35-071 (3) 392 RYAN RD BP-2017-1035 GIS 4: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Mao:Block:35 -071 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot:-001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) ('atecory: SOI AR ELECTRIC SYSTEM BUILDING PERMIT Permit it BP-2017-1035 Project 3 JS-2017-001779 Est.Cost: $12936.00 Fee:575.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const. Class: Contractor: License: Use Greun: VMVINT SOLAR DEVELOPER LLC 070940 Lot Size(sq.if): 19994.04 Owner: CHARLAND ARTHUR Zoninv: Applicant: VIVINT SOLAR DEVELOPER LLC AT: 892 RYAN RD Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 150 PADGETTE ST UNITB (413) 331-0769 _. WC CHICOPEEMA01022 ISSUED ON:3/16/2017 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK:INSTALLATION OF ROOF MOUNTED PV SYSTEM - 21 MODULES, 5.88KW POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough; House if Foundation: Driveway Final: F"final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy Signature: FeeType: Date Paid: Amount: Building 3/16/2017 0:00:00 $75.00 212 Main Street, Phone(413)587-1240,Fax: (413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner File#BP-2017-1035 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON VIVINT SOLAR DEVELOPER LLC ADDRESS/PHONE 150 PADGETTE ST UNIT B CHICOPEE (413)331-0769 PROPERTY LOCATION 892 RYAN RD MAP 35 PARCEL 071 001 ZONE THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT r Fee Paid 76. 8uildina permit Filled out /LJ Fee Paid T seaConstruction: INSTALLATION OF ROOF MOUNTED PV SYSTEM-21 MODULES-5.88K W New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/Statement or License 070940 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFQAMATION PRESENTED: „_Approved Additional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER:$ Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance*_, Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission Permit DPW Storm Water Management Sign ire of Bu ding Official Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. * Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A. Contact Office of Planning& Development for more infonnation. 4 ,.. ' rek �,�p VDepartment use Only ity of N�P�rnpton Status of Permit: B ildin NI* Curb Cut/Driveway Permit 2 Nlain,Stieet SeweriSepticAyaimkdgty 0otri-100 Water(Well Availability Northa ,tya'AAA 01060 Two Sem of Structural Plans phone 413-587-1240 Fax 413-587-1272 Plot/Site Plans Oa-SPeab APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,ALTER,REPAIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING SECTION 1 -SITE INFORMATION 1.1 Pro rtv Address' (J This section to be completed by office Ro ev Map Lot Unit / nevi/'�1 Zone Overlay District Elm St District ce District SECTION 2-PROPERTY OWNERSHIP/AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1wn r of Record: r'Aar Char/and 893 9.r) Name(Pn C earla :goats Telephone Signature 2.2 Authorized Agent: Savina Cervone 150 Padgelte St, Chicopee, MA 01022 Name rine Current Mailing Address. CAd �- 413-331-0769 Sgnmum Telephone SECTION 3-ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTO Item Estimated Cost(Dollars)to be Official Use Only completed by permit applicant I. Building 09 s-T (a)Building Permit fee 2. Electrical Yr/Sla/i'1ClCJ///r¢ �y"'t (b)Estimated Constructiontfromo(6) f 3. Plumbing �T 4J Mr.L.S.../ Building Permit Fee 4. Mechanical(HVAC) 5. Fire Protection �f 6. Total=(1 +2+3+4+ )^�5_--_ � Check Number !' :'+r�/il 7 6 This Section For Oficial Use Only "J CJ t^ Building Permit Number' Date Issued: .... Signature: Building Commissioner/inspector of Buildings Date 71 �lep ' r Section 4. ZONING All Information Must Be Completed. Permit Can Be Denied Due To Incomplete Information .11.11111.111=1. Required by Zoning eo u;nn to be fitted in by Budding Department Setbacks Fmr,}i Side MEI • Rear hiala • Bldg.Square �!iiii_= Open Space Footage -�--__ (Lot arca minus bids&paved nrkine) --1 11LuII3�:1fOL1>_ ,�iii� A, Has a Speciat Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued Forton the site? NO 0 DONT KNOW 0 YES 0 IF YES, date issued: W YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO 0 DONT KNOW 0 YES 0 IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# B. Does the site contain a brook,body of water or wetlands? NO 0 DONT KNOW O YES O IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained O Obtained O , Date Issued C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES O NO 0 IF YES, describe size,type and location: D. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES 0 NO 0 IF YES, describe size, type and location: E. Will the construction activity disturb(el ming,grading.excavation,or filling)over I acre or is it part of a common plan that AM disturb over acre? YES NO 0 IF YES,then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. a .y SECTION S-DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK(check all applicable) New House ❑ Addition ❑ Replacement Windows Alteration(s) Roofing 0 Or Doors 0 Accessory Bldg. ❑ Demolition ❑ New Signs (DI Decks [C Siding(CI Other(ES Brief Description of Proposed_ q G+ Work: Installation oroot mounted Dhotovoltaic solar systems#of modules al kA Please mail permit in self-addressed envelope. Thank you Alteration of existing bedroom Yes No Adding new bedroom Yes No Attached Narrative Renovating unfinished basement Yes No Plans Attached Rall -Sheet sa.If New house and or addition to existing housing, complete the following, a. Use of building One Family Two Family Other • N Number of rooms in each family unit: Number of Bathrooms c. Is there a garage attached? d. Proposed Square footage of new construction. Dimensions e. Humber of stones? f. Method of heating?_ Fireplaces or Woodetoves Number of each_,. g. Energy Conservation Compliance. Mosscheck Energy Compliance form attached? h. Type of construction i Is construction within 100 ft of wetlands? Yes No. Is construction within 100 yr. floodplain Yes No j. Depth of basement or cellar floor below finished grade It Wia building conform to the Building and Zoning regulations? Yes No. I. Septic Tank City Sewer Private well City water Supply SECTION Ta-OWNER AUTHORIZATION-TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLES FOR BUILDING PERMIT as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize to act on my behalf,in ail matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Signature of Owner Date I, Vivint Solar Developer , as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate,to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury Savina Cervone Print rne Cala tit — 41/7 r SECTION 8-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 8.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor. Not Applicable 0 Name of License Homer John A Jalhert CS070940 License Number 150 P-t r t St U FF/J�Ch. once.MA 01022 03/25/2017 Ada / r R' E*tNration hate I 413-331 69 Sig 're r Telephone S.Registered Home Nsmtovement Contractor Not Applicable ❑ Vivint Solar Developer/John A Talbert 170848 Company Name Registration Number 3301 N T11ankseivipg Way#500 Lehi UT 84043 1/5/2018 Address Expiration Date Telephone 413-331-0769 SECTION 10-WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L.c.452 h 26C(89 Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes. 0 No.. ❑ 11. - Home Owner Exemption The current exemption for"homeowners"was extended to include Owner-occupied Dwellings of one(I) or two(2)families and to allow such homeowner to engage an individual for hire who does not possess a license,provided that the owner*els es supervisor.CMR 780. Sixth Edition Seetion 108.3.5,1. Definition of Homeowner:Person(s)who own a pared of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside,on which there is,or is intended to be,a one or two family dwelling,attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or firm structures.A person who cunslructs mare than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered*homeowner. Such"homeowner"shall submit to the Building Official,on a form acceptable to the Building Official that he/she shall be responsible for all such work performed under the buildlna permit. As acting Construction Supervisor your presence on the job site will be required from time to time,during and upon completion of the work for whist this permit is issued. Also be advised that with reference to Chapter 152(Workers'Compensation) and Chapter 153(Liability of Employers to Employees for injuries not resulting in Death)of the Massachusetts General Laws Annotated,you may he liable for person(s) you hire to perform work for you under this permit. The undersigned"homeowner"certifies and assumes responsibility for compliance with the State Building Code,City of Northampton Ordinances,State and Local Zoning Laws and State of Massachusetts General Laws Annotated, Homeowner Signature _ The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents 1 Congress Street,Suite 100 1 Boston, MA 02114-2017 .mYT. y www.mass.gov/dia Rurkers'Compensation Insurance Affidavit: BuiiderslContraetors/Electricians/Piumbers. TORE FILED WITH TILE PERMITTING AUTHORITY. Applicant information Please Print Legible Name(0usines/Organization/lndiviiduab:Vivint Solar Developer LLC Address:1800 W Ashton Blvd City/State/Zip:Lehi,UT phone#:8554977-2974 Are you an employer?Cheek the appropriate box: Type of project(required): I I am a employer with 217 -cmn!nyeu(full,mdlor pan-Limed^ J. [3 New construction 2 O t am a sada or-wiper renip orpadland have co employees working For me to 8. ❑ Remodeling any capacity.