29-273 (5) 89 LONGVIEW DR BP-2018-1350 GIs#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Mav:BlOck: 29-273 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot: -001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Careeorr SOLAR ELECTRIC—SYSTEM BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2018-1350 Pro ject# JS-2018-002395 Est.Cost: $24605.00 Fee,$75.0 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const.Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: NORTHEAST SOLAR DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC 106113 Lot Size(so.ft.): 15071.76 Owner. JOHNSTON KAREN G Zoning. Applicant. NORTHEAST SOLAR DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC AT: 89 LONGVIEW DR Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 136 ELM ST (413) 247-6045 O Liability HATFIELDMA01038 ISSUED ON.-611812018 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR, 16 PANELS 5.76 KW POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: f; Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy signature: FeeTvpe: Date Paid: Amount: Building 6/18/20180:00:00 $75.00 212 Main Sucet, Phone(413)587-1240, Fax:(413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner �a SAxLE Department use only City of Northampw ton Status of PerrriC Building Depanment Curb CVUDdaway Permit JUN 15 2018 212 Marcs Street . SaAwriSeptic Avagebifity Room too WaterlWea Availsbaty orthampton, MA 01060 Two Sets of Serucneat Plena DEPT OF WILOING INSPF#ga 41 5871240 Fax 413587.1272 PINS"Plans NORTHAMPTON,MAn'i `"' Other Speufy APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,ALTER,REPAIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING SECTION 1-SITE INFORMATION This section to W completed by off'" 1.i P.rRp}G P 89 Longview Dr Map _ Lot_._AR Unr._,._ Florence MA 01062 Zane Overlay Dlsmct Elm at Diearst__. .. Ca DIeW:t_ . SECTION 2-PROPERTY DWNERSHIPJAUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record: 89 Longview Dr Miranda Saxe Florence MA 01062 tamn mil �/'^ ( arc AHnm AY.dMts' 518-570-6932 iNnOM�e --U.lrueam 2 2 Antbonaed Agent No l% st Salar 136 Elm St Hatfield MA 01038 flame lPnnll Gcnsn:Gann AtdmFF' 413-247-6045 }rrwlV'a TN'Vil✓+I'tl Item Estimated Cost(Owsrs)to De Official..se Only co e d o mnl•a .cam t. Building � sat Building Perini;Pee I 2. Electrical {c!Estirra:ed Teta'•COato! 3. Plumbng Building Permit Fee ( �, d. M4cnenicai{HVAC) 5.fire Protecw G, Total=if -2 +3 •d.J X24 605 Cnacs 4urc>bar a .._._. .__.. This Section For oN,ciai Use owy , . _.. .. . . . U� Building Perm.;rvumtx: Date_ � dn�[:emtY{ USN�n y>nrmr rtH dnyz Cale —�— 5cLUon 4. ZONING ulmerrmavm rMN 1M(.nmplMen.Prima tan fie prrnrrino:xfcarnmPiMr ,nr......r- Existing P,oposcd Regeired fly 7mung uoi cmc a:r,cmw. Lot Sa i._.. _ SMoacks hmn: Side L: R: L:. . R. Beat Auttdicg Ncighr Bldg Square Filmgc OPzn spa"FM. WC X :rut . ......un;:.t 1-4 •affatuing S,paecsµ,-_.... ..__._____ j __ _... F:II: A. Has aSSpetiat Permitrvanancei Finding ever Wxn+sscd crllort!nn U,c silc7 NO 0 DONT `J KNOW YES IF YES,date issued: IF YES: Was theximil corded at Ux Registry uI Derdsf NO 0 DONT KNOW C YES C IF YES: enter book Page author Document:: D. Docs leu site contain a block, body of water or wCDands? NO C DONT KNOW O YES 0 IF YES, has a ocrrnit been or rMCd to bo obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained C Obtained ( Date Issued: C. Do any signs exist on the orupcity? YES t l NU IF YC5, descdtK size, type and Iacation: U. Are VnYC any proposed chargee to or additiom of signs intended for the property? YES C NO (D IF YES, describe