38B-222 (8) 31 FAIRVIEW AVE BP-2016-1516 cis to: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block:38B-222 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot:-001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category:KITCHEN RENO BUILDING PERMIT rPe m,t' a BP-2016-1516 Protect ti JS-2016-002582 Fa.Cost:$3000.00 Fee:$0,84)9 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Comt.Clens: Contractor: License: We Group: Andy Cole Let Size(su.a.): 5532,12 Owner: FOUNDS STEVE&SANDRA C/O ADELINE HOOPER _ _ AT: 31 FAIRVIEW AVE ApplicantAddress: Phone: Insurance: 469 Main Road (413) 325-1383 G I LLMA01354 ISSUED ON,:670/7016 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: Kitchen POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring U.Y.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: [VI el en Footings: Roaga: ?AA Reoghi7/, � Hv:.,e n Foundation: yR " un.o„ny Final: // � y 7 / C1 Final:/04 ,6 FTnaI:(� }0 _� Rough Frame: jdk7 2! ( � Gas:' //�__r'' IG Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: .gGe,ro rte' ✓ 9-31 Insulation: Final• mice: Final: ps"a7•1C7 ( J , THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES ANDRE TTON Certificate of Occuoancv G3/I sleaaturc, �� FeeTvpe: Date Paid: Amount: Building 62020160:00:0 $0.00 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax:(413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck-Building Commissioner •"��y`�� 7 ` Ia i z , A i � � �h. twk _t.- j o4 f P'. 7 .4„•":27:N7 .swa N *yrWu� e s 4°.r ad ">§& i1 a ft Z. k h 4 c aCYC �c :z Y o- ' c.4�q ' 5 .3 § yt t'" fi !' e At bMa * ~t e ' t 4a .3 • 1 T -xc%�' zp z { @ .. _ y, ' ....?`sP��nlelr *w-• 3a f ht R _ §'A ,:,-, %:---:': "� y ta p� x ti.' tyC n ai .a 4 f b C L ak �" \ h y YF; i 37� ,yds`' b 'a n t`iIt.;3 sz ar yz> ,i z t 07/05/2016 8:56 AN FAX 4136658770 JARROWSWI PLL7i83NG e 0001/0001 07/81/2816 14;21 141:3511/1'!/'1 I st„y MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO PERFORM PLUMBING WORK CITY SI c7tc rik7An140-Ma.) mo, tDATE„1. L__,.___.__ PERMIT# — { t� ' JOBSITE ADDRESS....931 CAW , VL{?,WJ 19f OWNER'S NAME P rSicai,r,_ttt'A1flc.lt POWNER ADDRESS ` ,�_ TELSADA FAX TYPE OR • OCCUPANCY TYPE COMMERCIAL❑ EDUCATIONAL ❑ RESIDENtAL0 PRINT NEW:[] RENOVATION:Or REPLACEMENT:0 PLANS SUBMITTED: YES NO Er" CLEARLY f FIXTURES1 FLOOR-' BSMI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 0 10 11 12 -13 14 BATHTUB IT CROSS CANNCTIONOENCEDEDICATEDSPECIALWASTESYSO tiCATFDDSYS0 DICATED GREASEMIN IllallaallDEDIcATD GRAY WAWR SYSDEDICATED WATER RECYCLE SYS DRINKING FOUNTAIN DISHAV+ASHER I FOOD DISPOSER ._ I E100RlAREA GRAIN L...._' INTERCEPTOR(INTERIOR) .l r _ , KITCHEN SINK I LAVATORY ' J ROOF DRAIN ..._rt_ _ _ SHOWER STALL III - . YYtLUivirsi1Nb 6 G sINa�'tc.'OH SERVICE I MOP&NT( — -14„% .MPTO( i TOILET �� HOT AfY'ftOtK0 . URINAL I WASHING MACHINE CONNECTION WATER HEATER ALL TYPES { WATERPIPING V OTHER r I ____� INSJRANCE tocEPAGE; _ t have a currant Jjabits insunmca policy er Its substantiaf equivalent which,masts the mquiremenis of Mel Ch.142. Yes D Na D IF YOU CHECKED YES,PLEASE INDICATE THE TYPE OF COVERAGE RY CHECKING THE APPROPRIATE BOX BELOW LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY 0. - OTHER TYPE OF INDEMNITY 0 BOND 0 OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER; am aware that the iicenaee doh nektma the insurance tentage required by Chapter 142 of the theme:huseHe General Lawn,and that my signature on this permit applicafcn waives this requirement CHECK ONE BOX ONLY: OWNER ( J AGENT 0 Signature of Owner or Owners Apent I hereby Cartlfy that all of the details and knfermatien I Have Ambmltted Tor cratered)regarding this application are true and accurate to the bout of my Knmvtedge and mat an ptomaine work and 1netvtations parfo..Nd under the Pormit settee ter this ahhhhhhon van he in compllanc,ewiI J LPertlnent prevlsi n of the Massachusetts State Plumbing Cede an• napter 142 offthe/General true, PUtaGRNAMB'.