(Noworkcn comp.insurance requital 3 0I am a homeowner doing all work myself. No workers'comp.liverymen required. 9. ❑Demolition 40es c 1 am a homeowner and will be hiring ca conduct all work on my property- I will Ill❑ Building addition me mat all convenors other have wo kea'compemvion minnow:or are cote 1 f,0 Electrical repairs or additions proprietors with no employees. 12.0 Plumbing repairs or additions 50 t am a general contactor and I have hired the subcontractors listed on the anached Mem, 1].O ROOf re airs Thome a These subcontractors have employand have workers'camp.insuneat P 6�We are a corporation and as officers have exercised their right of exemption per MGL c, 14.D Other _ 152,4144),and we have no employees.[No wwrn wrap insurance txquired3 '_ *Any applicant that rheefie box it must also fill out section below-showing their workers'compensation policy information_ HOOkOwnelk who submit this affidavit indicating they art doing all work and then hire outside contactors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. tcontractoa that check this box must Moffitt an additional sheet showing the name of the sob-contractors and state whether or not those entities have cnminyees If we sub-contractors have employees,grey must provide their workers comp.policy number. I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and job site information. Insurance Company Name:Zurich American Insurance Company Policy#or Self-ins,Lic.#:: 0509601302 n Expiration Date:11/01/17 �q/(/ Job Site.Address:B In }wRqc}� 12d .. City/State/Zip:... AP It, 411 jrL/7 Attach a copy of the workers'co ensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expire on date). Failure to secure coverage as required under MOL c. 152,§25A is a criminal violation punishable by a tine up to$1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to 5250.00 a day against the violator.A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DR for insurance coverage verification. Ido hereby certi e , intea ,a '. o t dutythat the information provided above Lv true and correct mature pate: t l/z)ZL1( (r? Phone a-855-877-:T4 j t Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town official City or Town: Perm:ULU-ease# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Board of Health 2.Building Department 3.City/Town Clerk 4.Electrical Inspector 5.Plumbing Inspector 6.Other Contact Person: Phone it: eMassachusetts-Capartment of Public Sally Board of Building Regula ions and Standard. Constructlnn Supersi.o Limns*:CB-07gS4S Jolla AJalbaft = Sereps !91 ELM STRESS WEST SPRINCITE 40 11 IS I1 Expiration Cammlatlonar 08/26M017 LIIMOIEW UCSanDfegO Extension lV rINNI.1MyrMSV eTI MIX/MON RISMUTI OSel Lhisahrdc.rtiihYSlhal: JOHN I , ;RT : has completed a ICIHourOSHA Hazard Recognition Tramping for the Construction industry. te?_r fu 01/25/2014 olrevmr:sou MacKay Trainer-Tytar Slap Grad.Date taretem AC b CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE ATENo) rr" THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the poIicyfies)must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRWUCER CONTACT MARSH USA INC,. NAME:PRONE _. _.. .... 1225 11TH STREET.SUITE 13% _MS.NP.EXU (FAX DENVER,CO BO201.5S34 Ewa Mn' enver.CeltRequest@marTJ.Com I Fax 211^.40-4351 ADDRESS: te ` INSUREWSIAFFORGING COVERAGE MAIC s INSURER A:ANS 6Ujcilly Europe INSUREeINSURER a:IDnnh ArlleEWn Insurance(Nathan) W -0fi535 W Solar,Inc. —.... N&thar^vetokAmr LLC INSURER C:Amnon ZEAL IrstvmKKf CNnyatY 40142 Wont Solar Prouder LLC INSURER O:NfA N/A 1510 W.Ashton Blvd. _ Lehi,UT 84043 INSURER E: INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: SEA-002920387.14 REVISION NUMBER:4 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR hMboE SUER pouCY Hi POLICY EXP LTp TYPE OF INSURANCE INSr1 WM) POLICY NUMBER •IMMVDYYYY1 IMMNOTYYI LIMITS A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LABILITY ,3776500117EN 01/29/2011 111101/2010 (ACR OCCURRENCE. LIE 1,000050 4 IN `VAMAGETURENTW l 'CLAmcMADE I X I OCCUR AREY6E5(EeOAmMm4 i ...... 1,0?3.000 I I I EN MEDEXP(Anyon*perso10,000S 10,IX — - • PERSONAL&AINJURY $ 1,000,00 I GERI AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER I GENERAL AGGREGATE IS 2,000,000 X t POLICY I. JECT t.......1 LOCI _PRODUCTS-COMPOPAGG S 1E05,000 I OTHER: I i 8 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ]BAP509 01502 11101/2018 11/01/4017 OMBIrvEEDSINGLELIMIT $ 1,000,000 X ANY AUTO I BODILY INJURY(PW pateI n) $ ''�ALL OWNED 1 SCHEDULED 1 BODILY INJURY(Pp'amde,p $ Aura( 1 r NoNO'a ED PROPERTY OAMA.ULU ; - —. %HIREUAUT05 Y' AUTOS ,IP&acadeM 5 `Conm;CXI Oed I s 1,600 A X UMBRELLA LIAR X OCCUR 3776500217EN 101/29/2011 11/01/2018 EACH OCCURRENCE 5 5,000,000 X EXCESS LIAR CLAIMS-MADEI . CL Only I t AGGREGATE s 5636,005 C OFFICER/MEMBER DEO '..RETEnON x/NI CE0 9302 11101/2016 111/012017 X PER OTH 5 B �Mm �� ttEXECUTM1 . AZ,C ii EL EACH ACCIDNT__ E 1�,� LAND EMP3LONPENSAIKIN W STATUTE ER ANY PROPRETDRE CA Ci FL.NL MA,MD,Nd, EXL I]]9 N NIA �IMtm 1 rya NH) ,NY,PASE,TX,UT OYE 5 i,W0,000 f 9E0141)2(MA) 11/01/2016 11101/201/ 1,000,000 LESGRIPTON OFOPERATIONS M1br EL OISFASE�P(11.1 POLICY LIMIT 5 I DESCRIPTGN OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS/VEHICLES IAGORD 101,AGdkdYl Remarks ScrMtluM,may be etla[Mtl M Imre space Is rpuNMl CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION Town of Nonhamplon SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE 212 Main Street THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF. NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Northampton,MA 01060 ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS, AUTNgdZED REPRESENTATIVE Of MW.USA Mc. n Kathleen M.Parslce ,rfjr'teethe h(.4.Le/K ON 1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved, ACORD 25(2014)01) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD VIVIft• 1800 W Ashton Blvd. Structural Group Lehi, UT 84043 Jon P. Ward,SE,PE J.Matthew Walsh,SE,PE Clint C.Karren,PE Structural Engineering Manager Senior Structural Engineering Manager Structural Engineering Manager jon.ward@vivintsolar.com james.walsh@vivintsolar.com Clintkarren@vivintsolar.com March 02,2017 Re: Structural Engineering Services Charland Residence 892 Ryan Rd, Florence, MA S-5437410; MA-04 To Whom It May Concern: Pursuant to your request,we have reviewed the following information regarding solar panel installation on the roof of the above referenced home: 1. Site Visiwerification Form prepared by a representative from our office under my supervision identifying specific site information including size and spacing of members for the existing roof structure. 2. Proposed layout of the system including connection details for the solar panels. 3. Photographs of the interior and exterior of the roof system identifying existing structural members and their conditions. Based on the above information we have evaluated the structural capacity of the existing roof system to support the additional loads imposed by the solar panels and have the following comments related to our review and evaluation: Description of Residence: The existing residence is typical wood framing construction with the root system consisting of the following: • Roof Section 1: Dimensional lumber-2x6 al 1 6"on center and 1x6 collar ties at 32"on center. The attic space is unfinished and photos indicate that there was free access to visually inspect the size and condition of the roof members. All wood material utilized for the roof system is assumed to be Spruce-Pine-Fir#2 or better with standard construction components. The existing roofing material consists of a maximum of two layers of composite shingle. A. Loading Criteria 9.13 PSF= Dead Load(roofing/framing) 2.59 PSF= Dead Load(solar panels/mounting hardware) 11.72 PSF=Total Dead Load 40 PSF=Ground Snow Load (based on local requirements) Wind weed of 90 mph (based on Exposure Category B-the total area subject to wind uplift is calculated for the Interior, Edge, and Corner Zones of the dwelling.) B. Solar Panel Anchorage 1. The solar panels shall be mounted in accordance with the most recent"Unirac, Inc. Installation Manual", which can be found on the Unirac, Inc. website (www.unirac.com). If during solar panel installation, the roof framing members appear unstable or deflect non-uniformly, our office should be notified before proceeding with the installation. 