size, type and location: E. SNIl gee consWdion aetwRydatJro fd anrg,7aarg,y��7a�eavaaon.arillingl overt acrear�snpanr''a ammrs plan :hat ma Els!uro over I acre! YES NO M IF YES.mens Nor nampton Sturm Wath Management Perm:From the DPW is reguved. SECTION 5 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK Ineck all aaoll •inial Naw House rAldhioll [�] Replacement Windows All ..I {af ❑ RoINinggr Doo a Accessory Bldg. Cion ❑ New Signs (C2J Decks I= Sitting It Other(Xi Bnet Desuipnoo of Pmopi Install 16 solar panels on Roof Ai Ateratnn of, e%asMji teaTian—Yes__No Adams,new bedroom_Yes No Attached NarraMe Renoaasng unfinished baseent _Yes _,No Plans Aaathed Rall Street sa. If New house and or addition to existing housing complete the following a. Useofbulaing :One Famgw__ Tho Fsmly Omer Muni of rooms in each famoy on4:_____ Nun'Aer of BaturoornS d. Is txsre a garage alta ched? Proo sed$ooars footage of new conummion. Dman8lons e. Numter of stories' Masi of haahng? Fireplaces or Wcadst wes Number of each_ g. Energy ConsaNatmn Corrsbance. _ :lasscieck Energy Compianos form sparse? _ n. Type of oxretructaon Isd.+nsVVIX!on whin lel fi of vattani---Yes _No. Is wnabUtCon w1hin 500 y. floodpiall—Yes---NO Depen of pessimism n Psllar fwr caow Trimmed grads K, Will building conform other auna:ng and Zoning regulations? _Yei Na. t. Se- ,c Tank^ Cdy Seger_ Private i__ Qty water S.poy __...._ _.___­__ ---1-----,------,--- -7-111 SECTION 7a-OWNER AUTHORIZATION-TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT l Miranda Saxe _ _ _ _ ,as Daner of the s:gea! Property hereby authorize Northeast Solar b any benaa,in all matlOR d11Ya to Ai aNhodzed cy INS building Perm Q pit' bon. Si aa:ure of Omer � Rile _ ...„.. L Gregory Garrison/Northeast Solar as Owner,Audwdzeo Agent hereby declare Slag titre stat�il w we feraVng applicelim are we ano ace.ale.to the oast of my mci ricge and iter,of Signed under the cams ane penalties of perjuy. Greqory hairrisor/�- Pout N,, Sitxaa a e v!OnneP ra Du SECTIONS-CONST RUCTI ONSERVICES � _.. S 1 L�csgcfgald Can-tr.ctlon C e rvl c Not Applicable 0 Ph.ill:p Baur-stiard Nine or «...xolue.. CS106113 CYXnSt NV Ibag 4S iictta 3d Co.tni::, y„ D136. 6/7/19 A Y _Rtli.UGv10n:Y_...__._ 413-247-6045 I'm eepnnen 9 Recisterid Home Improvement Contractor: Not Appa'eable 0 Northeast Solar 169641 Conary Name Regisnatwo Number 136 Elm L . Ha1&hAMa 01039 7/13/2019 _ RtlOress v Expiate,Date Telephone 413-247-6045 SECTION 10.WOR'lNeAVCOMPENSATION INSURANCE AF FIGAVIT(M.G.L.c. 152.125C(6)) Work±- ompensation lnvJrence,aftldawt mutt be oombeled ane tUbmttso Cath this appy.Caren.Failure to pro'restnis aRlda'+A iA rewu in me Camel of the•.sauance of the tungsten pernni. Stined Af6da"t Attached Yea....... X1 No_- O 11. - Home Owner Exemption TIKCUfrClM ratll�rM3l fof"t1w1KPWIK'rF'w'at ca411ded nl llYlUde t7wneM1BMnDIfd DNNIIRCe nfpY(I) w twop2j l'ami;:cs and to allow such homeowner to engage an i^div(dual for hire who does not pt>sws a license.Provided that the owner acts Alytpcn'Isor C�iR 7S0 Sixth Edllfo Scctlon 108.3 s I of Hjamennsater: Person(sl who own a parcel of land on w'h:ch hc,sbc rv5lde.,or rrunid,to res:dc.,).w'hMh:hest is.or is imendvd to he,a one or two family dwelling,attached a:dctnched suactmes accessory to such u,c a;d�or farm stosctares. A Person who constructs more then one home in as two-Year Period shall not be considered a hameorner. Such"honKowhir"shall submit to the Building Official,o. a form aver;sshle:o the Building Official,that hNshe shall be rvPPns(bk for&A such wart Performed under ncc kILKIRP Panus, As acting