24C-094 (4) 63 MASSASOIT ST BP-2018-1139 GIs 9: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block:24C-094 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot- -001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Buildinq DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Cteeom SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2018-1139 Project# JS-2018-002048 Est Cosr $12417.00 Fee: $75.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const. Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: NORTHEAST SOLAR DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC 106113 Lot Size(sq.n.): 6098.40 Owner: MARSTON JOHN Zorn=URB(100) Applicant NORTHEAST SOLAR DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC AT. 63 MASSASOIT ST Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 136 ELM ST (413)247-6045 0 Liability HATFIELDMA01038 ISSUED ON:5/3/2018 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK:ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR, 7 PANELS 2.52KW POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy Signature: FeeType: Date Paid: Amount: Building 5/3/2018 0:00:00 $75.00 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax: (413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner Sp/ctr- MiLMnTIJ Depamnent use ony Ci y of Northampton Status of Pemi MAY - 1 2018 BI,Acting Oeparment Cum Cut0riwasy Penal 12 Main Street SaeerrSeptic Availabiliy Room 100 WaterlWell Avadabiliy DEPT D-BUILDING I^tsPECTIONINort amp,on, "A 01460 Two Sets or Structural Plans ' NORTHAMPTON,IJJSW,A 71240 Fax 413.587.1272 PIOVSIW Plans Other Specify APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,ALTER,REPAIR.RENOVATE OR OE MOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING SECTION t -SITE INFORMATION 1 PropgGy A40fea6 �Tniisslsection to be complet�by oHlu 63 Massasoit St Yap 07 /C, Lor_ Q`t4 Unc_ __ Northampton MA 01060 Tone _Overlay District _ —_ 5L oils• , _ Ce Disldm SECTION 2-PROPERTY OWNERSHIPIAUTHORIZEO AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record 63 Massasoit St nita Mil a Northampton MA 01060 CaRr,IMrrl rC.. LIT,n5 Pfnmis' 310-923-0640 i]M1 n W 4 2 2 Authorized Agent' Northeast Solar _ 136 Elm St, Hatfield.MA 01038 •.IPr„-y G:.ocm Pair n.;a.:m.-sr 413-247-6045 edv.e ---- -------------- SECrION ] ESTIMATED CONSIRI -T ION COSIS hero Estimated"t(C:I ars;to De Oem a _se O•1; torr aged rmr a:c-.an' I. 3uilding iaq Building t'ernv:=ee 2. 7ectncal +.b;Eswved Twa Cost c- ?. T'Iumb•g t Bu idling Permit Fee v/ -7f; a. V--hanii M; VAC, /TZ6 ` `� S Pae Pptect- 4. Tcaat=;+ • 2 .3 -a • vi $12417 Cneu Nurrcr q' This Section For 01 Use Only Budding Pe,,,'Numce, Date Issued: 3lanac ra evF•�. -n� Section. ZONING Anrcrm.:f¢nM:.a art nmp:nrr.trrmirc.:n-ar ararn my mtnmmn:nnn.r:a:acr sluing P:oposcd RNcircd by Zomng at Sim rmb<a5= _.. _._.. . ..