39A-009 City of Northampton Mail-Northampton Permits https://mail.google.corn/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=953d3f3e7a&view pt&se... ($ h.; � CilYi9 Meghan Cahill <mcahill@northamptonma.gov> Northampton Permits 2 messages Meghan Cahill <mcahill@northamptonma.gov> Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 11:17 AM To: ccreswell@boulangersplumbing.com Hello, Good Morning! I was hoping you could help me out with a couple of things. 1) I believe you are no longer doing the work at 104 Conz St. Is this correct? If so could you shoot me a letter or fax or email just stating that you want to withdraw the permit. That way I can just take care of it in our system. 2)As we are nearing the end of our fiscal year, I have to go through all the old permits, and I have found a hand full of open permits from you guys. I was hoping you could let me know which, if any, of them are still ongoing. And then we need to schedule inspections for the ones that the work is complete. Any assistance in doing that would be super appreciated. Here's the list: 64 Gothic St Unit 202 85 Hampton Ave 12 Crafts Ace-water heater 34 Glendale Rd 15 Gothic St 58 Woodland Dr 352 Spring St. Thanks so much for you help. Meghan Cahill Inspections mcahill @northam p tonm a.gov 413587-1271 Christine Creswell <CCreswell@boulangersplumbing.com> Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 1:23 PM To: Meghan Cahill <mcahill@northamptonma.gov> Hi Meghan, Yes, another company was call in to do the work at 104 Conz Street after we applied for the permit, so no, we never did any work at that address. I will look into the remaining permits you have listed and get back to you, it may take a day or two though. Thank you, 1 oft 6/14/17, 3:19 PM Napo �S0 6L� 6I Ci cda/6 '/d0 06 MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO PERFORM GAS FITTING WORK T`- CITY Ivpc\-3YV"N,YYn(l\-n y\ —1 MA DATE[ - - PERMITM CP/^-/7-(IV JOBSITE ADDRESS 101-4 L.Ot\? Ir- 1 OWNER'S NAME ricco Alenrrx nIs unr5 o GOWNER ADDRESS TE FAX TYPE OR OCCUPANCY TYPE COMMERCIAL, EDUCATIONAL ❑ RESIDENTIAL I PRINT CLEARLY NEW: RENOVATION:❑ REPLACEMENT:Li r�"� "r•NS SUBMI ED: YES LI NOD APPLIANCES 1 FLOORS-. BSM t 2 3 4 5 6 (7Th 11 12 13 14 1P1116 v BOILER 1?1116 BOOSTER CONVERSIONBURNER _ _ '11' 1 COOK STOVEDIRECT VENT HEATER1 DRYER1111101' FIREPLACE FRYOLATOR L FURNACE ¢ GENERATOR GRILLE INFRARED HEATER q LABORATORY COCKS MAKEUP AIR UNIT ` - OVEN �. r POOL HEATER ROOM/SPACE HEATER ROOF TOP UNIT TEST UNIT HEATER 1 l UNVENTED ROOM HEATER WATER HEATER i .l. I I k i, i I, : , - OTHER t_. .. 1 -y .... '•T • -RO J l I g I INSURANCE COVERAGE I have a current liability Insurance policy or its substantial equivalent which meets the requirements of MGL.Ch.142 YES Q NO ❑ 1W YOU CHECKED YES,PLEASE INDICATE THE TYPE OF COVERAGE BY CHECKING THE APPROPRIATE BOX BELOW LIABILITY INSURANCE POUCY U OTHER TYPE INDEMNITY ❑ BOND ❑ OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER:I am aware that the licensee does not have the Insurance coverage required by Chapter 142 of the Massachusetts General Laws,and that my signature on this permit application waives this requirement. CHECK ONE ONLY: OWNER ❑ AGENT ❑ SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AGENT I hereby certify that all of the details and Information I have submated or entered regarding this application are We and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that all plumbing work and Installations performed under the permit Issued for this application will be in compliance with all Pertinent provision of the Massachusetts State Plumbing Code and Chapter 142 of the General Laws. PLUMBER-GASFITTER NAME Paul Duda —1 LICENSE 495-4-1 SIGNATURE MP MGF❑ JP JGF❑ LPGI❑ CORPORATION D# 1891C (PARTNERSHIP❑MI 1LLC❑# COMPANY NAME:Boulangees Plumbing&Healing,Inc. ADDRESS PO Box 89,373 Main Street CITY Easthampton STATE MA ZIP 01027 TEL 413-527-3240 —( FAX 413-529-9367 CELL EMAIL ccreswell(a]boulangersplumbing.com / VGrLt k/ //f-t,- Clf:/14