32A-154 (10) g STRONG AVE BP-2019-0177 GIs#� COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Mau'BIock:32A- 154 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot'-001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL 042A) Category Ramo BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2019-0177 Project# JS-2019-000293 Est Cost$21000 00 Fee $147.0 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const Class: Contractor: License: Use Group, PRECISION HOME REMODELING GROUP 107805 Lot Sizefsa. ft.l: 2657.16 Owner: STRONG AVE LLC Zoning:CB(100)/ Applicant. PRECISION HOME REMODELING GROUP AT.• 8 STRONG AVE Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 72 JEFFERSON ST SUITE 101 WC MARLBOROMA01752 ISSUED ON:8/24/2018 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK.•install lamp posts and wheelchair ramp **NOTE- LIGHT MUST MEET ZONING 12.2 RAMP MUST MEET 521 CMR POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy sienature: FeeType: Date Paid: Amount: Building 8/24/20180:00:00 $147.00 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax:(413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner File#BP-2019-0177 `IeE APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON PRECI ON HOME REMODELING GROUP J f ADDRESS/PHONE 72 JEFFERSON ST SC 1713101 M,4Rl.KORO PROPERTY LOCATION 8 STRONG AVE MAP 32A PARCEL 154 001 ZONE CBLI00V THIS SEC ;_ION F OFrli T USG ONLY: PERWTAPPLICATIQ :HECk'.LIST '=MJ,OSREQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid _ Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid fN6r, tZ"2 T eofConstruction* install lam owhe sts and elchair f New Construction De..n nAICT eAfFT r'J 2.( C1• R Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Ineluded, Owner/Statement or License 107805 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INF9RMATION PRESENTED: Approved_Additional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER;§' Intermediate Project Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDERI§ Finding Special Permit Variance* Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed _Other Permits Required: —Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability _ Sewer Availability _Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission Permit DPW Storm Water Management _Demolition Delay Zy Signature of Building Official Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. *Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A. Contact Office of Planning&Development for more information. �i Veaionl.7 Commercial Buildin pop 0 o n c m City of Northampton °' Building Department z rn 212 Main Street Room 100 om o_ Northampton, MA 01060 $Q `� one 413-587-1240 Fax 413-587-1272 APPLICATION TOC NSTRUCT,REPAIR,RENOVATE,CHANGE THE USEOF,OR DEMOLISH OTHER THAN A ONE OR TWO FAMI SECTION 1-SITE INFORMATION This sal to be osmp" 7.7 Property Address: r Strong Ave __ ... 'l, Map 3A,- Lot 'S'( Unit . .Zone Overwomblel . Elm StDArlst CBDIaINcf'' SECTION 2-PROPERTY OWNERSHIPIAUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record: ._ Strong Ave LLC. 1 133 Edwards Rd Easthampton,MA 01027 Name(Pant) i �p Cummt Mailing Address S3�dF C _.1 wooTelephone 2.2 Authi Ape _ Vincent Br, olmi j L2 Jefferson St Ste 101 Marlborough,MA 01752 j Name(Print) Current Mailing Atltlress Signature -� Telephoneqry 5 SECTION 2-ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Cost(Dollars)to be Official Use Only com feted by permitapplicant 1. Building j $19,200.00! (e)Building Permit Fee 2. Electrical $1,$00.001 (b)Estimated Total Cost of Construction from 6 3. Plumbing $0.00 Building Permit Fee 4. Mechanical(HVAC) _-- $0.001 S. Fire Protection 6. Total=(1 +2+3+4+5) ba Check Number Thla Sec3on For OMclel flee Only Building Pennn Number Date Issued Signature: Building CommissionerNtspector 0 Buildings Date Ver6onl.7 Commercial Building Permit May 15,2000 SECTION 4-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR PROJECTS LESS THAN 35,000 CUBIC FEET OF ENCLOSED