__. f _... _.. Smack, Flan SiCc I., R. R. Rear Duadi:ag Ficl6ht D'.dg. Sq�,c FcouSc Ov!Space F^.lagc ... m of Par2a;g Spaces A. Ilan a SSVCelat Pct mitlVari mtce;rmding ever bttm +ssuc•C lots on t".c site? NO t J DONT KNOW �ry YES 0 IF YES,Cate issued: IF YES: 'Nds the posed rccofd:d at lx Registry of OwdV NO Cj DON KNOW YES IF YES: cute, Book Page aaidior Docotnr.:rt= B. Does t!u site contain a brook, body of water of ,C1fdAS? NO .Qi DONT KNOW Q YES C IF YES. has a ocrrnit been ur need to bs'obta':ued frun, the CouSerYUtlall Commissiul? Needs to be obtained O Obtained 'sJ Date Issued: OU any signs caist e', the urgxrty? YES C j NO C�y ir YES, dexrix size, type and IUCaIiOn: 0. A:, Dterc any p,opoced ens acs to or add,ttom o'signs intended for the xoWty 7 YES C NO O IF YE5, dcxrioe size, type and localiun: E, bill me censncbcn wyey ost.. (ceanng,yaGnG,e Ca:aYort erfiltng}over 1 acre cr s i cal da mmro,pian !hat.,It ciz'o*b c':e' I ave? YES No IF FcS.!ren a Ncrtmamp!on SYrm Water Management Permt`mm the OP'::is required. SECiLQ({ r ,j�$CRIPTI�FPROPOSQQ-yT'ORK(gPeck aV aoorcablel New House Addition n Replacement Wlcdows Alterstionlsl C Roofing `f Or Doors Accessory SIdg. DemoGtlo, ❑ New Signs (C 11 Decks z::3 &ding l ? Other'!X: R=ef Desoip'on of P+ccoaed Install 7 solar panels on Roof W{ , Alerabon c'exs'.ng c=c•oom _Yes No Ad,,^q nein bedroom Yes _No ARaphed Nava^•e Renoaat-^,unfi shed bassment es __No Pans Attached Hell -Shee! Is.If New house and or addition to existina housina, complete the following: a. Ju of building One Fam!y— _ Two Fam'v OTE. Num[=•C`rocros n=_ach fam=!y at=L___ Yurc_e•c°3a'n.0oms___— Is t-ve a genage dtt2Lhed? 1used Sc.a•e'ootaoe a'new cons:rudicn Gmensio*s Nurnr_e•o'scenes, I Metro, of hea!�ng? Fireplaces or'Woocstoves Ns most of each—` g. E,E,,,,'Jomer,,,0Com,,,Ce. —Mass0+4_k Ene•gy Ccmo',ianoe fo.m sracaco_ Type of 0�st, G.bn Is or s!ruIXan w,l- Huff" ol'.retlands"—___Ye5 No. Is ccnsbucto w1h1n 100 yr. rloodpliun___ Yes__—♦o Dept': of basemen;o'ce.ar boor oerw finished grade s. W building co,Vrr lone 3uad, g and Zcnmq T,guia',ors? __Yes_N o. Seaic Ta-K Clv S--we._ ?rivate well_-- Gty waver&�pD'y SECTION ?a,OWNER AUTHORIZATION-70 BE CO MPLETED WHEN OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT Anita Milman ,as Owner of the s.cee! property neteb, ze Northeast Solar Mas n n a[Iers t4atire to•s1F au8onze:_'r:hs building berm'a✓-ca',Dn A) 2 _ I. Ann Bronner/ Northeast Solar as oxneraclhonzed Agent hereby deW9.e!hat the surem4nts and,nlarmalon on the fcrego'g applicauo^are tnie ii,aco.c'a'e.!o roe Lest o`my anoweoge and c4 of Signed.race.-ne Fir-s a-e penalties of perjury. Ann Bronner rent��•,. Arlt/ - - S.pim xre•dOmir•hyve __ . ... ��:�... _. SECTION 8-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES B 1 L,censed Constru•,lion Supervleoc --. � _ Not ApplwaDie ❑ - Pi:ill_� 3a�r.sgard Nrme of rc��:�Notaer __. _ CS105113 .. r..-... 