2. The solar panels are 11/2" thick and mounted 41/2' off the roof for a total height off the existing roof of 6". At no time will the panels be mounted higher than 6"above the existing plane of the roof. Page 1 ol2 vivant. Page 2 of 2 3. Maximum allowable pullout per lag screw is 205 lbs/inch of penetration as identified in the National Design Specifications (NDS) of timber construction specifications for Spruce-Pine-Fir. Based on our evaluation, the pullout value, utilizing a penetration depth of 2'/C, is less than the maximum allowable per connection and therefore is adequate. 4. The maximum allowed spacing was calculated for the Wind Speed shown in paragraph A above, using the wind load uplift procedures of ASCE 7-10 and is specified below. The fallowing values have been verified by in- house testing and the mounting hardware manufacturers' data, which are available upon request. Panel support connections shall be staggered to distribute load to adjacent members. Modules in Landscape Modules in Portrait Roof Zone Interior I Edge Corner Interior Edge Corner Max Vertical S•acinq(n) 40 40 40 66 66 66 Max Horizontal Spacing(in) 64 64 -... 64 64 6464.._..— Max Uplift Load (lbs) 159 131 125 268 221 ...._ 210 C.Summary Based on the above evaluation,with appropriate panel anchors being utilized the roof system designed on will adequately support the additional loading imposed by any solar array size and configuration, if installed correctly. This evaluation is in conformance with the 2009 International Residential Code with Massachusetts Amendments, current industry standards and practice,and the information supplied to us at the time of this report. Should you have any questions regarding the above or if you require further information do not hesitate to contact me. may/' 3441 Regards, • , ,. Jon P.Ward,SE, PEs `t MA License No.52584 ° z L. C4 of. b. � NO 32 . + ♦ FcIsTEP$�\`a�C ak rr`,ONAL ry + + vivint. �f-fe es cka-t t City of Northampton /'� �/ Building Department 3 -/d- / / Plan Review N ?Ore -e-i2 Main Street ----) . m 5 Northampton, MA 01060 0 �hW-llylPln`' g.0,892 RYAN RD, FLORENCE MA 01062 " °"` as PV SYSTEM SIZE: O 'a up 5.880 kW CC p ------------------------------------- am.,, 5 ew'i EgR.wou,e. `NTN` a,Nrnoxmrmeswwarua z, Iis= liNJne6s .,.b., p.e NTO M JUNm..,emo�r.00r oN"' C 3 on .' O • om Root Type:Comp Shingle lr ' n P O �s.n�oni e A \ 1 M+ g n \\ C ISHEET SHIEE. Wg �a SHEET NUMBER 0 PV SYSTEM SITE PLAN SCALE:3(16"s ILO' a- lye- 1111 =wm SFM-TRIMRAIL WITH c)SFM ROOF ATTACHMENT C SFM-3" RAIL OSFM-9"ATTACHED SPLICE OSFM-9"SPLICE �'W�����SFM-TRIMRAIL `C ROOF ATTACHMENT 30 w30 xn PV 30 20 w3° p \3 NOT SCALE W 3.0 ^n TO SCALE _ _ _ L."TL.x",w LENS ifill L-BON IA piPi I' P SEMI MLitt 1 CSECTION VIEW PV SYSTEM MOUN NG DETAIL ""' �II14w3o xo..o Y.0 w3.oJxm.a tli I §cuwtr I / g 9 .nnacxuEx. Ym cumr.nna<nmexr mw.we 9 R 9 CLAMP SPACING NM NW MODULE IIIII ,x•x.xx. .�.aa E SHNAME MEI MODULE ll x SHEET ow � o o• 9 MODULES IN PORTRAIT/LANDSCAPE r ��\SFM LAYOUTODi 34 xm,orxe CLAMPsa.exe uwasa.cxe w3.a NOT m SCALE a a Photovoltaic System Conduit Conductor Schedule(ALL CONDUCTORS MUST BE COPPER) DC System Size 5880 Ta6 IS DesriptonWire ea n of conductors/Colorconductors/Color conduit Type Conduit Sue AC System sed 7600 1?V Wire ID AWG 2IW,VT N/AFree Air N/A-Free Air w sr Total Module Count 21 I are Copper GrounMEGC/GEM 6 AWG I BARE N/A-Free Air N/A,Free Air so ar 2 THWN-2 10 AWG 4(2V+,2V)B/R PVC 1" n 2 THWN-2-Ground B AWG 1)GRNI PVC 1" Q £ 'N 3 THWN-2 8AWG 3I111 1L21M8/B/W PVC 1" 3 THWN•2.Ground 8 AWG 1)GRN� PVC 1 — a °y 4 THWN-2 B AWG 3{1L1112 IN)0/R/W LFNC 1" = 4 THWN-2-Ground B AWG 1{GRNl LFNC P' LL m til C.) Sii ▪C w 5 or y C at 3 S6 cr7 _ 9, snug vw¢n dor CIE 1.-2008,Rapid i f n— 2 rOv/500.unloved, side IV NEC D01 Conforms ti s H ev0 0 �� ti L2 Z 0 won)S ttnmre0onr IV 1 " E f x STRING V ID MODULES . 111 M SHEET ELL NAME L _�.� QN4 _.. . r c 3 MOM/LIES' oo Nom orwsreor em To b Phase with 00A Mon ecp WO LG°LEVI SO" No p SHETT 8 MB Cr �r___� NUMBER' xtw MODULES Poo xui0Te0=seen wsTR 5R izrlTw,t.eie.mm,.at - fi DC Safety Switch PV Module Rating @ SIC Conductor Calculations Rated for mora operating condition of Module Make/Model 1RM280M 600 -Wire gauge calculated from NEC code 310.15(0)(16)with ambient temperature calculations o inverter.NEC 690.35 compliant.Opens all Max.Power-Point Current11mp) 8.81 Amps from NEC 310.15(2)1a). o m ungrounded conductors Max.Power-Point Voltage(Vmp) 318 Volts C m Open-Circuit Voltage(nod e V 38.6 Volts adjustmentFor'tn Root conductors we use the 90Ccolumn ampacity,0.5"-3.5"off-the-roof temperature Y i E ce Optimizer SOInE Edge Short-Circuit Curre rat Isc) 953 Ampsfr°m 3301510)13)1 c),thend raceway lurrroadjustments linin 330]5)8)(161. dgFor"OX Roe conductor we use tee frac column amor the 90T column ampacity with 118 DC Input Power 3W Watts Max.Series Fuse OCP0 15 Amps the relevant am6eM temperature and tineway filladjustments,hegreat or er is equalto,st — DC Max.Input Voltage 90 Volts Nom.Max.Powerat Mt iPmexl 280 Watts dThe utyup"gofthe conductor after adjustments MUST be greater than,or equal the continuous DC Max.Input Current 12.5 Amps Max.System Voltage IWOV DC NO duty uprated output current. DC Max.Output Current 15 Amps Va Temperature Coefficient 0.29 J %/C Calculation Example•Wire Rating(9o°c)arent t Temperature Adjustment x Conduit Fill o ax.String Rating 5250 Watts Adjustment>a Continuous Duty Output Current Inverter Make/Model AC Output Current According to NEC 690.018))1) 3162 Amps Ion Roof,Tag 2a0gauge woe rated for 40 A, CO Ax O21x 0.81<Conductors)-2212 A>= CEC Efficiency 597 5 %US Nominal AC Voltage 240 Volts18]SA AC OperatingVoltage 240 Voris THIS PANEL IS FED BY MULTIPLE SOURCES(UTILITY AND SOLARI (Off Runt, Tag 31:8 gauge wire rated for 50 A, 50 A>=395BA jOff Bunt,Tag 4):8 gauge wire rated fa 500. 50 A>a 39.58A Max.Output Current 32 Amps DC Input Current 23 Amps Rooftop conductor ampacities designed in compliance with NEC (S DCMax.M ) Short Circuit Current 40 Amps 590$Tables 310.6(B)j1)(a),31o.15(B))3)Ia),310.I5(e)(3)Ic), Max.Output Fault Cumin 40 A/20 ms 310.1518)(16),Chapter 9 Table e,5°®9. [macabre.,specific temperature obtained from ASHRAE 2011 data tables. ASHRAE Mont- :` Highest Mnthly Mean Extreme Design Temp.:33 x°c Lowest Mm.Mean Ev re me O B:-269'C OCPD Calculations S Breakers sized according to continuous duty output current PV artwl nominal current based o0 oro moaner continuous output current)(11 25 (NEC code 21019)AR1Ha)). rn ter1-SEISWOutput A-US Max 31.62 A x 115{NEC code 210.191A)(p(a)I � £ Z Inverter — 39.SBA 4GA(CCM — system output current w/continuous duty=39.59<4OA(System OCPOI Other = E n SHEET •All interior raceways carrying DC current shah be metallic. NAME: •All ampacity calculations are made in compliance with NEC 220.5(11)..49 and below is rounded down to 0,and.50 and above are rounded up. 2 O. SHEET NUMBER. N • iii U N I RAC U-BUILDER PROJECT REPORT VERSION:121 MAR 11,2017,06'.51 PM PROJECT TITLE: NONE PROJECT ID: 649693F0 Name: None Designed by acardwell Address: None SUNFRAME MicroRail 2.0 City.State: Bay State Village,MA,01062 21-280 Watt Panels Module: Jinko JKM280M-60(40mm) 370 Sq Ft. 280 Watts 5.9 kWs BILL OF MATERIALS Legend:ease System'Part Accessory Part Suggested Unit Price Total List Number Part Type Description Quantity Quantity (USD) Price(USD) 12301408 MicroRail Splice SFM SPLICE 940MM 15 15 22.78 341.70 230940B Micro Rail(9) SFM ATT SPLICE 940MM 3 3 36.27 108.81 240904D Roof Attachment SFM TRIM ROOF ATT ASSY HEX 10 10 14.20 142.00 0080153 N-S Wire Clip WIRE BND CLIP 8 8 2.77 22.16 004016D Flashing SFM FLAT FLASHING 37 37 13.91 514.67 030027C Lag Boll HDW LAG BOLT.5/16 X 4 37 37 079 29.23 240140B Trim SFM TRIMRAIL 6640MM DRK 5 5 78.92 394.60 12402406 Trim SFM TRIMRAIL 13240MM DRK 1 1 155.36 155.36 240903D Trim Splice SFM TRIM SPLICE DRK 4 4 6.66 34.64 2303408 Mlcrorail(3) SFM MICRO RAIL 340MM 24 24 21.43 514.32 1008009P Grounding Lug ILSCO LAY IN LUG(GBL4DBT) 1 1 8.40 8.40 BASE SYSTEM ACCESSORIES i TOTAL PRICE $999.47 $1266.42 $2265.89 $0.170 PER WATT $0.215 PER WATT $0.385 PER WATT This design is to be evaluated to the product appropriate Unirac Code Compliant Installation Manual which references International Building Code 2003.2006 2009,2012 and ASCE 7-02,ASCE 7-05,ASCE 7-10 and California Building Code 2010.The installation of products related to this design is subject to requirements in the above mentioned installation manual. I 2301408 SFM SPICE 940MM BD MlcroRall Splice 15 230940B SFM ATT SPLICE 9 40M Micro Rall(9) /✓" TBD 3 2409040 SFM TRIM ROOF ATT ASSY HEX Roof Attachment -r TBD 10 is I 008015S WIRE BAD CLIP NA Wire Clip TBD B I 004016D SFM FLAT FLASHING Flashing Includes fleshing,attached gasket,washer,and square aluminum washer only.