SPACE Interior Alterations ❑ Existing Wall Signs ❑ Demolition[I Repairs El Additions ❑ Accessory Building❑ Exterior Alteration ❑ Existing Ground Sign❑ New Signs❑ Roofing Change of Use❑ Other ED Brief Description We will install lampposts and a wheelchair ramp j Of Proposed Work: J SECTION 5-USE GROUP AND CONSTRUCTION TYPE USE GROUP(Check as applicable) CONSTRUCTION TYPE A Assembly ❑ A-1 11A-2 ElA-3 11 1A ❑ A-4 ❑ A-5 ❑ to ❑ B Business 2A ❑ E Educational ❑ 2B ❑ F Factory ❑ F-1 ❑ F-2 ❑ 2C ❑ H High Hazard ❑ 3A ❑ 1 Institutional ❑ 1-1 ❑ 1-2 ❑ 1-3 ❑ 3B ❑ M Mercantile ❑ 4 ❑ R Residential ❑ 1 R-1 ❑ R-2 ❑ R-3 ❑ 5A ❑ S Storage ❑ S-1 ❑ S-2 ❑ 5B ❑ U Utllity ❑ Specify M Mued Use ❑ Specify S Special Use ❑ Specify COMPLETE THIS SECTION IF EXISTING BUILDING UNDERGOING RENOVATIONS,ADDITIONS AND/OR CHANGE IN USE _ ---� Existing Use Group: _—_ Proposed Use Group Existing Hazard Index 780 CMR 34):L Proposed Hazard Index 780 CMR 34): SECTION 6 BUILDING HEIGHT AND AREA BUILDING AREA EXISTING PROPOSED NEW CONSTRUCTION OF E Y Floor Area per Floor(s0 1m r - 2� i 1 3 Total Area(sf) �— Total Proposed New Construction sflL ' Total Height(ft) it Total Height It 7. Water Supply(M.G.L.c.40,§54) 7.7 Flood Zone Information: 7.3 Sewage Disposal System: Public ❑ Private ❑ Zone, _- Outside Flood Zone❑ Municipal ❑ On site disposal system❑ Versionl.7 Commercial Building Permit May 15,2000 & Nt 87NAAWWN ZONING Existing Proposed Required by Zoning Phis column m be filled in by Building Depenmem ----- Frontage Setbacks Front Side L -- A i._ __ L _I R.= Rear Building Height Bldg.Square Footage / Open Space Footage O.ol area minus bldg&paced ___ _ _. __i arkin #of Parking Spaces 77-1 volume&Location l A. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO O DONT KNOW O YES O IF YES, date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO O DONT KNOW O YES O IF YES: enter Book r Paged and/or Document# B. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO O DONT KNOW O YES O IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained O Obtained 0 , Date Issued: C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES O NO O IF YES, describe size, type and location: D. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES O NO O IF YES, describe size, type and location: E. Will the construction activity disturb(clearing,grading,excavation, or filling)over t acre oris it part of a common plan that will disturb over 1 acre? YES O NO O IF YES,then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. Versimi Commercial Building Permit May 15,2000 SECTION 9-PROFESSIONAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES-FOR BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES SUBJECT TO CONSTRUCTION CONTROL PURSUANT TO 780 CMR 116(CONTAINING MORE THAN 35,000 C.F.OF ENCLOSED SPACE) 9.1 Registered Architect: -- _-_——_ -" _- Not Applicable EI Name(Registrant): r_--- Registration Number Address ----- ----- �-- Expiration Date Signature Telephone 9.2 Registered Professional Engineer(s): Name Area of Responsibility Address Registration Number Signature Telephone Expiration Date Name Area of Responsibility Address R istion Number Signature Telephone Expiration Date Name Area of Responsibility Address Registration Number Signature Telephone Expiration Date Name Area of Responsibility Address Registration Number Signature Telephone Expiration Date 9.3 General Contractor recision Home Rernodeling_Group J Not Applicable ❑ Company Name:_ IVinc tenten Branlc int J Responsible In Charge of ConsVugion 72 Jefferson St. Ste 101 Marlborough, MA 01752 Atltl ss _ (978)65-6936 ignature Telephone Vcrsionl.7 Commercial Building Permit May 15,2000 SECTION 10-STRUCTURAL PEER REVIEW 1780 CMR 110.11) Independent Structural Engineering Structural Peer Review Required Yes O No O SECTION 11 -OWNERAUTHORRATION-TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMYT (Gary Penman _ as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize Vincent Brandolini/Precision Home Remodeling Groupoto act on m behalf, in all matters relative to work authorized b m tis ing permitapplication. of Owner Date IVInC tenten BrandOlini _ _ _ _ as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate,to the best of my knowledge and belief. Si net_under e_pains and penalties of perjury. Vin nt Brandolini �' Print -- i ignature of Owner gent Date SECTION 12-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 10.