31B-081 (18) LCT-21-1902 1x:55 pP.OM 6Xq4M TRAtfFO2T TO 141358637252400 P.001 y7 G. H . LEASING Clb I . .y L, L G 1000 ROUTE 9, 3RO FLOOR, WOODBRIDOE, NEW JERSEY 07085 Igpg 750.5005 TELEX. (199964 AIB SUN TRADE NJ FAX; hUB 750-1880 �A�' • i M T L E M E S S A G E _.. ______ _______________________ ;:ou1�. 1A1� ,�rtsQ Fax: 4/13-.594,- 372 ' __., : /+'�Q cFr2pptHfC. �J1k'newicZ cc : zit : � 3 ) (ciNl 57". � J Pages : 1 of �. )ease T ro? eWL'OStQ q J2 '/-/4K, 7. Sfn 1 OCT-21-1992 14:56 FROM EXCHRNG TRANSPORT TO 141356637262400 P.002 /OCO`d� z ��,, / OCT ,) ,) //'wc�amj/�losa� _�Z.SQG 01060 10-21-92 Mr. Lyman Merriam Re:Spaca at 131 King St. Emco Heating Services Leased to Perot Campaign 67 Bradford St. Northampton Ms. 01060 Dear Mr. Merriam, I have been notified by the Northampton Building Inspector that you have improperly put a sign on the front lava of 131 King St. and refused to remove it. I kindly request that the sign be removed immediately so to avoid a fine of 8100.00 per day. I am enclosing a copy of the letter sent to you,and faxed to me,by the Building Inspector. I£ you should have any questions in regard to the above please feel free to contact the undersigned. Si ereI def a Anderson cc: Frank Sienkiew£cs,Building Inspector TOTAL P.002