Construction SuoerrLane your presence on the jab silo%Stype rcquucd ffiY4 time ut dme,d'wthg and upo] complction of tic work for which ibis pcinia is issued. Also be ads•iud this with reference x>CTapte: 152(Wiskcrs'Compenvd out aid Chapter 151(Liabriity of i:Mpioyers to F..mplopns fan)jmia ret resulting in Dcath)of the Massachusetts General Laws Annotatal.Illu ricurg-he Bible for penunrs7 YOU hire w PC form work fx you main this permit. Th:andcnigbcd"homeow'ner'ccnifics and aswmcs responstbilry fir compliance win the State Buildtng Code.Qty of Northampton OrdinalKes,State and Local Zonrng Laws and Stew a!7tatsuhu+cns General Laws Mratated, Homeowner Signature I' : ^ The Cominomveath ofMassachuserfs Pnntform i Deportment of lndnsuwl Accidents Offwe of investigations 1 Congress Street, Suite 100 � F Boston,MA 03114-1017 www.mass.gov/dia Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: General Businesses Applicant Information Please Print L eldbly Business/Organization Name:Northeast Solar Add ... 136 Elm SL CitylStatelzip-Hatfield,Ma 01038 Phone#_413.2476045 Areyouan employer?Ckeekthe appropriate box: Business;Type(acquired) I.❑ I am a employer with 17 employees(fidl and/ 5. ❑Retail o.paxLfime).* 6. ❑Restawant/Bar/Eeting Establishm ant 2.❑ l am a sole ptoprietar or partnership and here no 7. ❑Office and/or Sales(incl.real estate, auto, etc.) employees working for me in any capacity [No workers' comp.insurance required] 8. ❑Nao-profit 3.❑ We are a corporation audits rdficerebave ex...iced 9. ❑Finartaimnem thcurigbi fexemptiorper c. 152,§I(4), anawe here 10 E]Memd'ectumg no employees.[No workere'comp,insur.anqured]I* il.❑Health Care 4.1-1 We me an. prafitorganizatioq staffedbywlunterr; withna employees.[No workers' compinsurance req] 12 El Other *Anyvplicaotbd cledsbmM matako Sp atdvsectimrbelow sl m,tbmwodren'c:mpauatimpolicy tier **V tie cmpaate d5ces Moe manpkd demehes,but tie cm�atims Ms ollexexryioyees,aw°dren'cevegmsAonpdicyis required ad Buchan asgusivtimi shoild clerk b mr Ml. I am an employer that isprovdling workars'a mpsusa4on imciraecs for my employees. Below is tke policy i formanun. Insrance Company Name.Energi Insrer's Address: 89 Longview Dr cityfst,talzip: Florence MA 01062 Policyk or Self-las.Lic.MEWGR000260517 Expiration Date. Attach a copy of the workers'comp ensalvnp obey declaration page(showing the p alley numb at and exp ination date). F ailuro to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MGL c. 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penelt es of a fine up to$1,500,00 and/or one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the Form of a STOP 4L9RK ORDER and a fine ofupto$25000adayagainAthemolator. Be advised that a copy ofths slotementmaybe forwerdedto the Office of lacestigetions of the DIA for i once cov age ve Ticetion. I do hemby certify,ander N an n adory 65at the krfb..uon prwidad above is an carred. Si awe' Date'. 3 �g Phone 9.413-247-GD45 Ojyicialaseonly. Donotwritar Q.'Msa,b bemmpletedbycky ortown official Cityor Town: Poemit'Licera¢9 Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Beard of Health 2.Building Department 3.City/Town Clerk 4.Licensing Board 5.Selectmen's OHke 6.Other Contact Persn: Phone H: � www.masgwldu City of Northampton 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060 Solid Waste Disposal Affidavit In accordance of the provisions of MGL c 40, S54, I acknowledge that as a condition of the building permit all debris resulting from the construction activity governed by this Building Permit shall be disposed of in a properly licensed solid waste disposal facility, as defined by MGLp c 111, S 150A. Address of the work: ,c 7 nic Ac, 6'D. The debris will be transported by: NES etr Ci !'