18C-064 (4) 179 PROSPECT AVE SM-2019-0002 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS CITY OF NORTHAMPTON GIS#: P171 Map: 18C - �'°`k` -- 064 SHEETMETAL PERMIT 1I,�,a: 001 YOlit: SHEETMETAL Category. _:LSOiETMETAL .! Petmit# SM-2019 0002 "' — PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Project# JS-2619-00011i) East Cost 1$16,000.00 Contractor: License: Expires: JM J MOP-AN Shtl 267 10 eemeta - Fee Charged MO $50.00 J 28/2019 Balance Due: ue $.00 '.Owner: MORINI AMEDEO S&ALICE M 4 of Fixtures, Applicant: M J MORAN DigBafe#4 _.IAT: 179 PROSPECT AVE UseGroup ConstClass - ISSUED ON: 17-.m1-2018 AMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON. TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: NEW HVAC SYSTEM THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Signature: Fee Type: Receipt Not : Oah*aiJ:-' 'i. Check No: Amount: Sheetmeml REC-2019-0001% 16-Jul-I8 25858 $5000 :I 212 Main Street,Phone:(413)587-1240,Fex:(413)587-1272,Email:lhv brouhQnorthvnptoama.gov Ge.TMSV 2018 IN,Uuriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. File#SM-2019-0002 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON M I MORAN ADDRESS/PHONE P O BOX 278 (413)268-7251 PROPERTY LOCATION 179 PROSPECT AVE MAP 18C PARCEL 064 001 ZONE URB000V THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid Typeof Construction: NEW HVAC SYSTEM New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing _ Accessory Structure Bu'Id' a Plans Includ & Owner/Statement or License 267 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FO LOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INF MATION PRESENTED: _Approved _Additional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Intermediate Project:_Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit with Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit with Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance* Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed _Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Bond of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee rmit from Elm Street Commission Permit DPW Storm Water Management 6S a of Buil -9 al Da� Note:Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. e Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A.Contact the Office of Planning&Development for more information. Commonwealth of Massachusetts RECEIVED Sheet Metal Permit JUL 1 6 2018 Date: / (�'�a Permit# 5 Estimated Sob Cost: $ Permit Fee: $ P 0F0UROINAINSP9CnON3_ THPMPTON.MA0106) Plans Submitted: YES_/ANO Plans Reviewed: YES _ NO _ Business License# C 4 Applicant License# ,)— Business Inform7ation: 1- Property Owner/Job Location Information: Name:1'2 '� //�1 L Ci Name:"7ycc_ Street: /yICL/vL ST Street: City/Town: ,I /�/L� - City/Town:��n Telephone: ^7� j���o� Telephone: Photo I.D.required/Copy of Photo I.D. attached: YES NO srarromal J-1/162tirestricted license J-2/M-2-restricted to dwellings 3-stories or lass and commercial up to 10,000 sq.ft. /2-stories or less Residential: 1-2 family Multi-family_ Condo/Townhouses_ Other_ Commercial: Office Retail Industrial Educational Institutional Other Square Footage: under 10,000 sq.ft.� over 10,000 sq. ft. Number ofd Stories: Sheet metal work to be completed: New Work: Renovation: k:/ HVAC ___Metal Watershed RoofingKitchen Exhaust System__ 777���"' Metal Chimney/Vents_ Air Balancing Provide detailed description of work to be done: fee a77-aa&J v /''Ictvrtca/ - 7 Co�ao� �Ic, INSURANCE COVERAGE: Ihaveacurvan4l'i giQy insurance policy or He equivalent whic meeetstherequirsomerds of M.G.L.Ch.112 YeX Mo❑ If you have checked N s,indicate the type of coverage by checking the appropriate has below: li A liability insurance policy ® Other type of indemnity ❑ Bond ❑ OWNER'S IMSDRANCE WAIVER:I am wearethat the Its ensee d.es nes Inanro the insurance coverage