roof Replacement, 126 West Street Dear Louis Hasbrook, For the Smith College Facilities building roof replacement project, the college is seeking relief from the IECC energy requirements for roof insulation (R-25CI minimum) in Roof Area 5 (see plan and photos below). This area is surrounded by building on all four sides, with windows along the west wall. The current roofing termination bar, below existing window sills, varies between 12" and 8" for most of the run. However, at the south end, the termination point decreases down to 4". The existing roof structure is sloped. Current levels of insulation allow heat to escape and melt snow during the winter. While the structure has been assessed and found adequate for snow loads, the college is concerned snow will accumulate in the area and due to its location (within a well) will not melt. We propose, in order to prevent snow accumulation against the windows and keep the wall flashings as high as possible to provide 2 1/2" of rigid insulation and 1/2" of protection board in this area. (R-16.9 (R-14.4 polyiso + R-2.5 protection board) Sincerely, Tim S. Eagles, AIA teagles@edm-ae.com