32A-138 (36) DEFT. OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS iD t"' ate' BUILDING -K� 212 Main Northampton,MA 01080 PERMIT 3` GG 32A - 138 VALICATION DATE November 20. +S 87 PERMIT NO. 775 APPLICANT J.P. Dwyer, Inc. ADDRESS P 0 Dnx 1149 Northampton Owner ING.I (STREET/ IVONTOrs UCENa0 PERMIT TO Demolition Imo, STORY Storage Garage DWNUMBER OF ELL IND „NITS Fon OF IMflOVEMENTI NO. tnOPOESD USU AT (LOCATION) 25 Main Street, Rear ZO»ING DB (NO.) (STREET/ msTRltt BETWEEN _ AND ICFOEA STREET/ AEROBE STREET! LOT SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK SIZE BUILDING IS TO BE FT. WIDE SY FT. LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS dl FOUNDATION lTop REMARKS: permit for the demolition of existing storage garage. All letters received from utilitieslGnotifying us of shut otts. VAREA OR OLUME 1655 Sc. ft. ESTIMATED COST $ 2,500.00 APERMIT $ 35.00 Icupc/SOUARE FEETI OWNER Main Street Assoc,/J.P. DwyerE� ;,Q ADDRESS P (1 Box 1149. NtlrthdmptOn sr11°I'� WHITE - FILE COPY • GREEN - FIELD COPY • CANARY - APPLICANT COPY • PINK - ASSESSORS COPY 0, 1.-i@:1,4CITY OF NORTHAMPTON • MASSACHUSETTS ��,f{QQ�i, ;•�:' + OFFICE of the INSPECTOR of BUILDINGS `f"-�+t�' ''" Page `3d APPLICATION FOR R — Plot /3R ZONING PERMIT AND INSPECTOR BUILDING PERMIT z IMPORTANT - Applicant to complete all items in suctions: I, II, III, IV, and IX. O AT (LOCAISON) 21-11 Main SF rani- ZONING CH LOCATION ao.I uintrI OF BETWEEN Main Street AND Merrick Lane BUILDING (CROSS EPIC-Ell )CROSS STREET) LOT sueDlvISeo4_.. LOT BLOCK SIZE _ N II, TYPE AND COST OF BUILDING - AM applicants complete Parts A - D -4 A. TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT D. PROPOSED USE - For"Wrecking" most recent vse m m I r New building -1 Residential Nonresidential 21 I Addition!!!residential. enter number 121,_;One family iB I I Amusement,recren ramal on new boaeia8 units added. f/any, 13 Two o ore fam4y - Ent Li CMO r e i9}c r Part G 13) r m er 19Church, other r I us 3 Alteration (See 2 Nbovel number of units— — -- — -i 20 ElInds:trial 14 I Transient hotel, motel, 21 [fl Parking garage 41 I Repair, replacement or dormitory - Enter number S Gtr Wreaking (II multifamily residential, of unit.v -1 22 LI Service station, repo.garage enter numben of tincts to building in is 1 1 Gauge 23(J Hospital,institutional Dart D. 13) 161 I Carport 24I 1 Office,bank, professional 6 ❑ Moving (relocation) 7 Foundation only 17 Li Other - Spec:/D 25 ❑ Public utility 251 1 School, library, other educational B. OWNERSHIP 27I 1 Stores, mercantile 8 XI Ptiv ore (individual, corporation, 281 I Tanker towers nonprofit institution, etc.) 29 Other - Specify SfnrarJe 9 Public (Federal, Stott, or �4 local government) f'+ C. COST (Omi( cents) Nonresidential — Describe in detotI proposed on of bo(Idings,e.g., food processing plant,machine shop, laundry buiIdIng at hospital,Clemncry 1O. Cast or Improv emum £ 2 S O n nn school, se ondary school, college, parochial school, parking garage for department sof office building, office building atindustrial plant. To be installed bw not included If use of existing building Is being cbanged, enter proposed use, n the above cost O. Electrical b. Plumbing c. Heating, air conditioning d, Other (elevator,em ) """"' ii. TOTAL COST OF IMPROVEMENT £ 7500.00 III. SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS OF BUILDING — For new buildings and additions, complete Ports E - L, for wrecking, complete only Port J, for all others skip to IV. E. PRINCIPAL TYPE OF FRAME G. TYPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL 1. DIMENSIONS 301 1 Masonry twat!bearing) 401 1 Public or pre vala company 48. Number of stories 1 story 49. Tocol square feet of Iloor area, 31 in Wood frame 41 E_] Private (Septic rani, etc.) all floors, based on exterior 32, I Structural steel dimensions 1665sq. Et. 33 fl Reinforced concrete H. