039-041 23 Atwood EPA emailFrom: donotreply@epa.gov Sent: Monday, October 02, 2017 10:00 AM To: jechristy@tighebond.com; began@rpmasiello.com Cc: warner.suzanne@epa.gov Subject: EPA Construction General Permit (CGP) Authorization is Active – Northwood Development, NPDES ID: MAR1000WM Attachments: MAR1000WMCopyOfRecord.pdf 2017-10-02 Your Notice of Intent (NOI) requesting coverage for Northwood Development, 0 Atwood Drive under EPA's Construction General Permit (CGP) has been accepted and authorization to discharge under the CGP became effective on 2017-10-02. For tracking purposes, the following NPDES ID has been assigned to your NOI: MAR1000WM. To access your NOI in NeT, please visit: https://cdxnodengn.epa.gov/oeca-cgp-web. As you know, the CGP requires you to have developed a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) prior to submitting your NOI. The CGP also includes specific requirements for erosion and sediment controls, pollution prevention controls, conducting self-inspections, taking corrective actions, and conducting staff training. You must comply with any state, tribal, or territory-specific requirements in Part 9 (see https://www.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater-discharges- construction-activities#cgp). Please note that this email does not represent a determination by EPA regarding the validity of the information you provided in your NOI. Your eligibility for coverage under this permit is based on the validity of the certification you provided. Your electronic signature on the NOI form certifies that you have read, understood, and are implementing all of the applicable requirements. An important aspect of this certification requires that you have correctly determined whether you are eligible for coverage under this permit. The 2017 CGP and additional information are available at: https://www.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater-discharges-construction-activities#cgp. If you have questions about this email or about NeT CGP, please refer to the NeT Help Center at https://epanet.zendesk.com/hc/en-us or e-mail NPDESereporting@epa.gov for assistance. If you have questions regarding the permit requirements of EPA's CGP, please contact EPA at warner.suzanne@epa.gov. This is an automated notification; please do not reply to this email.