2- 6/7/19 A 413-247-EO45 0.Registered Home Improvement Contractor. Not Applicame 0 tioYL[iCaSt a'o_aC 1E3641 Pempanv Name Regis:rat:on Number 136 Elm SL . Hatfield, Ma 01039 7/13/2019 A6aress E.D mto,Dais -247- E045 SECTION 10-WORKERS COMPENSATION 14SURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L. c.162.125C(6)) Yi Orke•a:OMDO"at:on Ins:rante af6davt TUBI D900m ieled drYJ aupm;tEC win VuS applCatw.FallurE N-•pfcvt 'Ma dHida':1 elll vasa' m the C',a'of the ssuance of Inc bUildiN permil, ' ned A'4czvi'.Aflatned Yes..... .X) Nc . ._ O 11. - Home Owner Eaemotion Tb:cm::m excmption fo, 'aonzounc:s"was cxtendcd to Acludc Owner-occupied D»ctl)nes nl opt t i) or �ua2}lan;ihcs anal m aJcw such homeoxncr to engage ac iedrdual or Lim uito dms notn,x;ie;s a Itccnse.)roodtd that the ow'ntr acts as supervBpr C11ft 7A0. biatb Falitlon Section 108.3.5 1. HafI,I1Im of Homeo%net pcmnn{s w9t>Uun a vrcc7 a(land on x'2ich htshc rtidcs m':run ds•.o:cs:2t-ca which hr.c is.or s Untodad to'oc, a ore or Iun`ama}'ducP.:Ug,anaeta c:dcwe2sd c�tnascs aeccs.on'to such U:c aru'or:un: s!raceaas. A Parlor*ho constructs rjora,than oat home in a ma-'car Period shall not be considered a homeonner. SUC!1•Ir0n'sosvlW' s}all suMn;t:o c*.o Puddin Orcisl,<n s form ac"nia-hl.,'.o tcc Building 0frtial,that heisht shall be respopsiblt for all such»ork performed under the bulldlne permit. Ac actin Cen<trneNon Supenisnr your pres<uea or t.".cjab stt:uia'-c r;quucd!fmn time tc timc,dc:rg anal upon LDmi51:110:1 p:'t}iC»O'ii':1(Nht Cn I:1:S^:1]Ila:c:55Lid. Also be ad,i..d,bat uuh r'ertnee t)Chapa: 152IWe:kc:s'Comnasa[ior':) and Csplcr Lt ;i.iab:ii:y of limp:necao Fmp!orccs`ec ayorics tx rrahtng[n rkrm)ofthc Mas;aca nc ,(ism:a: [a'.rs:losnm!sti.rou matt he liable for xrrna::;) ynu hi¢u;perform w��fk Ft rou uMcr[his pe:mu. Th:ccdcrs.fined••hon:coscnc' eeaibes acd assumes:e=^.nnsibJr.,f,;:eontplarec••vitt uc S[ate H:;ilding Coat-City o' So tLan:ptx Ordinance,.Slatc and Local lonuig!E%w and S;alc cl i.aus Anr..>talcd. Homeowner Signature City of Northampton 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060 Solid Waste Disposal Affidavit In accordance of the provisions of MGL c 40, S54, I acknowledge that as a condition of the building permit all debris resulting from the construction activity governed by this Building Permit shall be disposed of in a properly licensed solid waste disposal facility, as defined by 77 MGL c 111, S 150X Address of the work: (0 �Tjld/�6v The debris will be transported by: 11014E6 Piltz✓. f& � s The debris will be received by: _ 46, re-0 A16f A J� Building permit number: Name of Permit Applicant : WVM�,)t SJIA 2 Date �� na fire of PermitApplicant The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Fprint Form O Depnvisent of lndrxstrial Accidents Office of Investigations 1 Congress Suwon; Suite 100 PBoston,MA 02114-2017 tmwtv.mass.gov/dia Workers' Compensation Insurance AlTidavit: General Businesses Applicant Information Please Print L egihly Business/Organizaeon Name.Northeast solar Address:136 Elm St. City/StatcfZip:Hatfield,Ma 01038 phone #.413-247-8045 Are youan employer?Checkdm appropriate box: Business Type(required). 1. D I am a employer with 17 _emplcyees(full mull 5. ❑Retail orpmttime).* 6 ❑Restmmsmt/BacEating Esteblislunent 2.0 1 situ a sole proprietor orpartralklmp andhave M 7 ❑Office ar.V.rSbles(incl.red ¢slate, auto, at) employees working for me in any capacity. [Noworkees comp.insurencexequired] 8. ❑Nonprofit 3.