`-.T res-VIE L Ia't3\Little° ��i,Caa- s1GNATURL�` L(/§t/✓.-Lt4......�,' LICA MP�JP❑ CORPORATION MP PAR ' SHIP # 2//,� , LLC []A�. ��") c flr -+.-' . • COMPANY NAME V-Hrt1chif , CCh21a.E. / IFTtIE�= a. a t CITY:J� RAP ate., 3,..rt, SiATR Ut' ZIP.034323 EMAIL ---- rELA t3'mac---'131461 CELL_ FAX , .— -Yt 7/3/6 12n,c Fn ga,-z> t'cyj g i; Cr-44 10610 MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO PERFORM GAS FITTING WORK :si._ ; �e, , � { (� `: =I:._-y' an 00en1tn't.(ZTOI•3 MA DATE a.4 IL, PERMIT#_VP` { 1-a JOBSITE ADURESStr,-41 Ave.Cpn eV ibai7 OWNER'S NAME /' ELL y,1EVOPFs( GOWNER ADDRESS-3 t TEl'3-5B6-2F14FAx TYPE OR OCCUPANCY TYPE COMMERCIAL 0 EDUCATIONAL ❑ RESIDENTIAL 0.--- PRINT CLEARLY NEW:❑ RENOVATION:1;3' REPLACEMENT:0 PLANS SUBMITTED: YES 0 NO❑ APPLIANCES 1 FLOORS-. BSM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 BOILER BOOSTER CONVERSION BURNER COOK STOVE I DIRECT VENT HEATER DRYER FIREPLACE __. __ . .. FRYOLATOR =MOM L -L.--_s 1 FURNACE tent � r ._ GENERATOR GRILLE INFRARED HEATER LABORATORY COCKS MAKEUP AIR UNIT .. OVEN POOL HEATER ROOM I SPACE HEATERLJ 18;N3 R TEST GAS!NS aECTdR ROOF TOP UNIT H t.UV 141.11 APPROVE-I) UNIT HEATER E ROOM HEATER WATER HEATER ,., OTHER 1 „C INSURANCE COVERAGE I have a current liability insurance policy or As substantial equivalent which meets the requirements of MGL.Ch.142 YES hi NO ❑ I IF YOU CHECKEGYES,PLEASE INDICATE THE TYPE OF COVERAGE BY CHECKING THE APPROPRIATE BOX BELOW LIABILITY INSLKANCE POLICY E OTHER TYPE INDEMNITY ❑ BMW 0 OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER:I am aware that the licensee does not hen the insurance coverage required by Chapter 142 of the Massachusetts General Laws,and that my signature on this permit application waives this requirement. CHECK ONE ONLY: OWNER 0 AGENT 0 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AGENT I hereby certify that an of the details and infomnailon I have submitted or entered regarding this application are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that all plumbing work and Installations performed under the permit issued for this application will be in compliance vltM1 1 PeNnent provision of the Massachusetts State Plumbing Code and Chapter 142 of the General Laws. /�� � ! -1,-1,--4,—.‘. PLUMBER-GASFITTER NAME LICENSE# C � -'SIGNATURE ji MP❑ MGF 0 JP❑ JGF❑ LPG'❑ CORPORATION a'p,� PARTNERSHIP❑it LLC❑¥ COMPANY NAME.. A11V .cm;.niiI' (t-61yN5,1 1'\fr)T 'ADDRESS iti 5 t vtA-iii :`_{ CITY./ '. STATE MA ZIP 013 1 '2, TEL_ - '7 %,;11 FAX (c7 i'r "Li() CELL _ EMAIL -0114 , ,cam ,e7s4, /cc-1-.6 3r - ern: 7/e/i liesr/21 72j7" t /OA de Stah'fJ 72wPaw, Cs.)Y 31 FAIRVIEW AVE EP-2017-0022 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Map: 38B Lot: 222 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit: Electrical Category: REWIRE KITCHEN Permit# Electrical PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Project it JS-2016-002582 Est.Cost: Contractor: License: Fee: $65.00 STEVEN KEYES MASTER ELECTRICIAN 21213A Owner: FOUNDS STEVE & SANDRA CIO ADELINE HOOPER Applicant: STEVEN KEYES AT: 31 FAIRVIEW AVE Applicant Address Phone Insurance 3B STATE RD (413) 422-1220 0 C-(413) 695-4968 Liability, BDXGXZ SOUTH DEERFIELD MA01373 ISSUED ON:7/8/2016 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: REWIRE KITCHEN Call In Date: Date Requested Inspection Date/SignOff: Reinspect?: Trench/UG: Special Instructions x nn Rough 7- //- /'L 12? k. Special Instructions: Final: 9 /��- 20 -/ G 62 ' %) SRE Called In: Signature: Fee Type:: Amount: DatePaid Electrical $65.00 7/8/2016 0:00:00 5106 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1244,Fax(413)587-1272-Inspector of Wires -Roger Malo