— The debris will be received by: d&zA t Bim.-r i 6..Q,.4ea Building permit number: Name of Permit Applicant : Oro-44-4. Tatey/ S na re of Permit Appli nt �n ROSE ENGINEERING Page 1 of 1 Date: 6-14-2018 To: Justin Annis Northeast Solar 136 Elm Street Hatfield, MA 01038 From: C. Mike Rose P.E. Rose Engineering Re, Miranda Saxe, 89 Longview Drive,Florence, MA: Structural Assessment of Existing House Roof to Support Proposed Solar Array. On June 13, 2018, 1 conducted a site visit to examine the existing roof framing on the house for the proposed PV panel installation. The main house is broken into two sections. A one-story section and a two-story section. The roof framing, on both sections, of the 1969 structure appear to be Scissor design roof trusses installed at 24"on-center, with a 6/12 pitch. The roofing is asphalt shingles. 10 PV solar panels are proposed to be installed on the south facing upper house roof and 6 PV solar panels are proposed to be installed on the south facing lower house roof. I have reviewed the mounting details for the proposed array. Based on a PV solar panel unit weight of 45f lbs,with the attachment points of the array placed at a maximum of 4' on center and staggered to minimize the load to any one roof truss, the roof framing is adequate to support the proposed PV solar array and the snow and wind load requirements ofthe current MA State Building Code. Please contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, 3�vtxorugss'c �.t 17RA61fR LL b� 'x w cmt No. 51176 C. Mike Rose, PE Rose Engineering arut ' P.O. Box 315 Phone:(413)775-3666 Shelburne Falls, MA01370 Email:RoseEngMA@gmail.com , .� .. ,,. __ ��_ .�,� � ,y Y .�..�� . _ . �. . . t """_ �a y" , � J .. _ �� r ..,r . ._ m.. r r ,. _� �� � m x N �� � . 1 .._ # t r .. .. ', �A) L .. yam _ ... .._.. ... ` . J x. 3 Y+4 � _ v, a ...e t. _ i _ � � .. - _ .. �). m..- ..: ^'SSM+ ...y i � i � ! i � r�. VEROSE ENGINEERING Page 1 of 1 Date: 6-14-2018 To: Justin Annis Northeast Solar 136 Elm Street Hatfield, MA 01038 From: C. Mike Rose P.E. Rose Engineering Re: Miranda Saxe, 89 Longview Drive, Florence, MA: Structural Assessment of Existing House Roofto Support Proposed Solar Array. On June 13, 2018, 1 conducted a site visit to examine the existing roof framing on the house for the proposed PV panel installation. The main house is broken into two sections. A one-story section and a two-story section. The roof framing, on both sections, ofthe 1969 structure appear to be Scissor design rooftrusses installed at 24"on-center, with a 6/12 pitch. The roofing is asphalt shingles. 10 PV solar panels are proposed to be installed on the south facing upper house roof and 6 PV solar panels are proposed to be installed on the south facing lower house roof. I have reviewed the mounting details for the proposed array. Based on a PV solar panel unit weight of 45f lbs, with the attachment points of the array placed at a maximum of 4' on center and staggered to minimize the load to any one roof truss,the roof framing is adequate to support the proposed PV solar array and the snow and wind load requirements of the current MA State Building Code. Please contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, ��vtxorygys'c Qib10PfFA LL 2N No. 52276 C. Mike Rose, PEyo Rose Engineering rowtl P.O. Box 315 Phone:(413)775-3666 Shelburne Falls,MA 01370 Email: RoseFngMA@gmail.com EVALUATION REPORT a�1 rRoofReport Number; 0248 Originally issued: 0912012 