(12"x 37 8"),tag bolt and nil attachment component sold separately.NOTE:about other flashing options i 030027C HDW LAG BOLT,5/16 X 4 Lag Bolt Zinc plated steel,3-12"length,2-12"threaded length,5/181 shoulder diameter, 37 Confine that bolt strength and penetrating length can withstand the maximum loads of for your application, 240140B SFM TRIMRAIL 8640MMDRK Trim TBD 5 a 24024013 SFMTRIMRAIL 13240MMDRK Trim TBD 1 2409030 SFM TRIM SPLICE DRK Trim Splice TBD 4 d 230340B SFM MICRO RAIL 3 40MM Microrail(3) 1 BD 24 008009P ILSCO LAY IN LUG(GBL4DBT) Grounding Lug For electrical bonding of PV modules and rails.Accepts 4-14 AWG copper wires.Tin 1 plated copper body,114"stainless steel fasteners.NOTE:about other lug options UNI RAC U-BUILDER PROJECT REPORT VERSION:1.7.1 MAR 11.2017,06:51 PM PROJECT TITLE: NONE PROJECT ID:649693F0 Name: None Designed by acardwell Address. None SUNFRAME MicroRail 2.0 City,State: Bay State Village,MA,01062 21-280 Watt Panels Module: Jinko JKM280M-60(40mm) 370 Sq Ft. 280 Watts 5.9 kws ENGINEERING REPORT Plan review Inspection SUNFRAME M croRail Loads Used for Design Product: 2.0 Module Manufacturer: Jinko -Building Cade: ASCE 7-10 -Wind Speed: 90 mph Model: JKM280M-60(40mm) -Ground Snow Load: 40 psf Module Watts: 280 watts Module Length: -Seismic(Ss): 0.17 -Wind Exposure: B Module Width: 39.06" Module Thickness: 1.57" Loads Determined by Zip Module Weight: 41.90 Ks -City,State: Bay State Village,MA Roof Pitch: 3.12 -Wind Speed: ii?mph Building Height: 30 ft Special Wind Region Roof Type: Shingle -Ground Snow Load: 40 psf Total Weight: 879.90 lbs Total Number of Modules: 21 Total KW: 5.9 KW Array Area: -370.1 ft2 NS Dimension: -13.0 ft EW Dimension: -38.1 ft Rafter Spacing: 24 Design Pressures(psf) Zonal Zone2 Zone3 -Up -8.7 -17.6 -27.5 -Down 27.9 27.9 27.9 -Side 6.6 6.6 6.6 -Lateral 0.5 0.5 0.5 Maximum Point Loads Zonal Zone2 Zone3 1 -Up(lbs) -188.8 -332.6 -247.5 MkroRail Design Rules Zonel Zone2 Zone3 -Down(Ibs) 605.4 527.3 251.1 Max Cantilever(in) 18.0 18.0 8.0 -Side(Ibs) 143.2 1247 59.4 Span(in) 480 48.0 24.0 -Lateral(lbs) 108 9.4 4.5 Tin Overhang(in) 210 21.0 80 Effective Area Pin 21.1 189 9.0 Trim Span On) 64,0 640 24.0 MicroRail Portrait Design Rules Zonal Zone2 Zone3 Max Cantilever On) 18.0 1&0 8.0 Span(in) 48.0 48.0 24.0 Trim Overhang(in) 21.0 21.0 8.0 him Span(in) 640 64.0 24.0 RESIDENTIAL SOLAR POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT vivint.Solar Customer Name and Contact Information: Name(s)Arthur Charland Installation Location Approximate Start and Completion Date 892 RYAN RD Primary Phone 4137273263 2017-08-17 FLORENCE E-Mail charlanda@comcast.net MA 01062 $0 $.129 20yrs Up-Front Cost Energy Price($/kWh) Initial Term + We will design,install,maintain,repair, + We will not place a lien on Your Property. Our Promises monitor,and insure the System at no additional cost to You. + You are free to cancel this Agreement any time prior to Our commencement of + We warranty all of Our work,and that Our any work at or near Your Property roof penetrations will be watertight,for the associated with installation of the System. initial 20 year term. + The Energy Price includes a$5 monthly + Your Energy Price will not increase by more discount for paying by automatic debit from than 2.9%per year. Your bank account. + If You need to make Properly repairs,We + You will not be responsible for any property will remove and reinstall the System if You tax assessed on the System. pay Our estimated costs. + We will fix or pay for any damage We may cause to Your Property or belongings. Your Commitment • Pay for the Energy produced by the System. • Maintain a broadband internal connection. • Keep Your roof in good condition throughout • Continue service with Your Utility for any the Term. energy used above and beyond the System's • Respond to Our sales and support teams production. when scheduling and completing paperwork. At the End of Your Initial Term • You can renew the Agreement for a • You can request that We remove subsequent term; the System at no additional cost. • You can purchase the System;or If You Move • We guarantee You can transfer the • You can relocate the System to Your Agreement to the new home buyer, new home;or regardless of credit rating; • After the sixth anniversary,You can •You can prepay the Agreement; purchase the System. You may cancel this Agreement any time prior to commencement of any work at or near Your Property associated with installation of the System. Vivint Solar Developer, LLC(EIN: 80-0756438) is a licensed contractor in each state in which we operate,for information about our contractor licenses please visit www.vivintsolar.com/licenses. WE MAY HAVE PRESCREENED YOUR CREDIT. PRESCREENING OF CREDIT DOES NOT IMPACTYOUR CREDIT SCORE. YOU CAN CHOOSE TO STOP RECEIVING"PRESCREENED"OFFERS OF CREDIT FROM US AND OTHER COMPANIES BY CALLING TOLL-FREE 888.567.8688. SEE PRESCREEN &OPT-OUT NOTICE BELOW FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT PRESCREENED OFFERS. The Notice of Cancellation may be sent to this support@vivintsolar.com vivintsolar.com address: 1800 W Ashton Blvd., Lehi, UT 84043 877.404.4129 I 801.765.5758 copyright¢2016 Vivi en Solar Developer,LLC. All Rights Reserved. P PA(12/2016,v3.2.3) Pagel SIGNATURE PAGE AND NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS A. INCORPORATED DOCUMENTS. These documents Agreement, signed by both You and Us, before any are incorporated into this Agreement and apply to the work may be started. relationship between You and Us: (1) Residential Solar G. You have the right to require Us to have a Power Purchase Agreement, (2) Exhibit A: Notice of performance and payment bond. Cancellation, (3) Exhibit B: State Notices and Disclosures, (4) Exhibit C: Certificates of Insurance, H. CUSTOMER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL.YOU MAY CANCEL and (5)Customer Packet. THIS CONTRACT AT ANY TIME BEFORE THE LATER OF: B. WE HAVE NOT GUARANTEED, PROMISED OR (I) MIDNIGHT OF THE THIRD (3RD) BUSINESS DAY OTHERWISE REPRESENTED ANY REDUCTION IN AFTER THE TRANSACTION DATE, OR(II)THE START OF ELECTRICITY COSTS IN RELATION TO THE SYSTEM THAT ANY WORK AT OR NEAR YOUR PROPERTY ASSOCIATED WILL BE INSTALLED ON YOUR PROPERTY. WITH INSTALLATION OF THE SYSTEM. IF YOU WISH TO C. IT IS NOT LEGAL FOR USTO ENTER YOUR PREMISES CANCEL THIS CONTRACT,YOU MUST EITHER: (1)SEND UNLAWFULLY OR COMMIT ANY BREACH OF THE A SIGNED AND DATED WRITTEN NOTICE OF PEACE TO REMOVE GOODS INSTALLED UNDER THIS CANCELLATION BY MAIL, E-MAIL, OR FAX; OR AGREEMENT. (2) PERSONALLY DELIVER A SIGNED AND DATED D. DO NOT SIGN THIS AGREEMENT BEFORE YOU WRITTEN NOTICE OF CANCELLATION TO: VIVINT HAVE READ ALL OF ITS PAGES. You acknowledge that SOLAR DEVELOPER, LLC, 1800 W ASHTON BLVD, LEHI, You have read and received a legible copy of this UT 84043, ATTN: PROCESSING DEPARTMENT. IF YOU Agreement, that We have signed the Agreement, and CANCEL THIS CONTRACT WITHIN SUCH PERIOD, YOU that You have read and received a legible copy of every ARE ENTITLED TO A FULL REFUND OF YOUR MONEY. document that We have signed during the REFUNDS MUST BE MADE WITHIN 10 DAYS OF OUR negotiation. RECEIPT OF THE CANCELLATION NOTICE. SEE THE E. YOU RISK THE LOSS OF ANY PAYMENTS MADE TO ATTACHED NOTICE OF CANCELLATION FOR AN A SALES REPRESENTATIVE. EXPLANATION OF THIS RIGHT. DO NOT SIGN BELOW F. DO NOT SIGN THIS AGREEMENT IF THIS UNLESS WE HAVE GIVEN YOU THE "NOTICE OF AGREEMENT CONTAINS ANY BLANK SPACES. You are CANCELLATION". entitled to a completely filled in copy of this VIVINT SOLAR DEVELOPER, LLC CUSTOMER(S): Signature: \ATSignature: Printed Name: Susan Zegarra P,;ntedNome Arthur Charland Salesperson Na.: 200221 Date: 2017-02-18 Date: 2017-02-18 Signature: Printed Name: Date: 2017-02-18 cc solar - • • = IV SolarEdge Power Optimizer 2 Module Add-On For North America P300 / P400 / P405 CL O CC LU 11. 