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable ❑ _ Name of Ll ..Holder: Vincen[Brandolini _I 07805_ _ License Number 72 Jefferson St Marlborough, MA 01752 02/05/2020 Atltlrea Expiration Date x(978) 26.5-6936 Signature Telephone SECTION 13-WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT M.G.L.c. 161 26C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted ath this application. Failure to Proves this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes (F) No Q City of Northampton 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060 Solid Waste Disposal Affidavit In accordance of the provisions of MGL c 40, S54, I acknowledge that as a condition of the building permit all debris resulting from the construction activity governed by this Building Permit shall be disposed of in a properly licensed solid waste disposal facility, as defined by MGL c 111, S 150A. Address of the work: The debris will be transported by: 7i5i6`1 WG The debris will be received by �N6m56v Building permit number: Name of Permit Applicant 1nCe4�i EJr 1 0t Date Signature of Permit Applicant I LIN The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents 1 Congress Street, Suite 100 Boston,MA 02114-2 01 7 www.mass.goF/dia U,krkers9 Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers. TO BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY. Applicant Information Please Print Legibly Name(Busineasl0manizadon/Individual):Precision Home Remodeling Group Address:72 Jefferson St Ste 101 City/State/Zip:Marlborough, MA 01752 Phone#:978-265-6936 Are you an employer?Check the approprime bo.: Type of project(required): 1.©lam a employer with10 employees(full and/or part-time)• 7. ❑New construction 2.❑lamasolepmpnetor or parmership end hevnnoemployees xvrking formom 8. Remodeling any eamacity_(No workers comp itwumnce requhedJ 3.❑ladshomeownerdoingallworkini [Nowotkers comp.ma.mn,cmmrcdl' 9. ❑Demolition 4.❑I am a homeowner and will M hiring conlmetors to conduct all work on my propers twill 10 ❑ Building addition ensure that all contractors either have workerscompensation insurance or are sole II.❑Electrical repairs or additions Promote.,with no employees 12,[]Plumbing repairs or additions 5.711 ams general cootream and I have hired the sub-contractors listed on the atmched sheer 13.❑Roof repairs Thesesub-eontrnepas have employees and have workers am, insurance) 6.❑We are a coo 14.❑� Other'^'heelchair ramp corporation and its opicers have exercised their right mance ad pn per MGL c. 152§I(4),and we have no employees[.No workers'comp insurance required] "Any applicant hat checks box NI must also fill out the section below,showing their workers'compensation policy information. I Homeowners who submit this atfldwit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. lContractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-eonimetors consider whether or not those entities have employees lfthe sub-contractors have employees,they must provide their workers'comp.poliev number /am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy andalob site information. Insurance Company Name:Travelers Indemnity Policy#or Self-ins.Lia#:UB-1 K266687-18 Expiration Date:March 27,2019 Job Site Address:6 Strong Ave City/State/Zip:NorthamptonMA01060 Attach a copy of the workers'compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date} Failure to secure coverage as required under MGL c. 152,§25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to$1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine ofup to$250.00 a day against the violator. copy