Valid Through: 0912013 s 06—WOOD AND PLASTICS 3.0 DESCRIPTION 06060—Connections and Fasteners 3.1 General Description HOLDER: EZ Roof Mount L-Foot Kit consists of 5 basic Corporation components:(1)shoe assembly with captive waterproof 8°1 Sq Suite A washer, (2)leg bolt to fasten through the shingles to the er,WA 98681 roof rafter, (3) fleshing that is placed under the now of shingles shove the shoe and then over the shoe, (4)L- TION SUBJECT Foot that is placed over the protruding shoe threads and (5) hex cap that is secured on to the shoe. See EZ Roof Mount L-Foot Kit for Shingle Figures 1 to 5 in Table 2. 3.2 Materials 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE: EZ Roof Mount is fabricated from aluminum. Shoe 1.1 Compliance with the following codes: assembly is fabricated using casting aluminum alloy with dimensions of 2.80 Inches in diameter and 1.00 • 2009 International Building Codee) inches in height. It is held in place using one 516 inch • 2009 international Residential Code® diameter lag bolt that Is 4 inch in length and made of • 2006 International Building Code® stainless steel. Flashing is fabricated from sheet • 2006 International Residential Code® aluminum with dimensions of 10.0 inches In width, 12.5 inches in length and 0.04 inches In thickness. 1.2 Evaluated In accordance with: L foot is a 2.00 inch long unequal leg angle made from • Evaluation Criteria for Joist Hangers and 6063-T6 aluminum with dimensions of 3.00 inches in Miscellaneous Connectors (IAPMO ES EC002- depth, 2.00 inches in width and 0.24 inches in 2011),Approved March 2011 thickness. It contains a 0.375 inch diameter round hole • Acceptance Criteria for Roof Flashing for Pipe with a 0.83 inch diameter chamfer (in base) that is Penetrations(ICC-ES AC286),Approved Apr 12010 located in the center of the base leg. One slot measuring 1.64 Inch long by 0.40 inch wide occurs in 1.3 Properties Evaluated: the center and Is located 0.30 inches from the top edge of the vertical leg, which has a scallop front and rear • Structural face. See Table 2 for component material properties • Weather Protection and figures. 2.0 USES 4.0 DESIGN AND INSTALLATION EZ Roof Mount L-Foot Kit Yo Shingle Roofs is used to 4.1 Design mount solar systems and other moftop devices such as Tabulated allowable loads shown in Table 1 of This satellite dishes on asphalt shingle roofs with wood rafters underneath. report are based on allowable stress design (ASD). Adjustments to these values are required for wet EZ Roof Mount is specifically designed to be used for service conditions. sustained exposure to elevated Installation of solar panels for electric or hot nater temperatures, use with fire relamaM lumber or with production on roofs olumber whose specific gravity Is less then 0.55 slopes from 3 to 12 units (Southern Pine). Allowable values based on fastener vertical in 12 units horizontal, strength may be adjusted far duration of loading. See footnotes of Table 1 for more detailed explanation. Page 1 of 4 <m4gErs.enM�wM,x:a n�fw.aM�•wt�LLmwc�msm•rr.�ebmlrpP<y^mwac.gw�N penaws�w n:as«a�pm n•ana�: atnw..ri.,axarx«n.rcvor.avn,.rwaamaezoo�e..aae,pwwm.aemnmw nru.ra,a—uen EVALUATION REPORT u Roport Number. 