11O - wait PV power optimization at the module-level - Up to 25%more energy • Superior efficiency(99 5%) - Mitigates all types of module mismatch losses,Isom month art ring tilerence to partial shading — Flexible system design for max mum space utilization — Fast Installation won a single bolt - Next generation maintenance with module-level monitoring • Module.levei voltage shutdown for installer and firefighter safety USA - GERMANY - IALY FRANCE - JAPAN - CHINA ISRAEL AUSTRALIA www.solaredge.us solar - • • rr SolarEdge Power Optimizer Module Add-On for North America P300 / P400 / P405 P300 P400 P405 (mr 6G module) (ID(rzi 94.nll modules) got hin mm modulo! INPUT Rated Input DC Power'r" 300 400 405 W Absolute Maximum Input Voltage 48 80 12S Vdc (Voc at lowest temperature) MPPT Operating Range 8-48 8-80 12.5-105 Vdc Maximum Short Circuit Current(1st) 10 Ade Maximum DC Input Current 12.5 Adc Maximum Efficiency 99.5 % Weighted Efficiency 98.8 % Oyervoltage Category II OUTPUT DURING OPERATION(POWER OPTIMIZER CONNECTED TO OPERATING SOLAREDGE INVERTER) Maximum Output Curren15 Mc Maximum Output Voltage i 6085 Vdc OUTPUT DURING STANDBY(POWER OPTIM IZER DISCONNECTED FROM SOLAREDGE INVERTER OR SOLAR EDGE INVERTER OFF) Safety Output Voltage per Power Optimizer l 1 i Vdc STANDARD COMPLIANCE EMC ICL Parris!lass 8,IEC61006b-2,IEL61000-6-3 Safety IEC62109-1(class II safety,UL1/41 RIMS Yes INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS Maximum Allowed System Voltage 1000 Me vxxx.2 series 141 x 212 x 40.5/5.55 x 8.34 x 1.59 mm(in Dimensions(Mr is Lx H) vex-S series 128 x152 x22.5/ 128x152 a35/ 128x152x48/ mm/in 5x5.92x 1.08 5x 5.91x1.31 5 x 5.97 x 1.89 Pnxl series 950/2.1gr/Ib Weight including cables) Pxxx-5 sent. 720/1.2 I 930/2.05 _.._I 930/2.05 gr/lb Input Connector MC4 Compatible Output Wire Type/Connector Double1insulated;MC4 Compatible Output WIT Length _ ,_, 0.9513.0 1.2/3.9 m/ft Operating Temperature Range 40-+85(-40-+185 'C/'F Protection Rating Pxn-2 series• 11%5/NEMA4 Pxxx-5series IP68/NEMA6P Relative Humidity _... D-100 % o Read Sir tow ai to attest moot so w Ott putortaleran.Akan.. PV SYSTEM DESIGN USING SINGLE PHASE THREE PHASE 20BV THREE PHASE 480V A SOLAREOGE INVERTER" Minimum String Length g 10 18 (Power Optimizers) Maximum String Length 25 25 50 (Power Optimizers) Maximum Power per String 5250 6000 12250 W Parallel Strings of Different Lengths Yes or Orientations n n wwmw a u.o P4m with nwloemlesou/Prop in a.urn CE 0 c/) solar cc SolarEdge Single Phase Inverters cc For North America LU SE3000A-US/ SE3800A-US/SE5000A-US/SE6000A-US/ SE7600A-US/SE10000A-US/SE11400A-US r >1225 : H01" •• • • f f • • The best choice for SolarEdge enabled systems • Integrated arc fault protection(Type 1)for NEC 2011 690.11 compliance - Superior efficenay(92%) ▪ Small,lightweight anti easy to install on provided b-acket - Buil-in module-level monitoring - Internet connection through Ethernet or Wireless - Outdoor and indoor installation - Fixed voltage inverter,OC/AC conversion only - Pre assembled Safety Swnch for faster installation - Optional-revenue grade data,ANSI C12.1 USA-GERMANY-ITALY-FRANCE JAPAN-CHINA-AUSTRALIA-THE NETHERLANDS-ISRAEL www.solaredge.us solar - I . G Single Phase Inverters for North America SE30004-US/SE3800A-US/SE5000A-US I SES000A-US/ SE7600A-USI SE10000A-US/SE11400A-US 5E3000A US SE 3800A US SE5000A-U5 SE8000A-1/44 St7600AU55Ettltl00A US Sf11400A US OUTPUT Nom,nt AC Power output 3000 3+JO0 Rlall 6000 7000 998(10208V UDM VA ip%p 49240V Max.AC Power Output 3300 4150 54,..0/DM.AC est: 10800N208120041 vA 54':4,a)WV 10850.0240V AC Output Voltage Mai-Nom-Maar" ! / 183.108.229 Ver. ACUCNpt Voltage Mi.NOrmMa*W / / / 1 1 1 ✓ 21t'290.254 Vac y 60 6 setting 57 Go-50 GI He ACiwgvanc M(rt NOm.��Max.rn 595 60-645 Wn[1r Htcountry Maa.CW Continuous UULpW Current lY5 10 31M2JW 25 82 i942�1,D0 4'75 A GM I A UWVy Mnnuoring.lzantlmg Prole<Lon.[Wntry CanalgueaWn Thrmbdds ycs vts INPUT A oa»meMed Max OCPowMe 3740 4750 6250 154n 3500 12400 14750 W (5'y) Input in r-less,ungrounded Mu npu e 5D05D0Vde Nom-0C Inputput Voltage 328€308V/350 EN 240v Vaa 265@20 Max Moo.Current.'" tlfi 6 4Y1 33 id i 23 e)203v 144 aW '.155{.1405., }US 924(M1 Max Input Morl Current 45 Ak Antis..Polanty Protection Yes GrOonwFault Isolation 'encon 600Absensitivity ensitivr MMammonInverter.0i0enDu 422 9R2 %.3 (IR1 98 98 98 V. as WMghted Ethoenh 97.5 90 975@IO8V T+4 975 91 IP 20gY 975 % NrgllnPower CoTVMtpnon <25 <4 W ADDITIONAL FEATURES SUp04ner)Communication Interlaces 85485,0,5]82,Ethernet,benne lopooncn Revenue Grade Data,ANSI C12 Optional'' ntpjr SlWldown-NEC 201469081 44,411on0jt4 enabledwhen Solartdge and Lholdownll 151nafalled+r STANDARD COMPLIANCE 5alely Op741,UL1699B,UL3938,CSA 22 2 Grid cmnection Standards IEEEi547 frlsslons PCC Dar115 Nass 8 INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS ACOplput conduit a.e/AWG rinse 3/4"nonnum/16-€AWG 344` n414444112-3 AWG DC er1.1Utaona,4 sian!ao`vnnpri 3t4•rarm4mmo./t-2 stnngs/166 AWG 3/4`,;..Imam l 12 ttnngs/14-6 AWe OMMrge. olrnemlons wall sainIV Watch 305.12.5.7/ 305.I75.75! br/ 3o s.12 5.1D Wm eY.1.15) _. .75.315x172 775 7/24.7315 1 mm Weight AlSafety 5wu4e 51.2/232 54:2/24,7 gen/40I rb/ng Cose or.Navel ConvectPans los replaceable) Noise <25 owl S M{n'Moi Opera[eng Temperature 14 in+1 auI /5 to aW-40to-60 v' on avanghleul Range PmWchbn Rating NEMA 3R xami.Wn..u.nno.artla- ro v.he.•ama+.m a• 14wou.gnmm. rn..h. + 'xq nk*vnn, Iva +anatnpi 4urm.11191 v'uetmavnm. vnr+wamns R. SSW04 44151 40 wma.e/x'm....n.uwntuxm at) ; liffiRoHS IIIIII 212112015 Pews/'amine I SdarEtlge Man ler rte Pont row! Alawn Program EnpIIsh(North Amerka) Search rdbw ua CORPORA-FE SOLUTIONS PRODUCTS TO ORDER SLOG C.� �e IP• IP. • to .ri 44 J • - Power Optimizer Inverter Monitoring Power Optimizer 9nuotmi. nn sham ll°SolarEdge Power Optimizers The SolarEdge power optimizer is a DC/OC converter which is calnnecled by installers b each PV module or embedded by module manckcturers, replacing the traditional sitar;unetlen box.The SolatEdpe power optimizers Increase energy output kom w systema by constantly Padang M maximum power pint NMPP() of each modulo Individually. ro!termwe. the power optmizos monitor ere performance of each module and communicate performance dale to the SolatEtlge monitoring nodal br enhanced COSSeffeetive modulelevel mai0lenance.Each power optimizer is equipped wile the unique$afeDC••feature Which aubnatically alos down modules'DC voltage wneneverte inverterorgod power Is ilii CoWn. The MPPT per module allows for flexible installation design with multiple orientations,lilts and module types in the same string. When working wt SolarEdge (moms,SotarEdge power othintizemaat,ma afly maintnin a Axed siting voltage.mowing instegmnewn greater*meanly with ringer MVlnas and stings Of dM1rent lengths in oiler todesign optimal PV system, The SolarEdge power optimizers are compatible with c-Si and htinflm modules and neve a 25 year wattany. The following power optintear models are ava Wde: Pates MSuk Add-0n Plant Critlintssuli Connected by Iislallera to the Pb module and Compatible will o wide range at modules Power Unlimber P Model Module Power Module Vuc P:100 4300W <4$V P400 4400W <OOV P405 4.40SW <125V QvImtg.i.g3t.ulit.ei Pdernt Cyte, tick PvvrwC Commnrchol solution connnging Iwo mom,Ios per power not mazer Power Opt Maar Model Module Power Monde Vac P600 MORN' <96V P700 570OW <125V 'Hated comb need STB power ol 2 moo,4es co-Medea in aeries.ModSe of up to IA%power tolerance allowed. Ftp.11www.stlaredge.usigrwlpsluslpa wtox-power-Opti mixer 1/2 112 nZlw4du+Hwtl-ao9laxod/e te6Ino lsne9P96N6-mm•iyhdpJ 6606166608 suu116Po 46611166Bal,1 Peeb'J I UMXp pule••6 9W01 we 0u1•M01M40.16enates “wipp.Iwtula Pus rS- gNetie{sul Aq Pw'n6uue316'slunjeelmmvwo1npe16 AA 06,696W3 Moles W466619 Puelellweul Jol umop-ln4s 660666 DO elnpowupewomi • luewe!nseOW en46w4oped eum-l6w'6606660V • N461.MM Pue N6wsIlw'ref 9? • 96c6ppuoo leluewuwwue ew6S.J61 66u4ts60 • 23.66616 lev6d m 6"wvg648uwl46e0uw uxy ssat456ws1w saFMwlo 666,4 w*Noron • (6660,a60 Dalt-1616m rv966'k66101.01660%Se6)p0ero661anedns • 11ddl 6wi>u•I mod J AQd wnwpBf 61np0w-led • :6 6alupd0lwAd 06P31•1106/0 61I616614 elnle•A l§ePSiet3S alw4do smog Stw'UL+L S0N SYSTEM APPLICATION RULES 26 UR MICRORAIL DESIGN & ENGINEERING GUIDE PAGE Non-Tile Roof Installs Tile Roof Installs EcoFasten flat, EcoFasten Tile Replacement QuldcMeunt Flashing Flashing (A) (B) Overhang(in) Span(in) down up down lope lateral 1 24 72 25.9 33.1 9.7 2.9 2 21 64 28.6 ion12.3 3.3 © 18 48 38.1 59.8 17.5 4.3 THE SEM TILE _ 1W _ t 44 SOLUTION IS UA2EW. P.:1. i' . 4 CURRENTLY BEING (C) (D) REVIEWED AND Overhang(in) Span(in) up down elope lateral VALIDATED 1 24 72 38.1 46.9 9.7 n/a 2 21 64 38.1 59.7 12.3 n/a © 18 48 38.1111U 7.5 n/a 11) dl 32' ,40_ .$3.4'.�1 •Indicates values sped&ally provided for portions ofarrays that may fall wahin roof zones 1 and 3 that yield pressures larger than those provided In Rule 3 Design Rate Definitions(refer to ix4 loot cane array on the knowing a'Da L A Max.Module Overhang-Length of module extending past the first or last roof attachment of the row. B Max.Span-The span between MlcroRail roof attachments. C Max.Trim Rail Overhang length of Trim Rad extending past the first or last roof attachment of the row. D Max.Span for Trim Rad.