required by Chapter 1t2 offQhe Massachusetts General Laws,and that mysignature milds permit applicationwais, this requirement. Check One Only O:vner ❑ Agent ❑ SignatureofOwner or Owners Agent . Sy checking this ii-M,l hereby cerpty ihst alt o{phe details and information I M1ave submitted(mv entenetl)regarding Phis application are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and thatall sheet metal work and installations performed under the permit issued forthis application will be in compliance with all perti.lan provision of the Massachusetts Building Godsend Chapter 112 of the General Laws. Duct inspection required prior to insulation installation:YES- NO pr bra,ase tr��eem.�w� Date (", 'rtes FSnol bapecHnn Dere Coo enr Type of License: By DU Master 'elle_-__._ ❑Master-Restricted — Glyrfown ____ ❑Journeypersan FFF--- - . Signature of Licensee Permit M afJ ❑Joumeypersmn-Restricted License Number. Fee$ ___ — El Check at vt�rd ryt Inspector Signature of Permit Approval _� Load Short Form Job: • ' WrlghtSOftwry: Jm06,2018 Entire House By: MJ Moran inc 4SnIM1m9n S.Havbmlk MAR1IX9Rnc 6132$Tb1 R-1@mlMMM Project Information For: Mark Jewell 179 ProspectAve.,Northampton,MA Design Htg Clg Infiltration Outside db('F) -2 89 Method Simplified Inside do('F) 70 75 Construction quality Average Design TO(°F) 72 14 Fireplaces 1 (Average) Daily range - M Inside humidity(%) 50 50 Moisture difference(gr/Ib) 52 23 HEATING EQUIPMENT COOLING EQUIPMENT Make Make Trade Trade Model Cond AHRI ref Coil AHRI ref Efficiency 30AFUE Efficiency 0SEER Healing input 0 Btuh Sensible cooling 0 Btuh Healing output 0 Btuh Latent cooling 0 Bluth Temperature rise 0 °F Total cooling 0 Btuh Actual air flow 930 dm ALivalairfaw 930 cfm Air flow factor 0.030 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor 0.050 crani tuh Static pressure 0 in H2O Static pressure 0 in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.84 ROOM NAME Area Htg bad Clg bad HtgAVF CIg AVE (ft� (Btuh) (Btuh) (cm) (cm) Basement 605 7714 4505 233 226 Istfloor 1066 23129 15477 698 776 Entire House 1671 30844 17991 930 930 Other equip bads 0 0 Equip.@ 094 RSM 16821 Latentccoling 3307 TOTALS 1671 30844 20128 930 930 Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. _ f�F wrlgh[soR• a�a�u�lonza Ri¢1.9i1�lNves3 D18180D1R9JFA1 P�1 AM Yl`atlCenatYallmStMaR.iaS'eYnp C&-Ml8 Fmrt Lhio� N Load Short Form Job. wrightsolC Date: Ju106,2018 1st floor ar MJ Moran inc 4we rinmoa)rroe mamsnsr amt sm.k�rj.iarrcrvn Project For: Mark Jewell 179 ProspectAve., Northampton, MA Design Information Htg Clg Infiltration Outside do('F) -2 89 Method Simplified Inside db(*F) 70 75 Construction quality Average Desgn TO('F) 72 14 Fireplaces 1 (Average) Daily range - M Inside humidity(%) 50 50 Moisture dilFerence(grAb) 52 23 HEATING EQUIPMENT COOLING EQUIPMENT Make Na Make n/a Trade We Trade Na Model n/a Cond Na AHRI ref Na Coil n/a AHRI ref We Efficiency n/a Efficiency Na Heating input Sensible cooling 0 Ruh Healing output 0 Ruh Latent cooling 0 Ruh Temperaturerli;e 0 'F Totalcooling 0 Ruh Actual air flow 0 cfim Actualairflow 0 chm Air flow factor 0 cfm/Btuh Airfbwfactor 0 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0 in H2O Static pressure 0 in H2O Space thermostat n/a Load sensible heat ratio 0 ROOM NAME Area Htg bad Cg bad HIg AVF Cg AVF (ft') (Btuh) (Btuh) (cfm) (CIM) Living/Dining 336 6084 3282 184 165 Kitchen 132 3867 2824 117 142 Large bedroom 205 5020 3493 151 175 Bedroom 2 165 4254 2501 128 125 Bedroom 3 99 2232 2111 67 106 Bathroom 72 1530 1187 46 60 Hall 57 141 80 4 4 Calculations approved byACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. _ wrlghtcoR' mum ten za R14"1vVUn Zr6180NR9163E1 Pa 2 .1v(�11 Yl4m CenMNnYImdYAakJexeY.w Cat=MJ9 FN11mSl N 1 st floor 1066 23129 15477 698 776 Other equp bads 0 0 Equip.