44-111 982 FLORENCE RD BP-2017-1409 GIS#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Mau:Block:44- tit CITY OF NORTHAMPTON knot -001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Frit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) COMM woodstove BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2017-1409 Project# JS-2017-002346 Est.Cost: Fee;$40.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const.Class: Contractor: License: use Group: Homeowner as Contractor_ Lot Size(sq.ft.): 31493.88 Owner: LARSON EDWIN H&JANET K Zonino: Applicant: LARSON EDWIN H & JANET K AT: 982 FLORENCE RD Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 982 FLORENCE RD NORTHAMPTON MA01060 ISSUED ON:6J7/2017 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK:PELLET STOVE POST THIS CARD SO ITIS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House ft Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy Signature: FeeTvpe: Date Paid: Amount: Building 6/7/2017 0:00:00 $40.00 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax:(413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck-Building Commissioner City of Northampton r S S\5 BtGt r Massachusetts y2 w. r.. 6 i DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS \ � 212 Main Street • Municipal Euiltsng yJS '�s�'" " Northampton, MA 01060 >t�,D JUN 5 ` V1/4"d( g-17- Prze SINGLE OR TWO FAMILY SOLID FUEL APPLIANCE PERMIT APPLICATION FOR WOOD,COAL,PELLET,CORN,STRAW { OR SIMILAR STOVES,OR FIREPLACES Check# 1175771: +r 470 Please fill in all appropriate information 1. Name of Applicaannt : k`=.c1 iv/+n Lar;c>n Address: 9E-2 F(ovtjlcf Rd, Telephone: y- (? fiG 2. Owner of Property : Echo 41 +1ttrtet / nrSvn Address: %2 FLire vinePd. F(avr, CP )4/f 01.062 Telephone: Sgwle. 3. Status of Applicant ✓ Owner __ Contractor 4. Type or Brand of Stove WI/ fCce{G( 9e t(ef Vicoie 5. UL Listing 6. Estimated Cost 7. Email : J kciy QV'S°n �i (1 o(Wlg1. CO✓vl ........._ If applicant is not the homeowner:: Contractor name Email Construction Supervisor's License NumberExpiration Date Home Improvement Contractor Registration Number Expiration Date All Applicants must complete a Workers Compensation Insurance Affidavit before we can issue a permit 8, Certification_ I hearby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. DATE; Cj/5I/7 APPLICANTS SIGNATURE Etuttr, ann.. f DATE: HOMEOWNER'S SIGNATURE e. - -r ksri APPROVED 0„�/,r,,� DATE: 1 2 /'7 BUILDING OFFICI• PLANNING YOUR INSTALLATION 2. Local amendments A 3. Is a permit required-cost WARNING You may wish to contact your insurance Questions To Ask Local Building Official company to ask if they require this. Check all local building and A correct installation is critical and imperative 4. It outside combustion air is required safety codes before installation. for reducing fire hazards and perilous condi- 6. Rooms where the installation is not The installation instructions and tions that can arise when wood pellet burn- allowed mg appliances are Improperly installed. The appropriate code requirements installer must follow all of the manufacturers' Smoke Detectors must be followed exactly and instructions. withoutcompromise.Alterations Since there are always several potentialsources to the stove are not allowed. The installation oithis appliance must conform of fire in any home,we recommend installing Do not connect the stove to a to local codes and applicable state and federal smoke detectors, ible,install the smoke detector in a hallway adjacent to the room chimneyserving another requirements. Familiarity with these require- (to reduce the possibility of occasional false stove, appliance, or any air dis- ments before installation is essential.Important activation from the heal produced by these tribution duct. Failure to follow considerations to discuss with local building appliances).If yourlocalcoderequiresasmcke these instructions will void the officials include: detector be installed withinthe same roorn,you manufacturers warranty. mustfollowthe requirements of you(localcode. 