32A-138 (73) 14 la City of Northampton REQUIRED INSP oxs Ltfr>tiy''' BUILDING DEPARTMENT ; I. swe Cotings and mmis in Place! ` <' � 3. Complete Building" No. 83 office of the Building Inspector ZoningFam No. 960555 X2/22/96 Fee$60 tyy.,k g 10438 Page 32A Parcel 138 ,Zone Ga i Section 127 U Yes ® No BUILDING PERMIT *numbing and Electrical Inspections required THIS CERTIFIES THAT Kohl Construction before Building Inspections Remove fall ceiling a replace,install 6 skylights, remove glas4 hasissionto door, add window, install new .�..r ..-1 kitchen S +� hokus88e--Foundati pemions s ' -T s o- egress ru .wilding. situated on 25 Main St. - Fitzwilly'sBlda. - 5h floor apartment InsPecli°n4Plumbing—RouP provided that the person accepting this permit shall in every respect Inspection of Numbing Finish conform to ate tams of the application on Rein this office,and tote Gas lnspecdon provisions of the Statutes and eOrdntancesrelatingtotheCConstrtction, InspectiAn of Wiring-11ough Maintenance and Inspection of Buildings in the City of Northampton. Any violation of any of the Inns above noted is an imnx 11ate itvocation Inspection of Witing —Finish • orthispanriKFxpiressix monthsftomdateafistoance,ifnotstarted. Building Inspection—Rough Note:A certificate of occupancy wi be issued by this office upon return Insolation inspection of this card signed by the Plumbing,Wiring and Building Inspectors. Building Inspection—Finish -'S Smoke Betectori(Fne`I7eitimne t) THIS CARD MUST BE DISPLAYED IN A CONSPICUOUSUSPLA( ONxillE =" 1 ES ,.' ' Certificate of Occupancyti( < sv '+• ti r, _ F M`'f id n'E Y,"'o N y v �� �G 344:, ,° wy � ff + �RR " " tc. • a4 S+ '.� r v '' .a Cfr t >: ,Y•&� w YYG ' Y y ,gP g.3"y" .. "'n • q T.'..w %s' Yik a�'` "," z "` a `' r" pS'q 4az . s^, • j ' n t:;:5✓arr , s‘i rt 3fl`'' C rFl �r"�"+ re „ atJ 7'h i' y " orf n rd F ica ; --yj •• 1+ ..,-+-- ` r � ^ to r ib b f • • r!';p�Vro `' ; w r ..<x z y. y � y-r""�' ''. ,n" s r vii rri - . e t k b ��, x, i, `: Y r � a"5s � 'J'' 'vii "d_•, "�i 61� f s"n: rk Mx� :i �n v 1NFr"• A ��f c y. - y # tet: b -;-:. File No. 41993 ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION (§10 . 2) PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. 1. Name of Applicant: k0j}L doucTRucTtdAi I- . Address: 31 GAn pus fLPr24 RD./ imbLty Telephone: ,PSG - 0 ,3�iJ 2. Owner of Property: CJJAM/sA CORP Address: 3/ GAHPpsyyP-/424Ra.,/AADLEy Telephone: ?.S'6 - 03 3. Status of Applicant: Owner Contract Purchaser Lessee Other(explain): 4. Street Address: a'S M f}, A/ S 7' 32 LCT -r Parcel Id: Zoning Map# 36)4_ Parcel# / 3 District(s): Q 13 (TO BE FILLED IN BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT) 5. Existing Use of Structure/Property M!X L D o5G Q +- Y( .._ 6. Description of Proposed Usemork/ProjecvOccupation: (Use additional sheets if necessary): j • In ^ter e. r -no m )L,i ( f'« JexiS�'t �1 ,S147 f/o or 4. 9prrnren71. 5 c.e. cJItn Dirt pan! deja'i lS - 7. Attached Plans: ' Sketch Plan Site Plan Engineered/Surveyed Plans Answers to the following 2 questions may obtained by checking with the Building Dept or Planning Department Files 8. Has a Special PenniWariance/Finding ever Xbeen issued for/on the site? NO DONT KNOW YES IF YES,date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO DON?KNOW YES IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# 9. Does the site contain a brook,body of water or wetlands? NO X. DON'T KNOW YES IF YES,has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? • Needs to be obtained Obtained ,date issued: (FORM CONTINUES ON OTHER SIDE) 1 10. Do any signs exist on the property? YES y NO IF YES,describe size,type and location: L >' 1 sr ?Ida - NO C,t{AN(, tS W/ -24t is war it- Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property?YES NO / IF YES,describe size,type and location: 11. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED, or PERMIT CM BE DENIED DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION. This col= to be rued in .• by the Building Deparm,ant Required Existing Proposed By Zoning Lot size Frontage Setbacks - front - side L: R: L: R: - rear Building height Bldg Square footage %Open Space: •(Lot area minus bldg &paved parking) pf -Parking Spaces F of Loading Docks Fill: T(voliime--& location) 13 . Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein _ p is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.'/ � DATE: APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE ay 66 �/�1e: F7/-Yo 2 NOTE: IsaNanoe of a zoning permit does not relieve an ppli ants burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits tram the Hoard of Health, Conservation Commission, Department of Pubiio Works and other applicable permit granting authorities. FILE # 555 FILE F n j''1-4%, APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON:JII/(-C-7:‘,11"/./' . - .a / /42 /,_,{ ADDRESS/PHONE: J/ ea- e : • !-1 t7 , ,r PROPERTY LOCATION: 2 �/Jle�r ,4/ , .e'i,�?�,�'tits Lr y- MAP �= �/� PARCEL: ./_.1-1 ZONE ,C THIS SECTION FOR-OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE 7ONINCi FORM FIT JXI/OUT 'AO Fee Paid Building Permit Filled mit Fee P. • d /'1 ,X1461 Type of f onctrnetinn- New C nnctrnrtiOn 3 rTry .Z _ Remndelii dnlerinr / �/'"-Y'� 2.2./om Addition to Existing LineTe>el)e; .�"A.-w'-<-v4 ?" Arceccnry Structure /ref^a f-t' fftt: Z eft/ tvfool Building Plane Tnchided• /Zr etezv' x y!_y[7<2 A ./u< ,Rev II i I Setc of Pl nc /Plot Flo n41-a.1-a. CoZ - e . - ,. THE &LOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS API LICATION: !/Approved as presented based on information presented Denied as presented: Special Permit andlor Site Plan Required under: § PLANNING BOARD ZONING BOARD Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Finding Required under:§ wtZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed / Variance Required under:§ w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability _Septic Approval-Bd of Health Well Water Potability-lid Health Permit from Conserva ion Commissi.• ese 2/.4 Signature of Building Inspector Date NOTE Issuance of a zoning permit does not relieve an applicant's burden to oompty with ail _ zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from the Hoard of Health, Conservation Commission, Department of Public, Works and other applicable permit granting authorities. BRYAN' S. HELLWIG, PE.STRUCTURAL'ENGINt#ER.NORTRAMiTON,MA. /' >;,' 9 7 0l EStskrt t45, ' 2, aort+4 No _____________________. __.__ _ ,nc. z ` OrX t 4 ..... . , _,...._======___=_.___ , ri tv z000A 1�t1 1 At_. k ext srt d to (MA?T$4LS ' t•lts..w LINTS-L._ -- S L. 1-4$:$'6..;)t '14 &PS& LE VCRT1c4ktr) - i.4 Ax tMV SA at-fl sP,c& 00 4 = 2... " #OT. : ISO— t tpwrz-( 44ece ritr .a4 tom. -{Ck-044 e = on 044 3••L 3 K 14 . praFZ Mtot i c.t.a• SPPArU vP Tit> tO = 2" v51 3 - 1.._ 5x3 la- kit- MASONIC Bill DING 5111 FLOUR APARTMFM r - 12/19/95 KOHL ■ CONSTRUCTION, INC. 31 CAMPUS PLAZA ROAD HADLEY.MA 01035 (413)256 0321 Fax 413)256 0130 2 January 1996 Description of Work. 5th Floor Apartment 25 Main Street 1. Remove old false ceiling in bedroom area. Replace with higher ceiling. Remove existing bedroom closet and create a larger closet. 2. Install a total of 6 skylights. Skylights to be framed in per attached engineer's drawing. 