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY 341 ( Omer - Specify „- 42 j Public or private company 50- Teta( land area sq. +< 420 r 750sq. ft 43 I—% Private(well, cistern) K. NUMBER OF OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES F. PRINCIPAL TYPE OF HEATING FUEL I. TYPE OF MECHANICAL SL Enclosed 35 15os Will;Lore be central ole 52. ()unlearn 361 1 O,I _ r.:arksiioniag° L. RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY 37 El Electricity - 44 Yes 45 No 53. Number of bedrooms 38 LI. Cool 39 Other - Will mere be on elevator'+ [TiL_� Pea/Y' Yes 47' No 54. Num cams Pull 46 El1 ' IV. IDENTIFICATION – To be completed by all applicants Name Mailing address — ,Number, street, city, and State ZIP cede Tel. No. I. Main Street c/o J.P. Dwyer, Inc. P.O. Box 1149 01061 586-8971 own , a t _ - Les"' Associates Northampton, MA. — 3, W. J. Turomsha Bolide.'• _ Bo • U,. thcenne Na. Contractor ... ' Design & Construction Architect or Nnne Eug:n er I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and that I have been authorized by the owner to make this a.•lication as his authorized agent and we agree to conform to oil applicable laws of this jurisdiction. S' + u"uin i Address Applied Gan dote z ler ;i G,.."C P n Bnx 1149 Northampton, MA.0108 . p/74/ '/ DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE V. PLAN REVIEW RECORD – For office use Plans Review Required Check Plan Feeeeview Date Stavtedas By ApproveDote d By Notes • BUILDING $ PLUMBING $ MECHANICAL $ ELECTRICAL $ OTHER $ VI. ADDITIONAL PERMITS REQUIRED OR OTHER JURISDICTION APPROVALS • Date A Permit or Approval Check O6D food Number By Permit or Approve! Obtoi ed ... BOILERPLUMBING CURBRBOR SIDEWALK CUT ROOFING ELEVATOR SEWER 111111 ELECTRICAL SIGN SIGN ORBILLBOARD - FURNACE STREET GRADES - GRADING USE OF PUBLIC AREAS MIN OIL BURNER WRECKING IIIIIII OTHER OTHER ,_ 1 VII. VALIDATION Building ,�^J[� FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permit number Building n Use Group o. Permit issued �//IY�iit': ,`e. ' Y 19 7z rFire Grading Building Permit Fee $ T . (} Live Loading Certificate of Occupancy $ Occupancy Laud Approved by: Droin Tile $ _,"�P9 'r2 tt Plan Review Fee $ �^""�'F TITLE NOTES and Data — (For deportment use) VIII. ZONING PLAN EXAMINERS NOTES DISTRICT USE FRONT YARD SIDE YARD SIDE YARD REAR YARD NOTES • S ..lis . xa :iu:f « z = sa , . :-.. aa .... :»..... .»»..if »»: ... . '. . »aa fsi1 : u• Ri luL ::e" eriesas rs:.ssf K »i.fFa . : : . ... f : zf ° DI iiiiiiiii:i ..ii :uuuu ••s ..........::—....1........ R ^ 9 :i »»» . sr •: : : a« a : : :.»..:: isue: fae: s : s s e : . s» 4 • •i::s aaLsr:u::f:u; « u .....»...: «. :;z as ; !:h i s»»» ,.. z sL no if s a a m::u::.• ..,. r irr. . . II . . Ili • ?i99f ; e e : a ° is :s: =tulips» : ggIiLu: 11 .. vitif. R » s .Set :a "i:::iSi6» : fs : ii :: ..................... s 11:fa"S � iu ?....» 9^" ., , fil sit ai »s3:�ttf «u?:::sfu•ssunts»:u — � . � ir. a ..... »..: i : ::ieii:u .r:SSs; .s. s � h : ::i « .. ; a a i �l • . . « • . :a : }@nIll . " : ^ YII : c L ..