(Measured between Trim Rail Roof Attachment) E Trim Rail is not required to be flush with the edge of the module. 412 is acceptable) F Trim Rail overhang from edge of Trim Rail to edge of Trim Rail Roof Attachment (3'min) G Module width is limited to 39.37 in(1meter)Reduce spans linearly for modules wider than this H Each section of Trim Rail and each modete must be supported by at least 1 attachment .:: sFm FRAME SYSTEM APPLICATION RULES 21 •■ MICRORAIL DESIGN & ENGINEERING GUIDE PAGE See Installation Guide for detailed system layout procedure. •indicates-SUNFRAME MicrorailtM 3' A ------ B •indicates-SUNFRAME Microralltt^9'Splice •indicates-SUNFRAME MicroraRTM 9'Attached Splice •indicates-Trim Rail Roof Attachment B - i iliglor, 3x4 Landscape Array 1/4 FSR SYSTEM LAYOUT RULES 28 innSFHI MICRORAIL DESIGN & ENGINEERING GUIDE PAGE Basic Layouts The basic application rules for the SEM system are extremely simple. ~ 1 2h a x _1 Base Rules: All modules must be supported at four corners on the North and South edges Except at row 1 where the south edge of each first row module will be supported by Trim Rail • Detail Am a Any intersection of module corners must be supported according to the following page 29 Connection/Artachment Rules. Ilk ets 2v 4 x -2V1 . ALL MicroRails are oriented in an east-west direction(perpendicular to roof slope). • Trim Rail Connection/Attachment Rules: x 3 Micmaahs: Supporting attachments installed at applicable spans per design rules. (See table on page 26-) Sample Layout A-1: 2x2 landscape array with 9'splice 1 Any outer edge module corner must be supported ache first rafter interior to the array. 2e 2 Modules Vertical3-MicroRail-Interface between two modules oriented in the north-south ` direction in relation to each other whose nearest east or west edges are exposed. ilk 1 5 1 T 2h 2 Modules Horizontal:9'Splice-Interface between any two modules oriented in the east-west direction In relation to each other along the exposed north edge. (Roof attachment not required. See detail A on page 29.) Detail B on page 29 3 3 Module Intersection with two Horizontal:T Splice-Interface between any three modules where R a11111111 two are oriented in the east-west direction in relation to each other. (Roof attachment not required. 2v 5 - 2V- See detail A on page 29) 4 4 Modules Intersecting at their Corners:9'Splice-Interface between four modules in a grid pattern Trim Rail (Roof attachment not required. See detail A on page 29.) 59'Attached Splice: Similar to 2h,2v,84,root attachment is required (See detail B on page 29) Trim Rail:Must he installed at the southern-most edge(first row)of modules.(A minimum of(1) [rim Sample Layout A-2: 2x2 landcaoe array with 9'Attached Splice Rail roof attachment required per Length of Tum. See table on page 26.) ass f lI FRAME SYSTEM LAYOUT RULES 29 ■■ MICRORAIL DESIGN & ENGINEERING GUIDE PAGE Module intersection -S" from 11 of ' after Existing rafter '-1 2h- _x 1,_1 --1 9" Splice 3" MictoRail (4) Modules _ _/-Detail A II_ �Detell B 2v 4 1 "-x `2v MCA:9'Splice at module intersection 2v- �i `2v I Module inter sec lion IS r:it h,In S' of hof ialta Trim Rail - -xHti ng Ia1ler Trim Rail , 9' Atte: [1E11 tiphCe p•. .o B-1: 2_ •+cai arra "19' h"riduIe; Splice Attachedjace Detail B:9'Attached Splice at module Intersection ■.. �SFM FRAME SYSTEM LAYOUT RULES 30 ■■ MICRORAIL DESIGN & ENGINEERING GUIDE PAGE -_ 0`-1 �1--�-1 .' -1 � .1 3 `x _- _It2v., 1-r 21v� 3-' 2v _—_� 1 Trim Rail ThTrim Rail ' Samole Layout c La duape a Rh 9' Samole Layout D: I andacaoe with 3'MlcroRall Splice attachments only ~_1 �_1 Illk 1 2h .1111K- x 1 �1 -1i: •.-1 1-.l i Ii x mi. _ekTrim Ra1m "I_! d 4- 4 I I Trim Rail-,, ` ` i Trim Rail $amale Layout E: Mixed array Samout F: Mixed array *S• SFM FRAME TECHNICAL SUPPORT 31 no MICRORAIL DESIGN & ENGINEERING GUIDE PAGE Technical Support tf you have further questions regarding the SunFrame MicroRail product,please contact Unirac at info@unirac.com or 505-248-2702.The Unirac website has an online calculator(U-Builder)which when used,win direct you to a page with additional information regarding the SFM product. SFMIAIL.. INSTALLATION GUIDE , ..F- TABLE OF CONTENTS A-TOOTS R SPE(IF ICAI IONS B-SYS I FM COMPONENTS C S1STFMCOMPONEN IS 0 S1ST EM COMPONENTS F SYSTEMiAVOUT F FLASHING&SLIDERS G-1ST ROW INSTAI I ATION II-MICRORAIL INS IALLATION I MOELILE MOON PING 1 FIICROINVFRTFR&WIRE MGMT F-MI[ROINVF RTFR ft WIRE MGM I. L-FINISHING TOUCHES P1-SYSI FM BONDING&GROUNDING N-FNPHASF SYSTF NI MR RU ENVERT EN GROUNDING 0-ILL COOL COMP_IANCE NOTES P-TESTED/CEHI II IF D MODUI F 11ST Q-MODULE MAIN I ENANCF PUB2016APR26 "' t M FRAME TOOLS & SPECIFICATIONS III ■e MICRORAIr INSTALLATION GUIDE PAGE __._. w TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: TOOLSREQUIRED OR RECOMMENDED FOR LAYOUT, SAFETY: ALL appiitabte OSHA safety guide':nes FL Material Types ASHINGS S ROOFATTACHMENTS: shouto he observed when working on a PV ALL extruded components: • Hammer Installation job site. The installation and handling 6005A-T6extnid or 6061-TG Aluminum • Marker/crayon of PV solar modules, electrical installation and PV • Measuring tape racking systems involves handling components Hardware:Stainless Steel • Dr t with potentially sharp metal edges. Rates regarding Bonding and Grounding:Integrated In • Pilot drill bit the use of gloves and other personal protective • Microrail s QfimraiMh and row to row bonding • Pty bar equipment should be observed. requires additional components) String line TOOLS FOR MODULE INSTALL: Alt SIM Hardware 20(t-lbs • Drill and socket adapter or socket wrench • 1/2'socket Grounding lugs Per Page 'It • 1/4"hex driver • Torque wrench SON SYSTEM COMPONENTS ■ ..'FM MICR RAIL'p INSTALLATION GUIDE PAGE 4tpite4000000e,, 0: ss- ��. I ;moi SUNFRAME Microrailt- 3" SUNFRAME Microrailm. 9"Splice SUNFRAME MicrorailTM 9"Attached Splice Sub-Components: Sub-Components: Sub-Components: 1 3Base 1 9'Base I. 9'Base 2 M1 Cap 2 9-Cap 2. 9'Cap Clamp Socket Head Cap Screw s (3i Clamping Socket Head Cap Screws 3 MICE-pop Socket I lead Can Suews 4. Bonding Pin 4. Bonding Pins 4. Bonding Pins 5. Helix 5 Helix 6 lower Functions: 6 Tower 7 675'Slider • 2 S or 4 module support&connection 2 6J5'Slide • F-W module to nor ute bond)n_o Functions: Functions: • -or 2 module support to roof attachmer9 Features: • Module to roof attachment(when attachment is necessary • Ank.on-Site PreassemMed and ready for installation at spore poln:l Features: • Check Cap to determine module tmmoeom how Ful module to module bonding Chicks on told preminewetlured mod and ready for installation • Supports discrete nodule thickness Prmr 32mm to • • uppoosetermiemodulehpmpessesiry v6nnf Features: 46min Supports ninduletMckneseesLoo 32mm to • Receiving hffattnerallows eliminates module dover • Arrives al) osite preassembledmoduled ready compatfor installation 46mm tighteningulesoffartenersantl ellminates wor4irgp over • •lrcJtuporsdisc rmduleP mpassr • Bete v in featbre that allosys elrsimple s winking guplacement, FM,ines • 46riurn dac�reteemntldle rFrknnss from 52rnrn In uwf fasteneu and ellmlmRs working uvel • Does not ionic +atlaJnnent to roof v modules. • Receivingtenin featureothatr allows and eliminates s worke g avement, tightening offi.fasteners an6 ellmina[es wprkiiy over matlnles. .:: sFmFsRuAN„, SYSTEM COMPONENTS El.. MICRORAIUTM INSTALLATION GUIDE PAGE CHECK I COMPATIBLE MODULE lir 9 TI IICKNEbS ri' t" V/ Trimrailm Roof Attachment Trimrailm Trimrait"4 Splice Sub•Components: Functions: Functions: 1. foretait roof anammert • -ole row structural rapport pp Hort row spur spoor 2 i.Boit • Module mounting Installation are • Irrdlive nut • Installation aid • St•ucturally connect-,2 Hetes of Tnrrvsp" 4 Ucehat taarc - Aesthetic tsm S. Serine int Features: a clamp eon • Features: • Aligns and connects TrimratP^preces I. I Slider • Mounts directly to L feet • Gan patihle with au T•Imra i p"profiles • Al ly no and capune module leading edge • too ler installation Functions: - Ava deme for var ops module heights - farowit"'to root an»cnmc:a l dairono • Supports ductete module Bneknrnna from 3 2111m% itimm Features: • Slots provide vet deal adjustments In levet array • Slide provides north/south adjustment along he slope of the roof. SON SYSTEM COMPONENTS ■ SUS MICRORAIL '" INSTALLATION GUIDE PAGE j T om\ an 0 Wire Bonding Clip w/8AWG MLPE Mounting Assembly Enphase Engage Cable Clip Functions: Functions: Functions: • Row to row bonding • Ser urety mounts MLP-to module frames • securely attaches Enobase F ngaye moles