❑ We are s erporetion audits officers hove exercised 9. ❑Emertairm cur their a gld of smiall on per c. 152, §I(4), and we have10.❑Manufacbxring no employees.(No workers'comp.insurance requ tell 11 E]Health Care are anun-prafffed it orgarox.hon, stabywlunts"s, with no employees [No workers' coup,insurance req] 1 12.❑Other *Any'Pliemt mid¢baa,box m mut Z.fill wt do—bec bebv slnvieg de.—ano'emr,—abmi policy u,ame, **If be em orate rdbcenlaic uanpled deneelres,but the capratimt kis color a doyees,awc0an'cm,memon policy nVised ed mchan oi, nmzmrm shndd clock box#1. I am an employer thatisprovdding Workers'cmvepenre9mt inraraecefor my employees. Bebwrkthepotbyinfonor athe. Insurance Company Nome:Energi Insiaei aAarkess: 63 Massasoit St Cayastatal2ip Northampton MA 01060 Policy#m Self-iris.Lic.hf WGR000260517 Expirdion Deter' Attack a copy of the workers'comp enntioup o&y declaration page(showing the policy numb er and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage se requited under Sectimt 25A u'MGL c. 152 can lead to the imposition of criminalpenalties d'a fine up to$1,500,00 and/or one-yearimprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the form cf a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day-against the riolntor. Be advised that a copy d'tins statement may be forwmded W the Office of Investigations of t}¢DIA for insurerue coverage venficetiat. I do herebycertify,anderA. a and penal ' artery Act the svformatbn provided chain u true and coned. Si tur . Dt 11 /9, Phone#413-247-6045 Offieialase only. Do notwrite in alis moa, b be completed by city or town official City or Town: PermitlLicenm k Issuing Authority(ei ele ane): 1.Board of Health 2.Building Department 3.City/Town Clerk 4.Licensing Board 5.Selectmen's 011 6. Other Contact Person: Phone#: www.ces"creldi. Vreeland Design Associates An integrative approach to design engineering and site planning Date: April 27, 2018 To: Justin Annis Northeast Solar 136 Elm Street Hatfield,MA 01038 From: David Vreeland,P.E. Vreeland Design Associates Re: John Marston and Anita Milman, 63 Massasoit St, Northampton, MA: Structural assessment of existing house roof to support proposed solar arrays. On 3/27/18, I conducted a site visit and investigated the roof framing for the proposed PV solar panel installations. The 2-1/2-story, 27'x 34'Victorian style house was constructed in 1880. Seven (7) PV solar panels are to be installed on the house southeast and southwest roofs. 2 solar panels are to be installed on the southeast roof of the 1-story, 8'x 13' addition off the southwest face of the house. The addition rafters are 2x10 installed 24"on-center, spanning 6' at an 8/12 pitch. 3 solar panels are to be installed on the southeast gable dormer roof. The dormer rafters are full dimension 2"x 5'1"installed at 16"-1 S"on-center, spanning 8' to a 2' tall kneewall with an 11/12 roof slope. 