1. Applicable codes(i.e.Uniform Mechanical Check with your local building department for Code,State or Regional Codes). requirements in your area. FLOOR PROTECTION Electrical codes: Installation/Maintenance Standards In USA,NEC,ANSI I NEPA 70-Latest Edi- Floor Protection-Profile®20 FS-2 tion National Fire Protection Association - The In Canada,CSA C221-Latest Edition primary URA standard that refers to installa- This appliance requires noncombustible floor tion and maintenance of pellet appliances and protection.If the floor protection is to be stone, venting isNFPA211-Latest Edition:Chimneys, tile,brick,etc.,d must be mortared or grouted Power Supply Requirements-the power Fireplaces,Vents,and Solid Fuel appliances. to Corm a continuous non-combustible surface. cord must be plugged into a standard,120 It a chimney connector extends horizontally Volt,60 Hz grounded electrical outlet.The over the floor,the protection must cover the approximate power requirement is 362 SELECTING A LOCATION floor under the connector and at least 2"to Watts, and will peak up to 736 Watts for either side. approximately 6 minutes when the self- The design of your home and where you place igniter is operating(d will turn off 2 minutes your stove will determine its value as a source A noncombustible floor protector must fully afterflame detection).The power cord must of heat.Thistype of appliance depends primarily coverthe area beneaththe applianceand extend be routed to avoid contact with any of the on air circulation (convection)to disperse ds 671othefront,6"to the sides,and up to 6"from hot or sharp exterior surface areas of the heat,and therefore,a central location is often the back as illustrated in Figure 1. stove.When installed into a manufactured best.There are other practical considerations, home, the appliance must be electrically which must be considered before a final selec- grounded to the steel chassis(see Page 8 tion of locations is made. I Up to-6"(153mm) Manufactured Home RequirementsJ.These • Existing Chimneys minimus -- requirements must be met unless otherwise • Pellet Fuel Storage aea, Il spec fed by state or local authorities. • Aesthetic Considerations • Root Design (rafter locations and roof I 6" pitch) (153 mm) 153 A WARNING • R000mm Traffic rola ( minn. III • Proximity to Combustibles Top View Electrical grounding instructions: • Electrical Wiring This appliance is equipped with The installation of these appliances will �� s,°nt a three-prong (grounding) plug require some research.Once your options are for your protection against shock determined, consult with your local building x hazard and should be plugged department who will be able togiveyou the Floor de a6"(153mm) p ng necessa in °io6410( min. directly into a properly grounded area (Is a b iidingin° requirements (R oour three-prong receptacle. Do not gay nottt be allowed Rooms Figure cut or remove the grounding where installation may allowed,etc.). gunai-F/oorProkfion,Freestanding prong from this plug. Do notronte *Note:when installed at clearances less than power cord under or in front of A CAUTION 6", the floor protection is only required to appliance. These app liances are very heavy. extend to the wall, The use of a heavy duty escalara (stair step hand truck) is recom- mended for lifting the appli- ance. 4 NOTE:DIAGRAMS&ILLUSTRATIONS ARE NOT TO SCALE Floor Protection-Profile®30 FS-2 Minimum k-value(per Indict Specified min. Nearness of = ek. .mfmaterial(10 x riictress The floor protector must meet or exceed the minimum thermal require aft mate k-value (per rich) of listed mems as defined on this page(see Floor Protection/Hearth Extension material(IM) of listed mnatedal(kr) material(I ) Using Alternate Material As Floor Protector). If the floor protection is Te(inches) = kik x Tr to be stone,tile, brick, etc., it must be mortared or grouted to lorm a `,64 contionons noocombustibie surface. It a chimney connector extends Ta finches) = 445 x .375 horizontally over the floor, protection must also cover the floor under , 14 the connector and at least 2"01 mm)to either side. .2&5 (inches)„ .547 x .375" The floor protector must fully cover the area beneath the appliance and extend 6"to the front,S"to the sides,and 6"from the back as shown Answer-Thereiinimumrequired thickness MEM Mime 300 is.205,"there- in Figure 1 (Nate: When installed at clearances less than 6", the now tore mwd up to nearest standard thickness available laird is lid protection is only required to extend to the wall). Using the(,formula' Floor Protection/Hearth Extension Using Alternate Material AS Minimum r-valve(per inch) Specified min. Floor Protector-Ali Models Nclmess of = ,gtliafedmmedal x thickness alternate