0249 " Ori ilnally Issued: 0912012 Valid Through: 092013 4.21nstallahon Rain test data and thickness of aluminum flashing submitted is in conformance with Acceptance Criteria EZ Roof Mount must be installed using the 5116 inch for Roof Flashing for Pipe Penetrations (CC-ES AC diameter stainless steel Jag screw at each bracket 286-2008). Rain test conformed to Underwriters location as described In the manufacturers installation Laboratory Standard for Gas Vents, UL 441-96 Section instructions. Lag screw must penetrate info the roof 25. rafter a minimum of 2'/,inches. Prior Ip installation,the roof rafter shall be bored with the required lead and Test results are from laboratories in compliance with clearance hole for the unthreaded and shank portions ISO/IEC.17025. of the lag screw, as required in Section 11.1.3 of the NOS -05. Threaded portion of the Lag screw shah be 7.0 IDENTIFICATION inserted into Is Lead hole by turning with a wench and rid driving by hammer. A die-stamp label in the flashing bearing the name and address of the manufacturer, the model number, Use of auxiliary holes in the Shoe other than the use of LAPMO Uniform ES Marks of Conformity, and this an extra fastener to stop the shoe from rotating during Evaluation Report Number(ER-0248). installation is outside the scope of this report. Flashing should be installed full under the shingle up to we the raised portion of the flashing to prevent wateringress under the shingle. No portion of the flashing should be bent upward; the flashing must rest fullyagainst the roof shingles. Otherwise the water and wintl TM performance may be impaired. IAPMO#0248 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE EZ Roof Mount L-Foot Kit for Shingle Rods described in this report complies with the codes listed in Section 1.0 of this report subject to the following conditions: 5.1 EZ Roof Mount shall be installed In accordance with this report, manufacturers installation instructions and the codes listed in Section 1.1. 6.2 Calculations to verify the imposed loads on the EZ Roof Mount assembly do not exceed the allowable bads contained in Table 1 of this report shall be submitted to the code official when requested. Calculations shall be prepared by a registered design professional when required by the Statues of the jurisdiction where the work is constructed. i eA EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Testing and analysts data submitted is in conformance with Evaluation Criteria for Joist Hangers and Miscellaneous Connectors(IAPMO ES EC D02-2011). Page 2 of 4 EVALUATION_REPORT Report Nitration 0248 Originally Isauad: OW2012 Valid Through 0912013 FNotm ABLE 7: ALLOWABLE LOADS FOR EZ ROOF MOUNT'L-FOOT KIT Ultimate Load Test Load as Test Load at C deututed e balou Teat Value 0.250 inch 0.125Inch FasteaR/MMAI Allowable (seee below) F.S.-3A dellotion deflection Stren Ih Design Load thdrawal) 715 1,800 695 340 340 ral 260 240 I70 153 130 able load"Just am based on the least value from the ultimate load ofthree tests(strength limit),tested t 0.125 inch deflection(deflection bmit),calculated fastener capacity(withdrawal or lateral)for wood specific gravity of0.55(South=Pine)or allowable stress ofthe aluminum 4foot connector.able load valuesam based on lumber with all ofthe following chanscleristics: a. Located in dry service conditions where the moisture content does trot exceed 190,4 for an extended period aftime such as in moat covered structures. b. Located where it does not experience sustained exposure to doomed temperatures that exceed 100`F. For any other condition,allowable table values shall be multiplied by die related adjustment fector(s)(C„ inidlor Q in accordance with the National Design Specification for Wood Construction(NDS-05). 3. Allowable load-values are based on lumbo with a specific gravity of0.55(Southern Pine or equal). 4. Allowable load valuesfor withdrawal are haled on a minimum penetration of2'14 inches into the moCraBer by one 5116 inch x 4 inch long stainless steel lag screw. 