2 solar panels are to be installed on the southwest facing section of roof near the street side of the house.The rafters are 2"x 5'G", installed at 1 S"on-center, spanning 6'-6"to a 2' tall kneewall with an 11/12 roof slope.The rafters are attached to the third-floor framing and prevents the roofs from spreading. The roofing is asphalt shingles. I have reviewed the mounting details for the proposed array. Based on my calculations and a PV solar panel unit weight of 42f His, with the attachment points of the army placed at a maximum of 4'-6"on center and staggered to minimize the load to any one rafter,the existing roof framing is adequate to support the proposed PV solar arays and the snow and wind load requirements of the current MA State Building Code. Please contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Is OF 414,E o`er DAVID A. 'rG \ �- 1) J, VREELAND y -�) h /w—ra. CIVIL David Vreeland, PE No.4631 " Vreeland Design Associates '9oT9�'elsreP� SSS /OVAL EHG 116 River Road, Leyden, MA 01337 Phone: (413) 624-0126 Email: dvreeland@verizon.net Fax: (413)624-3282 ,4Main electric AIL f panel in basement 4 \ Anita Milman 63 Massasoit Northampton, 01060 Northeast EVALUATIONREPORTN � Report Numboi, 0248 Originally Issued: 0912012 Valid Through: 0912013 FRo.fa : 06—WOOD AND PLASTICS 3.0 DESCRIPTION 06060—Connections and Fasteners 3.1 General Description HOLDER. EZ Roof Mount i-Foci Ki consists of 5 basic Corporation compcnenis: (1)shoe assembly with captive waterproof 5'" St,Suite A washer, (2)lag bolt to fasten Ib0v9h the shingles to the er, WA 90681 rco' rafter, (3) flashing that is paced under the nrw of shingles prove tho shoe and then ove-the sine,(4; 1.- TION SUBJECT Foot that `s placed ove- the protruding shoe 'treads and (b) hex cap that Is secured Or to the shoe_ See EZ Roof Mount LFoot K8 for Shingle Figures to 5 in Tablet. 3.2 Materials 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE: LZ Roof Mount is fah,-ated Yom a r-oUr. Shoe 1.1 Compliance with the following codes: assembly 's fabricated using cast ng aluminum alley with dlmonsons o' 2.80 inches in diameter and 1 00 • 2009 ifornatonpi Building Coed@• inches .1 height. It is he'd 'a place using one 916 irch • 2009 International Residential Cape', diameter tag boll that is 4 inch In length and made of • 20061r'erraticcal Building Coded stainless steel.. Flashing is fabricated trend sheet • 2006 international Residential Code01 aluminum with dimensions of 1110 odes in width. 12.5 Inches in length and 0.04 inches in thickness. 1 2 Evaluated In accordance with: L foot Is a 2.00 190 long unequal 'eg angle wade from • Evaluat oil Cdtena for Joist Hangers and 6813-TG alumirurn with dimensions Of 3.00 inr,Fes in 1,1iscefareous Connectcm 11API'60 ES EC002- depth. 2.00 trhes in wi=dth ane 0.24 triches Ie 2011),Approved March 2011 thickness. It conlalns a 0.375 inch diameler rouge hoo • Acoep-ance Criteria for Rog` ?lashing for Pipe w'in a 062 inch d2meter chamfer (rr base, that is Penetrat'ons OCC-LS AC286).Approved April 2010 Iccpted in the center of the base I=_g. Oro sot measucrg 1.64 'nch :Ong by 0.40 inch •.virtu Occurs in 1.3 Properties Evaluated: the renter and is located 0.30 'aches tram the top edge a' the vesica' leg, wh�ch• i•as a scallop f=ont and rear • St«¢tural face. See Table 2 for co,T{logon[ malarial orooerfes • I)cather Protection and figure.,. 