32A-138 (67) • RYAN S. HELLWIG, PE • STRUCTURAL ENGINEER • 3,DA -- 138 � �m L 1995 January 20, 1995 Anthony Patillo Building Inspector Building Department Municipal Office Building 212 Main Street Northampton MA Subject: Roof framing repairs Re: 25 Main Street Northampton This is a report of my review of this subject. I have just inspected the work completed in this location by Kohl Construction. To the best of my knowledge, this work has been executed properly and according to my sketches: SK-1 of 11/22/94 and SK-2 of 12/12/94. With these repairs, the roof in these areas is adequate for supporting both the dead and snow loads per the Massachusetts Building Code. Please let me know if you have any •uestions. Sincerely, �,�sA la OF N^ r RYAN S. t �..a._�_�J/ Or q HELLWIO _.�� e3 STRUCTURAL y No.373(0 Ryan Hellwig "'�o,. qEs/stteto ,�e TSS/QNat a • 28 ALDRICH STREET • NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 • • VOICE 413-584-HLWG (4594) • FAX 413-584-HLWFax (4593) • 1 1 e 4 tR AN S. ALELLY•10,4P: • UfT WW1:1146114EfiR NORTHAPthON, MA• PROJECr: Mitelomvc- fISLosi. r413ar gait, I 4 C.3 DATE TM:n-1 04 ----r iI 1 I - ; t—^ II _.m.t Mt -I- ' -f , t .- I 1 - dui 4.2._(a, -rt - -, — [ OS v -NC- - r --i ik, av ,-. I Di_ • • 4- 1111111.111111111111.1111.111 so3,73:: A No ) m i \ A4 PSItit‘t,,,,‘ tZ471 - - —4- , - - --, 1 I "± all ti 0 IL 1 in 4Th 7 la. ‘kk ,_ , '1F uti tl - r 4 i --r- it 341 i p i i i I r',.. it vet I, a , ' . IA - ›i. A t 7 t i 4 _ _, , - 3 , 4 5 -0 --i_t_r III I # i., , 1 1 ,_ 1 .--) r 1 4 4 1 ,, i A 4W itel ta itttlioft-iSt. 'it4 \1/4._ 4644 810,T. 1 JP 4_ -- I" o livii. 1)P Tb Is " ..- E 1 1•••••, , -1- Ass ye. 4 4i • I -7 --••-• --r - k , I .4 I ______ .0-L.0 tAJ g•COf — / _ c nigis 616-44C.,../.45•AM.A1/4 I } '4 • , 1 , 1 I ' 1 I %I -tit S. E;RYAW . II LLSIG,IAENGINEER. bRT21APTUN, MA• YR h11G ' �� GDATE: 1%/Zzi 1994 - L - ' –i– 4 — — -°iY 1s,„09, OF A -Y- 1 I N4 31400 _ -7----i __-1 t v � �rcrstcs'�°��e I N 3 _ - ; �t,ou1fel y I f t 13 CSL Int II p`� 1�' dam _ rj 4 - . T . � j ri I I. l x t .-N >,v ' ti 2 i .m--+ 3- t- %, - rt..E