5. AI lowable valua may not be increased for load duration in accordance with Section 10.3.2 of the NDS-05. Uplift Lateral Page 3 of 4 EVALUATION REPORT_ a Report Nti b ri 0248 (W— OrigingdY issuedt 0912042 Valid Th.Uplu 09/2013 FK1.1M—rWa-,The, LE 2:MATERIAL PROPERTIES Material Aluminum ello ANSUAA A380.0 EPOM with dummeterratin of 60 304 stainless stwl ASTM A 240 Altaainum alio 606376 ASTM B221 Aluminum allo ANSIfAA A380.0 Aluminumello 1060 ASTM 8209 ROOF MOUNT COMPONENTS f 4M, q, LMOP Figural:Shoo Assembly Figure 4:Hcx Cap f Figure 2:Lag Bolt Figure 3:Fleshing i Figure 3:L-foot Page 4 of 4 FABO �� EVALUATION REPORTRa erect Number 0248Originally Issued: 09/2012 Valid Through: 09/2013 fA8LE 1: ALLOWABLE LOA US FUR EZ ROOF MUUNT(,.FOOT KI7rection Ultimate Load Test Load at Teat Load at CalculateAllowable Test Value, 025o inch p,l25 inch Paatmer/Metal below) F.S.=3.0 deflection defee0on strep thDertg°f'O0d rdrawal) 715 1,800 695 340 340 ral 260 240 130 153 130 able load values arc based on the least value from the ultimate load ofthree tests(smongth limit),tested 0.125 inch defection(deflection limit),calculated fastener capacity(withdrawal or lateral)for wood specific gravity of 0.55(Southern Pine)orallowable stress ofthe aluminum L-foot connector. able load values art based on lumber with all ofthe following characteristics: a. Located in dry service conditions wirere the moisture content does not exceed 19%for m extended period of lime such as in most covered structures. b. Located where it does not experience sustained exposure to elevated temperatures that exceed 100°F. For any otter conditions,allowable table values shall be multiplied by the relined adjustment faclor(s)(q„ and/or C,)in accordance with the National Design Speeifcatum for Wood Construction(NDS-05). 3. Allowable loadvalues am based on lumber with a specific gravity ofO.55(Southern Pint or equal). 4. Allowable load values for withdrawal are based on a minimum penetration of 2 h inches into the roof rafter by one 5/16 inch x 4 inch loag stainless steel lag screw. 5. Allowable values may out be increased for load duration in accordance with Section 10.3.2 of the NUS-05. Lateral .w n . • w , w � t lj: tnle and "a t in -.ailatior I nteo oted^'olceti itl^nwndnr; c r ml rcdm a d rd-lamp; L r Crgrrld clad f r�nsy plaeemer! Mid lnm r dm CII -[r,o,en OF.JdU e soccng fin r n cd r.a ,{, • i) la3 r tb^ i�-tDuro ci `fediplf? D,sff n d ir:rry .Ur - Irsi 1" rolrofs .. �,v- i ri?a. •.,i vin-i� P,AhIrl r ,57 G Ir I ,r ger,er�t Q, ,-c to Preferred nesthetus •;i t, i. r, cur' _r efrs egait Sifr l ury ., [1 -niyCOmr• rv,, I . 1,AlOU1 ern S1,1 P- Je51f;=1W drn..' n�p5 a Od__ ^OlUnlrl Ih( n ,S[M,,c Sr g•t_i - 3� ,13 .e n d2!lt 'e(i rnOi J iC (.c'9tji(i 5 i : ta=r Pal_ of 5nperior SySCenV _ Installonde,l}II qe L;Illw d:1,7 upel'.or B n i rreacRh`i r( ni (;tan A 9�tdes rna it 'vi. rr ; r C � I lG, •,mu nl hl nv and..+o,�c';; ' br lc.m`Sdr ' irui saed n r ,;wr) .�stera e 13xpro t will rr^.rpIfr re ar at ran;1 in-.t11.-ion [tr In,fit for Lour pom r I, r,arrd rt J[J": it V d ] MydNAS � fIq 4(,ddrS we 0G '4D�+ »? ? u a ; w ._, d «+ . 2 ea G Ailu nom R«am®Aldumd?mj »@m qunS �► Northeast I Ilil11111lIIIII Typical feet placement w/ — 16" o.c. rafter spacing drb F'M I IkLJ 14` S 4 9 S t'i' _ .LMJ J ..� ._�_.LV .