2.0 USES 4.0 DESIGN AND INSTALLATION FZ Roof Mount L-Fent Kit for Shingle Roofs is used to 4.1 Design mount solar systems and other rooftop dov'ces suet as j II satellite fishes on aschall shingle roofs wi,F, wood Tabulated allcvrab'e ioaas spawn in Table 1 Of this racers underneath. report are based on allowable Mesa design ;ASDL Auj_�sbneras to these va`ues are required for at E7 Roo' Yicunt is specifically designed to ad osed fo, service conditions, srnhrlred exposure to etevaled rabl.latlon of solar panels far eleclrlc or hot v:ater temperatures, use v1411 fire retatiant lumbe, Or wdh pr0cvc5or on roots with slopes from 3 to 12 units lumber whose specific gravity is less than 0.55 vesical :11 '2 units hcnioital. ;Southern Pine;. Allowable values based on `astene- strength may be Gd;usted for duration of loading. Seo footnotes of Table' for more de!ai,ed explanation. Pago 1 of 4 4 t n n vvv -ntv Vr _vv , gry,�.e. J `-� nYY•une� ar asy[. • � � r n x �.r„ . EVALUATION REPORT /. Hapert Number: 0248 Originally issued; 0912012 Valid Threughr 09!2013 4.2 Installation 12ain test data ane b.ckness of a,lumin.rn rash'ng sobmiaed is in cenfornranuc with Acceptarce Criteria PF. Front trtouct musk be Insla ed using :he Silly Inch 4r i bashing for Prp^_ Perchate7ii; (RCC-ES AC diameter stainless steel lag screw at each bracket 26G=fh, Rain test conformed to 11-derw:ltors tocuhnal as described in the Manafac:urer's installation Lubora:l,ir Standard for Gas Veru. UL 441-96 HaCIIan lnt ""dors. Lap screw must penetrate into the roof 2b. rafter a mintrtum of 2 Y inohes. Ptlor to insla;Sahon,the too' rafter shall be bared r:,lth the huchi lead ane Test rest:=s arc frv:o labora4rles la claraplealip with oleohnic, hole for the unthroaoed and shank portions ISOAEO 1)025 of fro 'a3 screrw as required 'i Section 11.',3 or the NDS 5. I hm deal portion of the lag screw shall ba 7.0 IDENTIFICATION In,ered `nto is lead hoe by turning wtlh a wench arid not driving by a hani A dfo-stamp lana! n the `lashing oaa�ing 6u: name ana vdd,�5s o` the rranuFactu,er- the ms,00i rli,nrber_ Wse of ;rcxilin ,holes in lite Shoo other than the use o: IAP MO Unllarrn =S Ma;kS of Oorfannify aad this ;n extra fastanee to stop the shoe from rotati6g'du'fng Evalua[on Repot:Number;Elft- 0248). Ishii is bursitis the Inroad cf Fs repot F isfiir y sheu l be p3ov'sil 101 ones,the shingle ad le ( (f the sed codion of thfe ushing ;o prevent water P 640 E $ ing-e-ss under fie sf:ingle- No portion of the Flashing LSA shooeG be, 6errt upwp.'d; the hashing must rest tee"y aea li the roof shingles. Otherwise the whi and wind nedor it r^ay as impaled- lAPMO#0246 6.0 CONDITIONS OF USE EZ Roof kaoant LFoot Kit for Shtmglo Roofs described in 'his epo,4 camp"es wrh the codes listed Ito Sect'cr. 1,b,G[`!'is report SAW t0 SFR fallowing deflations $.1 i Roar No unt,hell be installed In aeeordaace Is'I, III, retort, ron-ifarturefs astalfelon t hrtf',enI s aad the Odra listed in Section 1.1 6.2 Ca'arlari to ve-Ify'.ha impnsed leads on fie EL i Mount ilssentbiy do ret exceed t''-le allowable ioais 4crhura f in Table I tie this report shall be s:!Lmatad to the 'code official when requested - C,'culaPons she" be prepared by a reg[slereo cosign oroi oral Mien vi ulmd 5y the saunas o` the pinsd,clicn whore the wank is constructed - 0.