svalue (period) of listed material of alternate material material Note:AlsoseeffoorProtectiopabovefor free-slandingmodels and Hearth Regnbgmen Page 7 for the fireplace insert mod T„(inches) rr x Tt rM The hearth pad or alternate material used as a floor/hearth protector T„{inches) = `t19 x .375" must be constructed of a durable noncombustible material having an '2,17 equal or better thermal conductivity value Cower k value)of k=.84 BILI .205 {inches)= .548 x .376' i IN FT'HR M.or a thermal resistance that equals or exceeds r=1.19 HR"F EP IN/BTU with a minimum thickness of 3/8".With these values, Answer-The minimum requiredthiclmess el the Micore300is.205,"there- determinethe minimum thickness oftheallernale material required using lore round up to nearest standard thickness available which is 1/4," the iormula(s)and the table shown here(see Table t). Limed Material We:Any noncombustible material having a minimum thickness of 3/8" /four inch) t(pet/AA LAS Mia.TOkeceu (10 monwhose k value is less than.84 or whose r value is more than cued Material .M 1.19 are"Gals) 1.19 is acceptable. If the alternate material used has a higher k value E r or lower r value wilt require a greater thickness of the material used. In ..n9amred Alternate Materials to;Maar/Hearth Pmmmtan some cases,if the k value is less or the r value higher,a thinner material may be used. AIImmINeMamllals Thema!Values Minimumihickneu (1130104 b emmw ire ill Methods ol determining floor protection equivalents; k Ow Ma) Aper Mtn.Tmoknesa To determine the thickness required for the alternate material when sr 1" either the t value or^r^value is known,use either the k formula or L /marmot fit alum .47 2.13 .21-(1/41 lormgla. Mleer 160'M 35 2.66 .16*SW) os COMM Example:It Micere 300 is to be used lorthe floor protection, how thick minors 9013^^ ,4s 2.17 .2? tM•I must this material be? 1,5.GYPSUMl km=k value per inch ol alternate material oetoak Cement Bead 192 .53 SCAM') r =r value per inch of alternate material us GYPSUM T„= minimum thickness required tot a#emate material Hmdibatkettu 1.95 .513 .er(ihet Ta= standard thickness of the alternate material Hardibacker 500A 200 .495 1.034(4) k,=k value per inch of listed material Colleted Slone Hearth 2.02 .355 1.20r41M1 stones r, =r Value per inch of listed material won emaam 9,29 .31 1.44'0-07) TI =minimum thickness of listed material Super Anelema M .61 t.ar .27'11/4`} Note: An asterisk""•indicates, it is a value taken from Table I. J0""''E'""0v Using the k totmula- s eemp c a4 1.05 .24.0/4•) "I/tha hearth extension material(s)that is intended to be used is NOTlisted Face heck 9,00 _ .111 4.02`(4") an Table L the material can still he used Ike maianal(sI isneneombustibte, cavamnWA 5.01 .20 223f2.1/fl However,the menutacturerofthe material must providenitherthelistedluvalue - period,err-valve per inch with listed thickness spike(theminimum thicknesh Cement mortar 500 .20 2.2r(2-t/4') required fat the hearth an be calculated(perinstmsNans on this page and/or cemtaiseb its .B 5.58`(5.5/81 as specified in the NFt Certification Manuals). Note:Also see HF!(National Fireplace Institute)Certification Manuals show- Mamie 41 -.99 4.91•01.741 lag ether acceptable calculation methods end acceptable alternate materials Tablet which can be used. NOTE'.DIA MMS&ILI Urn-HOPIS ARE NOTIc SCALE 5 CLEARANCES-FREE-STANDING MODELS Combustible Models:Prefile®20 FS-2 and Profile 30 FS-2 fB 1 m _ , Sianderdmsidentlalonnunufacluredhomeinstallation.Those appliances riarequire the tollowing minimum clearances to combustibles: D 2 o Horizontal - Verticil o -4-A ',i �A..- ca Profile 20 FS-2 DirerictlynThroFlueugh Wall Flue A-Sidewall to unit •4"(102 mm) •4"(102 mm) — 1 — It-Backwall to unit "2"151 mm) 9"(229 mm) C-Sidewall to unit Corner `2"(51 mm) •2"(51 mm) `'. '7� 0-Max. Depth of Alcove •24"(610 mm) •24"(610 mm) Figure 2-Rearwell or Alcove,Pmtileal FS-2 and Profile 30 FS-2 E-Flue to Wall 3"(77 mm) 3"(77 mm) •Measured to fuel hopper lid in alcove. •Minimum Alcove Measurements-Height 40"(1220 mm)x Width 3r _ NB mm)x Maximum Depth 16`(406 mm) Table 2-Minimum Clearances To Combustibles am' Profile 30 FS-2 HDirectivHmntaly FlueThrough-Wall lIFnue terivrdi Verb E C --y,a R :- /� A-Sidewall to unit •6"(153 mm) •6"(153mm) Y. - - 8-Backwall to unit "2"(51 mm) 9'(229 mm) C-Max.De to unit Corner '2"(51 mm) '2"{5}mm) ' t. ~' ff D-Max.Depth of