@ 0.94 RSM 14471 Latent cooling 2209 TOTALS 1066 23129 16680 698 776 Calculations approved byACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. _ i}F wrl9htsofY �sddw sitx �• Ri�19i��nnvesa'D1818004R9JR�1 G 3 r Yl4.ttl CenacNr9l�lHhk Rxa'I J �-MA Fmrt6nf N Load Short Form Job: wrightsoft one: Ju106,2016 Basement By: MJ Moran inc 4wN min s(H�1iMIIG MAOIOP Rvc'al3ffiT61 6a1..�rek®milrolairc¢m Project Information For: Mark Jewell 179 ProspectAve,Northampton,MA Design Htg (Ag Infiltration Outside db('F) -2 89 Method Simplfied Inside db('F) 70 75 Construction qually Average Design TD('F) 72 14 Fireplaces 1 (Average) Daily range - M Inside humidly(%) 50 50 Moisture diflerence(gr1b) 52 23 HEATING EQUIPMENT COOLING EQUIPMENT Make n/a Make n/a Trade Na Trade n/a Model n/a Cond Na AHRI of n/a Coil Na AHRI ref Na Efficiency Na Efficiency n/a Healing input Sensible cooling 0 Btuh Healing output 0 Btuh Latentcooling 0 Btuh Temperature rise 0 'F Total cooling 0 Btuh Actual airflow 0 cim Actual air flow 0 cfm Air flow factor 0 dm/Btuh Air few factor 0 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0 in H2O Static pressure 0 in H2O Space thermostat n/a Load sensible heat ratio 0 ROOM NAME Area Hlg load Cg bad HIgAVF CIg AVF ( (Btuh) (Btuh) (cfm) (dm) Basement Bed 247 3029 1601 91 80 Future bath 72 1648 1173 50 59 Playroom 286 3038 1732 92 87 Basement 605 7714 4505 233 226 Other equip bads 0 0 Equip.@ 0.94 RSM 4212 Latentcooling 1098 TOTALS 605 7714 5311 233 226 Calculations approved byACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. 1 �wrl9htsofY vteJJmisn za AM YIN CendVffi ImLV.1Zav9l nq C3c=MJ9 Fmrtmvfffi.N wrightsoft Project Summary Date: Ju106,2018 Entire House B MJ Moran inc 4 SnIM1 mtin r.IH/d3rviIIG MA01a�Rvc 4133ST61 6ral-.sxlek�mlrtns'rc`an Proect Information For: Mark Jewell 179 ProspectAve.,Northampton,MA Notes Desicin Information Orange Muni,MA US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db -2 °F Outside db 89 °F Inside db 70 OF Inside db 75 OF Design TO 72 °F Design TO 14 °F Daily range M Relative humidity 50 Moisture diRerence 23 gr/b Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 28951 Btuh Structure 17418 Btuh Ducts 1892 Ruh Ducts 572 Btuh Central vent(0 dm) 0 Btuh Central vent(0 cfm) 0 Btuh (none) (none) Humidficatlon 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Piping 0 Buh Equipmentead 30844 Sun Use manufacturers data n Rate/swing9 mu lie- 0.94 Infiltration Equipmentsens load 16821 Btuh Construction quality Simplified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Fireplaces 1 (Average) Structure 2611 Btuh Ducts 696 Btuh Central vent(0 drn) 0 Btuh Heating C001V (none) Alas(P) 1671 1671 Equipment latent load 3307 Btuh Wlume(fP) 12014 12014 Archangges/hour 048 0.20 Equipment Total Load(BernLat) 20128 Btuh EquIv AVF(cfm) 96 40 Reg.total capacRy at 0.70 SHR 2.0 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make Make Trade Trade Model Cond AHRI of Coil AHRI ref Efficiency 80AFUE E"ciency 0SEER Heating Input 0 Btuh Sensiblemoling 0 Btuh Heating output 0 Btuh Latentmoling 0 Btuh Temperature rise 0 °F Total cooling 0 Sun Actual air few 930 dim Actual air few 930 do Arfbwfactor 0.030 cfmBtuh Airfbwfactor 0.050 dm/Btuh Static pressure 0 in H2O Static pressure 0 in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.84 Caeulations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. _P wriQFfsoTt• C3c=MAi&IJ+e 1H112a �y Rlgi CA,M esy ID181d6a1RSHIfll1 I'aY1 �h. Y\411CenekVaYIm6VAaMJex9lrtp J0 Fmr4GwYa8. N Job wrightsoftProject Summary pate: Ju106,2018 1st floor By MJ Moran inc a.mmmanr,rva�u�nw i+amoaa.re.m3�rzr rma[�®ml�rwra+2mn Promect Information For: Mark Jewell 179 ProspectAve.,Northampton,MA Nates: Design Weather: Orange Muni,MA,US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db -2 °F Outside db 89 'F Inside db 70 °F Inside db 75 °F Design TO 72 °F Design TO 14 °F Daily range M Relative