ofthis statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations ofthe DIA for insurance coverage veriticatio /do here ;uc and ena(6es of perjury that the information provided above is true and correct D t Phone#:978-265-6936 Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town official. City or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Board of Health 2.Building Department 3.City/Town Clerk 4.Electrical Inspector 5.Plumbing Inspector 6.Other Contact Person: Phone#: aI TE1F� a®ASANA OFFvcar oFua rY► TNISC NOTAp nYELyLON 0 77ONONLY COMfeRSNORio CE cERRFJ�jTIF DATETN.NJDDirYYn ERi1flCA1FOFINSOpAVCE ORNEGAIYVE YANEND,EXTENDORAU1=R nlecotER,jcaAsopoener» POJ.Je.�a�or Dnw �E6ATCONg711U11<AOGN7?ACrAF7WEEN7NE/38(gNG WSURER(S),AUTNORUM PXPREMUTA77VE PORTAN7!Mme CorUOcats holder Ha an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the MUCP(les)mart be wdors d. NSUBROGATION IB WAIVED,wbject to Aw C0S01tlOR8 Of the Peliry,certain P011cia My regUlre and andoreement. A statement on this certNcle d0w not confer rights to teftlft hoItleT M lieu ofsueh endoreem s. PRODUCER CONTACT NAME MTCHAUD ROWE AND RUSCAK PHONE FAX PO BOX 188 (AC,No,Exp: (Ac,NDA E.MAR NORTH ANDOVER,MA 01845 ADDRESS: 28SRY NBURERIS)AETWrDNG COVERAGE NAICe INSURED NBUNMRA: TRAVM8R91NDiaNVDY WBffANYOP AbffAtG PRECISION HOME REMODELING GROUP INC INSURERS: INSURER C•. INSURERD: 72 JEFFERSON ST STE 1011 INSURER m MARLBOROUGH,MA 01752 INSURERF. COVERAGM5 CERTMICATE NUMBER:- REVIBM)N NUMBER: ! aG ELOW�ryp SEEM ®20 NNR®0W-7 E POR TM9PDUCYPBWDMgOATEG oft?ANMNG ANY'REpN(HAEM,TERMORmNNn10N OFANYCONTRACTOROiNERbOCNaeIiWnMR6PECT TOWMCNTIW CERTIHCATS NAY BE MBUEDOk N6YPNfr/dL 1XEWWMAKE APFOR�ryTN!PDlltlea nppaBED XIWQIN p91BJlMTOALL ter!TlRMB•ExLLD81LPb AAD WNplldlaOF BaCX PoIiCIIB.MMB 1kM9r NAY1NKBlEI1 RIWC®BY PM CLjNB rMa m sue PDMNYlPPDATE PDIJC aAR"ATE LTR TYPEDPINSURANCE L R POLDYNUMMR IMmmIYYYp NMi0D1YYYn LSM GENERAL LIABILITY HOCCURRENCE s COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY DAMAGE TORENTED i CLAIMS MADE []OCWR. gEMISEB([a Pxumxw) EDEXP(Anvona Paaon) Is ERSONALaADVINJURY S GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: MERALAGGREGATE a POLICY ❑PROJECTOLOC RODUCTS-COMP/OPAGG $ AUTOMOSILE UABILRY OMBINEDSINME $ ANYALIN) UMN(EeatxId.W ALLOftEDAUTOS WILY INJURY $ SCHEDULEAUTOS (Per ason) HIREDAUTOS BODILYINJURY $ NO40MEDAUTOS ( � PERTY DAMAGE i H- - I (Pae "N Q UMBRELLALIPBOCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE i DOM 1IA9 CLAIMSJOADE AGOMFGATE i DEDUCTIBLE $ RETEMION a a A WOMQtiR'a 00MPEN$ATION AND .. XWC 6TATULORY Or1ER EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY YM UB1K2B888'f-ie 012'/2018 032)2019 LIMR8 gfry FRCfFfHRCIHPARrNENE%EGRNE WA E.L EACH ACCIDENT $ 600000 Mte. IXCLUOEDT lmaa*IaYbllm E1.06EASE-EAEMPLOYEE i500,000 4".. NM N Erna CE9CWPmNOFOOFO PFRgTIONE ttivn EL.DISEASE-POLICY LINT $ WD,DD0 DEBORm WOPERATIONNLOCATONeNEHICLE8IRESTRI(MON PECA MM nus SP.PLACBRANYmHOR CPRTff[GTH usU®ro TI�cmTUICATexoLOERAPeEcrnucaroucD�s aria covmucs. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CMCELLATION SHOULD ANYOF THEABCK DESCRIBED POLI%!W CANC L%D SER ETRE E%PIM71011 PATE THEREOF,NOTME VALL Bl DELIVFAEO -.-- MACCORPANCEWf EPOLWYPROVMp AUTXORnTHD RERtESE ACORD 2S(201=M The ACORD name and logo are reglah Md Merles of:CORD H 0 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. 1TY INSURANCE PREC14 op ID:CH _ M1'AlM°nvfyl 18 U '••ee{ fROR F"TE HOLDERTNRi THE nIXACIES "fig AUTHORMO PRECI-3 OP ID:CH L f CERTIFICATEOF LIABILITY INSURANCE 03107/2018 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES 140T CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER IMPORTANT: N the eartmeate holder Is an ADDITIONAL'.INSURED,the pollwAles)must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to M.Senna ane aondMon.DISH PonalM1 certain Punelev.ns,eenwre.n entloms nt. A alebmorn an Mw u oete tl ee nm wnM1r Mahn,w M. certificate holder in lieu of such endorsemen s. PRODMCER NAM:; Michaud,Rowe&Ruscak