•» L :; : :::.......;:i.......; : € nfei :•aei � ...s • : :••• • = : .•. S i : sii u. iiSa : «T7i9»aa'......... ?».i.?». ...u: .:1...».....,« e : » : lgti p�L :i i iiSY L`y •erp :6inn :a : »•"a0:: :5 � wII.— a s. is isifi i_E m3a� :_;Kri «.» ; uusxu.»»......»..ice u?iir«.;»« :.:.:.i» II**:•s•r:S ser'. . lt� =t u ... :'s;a iii�s: :s » ° «:a:»«.. : in « .. »"u »,..... II : »s.ui nsu R. .rrr �psr. ga....;i :;..; fsii° :..s....==is»...m......il:..e s «iu.».. »u, .......•.. 7. �,� �s:i 9Sses••. Lis s"•',•:::: •• u : ; z ?' cit ?5il:Fas is ii:u:ei�•.•» im r»«" ... •.a:::u3 iui::u s s:i'is•: .iau ' » ..«»»,» 11 T�� LLS:q ss�� ra .....is ie::ie 4;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:3 ; 1 a.,... i .... . 6::::si S' :•.•» : s s f •s f•iia,........nese:f :.••••?i : u: s:?t' s: rs a :i»» « « »» : us::u::"—::u:7a»•»a•....'-•....»••a: 3 t urs rrs u..i: arnii:ieefe a.••.a isii..:s ::s: : as s : : e s :i: iii = ?i9e? i4ii?::ii?i99q s : : i : :u:::iu: s:....;1::::::: s ii :e is iul4 it s riE: : ...st . ...* L »•i«s::a sueiiiii a :l 5'r "'•» IIi •' c::::s s•• if ,1... s s .»f:i s.. ::».} :;..: 13 i:13:i III "S?i»:•••:i8 ?..,.•IS g egg: :Nu• j i i"•.,,3"",»?:{1{: ' .e.'}i::ian• sssu»s • a •4' nit iiiiiili"»' sd:: ii f�(gi;a,«,•7:i:::::::::::::::11.1sPf..»..•i:::::i �,. ffs«ii:s'L : Ll ,. 'i ¢i Lii:i:::.• i i CR'3 i 1::7:::i' p�•. s : Bess s..f .les iIIMMIIIIg� ��: rs : :sii'y,if:u. f O � i°.3 i4 ':•fiat • gC_li.•«.»�.... S :f:tif79iliiiii..::::u:e13 c s«S• S:j iii �gg .ii z4ilii .a i:li:u• r si :. iii :::i iuisi I11111!MI t raise•" •�i' st{ i ?.IN a iif�:�i tut F, :::MIi.R«?isui;z:�:i �•••.: ' i �i ���s�}x� :i ii UN�IEM3f i33Frasif i ' ,I ii?illi ,; t; �iliL' 9�i»si�lise :ng us afaseeasis ai.. u aas RNi H.;; .. p tuifi .......istaa:::u:C.u::".•• it • 'a Y �A1�,� Bay State Gas Company ri ctfi \\(11r"�ir,_ �� i• i �e^ .1 November 18, 1987 ' ffg Building inspector .4 M _4 212 Main Street 1 Northampton, MA. 01060 Mar Sir: The Street (s) listed below have had the gas service cut off and are ready for demolition. This service was cut off November 12, 1987 in the street at 25 Main St. (Rear Garage) , Northampton, MA. Very truly yours, Bay State Gas Company Springfield Division Carl, A. Tyburs Distribution CAT/< CC: len Rubeck, Bldg. Manager Main Street Associates 25 Main St. Northampton, AM. 01060 Springfield Division PO Box 2025 Springfield Massachusetts 01101 413 781-9200 Massachusetts Electric Company 548 Haydenville Road [ P 0. Boz 305 Florence Massachusetts Electric Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 November 18, 1987 O �ggqJ Mr. Len Rubeck, Building Manager `�/ Main Street Associates 25 Main Street ii \ C Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 Dear Mr. Rubeck: This is to confirm that Massachusetts Electric Company has disconnected and removed all electric service to the garage located on Merrick Lane in Northampton, Massachusetts. Very truly yours, MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC COMPANY Peter T. Werenski Assistant Field Engineer PTW/a A New England Electns Sys'-.m company WATER DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 237 Prospect Street—586-6950 Ext.300 125 Locust Street—586-6950 Ext.272 Northampton,Massachusetts 01060 NOVEMBER 18,1987 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: THE WATER GOING INTO THE GARAGE BEHIND FITZ41ILLYS BUILDING HAS BEEN SHUT OFF,STHICH HAS NOT BEEN USED FOR YEARS. SINCERELY YOURS ; SUPT. OF WATER �(/� ROBERT J. KOZASH