Alcove A6"(407 mm) •16"(407 mm) f/// E-Flue to Wall 3"{77 mm) r(77 mm) •Measured to fuel hopper lid in alcove. C •Minimum Alcove Measurements-Height 46"(1220 mmix Width 31" (7n mm)z Maximum Depth 16"(406 mm) Table 3-Minimum Clearances To Combustibles " - Figure 3-Comer,Profile 20 FS-2 A IMPORTANT • Minimum clearances specified may not allow for ease of operation and maintenance (please -"' take this in to account when planning the instal- lation)- If installed to the minimum clearances, ;,,, removal of the appliance may be necessary for D servicing. E • Recommended clearance zone from the front ` of the appliance to combustibles is 4 feet mini- mum. • The certified back wall clearance as shown on the (..c: -`` ' w• listing label is 1"(see Safety/Listing Label)but = for properhopper lid operation in corner and par- c aliol installations a 2"clearance is required. Figure 4 -Corner,Profile30 FS-2 6 NOTE DIAGRAMS a nLUSTRMmas ARE NOT TO SCALE CLEARANCES AND HEARTH PROTECTION -INSERT IJ gleam T•, nO Model Profiles 30 INS-2 Toe In the USA and Canada,the area below and directly infront of the Profile profile 30-2 INS 17-3/4" 301NS.2fireplace insert mustbeanapprovedfireplace hearthorprotected by a non-combustible hearth I floor protector With a minimum thickness Recommended of 3/8"which has a thermal conductivity of k(per inch)=.84 or lower clearance zone — value(better thermal protection)or resistance OR(pet inch)= 1.1H or from the front of r' highevalue. See Floor Protection/Hearth Extension Using Alternate (be appliance to ',\ Top View j Material As Floor Protector on Page 5which explains minimum thermal combustibles is 4 7 protection requirements, tee minimum. The protected area must extend 6"to the from of the lace of the Profile „ � " . 30 INS-2. Figure 6-Fireplace Firebox Minimum Size, insert Profile 30 INS-2 A-Insert to side wall 6"(153 mm) 8-Insert to side trim 1"(26 mm) N d& Tn\ = Profile®30-2 INS C-Hearth extension 6"(153 mm) Eet£Sd4 _- Side View P-Insert to mantel 16"1458 mm) ; E-Insert to top trim 1"(26 mm) Table 4-Minimum Clearances To Camnus!(nles 0 E meiiiiiiiime Profile 30-2 INS ,,,,,Q^_ I c. Side Wall Trim\ l- ii ' �. t IA I■' � Top View I B ‘ Figure 7-Mantel and Trim Clearances,Insert I A y v 1— Hearth/Floor Protection FIREPLACE WARNING LABEL (provided in accessory package) Figure 5 -Clearances, Insert When installing the Profile 30 INS-2 Into a IFTNIS FIREPLACE INSERT S BEING INSTALLED INTO A FACTORY BUILT FIREPLACE factory built fireplace or THIS LABEL MUST BE PERMANENTLY Masonry And Factory Built Fireplaces-Profile 30 INS-2 heattarm, the air flow ATTACHEOTOTHE FIREBOX OFTHE Within and around the FACTORY BUILT FIREPLACE. fireplace shall not be The model Profile 30 INS-215 approved for installation into a solid fuel altered by the installa- TRIB mRW A R N I NAGERmro burning fireplace,either amasonryflrep ace(built to U8C37 or ULC 3628 lino of the insert (i.e. ACCOMMODATE A FIREPLACE USERT ANo standards)or an approved factory-built/zero clearance fireplace(built DO HOT BLOCK ethers SHOULD BE INSPECTED BY A QUALIFIED to UL 127 or ULC S610 standards).See Pages 17 and tutor additional or cooling air inlet or PERSON PRIOR TO RE-USE AS A intnnmation nn venting. outlet ports,circulating CONVENTIONAL FIREPLACE. air chambers in a steel Minimum Fireplace Firebox Size fireplace liner or metal heat circulator).The factory built firebox must Height 20-118"(512 mm) accept the insert without modification other than removing bolted or Width 6 Front 32"(814 mm) screen together pieces such as smoke shelf/defectors,ash lips, screen or door tracks and damper assemblies.Any fireplace compo- (extends back 1-1/2") neut.which is removed,must be retained so they can be reinstalled Widths back 24-5/8"(626 mm) to restore the fireplace to its original operating condition.The removal Depth.. 