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED I e"I'li Bend anaiyso daft, sub"iteti is in cor:fa:march vrilh Evaluation Criteria for Joist Nangem and hliscellarears Cornecl(IAPMO ES EC 002-2011). Page 2 of 4 EVALUATION REPORTuxr \/) Report N..bor•, 0248 �.. Originally Issued: 0912012 Valid Through: 0912013 PAIiLE I: ALLOWANLE LOADS POIJ t:Z R00F,11011\"11.-FOOLKrT(Ihe.)�''�''` Load Direcliov 0hinmle Lend Teat Load al r '1'fxl Lovd of Cniculafed ����� Tert S'nlne 11. 0 infL 0.1 ZS Inch t'lsetener/Ate[n1�A llnvah 4sce!iemr.belmv) deNOwn ddlm— stree IL Uesign Load Upofl(Wilhdlay.'si) 715 1,800 CJ-S 3<1 ;a0 lalc�i 21,0 2A0 DO 153 v 1 s i 11 e u d ru . c I J 11 c v I. I'r t7 c ul I evaf f I[rc ; rl str nPlh 1 04 f,,mi I ) I p 15 d1 tetiewi (d (I mn Ilnaip Ici hl 1 f s e v 1 a hl al)fn cad n .vp 1 R1a it of 0 s;(Y cin m PI el r II wvoie Y s )d r I mim ] - 9 c�,1 i i, ido+eablel Inl.cs ma band ,u lumber it Il dl ihe:Jll ny L .' ;fru Iar�lcd uV 'r •deedll vhere the ololelvR dnnlrnt d•JC511J1 w-eed 9v, lcr zi cxl �dsd periM_ � u zr.......l s.ucWms. vied III ndoL lel dePe un es ) de< _sule to nu l`dm u5laln< 01l IOU'[ r=rzihei c ldib<ns a I abtf tan vvb es h �i b m hlpu i by i6 let¢I a Iru n:1�¢'t )!C„ vlr (./1 r mcatl hf Nal h-,"Uh S 11c 1 rfo, dC1r. l u5)m OS) 11 fhl I d ale 1c1l5ed nlaml,n th 1 p ilcgrl lry fp) .jsoul I ne I l AI nbl 11,,11f 5 Iel,'m ) Ikdnuel rf b.,d o nlinunc.nlel,,...on<f2 + llcl es inm the (T:dZfi 05 ne Ssl m,h N I m�llq ,M) S- AI-o 1n.,5 .1ac.naY not b li ecasod f,load dnraliue In a- .dal ee v,ilil L cdcQ .If-3.2eine\fJ5-O5. Uplift Lateral i y�l}TS��J 44 Page 3 of 4 EVALUATION REPORT R@Port Numb.,: 0248 Otlginally 16EYed: 0912012 Valid Through: 0912053 TABLE 2'MATERIAL PROPERTIES C atnponat � � S7 ort+7 A ylg SAI d]rm Iry 1Vyt 111380P �Wwe, ,uf Aas!.cr E, SM.0: a nf Go I ml p t \Y M 1 r 1 Allninll oily of tG \'sl\ Hu Cap hlel nl,:um I A\S tkr} }W i'rd IIID__ 1l}.IIrr910r �1060 ASI M 1)1119 -. EZ ROOF MOUNT COMPONENTS ME f ten. 1'gmei Sbac Asscrrbly ;figure A.1 iea Czu [h R w Figure tc Lag Gnu Pigott S: FMnGil:fr F�gum 7'.L-fool Page/, -f 4 k 4' ' O'SUN IrUllF I'GI c°ilzSIII nepaln. r ou lrnlp pe<I Cjps.. l nl'.al:o <a,rsanj ! 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II °LV '1 .,jo OCi tsi pti 6h7. 09L Iv€mu-I 6S'. 6ti iG`3 G68'I it+�me+p:p!ryt)i!:14; a.L pnory u�rary Vi Y€aug uopsap>Ir 1mlWapaO Ol'.R:Y'3 (nm,a1,asn�y aas) ! algwv Idlal�aanawny yau!Sil'4 yau! II O anisA 1x191 MlV paiulna!e,� 1n Pau'11pa Iv n:s' is n alem{ 11-- uoUaagtT pao'1 .i. ! l L Pv Z^ 1117 �.^. .