Mk1Mud,Roves And Ruscak Ins. .978 888 8829 FAX :978 537 2120 P.O.Boz 1B8 W North Andover,MA 01895 mossea Michaud,Rowe a Ru ion, RWURMWOFOROMGCOVERAOE HNCN IwWenw:Evanston Ins Company emus® Precision Home Remtling Grp Inc Io a cka,SafetY Ceded Auto 72 Jefferson St Ste 101 loans c:Riverpont Insurance Cc Marlborough,MA 01752 INWRER D: ''. INSURERE: INSYRE0.F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER;- REVISION NUMBER: THE IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE WSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERMQR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POUCIES DESCRIBED HEREIN 13 SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMBS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CVJMS. LTR TYPEOPNEURRNGE POLICY NUMBER 1. L@dITB A X oncowes-GNMERYU.LMBIURY ;-DI-R MRSICE g 1,000,00 CWM&MAZE X❑=`,N SEP7109.1 03/01/2018 08/01/2019g 100,9 5r9..IWURY $ 1,000,00 LIMIT PFPLIES PER 00REWTE $ 2,000,00 POLICY❑im F7LGC -COMPPoPaG3 S 1,000,9aerOMOBBE WBaRY61 GLE 1000 Am AlI1D2707292 02/0116018 03MI12019RY(Pscusvnl s MAI T�N® SC�LED1PY1Pv WgeM) i X HIiaD Os X NOWN. S AUr09 M S X urmRuaLMa X occua EAOH OCGURFENGE i 1,000,0 A BX WB CUIM&MME EZX3101T$70 03/01/2018 0310112019 a .Nsc4r $ 1,000,00 DED I X I RETENTION 0 s waRlGrocareemai X PE AtLBMFLOfwm'WBILT' C ANTPROP0.ETOILPNYmE0.EXECVINE YIN NHARP908425 021081x018 Ot/0SM019 E.L.EACHACCIDENT q 390,00 Dteelse kNH)E%QVDEDV V❑ NIA (M®ICMPn M NH) STATES:(AH,CT EL.DISEPHE-Ew 8 300.0 N `ooFOPERanoNa EL.DI9EaeE-POLICYLwn s 300,00 new—se"ce OFOPeMTIGNe 1LOOAncolvemcuss (aGORD IataCaltlonll Rbnvks aenetluk,mgp.BaO[Mtlnmwa speweRawlRW) Residential Remodeling CERTIFl ATE HOLDER CANCELLAT N SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PWC=BE CELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN AC COROANCEWIITI m1E POIJCT PROWMONS. '.. ' aumoRlmORemBeexrarNB 01988.2016 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2014101) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR nn _T.Y.P.E:nCarpaati0n Fma5d ea gp ON3M=21 pRECISION HOME REMODELING GROUP,INC VINCENT SUNI 101 ON ST SUI MAR BOROUGH,MA01752 Undeme mlalY CommOnv,ealY�of'Aassachusetis OXc of A COnaumH Affairs eu Insae Pa9o1a11on @� Div ism.orPmtesnonal 4Censare MOMEIMPROttPE LLCOMRACTOR Board 015�'od"'Regulations and Stantlartis SMSwa. FmIrawn Canstwctinn Svpgrvlsor IB9770 limaDt9 CS-107805 ?Apires. 0210512020 BRANOOUNI CONSTRUC VtON,LLC YMICENT BRANDOLINI vMCEN1 SRANDOUNI B PROVIDENCE KU RD 7p JEFFERSON ST.SURE 501 ATKlNSON NM 83^871 MARLBOROUGH,MA Ot T52 Undefse mtwy HOME CONTRACTOR RANLtOIJNI CONSTRUCTION,LLC b PROVIDENCE HILL RD ATKINSON,NFT 03811-2327 . fitiidGti"'. 141C.064790 12/01/2017 ie:it= �i4L2>vl�X�' Pane) 32A -i54-001 6/29/18 Designer:Victor Gary Ferman 6 Strong Ave. Northampton, MA 01060 413-539-4558 SCOPE OF WORK Handicap accessible deck ramp with two double steel railings and lighting I believe ramp is 36" but need to verify • Obtain permit • Electrician for post lighting • Install 3lamp posts (provided) • Layout, dig for sonotubes(14-16 tubes) Please note decking and railings must be away from buildings 4". • Get inspected,then pour tubes • Frame w/4x4 posts • Rough electric and inspection • 2x6 or 2x8 joists all pressure treated 12"on center spacing • Build landing(left corner)out of restaurant 6'5%"x?with approx. 4 stairs, risers max 7" • Build rear ramp(along back retaining wall, but not connected)from restaurant landing to front ramp landing 10'4", 1:12 pitch • Build right corner landing 4'2%"x 5' • Build front ramp from landing to 12" before building ends 19'8". (1:12 pitch) • Have framing inspected • Decking composite Greywood • Steel handrails, black both sides of ramp both 18" and 36" return cannot go beyond building • Trim all areas no pressure treated showing • Final insp. :3 QS I ' Y !, I Y �90O r k M I L E S 413.247.8300 m ; a. 21 west st.•west hatfmld. ma.•01088 lE d-,Iw�d _. .4 R\' T ?F a,bds S •r �ts��/i }d 1� 'fid cuo-4g y I i i i - br iY>1,nZ