3. Remove existing glass door on west side exterior wall. Enlarge masonry opening with header per attached engineer's drawings. Create a second opening for an additional window in the kitchen area with header per attached engineer's drawings. Install new doors and windows in these openings. 4. Remove existing kitchen and bath vanities; replace cabinetry, counters and sinks. 5. Install a second egress fire escape onto the adjacent roof at 41 Main Street, and from there connect to the existing fire escape on the rear of 41 Main Street. • R _ . . NORTHAMPTON __ ._ .. • WAN S. HE1 I WIG, PE.STR[7CTURAL ENGINEER. '_ / /' Ii /15.* frt Ta col- - C-rrP,3 1 I u � IT 3 1 i 'I'( IC! Ems`,. -,-- -la?" 1 I s X 1 v Ex, Fesa'S o .+. 42.,q R`ENo f erc.. X �` Q.,3 tit`s' .'" 4 e . t b-A, 9ent.--S . J irt$;°°. 4-7 •MASONIC BUILDING.5TII FLOOR APARTMENT•12/22/95. AN IS. IIELLWIG, PE.STRUCTURAL ENGINEER•NORTHAMPTON MA• Tie� � f -,A Of s*r7 Ne-W SvC?(LLfl Cos. -RP SsPcR,. 37300 Q1 - rLY o 2 tr No. TE '1 Ne. 2x8 ( S.Q.5. c,Aa,aD,na $2 ofL 36 fL ) Sts-r-erz 12,aCiteR. ',.j/ 1 Ad 1 iJ . 4)1.-619 6EscR-i N& CA , eni0 12- 4 r-JAtt. s CO,, zo " µ1a , Ot tM. 4„ I,31 ' W O, PcNenog &420k-z.61D 2a- t40" e2-0A-4- cot. 4,-0l 4 1- pt001L- •MASONIC BUILDI$G.STH FLOOR APARTMENT. 12122/95.• • •RYAN S. HE LLWI( . PE.STRUCTURAL ENGNlER.NOaTKAMp1p y, MiA A11." g.9,e f'��ON: Esis-m4 d21:aL bubo__ Esl - :c'C1 J�1 2 il2 �._. I k . TO.\d. X Siet . 5STn4( r ,rRS NawIr�r.l, SL 4 31 x '4 G � � STI �-) � M 2 �/M MI t.o 1r y I Acne : foe- u aa2-( i\tG.rr f P. te- MASONIC BUILDING - 5TH FLOOR APARTMENT - 12/19/95 . t D S T n ea c -0i, n 'n o 3 '' Zn y r F 'C = 1 al A H 2 s ad B ; y z mF A ni C 1 a O i > T l 2 Zoning g Miscellaneous Additions,Repairs,Alterations,etc. Tel.No.244-032/ Alterations 1c:2at NORTHAMPTON, MASS. /4 I 1 p G 19_ Additions • APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ALTER Repair Garage I. Location AS M A/N S 7' Lot No. /� 2. Owner's name C1MMISA CerAa Address 31 CA'ipOc GLAz4 AD-, 144b1-EY 3. Builder's name trothL CoN57RV CT/oA/ S ?i.Q _Address 5 I CAPA PoS P/-4z4 la./ di'4�'t P-V Mass.Construction Supervisor's License No. by4S- 1 (/ Otis/O S' Expiration Date /o/ J 46 4. Addition ( ouetgS 4-MNl) s. ser er r, 5. Alteration I-AnEA/0* XL Nsv47/o"Ar5 4TNSTAUA110N of Fr RE E5C4laE ese-c 4DyEAJvh) 6. New Porch 7. Is exisung building to be demolished? Al CO 8. Repair after the fire 9. Garage No.of cars Size 10. Method of heating 6 IL— ST8--,4M/ Ceu7)Q 4L 3oiL& A I1. Distance to lot lines 12. Type of roof FLA ? — wo-o-$ FAA-Me sol /Mk n13+4 AMC 13. Siding house 14. Estimated cost- t is; / O o h The undersigned cenhes that the above statements are true to the best of his, her knowledge and belief. / / Signawre of responsible app.rtav Remarks • FEG 2 KOHL CONSTRUCTION, INC. DM.IP M 31 PLAZAROAD HLEY, (413)256 033 211 Fax (413)256 0130 TO: Northampton Building Inspector FROM: Kohl Construction, Inc. DATE: 15 February 1996 RE: 5th Floor Apartment, 25 Main St. Addendum to Building Permit Due to the problems associated with obtaining an egress easement across the adjacent property, the applicant agrees to complete the following items with respect to improving egress from the 5th floor apartment before any certificate of occupancy for said apartment is granted: 1. Install a fire door with a push bar between the current dance studio and the central hallway. 2. Install a fire door between the apartment and the dance studio. 3. Provide emergency lighting and egress signage between the door from the apartment to the dance studio and both of the fire doors that lead from the dance studio to the hallways.