- -.... - 1I I I I Typical feet placement w/ — 24" o.c. rafter spacing I I I i I I � , i i*": tT o io`r� RP" l "Ile w )K .......... Design-Driven Advantages #1 module aesthetics and efficiency' Unmatched module reliatauig,2 SEP ES No electrolytic capacitors 25-year Combined Power and Product Warranty M Maximize Value for Roof MY Size system for roof,not string inverter optimize performance of each module Expand Deployment Options Complex roofs and partial shading %i c, Small systems 17- System expandability Simplify &Speed Installation Optimize System and Installation Efficiency Factory-integrated microinverter SunPoyery AC Modules which include a factors integrated Robust double-locking AC connectors Design flexibility offsite and onsite SunPoxer micromverter,provide a revolutionary combination of high No DC string sizing process efficiency,high reliability,and module level DC-to-AC power conversion Fewer installation steps than competing systems Designed specifically for use with Sun Power mwis,MourC'and the Intuitive commissioning SunPower Monitoring System,SjnPower AC Modules enable rapid Component of Complete System installation,best-in-class system aesthetics,and intuitive visibility into Built for use with SunPowerG finvisilviounC' system performance All this comes with the best Combined Power and the Sur-Power Monitoring System and Product Warranty. Superior system reliability and aesthetics v sunpower.com SUNPI�WER" 1e �Xw . e AIt u� V (1 1'rxwo , ^. 3 d v ell i. SPRh22360C AC Solar Cells 96 Monecrystalllne Measures Gen 111 ounninalwower3pnorm 360W Front transmission HigM1temperetl glass with anti- ------- ------ -- Power Tolerance +SI-096 reflective mating Avg Panel Effcency' 22296 Environmental Outdoor rated Temp.Coef.(Power) -0.30%FC Rating Three bypass diodes Frame Classl black anedlzed(highest AAMA rating) Shade Tolerance Integrated module level maximum power Weight 455las(206 kg) _ point tracking Max. -- ---- -- Recommended 1.3 in.(33 mm) Module Spacing Output O 240 V(min sound hroq 211/240/264V Output @208 V(mi n/nom/max.) 183/208/229V Operating Frequency(min/nom/mwarranties ax) 59.3/600/605 He 25-year limited power warranty __. Output Power Factor(min_) 099 25yearlimited product AC Max Continuous Output Current Sir 240V 133A UL 1741,Including compliance with AC Max.Continuous Output Current @ 208 V 1.54 A applicable requirements of IEEE 1542 and AC Max Cont Output Power 320 W it IEEE 1547.1 OC/AC CEC Conversion Efficiency 960% ' FCC and ICES 003 Class B Max Units Per 20 A Branch Circuit @ 240 V 12(single phase) i - AC module Type 2 Fre Rated Max.Units Per 20 A Branch Circuit @ 208 V 10(two polel j UL 2703 Listed when Installed with Certifications InvisiMount'" Class A Fire Rated when installed with nvisiMount"and when distance between Operating Temp. -40-Pto+185-F(-4D°Cto+85°q roof surface and bottom of Sun Power Max Ambient Temp 122e F(able q modulefromels 3.5'(8.89cm) Max Load Wnd'.62 psf,3000 Pa 305 kg/cox front&back ) Alternating Current(AQ Module designation _S. 125 Ref.6000 Pa.611-kg/me front enables Installation In accordance with NEC Impact Resistance 1inch(25 mm)diameter hail at 52 mph(23 .6906 most PID Test Penumbralinduceddegradation free W 11 oi ne, 1107 ,ad s in, us 1Im. RA mm +lEr . -t scoo loran w I,pmmn Moddleswa,Fed.zoo 11 2 in - ki 1.MHIA nwaull ly intense ourreryl4 fe-111red N}R,nuohhe rope h A g lea.ue a Campeau,Z I'sunn Modul t g R.on eas -. in wrwnne leper.reL zm35eew,w,.:unponerca'mn>a:rmoeulk 'amndard E,hGnani (I are Wdr,radi AM 15,25.O NREL alMaew eanWr6 or or ' ����� � ... r. IIE-rival Nml,,all ¢mM:onumwhas modme '&xnd on areraee mmessared porrervaluesdunngput ion. seew" - ne<6 l or more rocou,mmmaao, Elk...read He Salary and mnauauonmmaNnns tar dnsl,. oRr m— aN extended de[alteu ad,aunpavrer.come shoec nowmen t A 51M46 Nee Cl_TR aS