17-3/411452 mm) of any part must not alter the integrity of the outer shell of the pre- engineered fireplace cabinet in any way.A Warning Label(provided withappliance)must be installed in thefirepiacefireboxsothatit shall be visible upon removal of the fireplace Insert(Warning Label shown in gray above).Use RN high Temperature Silicone as an adhesive to affix the warning label. NOTE:OiA MMS&It(LS1nR-IONS ARE 1101),SCALE 7 CAUTION lithe exhaust vent exitsthe manufactured home Installation Check List at a location other than the roof,and exits at a point P feet w less above the ground level It is strongly recommended that you nave an The fireplace in which the Profile on which the manufactured home is position authorized Lennox Hearth Products dealer 30 INS-2 isto be installed must be a guard or method of enclosing the pipe shah install your stove- If you install your stove thoroughly cleaned if it has been be provided at the point of exit for a height of yourself, you should review your installation used to burn wood or synthetic upto fleet,The openings, any,mills guard plan with an authoriced Lennox Hearth Prod- logs. Have the chimney and all shalt not aiow a 3,14' rod to pass through.A nets dealer. inside surfaces of the fireplace ler et rtouchthespipewulenih nsertedthough checklist: brushed and vacuumed so that the opening a distance of 4 inches. no soot, embers, or loose corn- Check on each item as you proceed with the bustion deposits can be drawn installation process. into the heat circulation blower and blown into the living area. ❑Read the ENTIRE stove installation section If any portion of the chimney r system shows signs of structural I first ormechanicalweaknesses,sucb ii ` 0 Read the Insert or flee-Standrty section as:cracks,leaky joints.corroded = ,3, (whichever applies). or warped surfaces, the faulty � ❑Determine the appropriate measurements portion must be repaired orChasms 1 Hour and locations for your installation replaced prior to installing this C Roogoo t Protector 3 Follow the installation directions in this appliance, ,,,���CCC��� -- manual that are applicable to your model -_ of free-standing stove or fireplace insert. MANUFACTURED HOME INSTALLATION Figure 8-Manufactured Homes ❑Be sure to pretit an items before you Install, Free-Standing Models—Profile 20 FS-Z and fasten. or set up the appliance perma- Profile 30 FS-2 nanny. INSTALLATION In addition to the standard installation instruc- Prior to lighting your appliance: tions,thefollowing instructions may be required by local,state or federal building codes' Removing Appliance From Pallet • the stave most be permanently boiled to 1.After removing the packaging from the rJ Review the safety precautions section. the floor. stove, hit the hopper lidand remove alt ❑Review the pellet FUEL section. • An outside air inlet must be provided for prepackaged items that were shipped In p Review and follow the Operating Instruc- combustion and be unrestricted while unit the hopper Next,open the stove door and is in use.Use a galvanized or stainless steel reprove all prepackaged items. tions, pipe for the duct(the outstde air inlet onthe ❑Plug powercord connectormtocorrespond- stove is 1-S.IR"diame€er). 2. Using a 7116"socket or open end Wrench • Stove trust be permanently electrically remove the bolts which secure stove to ing connector on the back of appliance(see grounded to the steel chassis of the home. pallet The bolts are located onthe underside Figures l2through Mon Page IOshowing The location selected for ground attach- of the wooden palletconnector locations), went to the stove must be dedicated for Note:Prattle 30/NS-2....Route power card this purpose. Grounding must comply with NEPA-70 standards,GSA 021 in Canada, - r - behtmi cid¢surround parcel. as wee as any local codes. v... a • See Pages 10 through 16 tar additional "7 k 4 After you have begun operation of your information on venting requirements. a ll-.° appliance: • Do not install appliance in a sleeping 4 room. • Thestrucdwai integrity of the manufactured -- QRevtety the routine cd¢aning lreainiarlanes home floor,walls,ceiling and root must be information. maintained. O Enjoy the warmth from your new Lennox Manufactured HomeExhaustventPipe instal- Hearth Products pellet appliance! Ionian Guidelines Remove the three halts From underneath the pallet. it is important to level the appliance, When Use only'F L`pellet vent pipe listed to UL 641 Figure S -Removing from Pallet installing the insert model, in some instal- and ULC S609.The pipe should extend at least lotions such as a recessed firebox floor(e 3 feet above the part of the roof through which the existing fireplace floor is lower than the it passesThetop of the pipe should beat feast hearth),install the 2 leveling bolts(114-20 x 2 feet above the highest required elevation of any part of the manufactured home within 10 3"basea of thloe g) into the threaded Profile 30 