humidity 50 Moisture difference 23 gr/Ib Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 21519 Btuh Structure 14924 Btuh Ducts 1610 Btuh Ducts 554 Btuh Central vent(0 cfm) 0 Btuh Central vent(0 cm) 0 Btuh Humidification 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh Equipment bad 23129 Btuh Use manufacturers data n Rate/min multiplier 094 Infiltration Equpmert sensible bad 14471 Btuh Method Simplified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Construction quality Average Fireplaces 1 (Average) Structure 1678 Btuh Ducts 531 Btuh Central vent(0 dm) 0 Btuh Heating Codi Area(1P) 1066 106 Equipment latent load 2209 Btuh Molume(R') 9594 9594 Auchangges/hour 0.47 0.20 Equipment Total Load lSer.Lat) 16680 Blum Equv.AVF(dm) 75 31 Req.total capacity at 0. OSUR 1.7 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make n/a Make n/a Trade n/a Trade n/a Model n/a Cond n/a AHRI ref n/a Coll r/a AHRI ref n/a Efficiency n/a Etrciency n/a Heating input Sensiblecooling 0 BWh Heating output 0 Btuh Latentcooling 0 Btuh Temperature rise 0 *F Total cooling 0 Btuh Actual air flow 0 chn Actualairflow 0 cfm Air flow factor 0 cfm/Biuh Airlbwfacfor 0 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0 in H2O Static pressure 0 in H2O Space thermostat n/a Load sensible heat ratio 0 Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. _ 4Fw_•rancsorc• araeum�bnx a�9+s.�rtiVesa�eleaaROJamr vaxz ,�A v�arcenav�iouw�ax�+arnp cao=rnre rmno�raa.N wrightSoft Project Summary Date: Ju106,2018 Basement B MJ Moran inc 4w —9,Ha 1191M01oa]ave413 M F"i:.wq k�RM^Aai�c.wn Prollect Information For: Mark Jewell 179 ProspectAve.,Northampton,MA Notes: Design Weather: Orange Muni,MA US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db -2 OF Outside db 89 °F Inside db 70 OF Inside db 75 °F Design TO 72 'F Design TO 14 'F Daily range M Relative humidity 50 Moisture difference 23 gr(Ib Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 7432 Btuh Structure 4427 Btuh Ducts 282 Bah Ducts 78 Btuh Centrafvent(Ocfm) 0 Btuh Central vent(0 dm) 0 Btuh Humidification 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh Equipmentload 7714 Bluth Use manufacturer's data n Rate/swingg multipwer 0.94 Infiltration Equipmentsensible bad 4212 Btuh Method Simplified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Construction quality Average Fireplaces 1 (Average) Structure 933 Btuh Ducts 105 Stun Central vent(0 cfm) 0 Btuh Heating Coding Area(ft) 805 805 Equipment latent bad 1098 Btuh Wlume(fP) 2420 2420 Airchangges/nour 0.52 0.22 Equipment Total Load(I enwLat) 5311 Bah Equv. iAVF(efm) 21 9 Req.total capacity at 0.770 SHR 0.5 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make n/a Make n/a Trade n/a Trade n/a Model n/a Cond n/a AHRI of n/a Coil n/a AHRI ref n/a Efficiency n/a Efficiency n/a Heating input Sensible cooling 0 Btuh Heating output 0 Btuh Latentmoling 0 Btuh Temperature rise 0 °F Totalmoling 0 Btuh Actualairtbw 0 dm Actual air flow 0 dm Air flow factor 0 dmBtuh Ar flow factor 0 dm/Btuh Static pressure 0 in H2O Static pressure 0 in H2O Spam thermostat n/a Load sensible heal rata 0 Calculations approved byACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J an Ed. _ wrlYyb•soR- Rdtl JJ 161124 ItJY.4il�llrvves2 A18180D1R9JSiA1 Pa 3 YV"u]ICendV¢f ImEYJakJw9lnp C9c=MJ0 FmNmvfaa:N basement Basement Bed Playroom Unfinished Future bath onnedfor. MJ Moran inc scaie�ll'7z Perfo M rk J.1 4 s.Nh man st Rrcgt8 urte•. B 179 Pmspect he. Haydewry A OW9 1RGNR5U¢ Wftwn ton,AM Phone.41126&7251 anaJumisll� scemak@nirmmnnc.com �� '�� N 1stfloor \�T Large bedroom Living/Dining tiaff Bedroom 2 Krtehen Bedroom 3 Bathroom Job#: Sale:a:72 Perforated for. MJ Moran inc MVAC Jest1 4so:Rh man st ezt un�avte 179Pros .e ,Fie PMn. 41$MAW 7Ce9 re�auaxast fJorthampicn,MA Plx�ne.41316&]251 �nsJLLm/ens3 scem2k@rz(Mianttc Own .ertYcrmkskw§k,kwtllnp