to module • Module to lrimrair bonding • MLPE to module bonding flanges • Allows three(3)mounting positions to suit any cadre Features: Features: orientation • No faseneo regulred • Mounts early to tyn Nal module flange Features: MI PE-Module Lever Power Hear o111¢ • Resists slating to reduce cable slack egn lumnveter re power opternav MO SFMSUNME SYSTEM LAYOUT ■ ■III MICRORAIL INSTALLATION GUIDE PAGE 1 _ _ M 1.Determine appropriate array location on roof. 11111111111111111 I 1111111110 2. Select starting course of shingles (or 1 tiles) 1mai 3. Mark next row of attachments and 1111M11111.11 1 repeat for remaining rows © -NS distance equals module width+i' 11: 4. Locate 1st rafter closest to array edge (and inside array footprint)and mark I IC N 1 5.Find next rafter for attachment based on 1 appropriate span 1 -Continue to end of array - - ' -Mark last rafter before end or array I i © Span b.Mark attachment points on rafters along I TO STAGGER ATTACIRIENTS:Shift each subsequent • each NS module god line 40 • } • row of attachments one rafter over 7 Verify design based on span and 411 � • i •I • overhang rules See the Design and Engineering Guide for details on regional max spans and overhang. "' SFNI FRAME FLASHING & SLIDERS ■ 11. MICRORAII'N INSTALLATION GUIDE PAGE sa ---R OOF RIDGI_J PILOT HOLES: Drill pitot holes for Lag FLSHINGS:Place flashings ----L screws or structural screws(as necessary) - Mod NS+1' I1 1— _ 1 111 • in IN l Ita • j 4131 \ • \ INSTALL SLIDERS AND Mod N5+1'- I � TRIMRAIL" ROOF ATTACHMENTS: Follow manufacturer instructions 1 for flashing installation procedures INSTALL SLIDERS AND TRIMRAIL ROOF ATTACHMENTS: • • • • •- MIm - I • Insert flashings per manufacturer instructions NVl r 11,4 _r• c rew or ctlurt rat festrner withimum diameter or S:Io• . • Attach sliders to rafters • Verif SAVE _� y proper row to row spacing for module size(Mod NS+ 1') • Ensure that TrimrailTM roof attachments in each row have sufficient engagement with slider dovetails for proper attachment. I •f'I L "' SFM FRAME 1ST ROW INSTALLATION ■ II. MICRORAIITP INSTALLATION GUIDE PAGE ALIGN FRONT ROW: TIGHTEN SLIDER: TRIMRAIL PREPARATION: Align front row Trimrail'M roof attachments with Tighten front row lag screw and TrimraitTM roof Determine overall length of TrimraitT" for front row. string line attachments dovetail clamp bolt. Determine splice locations (if any) and TrimrailT" Lengths required. yr ,:FOS , / � / • 4 ,------ INSTALL INSTALL TRIMRAIL SPLICE BARS: Place Trimraip" ATTACH SPLICE BARS: While holding TrimrailT" with front side up and firmly insert sptice bar into sections in alignment, join sections together with Trimrai LTM,as required. splice bar centered at joint. See the Design and Engineering Guide for details on regional max spans and overhang. U ri: SFM FRAME MICRORAIL INSTALLATION ■ u s MICRORAILTM INSTALLATION GUIDE PAGE r.1. eel, i. f • TRIMRAIL ROOF ATTACHMENTS & TRIMRAIL ATTACH TRIMRAIL TO ROOF ATTACHMENT: Attach INSTALL MICRORAILS: Install remaining Microrails ORIENTATION: TrimrailTM roof attachment should rail using 3/8'T-bolts and serrated flange nuts.Make at marked attachment points. Loosen dovetail have horizontal flange facing uphill for uniform row sure Trimrail'" is level across all TrimraiF" roof retaining fastener and push MitrorailTM to top of spacing and ease of Lag screw assembly.On first row, attachments.After rail is leveLtighten dovetail bolts slider.DO NOT SLIDE ALL THE WAY OFF SLIDER. position Trimrailm with module catch side facing to secure TrimralFM roof attachments to sliders. uphilL , �'/: - - __ ,. r _A r - - r L - ter' rrrrrrsr a��s MN' SISON MODULE MOUNTING ■ M MICRORAI[" INSTALLATION GUIDE PAGE • u �s, 4. -- '1 ane` LAY IN MODULE(S): Install first two(2) modules on LAY IN MODULE(S): Module should slide into catch SEAT MODULE(S): Ensure that modules are properly bottom row.Install downhill end of module into the feature of the Trimrail M. seated in top cap and base. TrimrailTM first and then position uphill 3'microraits to support modules. 0 4.C ,',root-win.-nt P performed after each row of modules is installed. Pere- to wire management section (Pgs.1 & KI for detailed drstructiony. r il Wit ATTACH SPLICE:Attach splice at intersection of two FASTEN MODULES:Finish installing modules along TIGHTEN FASTENERS: lighten fasteners to required (2)modulesrow and tighten fastening bolts after entire row is torque. • Use attached sptice if necessary. installed. • Ensure minimum module engagement using indicator marks. "'• SFNI FRAME MICROINVERTER & WIRE MGMT. ■ ■• MICRORAIL`" INSTALLATION GUIDE PAGE * . ,s..: 'a Aar 7 F= ., • r . Mille PRE-INSTALL MICROINVERTERS: Install MLPE in a /.s Location on the module that will not interfere with microrails or grounding lugs.To use trunk cable most — • efficiently, install MLPE components in the same Locations on alt modules in the same row. , • I ...» .:.4; "' SFM FRAME MICROINVERTER & WIRE MGM°. INN■ MICRDRAIITM INSTALLATION GUIDE PAGE , _ ■■1I 111111 MICROINVERTER:Before installing a row of modules MICROINVERTER CONNECTION: Before securing WIRE MANAGEMENT: Verify wire management is place microinverter trunk cablea module to the Microrails. install trunk cable complete after each row is installed. mounting clip on the connector block.Attach dip to module flange.Plug microinverter into connector. IP`:. R. TRI(NS *En.'KS Tie a loose knot in the microinverter MICROINVERTER TRUNK CABLE'. The trunk cable TIPS TRICKS'. Twisting the PV module wires Engage connector wire to help manage the length. can be managed securely by using stainless steel and/or tying a loose knot can also help manage wire management clips attached to the module these wires. frame, : S SD" FINISHING TOUCHES ■ US FM MICRORAIL'M INSTALLATION GUIDE PAGE i O TRIMRAIL BONDING: Attach a bonding Op from the0 $ —Alt i cliuntilmanadjacent module cntyct bonding im clip until radius portion is In contact with trim mating surface and module flange. a �/ 1 MIS N/S Bonding Clip:A N/S bonding dip must be used POST INSTALL HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT: Height adjustment of each attached Microrair assembly can be to bond adjacent rows of modules together. performed by inserting a long 1/4"hex drive through the cap and into the helix.CAUTION:DO NOT RAISE THE BASE HIGHER THAN THE TOP OF THE TOWER. SON SYSTEM BONDING & GROUNDING ■ ::'• sFli MICRORAftTM INSTALLATION GUIDE PAGE �. 1 i In-f- / / 1 . I 1 �1� I: E-W puce. eon th E-W module to module bonding -, is accomplished with 2 pre-instatted bonding clips which engage on the secure side of the Microrailm and splice. I i 1 111 . 11 . LI V III Illi ', 1111 L . L I_J ' 1 _L I I 1 _ 1 WEEBLUG Single Use Only _- 11/14/4 1 IRtlp_ .. - UMW II'int all n EP IN Tr)Rn1E TERMINAL OlQIL. � ` AN ih. 111 - tl and InrGnt - d •ice YI ) na rwern Fl -Lh I tthe lalluwry. ',. aAW. -t.n inr 414AWG 41l -Inr o-]4 AWG M.Ihe ::,:'''VI -1-...,:, DETAIL&TORQUE INFO LUG DETAIL&TORQUE INFO LUG DETAIL&TORQUE INFO N-S BONDING PATH: N-5 system bonding is Ilsco Lay-In Lug(GBL-4DB1) Ilsco Flange Lug(SGB-4) Wiley WEEBWg(6.7) accomplished through a N-S bonding clip. Insert • 10-32 mounting hardware • 1/4-mounting hardware • 1/4"mounting hardware each end of the N-S bonding clip onto a module • Torque= 5 ft-tb • Torque=75 in-lb • Torque=10 ft-lb frame Range. It is recommended that N-5 bonding • AWG 4-14-Solid or Stranded • AWG 4-14-Solid or Stranded • AWG 6-14-Solid Only clips be installed on both edges of the array. NOTE:ISOLATE COPPER FROM ALUMINUM CONTACT TO PREVENT CORROSION System bonding is accomplished through modules.System grounding accomplished by attaching a ground lug to any module. "' SFM FRAME ESYSTEM MICROINVERTER GROUNDING ■ •• MICRORAILTM INSTALLATION GUIDE PAGE • SFM EQUIPMENT GROUNDING THROUGH ENPHASE MICROINVERTERS The Enphase M215 and M250 microinverters have integrated grounding capabilities built in. In this case,the DC circuit is isolated from the AC circuit,and the AC equipment grounding conductor (EGC) is built into the Enphase Engage integrated grounding(IG)cabling. In order to ground the SunFrame Microrail racking system through the Enphase Microinverter and Engage cable assembly,there must be a minimum of three W modules connected to the same trunk cable within a continuous array. Continuous array is defined as a grouping of modules installed and electrically bonded per the requirements of this installation guide. The microinverters are bonded to the SunFrame Microrail via the mounting hardware. Complete equipment grounding is achieved through the Enphase Engage cabling with integrated grounding(IG). No additional EGC grounding cables are required,as all fault current is carried to ® ground through the Engage cable. s"" lit CODE COMPLIANCE NOTES IIINM' UI MICRORAIL '" INSTALLATION GUIDE PAGE SYSTEM LEVEL FIRE CLASSIFICATION The system fire class rating requires installation in the manner specified in the SUNFRAME MICRORAIL(SFM) Installation Guide.SFM has been classified to the system level fire portion of UL 1703. This UL 1703 classification has been incorporated into the UL 2703 product certification, SFM has achieved Class A,8 & C system level performance for steep sloped roofs when used in conjunction with type 1 and type 2 constructions.Class A,B & C system level fire performance is inherent in the SFM design,and no additional mitigation measures are required.The fire classification rating is only valid on roof pitches greater than or equal to 2:12(slopes t 2 inches per foot,or 9.5 degrees). There is no required minimum or maximum height limitation above the roof deck to maintain the Cass A.R & C.fire ratinc for SFM.SUNFRAME MICRORAIV"components shat be mounted over a fire resistant roof covering rated for the application. Fire Mieroroil Module pe Il and Type 2 System Class A.8 &Catin9.