INS-2. holes at the rear feet of the pipe (see Page 12, Manufactured 2.Adjust boos until Home Chimney Height Requirements). appliance is level. S NOTE°IMAMS a ILLUSTRATIONS APE NOT TO SCALE Installing Surround Assembly- Profile®30 INS-2 (to be done after venting system is installed) I his fireplace insert Damperasspecth dbelow. Dovasrisf oto yelry tto requires surround panels(a set of metal panels that enclose the fireplace opening when fitted together).There is also a trim assembly that frames the surround assembly to give it an attractive finished appearance. Put _ dro the surround assembly together according to the following instructions -"' (ref.Page 41). 1. Remove panels and trim brackets from package. Be careful not to ` Toadpie,uses SW"alien discard the"V shaped trim brackets which are attached to the sur- 1-5m"-Profile 30 FS-2 S'`wreath(provided wah stove) round wrapping. 2"-Pore 20 FS-2fa Iowan eel collar. 2. Open the hopper lid of the insert so It is out of the way 1orwhen panels es — ,- are installed. Figure 10-Damper Adjustment, Free-Standing Models 3. Install the control board onto the right side panel (with door)using the TEK screw(#8 x 1/2") provided. 4 Position the power cord so that 0 will be behind eilherthe right or left Damper Installation-Model:Profile 30 INS-2 side surround panel when they are installed. 5. Install right side surround panel onto right side of the insert body by Install damper rod knob as illustrated(see Figure 11)and explained on sliding the 2 flanges on side of panel into corresponding slots on the this page(see Installing Surround Assembly—Profile 30 11115-2). insert. Adjustment Procedure-Model:Profile 30 INS-2 6- Connect the wiring harness from the insert into corresponding con- necter on control board. The damper knob should be positioned in the center of the oblong slot 7. Locate damper and on left side of the insert.Rotate angled arm of rod forthe average installation(see Figure ll).If more or less air is needed, so it is pointing downRemovedamper knob and set asidethen adjust In 1/4" increments until optimum combustion air flow is 8. Install the left-hand panel onto the left side of the insert body by achieved (see Damper Adjustment Guidelines on Page 21)- sliding the 2 flanges on side of panel into corresponding slots on the insert, -'._... _.____ 9. Reach behind left surround panel and rotate damper arm so that end profile 30-2 INS is inserted into the upper right hand slot of left surround panel(see Figure 11). 10.Reinstall damper knob by threading it onto end of damper rod. 11.Set the top surround panel In place over the two side panels. Post- .1111111111•111111 tion the 2 tabs on bottom of top surround panel so they slide into `' Tier' corresponding clips on the insert.Connect the top surround panel to the side panels by pressing pins trom side panels into corresponding , holes on top panel. ( 12 Remove surround trim from its packaging.Assemble it ogether For les air,slide usingthecornerkeys("L"shaped brackets)provided.Slideassembled M(orm) or rknobmoreair,shde Subtoerighl loo rround trim over the top surround panel and slide it down over the side bob to the left. I Panel panels. i 13.Push the Profile 30 INS-2 back into place so the surround assembly is flush with the face of the hearth. � Damper Knob Damper Location, Installation And Adjustment More + Damper Air Control Handle-Models:Profile 20 FS-2 and Profile 30 FS-2 Les Air E (located on right side panel on model Profile 20 FS-2 and on the left side Figure 11-Damper Adjustment, Inserts panel on Profile 30 FS-2) Adjustment Procedure-Models:Profile20 FS-2 and Profile 30 FS-2 Hopper Cover Installation Model:Profile 30 INS-2 Loosen setscrew on set collar(see Figure 10),then adjust in 1(4"incre- ments until optimum combustion air flow is achieved.For less air push Install the hopper cover over the hopper using the 11 screws provided in and for more air pull out.After adjustment,positron set collar against as follows: side panel and tighten setscrew. 1)Align the 11 slots on the hopper cover with the corresponding 11 holes on the back and sides of the hopper 2) Loosely install the 11 screws through the slots Intothe corresponding holes in hopper(screws are provided in the accessory package). 3) Positron the hopper cover to the highest position that will allow for proper fit into the fireplace opening,then tighten screws. 