23A-012 (3) { x� 004201 1.; Date Filed, 7 9 /`�J _ File No. ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION/ (§10 . 2) 1. Name of Applicant: C/4�'«3 //F'^,•'v' > Address: r}c- AAPa 57' Telephone: -C>4 .LSt/? 27 2 . Owner of Property: (e2: Ku / NF$ Address : aim{""/Mk:yr e-- iy65-'SY/ 3 . Status -of Applicant: Or-Owner Contract Purchaser Lessee _Other (explain: . ) A . Parcel Identification: Zoning Map Sheet# _ wPt ULC arcel# /a Zoning District(s) (includm � ays) Street Address elS ' Required 5 . Existin• Proposed by Zoning Use of Structure/Property QI„udd, j . Jssj 4Nwr.-=- (if project is only interior work, Uski to #6) Building height Yr 33 ' oB31dg .Coverage (Footprint) 2,33 sc•r'' 9 Fr1 5`Fr 3OYs Setbacks - front R,zn%ornear P(c,.r%o.'a,Nt 30'� - side L: %Sly- R: 7'G ,. L: hay.' R; /,C " IV - rear. 1,3' Z6 Y"' 'AB' Lot size G3 9i /0 Ex-0 Frontage /+ ' Floor Area Ratio '-- %Open Space (Lot area minus building and parking) F/ 00 '-F ,it) °fp Parking Spaces Loading Signs - Fill (volume & location) 6 . Narrative Description of Proposed Work/Project: (Use additional sheets if necessary) y't1;" /3' ya.HF cro c,/'c,e4 'c /1.,}22/fl' 7. Attached Plans: Sketch Plan Site Plan 8. Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. , Date: �//�/ 7ed'— Applicant's Signature: c 'C'7 %'�--- .". THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: Approved as presented/based on information presented I/Denied as presented--Reason: Special` Permit and/or Site Plan Required: r i • ing Reln'r/ T(,3,( 4- q33 Variance Required, Ar • gna'"u 0 •f -zullding spec ` /atee• NOTE: Issuance of a zoning permit does not rnllove an applicants burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required ponnls from the Board el Health,Conscwouon Commission,Oepottmord of Public Works and oto; apprcabto permit granting authorities. ' 9O_