�_ €rl"s90 IAM 1004q ti(163k A00N TH 1103 gLJVUI'A'IflVMfYPiV rl 3'331V.1. CGMao :µanm4l PIMA E MIaO :Pans.,RIIeu!flup O ) evzo :aaywaN uaaoy lmod3H N411VA IVA3 i , tj`—�—'1�+ C n M411 41L� ly^c xw,'iZta-A„i l3 1, m'r� Paw •p. i- k.N Fkah 0.Y Y? 1'�n 65_w mod Clamp --U tl":a11c1 _ ,• { yl _..• Iv..fe 'd. f ncRidgv Nil.1 _: '\ Y II F'nq SE"y 1"In Ym"f. i.+l',:d .z Via._ mass— •� •••• _,�,��,��., I IG YI✓.clq')!p _Ilan I - aCn_yl" Clex 1 j Ffc- 1ri;�ctis xe� ..>,:nHr.y IR 2.0 Northeast Typical feet placement w/ 16" o.c. rafter spacing � n ' F - _ L p. I i Typical feet placement w/ 24" o.c. rafter spacing I LG Life's Good i ' LG NeON LG NeoNQ R Is new powerful nmdon with plobel top level perrormance.Applied new cell stmcture without electudde, tl Tourist ON'R t the [tab of 60 cel It, el ad Lty U N GN R d ntt at LG t C E i nffe ¢toncr rusromer'sv cs beyond effiency.It _ featurt s enhanced warranty,durability,performance under real environment,and aesthetic design noshle for roofs. Enhanced Warranty •• High Power Output LGnorc offer25 sear,{risdue, l,t p dale. Th, LcPaN'. I p—formance larrani as cellLGNeed , uUniflovis 1..-ce It.ortput naMnQ it flus poll rerfibrissi earranyAfter7-start eu_r In mdcause. NeON`R Is guaranteed at lea¢87Col of nirial nerfo:manta. ANEWON Aesthetic Roof ® Outstanding Durability UsNepN- R has been designed wan so the Is Verth its newly reinforced frann iggt,6 and no electrode on the front lhar mak es new Nli Rcan oe a front ose is to 6000 For prwluctmnm aesmeoc tG NeoN- Roni rta . and a rear loan up L,sato Pa. Uie oalue of a i with IL,modem design Better Performance on -• a Sunny Day � Near Zero LID (Light Induced Degradation) LGJON I. f _ 11e, ,y The n yl LGNet N° Rhave di[hankstots Apr l t-ruperatur, creffinent. sits,no lao 'a...In' tL" p f edea 1 t lead off to les,_I0 About LG Electronics C r . r. .� . , i. 1, 1, (.., roar J J51HII. eT r I, 1 11 .� I1—1 e, LG NeON R MMMMMIrmmmin Mechanical Properties Electrical Properties(STC*) Cells or ] MOJUIe 365 CellVendar LG Maximum Pmvcr(Pmax) 365 Cell Type Mow. ,olle,111yl'" MPP Voltage(Vmpp) a., Cellporeto re 161 lx lol]'TIM/6I'len MPP Current(lope) 11 1 olmenslanz(lx Wxn) Soo x 1016n no mm oven Circuit vo(tzge(V.,) g73 e693rn00 1s?-1 Frvnt LooewouP, le a EFfioenry al near Lyae 5,111 opeatmg Tell.....re .u."t 1 y I ,, Maximum System Voltage IOVO Connermr Type ME9 M..n—Series fuse gain, m] ..... iP6s w1 n Ip,,-.0,onec Lengtn of cables lnw mm.zen class Il(I Lamm e s T n TIT, I1,1. Fmme IV,eaenn .e .. _. Electrical Properties(NOCT*) Certifications and Warranty Module 365 360 355 350 Certifiatinns IFC 5121$IFF 61710/-2 Muvlmnm Power(Pmax) _71 ]I u, a6, 111'703 MPP Voltage(Vmpp) 3P6 3a. 'E( I 7D1 ;IVal mnl rr IT tecr) Marro ocnt(ITT „1 ] 15 3 .. 'C627 mono, .n t.T, OptoCrr✓t Voltage(Voq Irl., n, 1509001 Short Circuit Co....I gi 168 PE, Mueu@Fm Performance(USP) TV:m, x .. .... ., _ Fire Res stance Class(CANHn2) CI C(WC/OrDO IU:p Praeart Waneaty ,_year output Wamnry of Pnax Lar, - Dimensions(mm/in) Temperature Characteristics JI NOCT e4. 3°C ' Pmpp -133 W, Vaa -0 21 vd"C Characteristic Curves rrr 1 LLd LG ar.n �rx N�hi M. e, ,e r 7763.