9 XOrE'.DIAGRAMS 8ILLUSTRATIONS ARE NOT TO SCALE Thermostat Installation; Leave Note:Always Disconnect Power Before Per- thermostatissrNOT used forming The Thermostat Installation. _I_ IIII2D, u, A 24 voltwallthermostatand 20feetof 18-gageIiIMMINI -,_.-: .=--_—_ —___ /� thermostat wire Is Included in the accessory 'dumper I 'I package.It is recommendedthatthethermostat Remove jumper it Thenuostat IS to be used ' and thermostat wire be installed by an autho- Themroslal wires rized Lennox Hearth Products dealer Temlirel and purple wires ` Black hommneettoharness I �C MI ' ,Installation Steps: will so tenni �I these 2tectto 1. Unplug stove power cord from the wall outlet. IN I . l� 2. Locate the thermostat terminal block(see B Figures 12 through 16). Jumper J 3. Loosen the two terminal screws on the terminal block and remove the jumper Figure 13- Terminal Block- Type B Terminal Block 4,/1- r- I I 4, Connectthetwo wires fromyourthermostat to the terminals(one per terminal).Ensure that the purple wires from the harness Figure 16-Terminal Block,Profile 30 INS-2 remain connected to the terminal block - "-"""''- and tighten the terminal screws. Make - sure the wires are firmly connected to the thermostat __° VENTING REQUIREMENTS 5 Plug inthe stoveandyouare readyto operate _ with your thermostat, It is recommended that only an authorized dealer install your pellet stove. The specified Note:See Wiring Diagram on Page 32 f installation requirements must be followed to IMPORTANT: IF THE WALL THERMOSTAT "1 ensure conformity with both the safety listing of the appliance and local building capes. Ali u PROVIDED IS NOT USED, THE JUMPER IS clearances.ied byathe ventructuonsantlprecau- flEOUIREOFOR THE STOVE TO OPERATE. tions specified the vent manufacturer must be followed Leave jumper on,it Terminal Block Selecting a Location(Free-Standing Models) thermostat rs NOT used Figure l4-Terminal Block,Profiles DVS-2 Review the appliance clearance requirements (r10 cbefore installing the venting system(see Page 6). Position the appliance tar enough away [Jumper from walls toallowadequate roomtorservicing. Model:Roble 30 FS-2 Choose thea appliance location with the least Remove jumper if Thermostat IS to be used amount of interference with the house framing. sisameakiso Thermostatlewires Terminal Plumbing,wiring,etc. s vers Mock -‘ from mm hamess mil mmectta a y Preferred Vent Configuration _these 2 terminals fl Forthe best peormance,we recommenda vent nun design which runs vertically and terminates above the roof line.This designwill allow natural Jumper , draft to Improve the flow of flue gases and will aid in combustion and stove performance. Figure 12- Terminal Block- Type A - _ Type Type of Pipe / iMil II This stove requires type"PL"vent pipe(pellet vent pipe, sometimes referred to as "L-Vent pelletvent'),listed to UL 641 or ULCS609.Con- nect the pellet vent pipe or the'tee"to the flue Terminal Block collar using a minimum of three screwsand seal Figure l5-Terminal Block,Profile 30 FS-2 asspecdied in"Pipe/LinerJointRequirements" on Page 11.Do not use class B gas chimney or single wall chimney as a substitute. 10 NOTE'.DIAGRAMS a ILtusmATIONS ARE NOT TO SCALE Size of Pipe Connection to Masonry Chimney through a B. Not less than 4 feet(1,2 meters)below,4 Wall(Free-Standing Models) feet(1.2 meters)hmizontalytrom or 1 toot These pellet appliances are approved for use (3.1 meters)aboveanygravityalr inlet(door, with the following vent sizes: (3" (75 mm) Be sure to verifythe construction of a masonry window,etc.)whichfluegases could reenter standard, or 4" (III0 mm), see Page 13-for chimney, as it may have combustible tram- the dwelling. determining correct size vent). When 4"pipe mg. G_Notlessthan2teel{.6meters)lromcombus- is used:for horizontal vent installations use a 3"(75mm)to 4'(10O mm)adapter-available Approved liner when relining Masonry or Fac- fiblematerialssuchasanadjacentbuildings, from vent manufacturer. For vertical installa- tory Built Fireplaces is 2l OOHT(degree F)liner fences, protruding parts of the structure, tions use a 3"(75 mm)to 4"(1O0 mm) "tee" listed to UL 1777 or ULC 5635. roof overhang,plants and shrubs,etc.and -available from vent manufacturer, not less than 7 feet (2.1 meters) above Connection to an Existing Class A Chimney grade when located adjacent to the public Offsets (Roe-Standing