( East-West Direction Landscape OR Portrait _-,1 None Required Required I UL2703 TEST MODULES See page'P'for a list of modules that were electrically and mechanically tested or qualified with the SUNFRAME MICRORAIL(SFM)components outlined within this Installation Guide. • Maxium Area of Module = 1798sgft ,,m7:7, • UL2/03 Design Load Ratings: ,&4°- '07 a) Downward Pressure -33 PSI b) Upward Pressure-33 PSF t) Down Slope toad - 16 PSF f/�6 • tested Loads: Downward Pressure-50 PSF/2400 Pa t) b) Upward Pressure- 15 PSF/ 7200 c) I Down-Slope Load 1S PSF/720 Pa �� • Maximum Span=5ft .. r♦ • Use with a maximum over current protection device OCPD of 30A . LABEL MARKINGS • System fire class rating:See installation instructions for installation requirements to achieve a specified system fire class rating with Univac. •• • Unirac SUNFRAME MICRORAIL"'is listed to UL 2703. e • All splices within a system are shipped with marking indicating care and location t It of manufacture i i 2 Mal MINIMUM MODULE 1134609151H (T _. .:: SFM FRAME TESTED / CERTIFIED MODULE LIST ■ ■■ MICRORAIL TM INSTALLATION GUIDE PAGE Module Manufacturer I Module Series I Model No.000QQ00(W) I part No. Trina ISM PA0518 240 260W TSM-xxx PA0S 18 1 TSM-PX5.10/PDOS18 235-265W TSM-xxx PD05.10 N/A 255-265W TSM-xxx P00518 Car sl on Soar C56V-M 225,230 CS6V-XXX l CS6P-P 250,255,260 CS6P-XXXP (S6K-M 265,270 CSGK-XXXM (SSA-M 160-180 (SSA-XXX,OSSA-XXXM Q-(elLs B.LINE PLUS BFR C41 262211,292 B I INE PLUS SER G4.1 XXX B.LINE PRO BFR G41 24'262,2l/ B.LINE PRO RFR G4-1 XXX O PLUS G4 270.275.280 021 05-04 XXX 0 PI IIS PER 641 2)0180 Q PI 115 REP 04.1 XXX 0 PRO BFR 641 260-270 Q PRO BFR G4.1 XXX IQ PRO-G4 255.260,265 0 PRO-G4%XX 1PRO BFR G43 260,265 ()PRO REP(543 XXX I nko 1KM200-265P60 /00./05,210.215,220.725,710,)35.)40.245, 1KM XXX P-60 ISO.255.260.265 1K1A200-265PP-60 200,205,210,215,220,225,130,135,110,215, 1KM XXX PP-60 2S0,2S5,260 265 IKM200-280M-60 200,205,210,215,220,225 230,23S 240,245, IKM XX%M-60 210,255,260 265,270 2/0,280 Kyocera KU-60 260,265 KUXXX-6MCA LG Monn% 280.285.290 LG XXX SIC-L4 NeON 105,510 515 320 LC XXX NI C-G4 Yingli vCE 2'0 265,760,255 VI XXX 0-79h IA Solar IAP/ 245-265 JAPE AO XXX/38B IAM6 750-270 IAMB-60-XXX/SI IRrnesola LI 60 cell rnocerec 210 755,260 Moss 11 156 Series Sunrva Mn Series 60 240-255 MVX XXX-60 Opnmus 275,2E0,785 290 OPT XXX60 Sunpower L-Series 32/,310 E20-XXX-COM X-SeM1es 335,345 X)1-XXX X_Senes 360 X22-XXX-C-AC ..... SFM FRAME MODULE MAINTENANCE ■ •■ MICRORAILI" INSTALLATION GUIDE PAGE ♦ I 1.Loosen 9'splice bolts approximately 2. Remove bolts and caps from 3" 3.Slide splices away from the module 4. Lift module and disconnect MLPE 3 turns.DO NOT REMOVE. Microrails and attached splices to be removed cables Y` 5. Remove Module. Reverse steps to /43,2'f''' . . replace module removed. 5 % Bonding note: If both sides of array /yam ,32' are bonded with NS Bonding Clips, ..- ;% , .<' as recommended, then no additional �. bonding is required for module maintenance. . yV If necessary, on the row of modules %% containing the module being / removed,one additional bonding clip can be added to the edge of the array "- opposite of the edge with bonding clips already installed. SON CONSIDERATIONS & MAINTENANCE ■ si' FM MICRORAILN INSTALLATION GUIDE PAGE ELECTRICAL CONSIDERATIONS SUNFRAME Microrail is intended to be used with PV modules that have a system voltage less than or equal to that allowable by the NEC.A minimum 10AWC,105hC copper grounding conductor should be used to ground a system,according to the National Electric Code(NEC).It is the installer's responsibility to check local codes, which may vary. INTERCONNECTION INFORMATION There is no size limit on how many SUNFRAME Microrails & PV modules can be mechanically interconnected for any given configuration,prev ided that the installation meets the requirements of applicable building and fire codes. GROUNDING NOTES:The installation must he ronducted in accordance with the National Electric Code (NEC) and the authority having jurisdiction. Please refer to these resources in your location for required grounding lug quantities specific to your project.The grounding/bonding components may overhang parts of the array so care must be taken when walking around the array to avoid damage.Conductor fastener torque values depend on conductor size. See product data sheets for correct torque values.This racking system may be used to ground and/or mount a PV module complying with UL 1703 only when the specific module has been evaluated for grounding and/or mounting in compliance with the included instruction PERIODIC INSPECTION:Conduct periodic inspections for Loose components,loose fasteners or any corrosion,immediately replace any affected components. AUTHORIZATION TO MARK This authorizes the application of the Certification Mark(s) shown below to the models described in the Product(s) Covered section when made in accordance with the conditions set forth in the Certification Agreement and Listing Report. This authorization also applies to multiple listee model(s) identified on the correlation page of the Listing Report. This document is the property of Intertek Testing Services and is not transferable. The certification mark(s) may be applied only at the location of the Party Authorized To Apply Mark. Applicant: Unirac, Inc Manufacturer: Jiaxing Pacific Energy Equipment Corp. No. 8 Haiwan Ave 1411 Broadway Blvd NE Hangzhou Bay Ddao New Area Address. Albuquerque, NM 87102 Address. Haiyan Economic Development Area Jiaxing City,Zhejiang Province Country: USA Country: China Contact: Klaus Nicolaedis Contact: Lili Zeng Phone: 505-301-3605 Phone: 510-979-1920 FAX: NA FAX: NA Email: klaus.nicolaedis@unirac.com Email: lzeng@ccmfg.com Party Authorized To Apply Mark: Same as Manufacturer Report Issuing Office: Lake Forest,CA � Control Number: 5003278 Authorized by: G/ 0114/41C/ for Thomas J.Patterson, Certification Manager ao. US Ivrea Intertek This document supersedes all previous Authorizations to Mark for the noted Report Number. This AmM'izaWn to Mark is for the exclusive use of nterers Client and is provided pursuant to the Certification agreement between Intabk and Its mlentJmelaka responsibility end liability are Imtled to the tarn ane conditions of the agreement .tenek assumes no lability la any Wny,other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement.for any leu,expense or damage occasioned by he use or this Authorization to Mak.Only the Chen is authorized to perrnd copying or dionbutim of this Authorization to Mark and then only m its entirety.Use of MCMk's Cer00satin neM Is Needled to the ons Ind dill in the agreement and in this Aulhorimbon to Mere.Any furter use at the blerbk name for the sale or advernsemenl of the tested materiel,products service must first be approved in writing by lnterfek.Ir1lial Factory Auer nts and Folk's ah Serf Or the puryase of assuring apycp age othe certification nark to acrdarce w,th theagreeriwnt they are not for the purposes or production Walla control and do rtl More the Client or OakOakobobligations in this respect- Intertek us Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. 545 East Algonquin Road.Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Telephone 800-345-3851 or 847.439-5667 Fax 312-283-1672 Standard(s): UL 2703 Issued: 2015/01/28 Ed: 1 Mounting Systems, Mounting Devices,Clamping/Retention Devices, and Ground Lugs for Use with Flat-Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels Product: Sun Frame Micro Rail Brand Name: Unirac Models: Unirac SFM ATM for Report 102393982LAX-002 Page 1 of 1 ATM Issued: 5-May-2016 EO 16.3.1511-Jn.131 Mandeiwy