Models) sidewalks(access).Thetinaitermination of In every installation,asingle ordouble clean-out A chimney adapter can be used to make the the clue gast s system musto arbe ooe hmaU so that flue gases do not leopartlile the safety Yoeetis(recommended for every ninety-degree connectionlletventfrom 3" (75 ULmm) or 6414" mm) of people passing by,overheat combustible wfset(thtsfee;will help coikctash residue and to ex vent pipe(listed to 641 or ULC 5609) will albwtor routine cleaning without the need to existing UL chimney system.Vogt'with the portions of nearby structures or enter the to disconnect sections of pipe). pipe manufacturer that your pipe brands will dwelling. interconnect. 0 Not less than 3 feet(.92 meters) below an Note:Offsets and horizontal runs accumulate cave (maximum overhang of 3 feet (.92 flyashandsoolwhich reduces the exhaustflow Horizontal Vent Installations meters) or any construction that projects and performance of the stovemore than 2 inches(51 mm)tramthe plane On all horizontal vent installations (short, of the wall. • Total Offsets in venting system should not horizontal runs with no vertical pipe); care E. The distannefmmthe bottom of terminafipn exceed 270°total in direction change. should be taken when choosing a location for to is grade12 inches(305 mm) minimum. terminating the vent. It is not recommended This is conditional upon plants and nature 4 Horizontal Runs - The maximum total to directly vent the exhaust on the prevailing horizontal rue must not exceed lU feet wind side of the house.It is recommended-that of grade surface: Be careful to choose a (3.1 meters). when an appliance is vented directly through location for the vent termination which a wall,a minimum of a Leet(2.5 m)of vertical does not expose people or shrubs to high • Horizonlalrunotpiperequires 174"(7mm) pipe should be installed to create,some natural heat from the exhaust gases.The exhaust rise perfect. draft This will reduce the possibility of smoke gases are not hot enough to ignite grass, or odor entering lie dwelling during appliance plants and shrubs located in the vhvniry of Pipe Clearances/Requirements shutdown or loss of power. the termination although they should be a See pipe manufacturers instructions for instal- Vent Terminatlee minimum of 3 feet(.92 meters)away.The lation of venting components and clearances. grade surface under the termination must Follow pipemanufacturersinstallation pecan- Do not terminate vent in an enclosed or not be a lawn. Pons for passing pipe through a combustible semienclosed area such as: carports,garage, F Since sparks may escape f rom the exhaust wall or ceiling (i.e.use an approved thimble). attic,crawl space,under a deck,porch,narrow pipe of any stove, use caution when Note: Pellet vent pipe requires 3" (75 mm) walkway, closely fenced area, or any location positioning the vent pipe. Refer to pipe clearance!rani auisideolpipe unlessothenvise that can build up aconcentration ottumes such manufacturer's instructions wheninstalling specified by tent manufacturer-a ammeters.- as a stairwell,covered breezeway etc. and terminating the exhaust.The vent pipe 3175unbend 4"(100mm).A support bracket should be horizontal and never run the pipe must be installed every 4 feet(1.2 m)of pellet Vent surfaces can get hot enough to cause inadownward direction(rerommenda 1/4 vent pipe on theextenor wall of the house unless burns it touched. Adults should supervise otherwise specified by vent manufacturer children when they are in the area of a hot inch [7 mml rise per foot horizontal). stove. Non-combustible shielding or guards Pipe/Liner Joint Requirements may be required Notes: All pipe joints must be securedwithaminimum Termination Cap:Thetermination of the outside . It is not recommended to terminate exhaust of 3 screws. ALL. horizontal joints must be chimney of the pellet stove shall be located in vent on Me prevailing wind side of the sealed gas-tight(air light seated connection), accordance with the following; house. Use RN high temperature silicone or interam • itis not recommended using a termination to provide a complete seal at the flue collar A. Higher than 3 feet (.92 meters)above any cap with a screen(fly ash can collect in a and on all joints. forced air inlet(air conditioner,etc.)located whin 101eet(3 meters). screen resulting in blockage(. BITE DIAGRAMS 4 ILLU5WhTmNSA1r NOT TO SCAtE 11