32A-048 (4) File k MP-2017-0041 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON WIATER JOHN E TRUSTEE ADDRESS/PHONE206 MIDDLE ST SeE Et All PROPERTY LOCATION 63 -65 MARKET ST MAP 32A PARCEL 048 001 ZONE URC(I 00)/ THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid Building Permit Filled out �JG� Fee Paid Tvpeof Construction: ZPA-8 DWELLING UNITS ON PROPERTY New Construction Non Srructural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owned Statement or License 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTT N HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFORMATION PRES TED: Approved Additional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § SU ArrA cft m6N 6 Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND/OR le� Special Permit with Site Plan Major Project Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit with Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance- Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit�frfroom'EEll'/m-'Street Commission Permit DPW Storm Water Management Signature otBuildin/£ficial Dale I26�1 Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. . Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A.Contact the Office of Planning&Development for more information. ,pW 2 5 2011 - -- - - File No. -- --_" NINGPERMITAPPLICATION(§io.a) Please type or print all information and return this form to the Building Inspector's Office with the$30fi1ing fee (check or money order)payable to the City of Northampton 1. Name of Applicant: 'Aar Address: }0go;e dyy N d/c AIA o/�S" Telephone: `113-igy- 77/v u/a> 2. Owner of Property: S3 /4k{ Ac,11y 66C Address: Telephone: 3. Status of Applicant: Owner Contract Purchaser ✓/ Lesseei Other (explain) 4. Job Location: 6365 /I'lor�l<{- J� lorlL'��.pw„ Parcel Id: Zoning Map# 03>A Parcel# 33A-04F- 41 District(s): (l C- In Elm Street District In Central Business District (TO BE FILLED IN BY IFHE BUILDING DEPARTMENT) 5. Existing Use of Structure/Property: A kad"tl b. Description of Proposed Use/Work/Project/Occupation: (Use additional sheets if necessary): AH- 1,,C) g oL(cA ((,I;� C.iNS nii-4� T Attached Plans: Sketch Plan Site Plan I/ Engineered/Surveyed Plans Q/o+ 8. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO DONT KNOW V1 YES IF YES, date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO DONT KNOW ✓ YES IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# 9.Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO r/ DONT KNOW YES IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Obtained , date issued: (Form Continues On Other Side) 'A \Doenmcros\FORMS\original\building-Inspector\Zoning-Permit Appllc,rnouyunsive.doc 8142004 10. Do any signs exist on the property? YES NO IF YES, describe size, type and location: Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES NO_v� IF YES, describe size, type and location: 11. Will the construction activity disturb (clearing, grading, excavation, or filling)ovef 1 acre or is it part of a common plan of development that will disturb over 1 acre? YES_ NO IF YES, then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. 12. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED, or PERMIT CAN BE DENIED DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION This column reserved for use by the Building De rbnent EXISTING PROPOSED REQUIRED BY ZONING LotSize Frontage lit, 96 3^rte Setbacks Front Side L: R: L: R: L: R: Rear Building Height Building Square Footage 53 0 5060 6S- l7lG %Open Space: (lot area minus building Ft paved parking #of Parking Spaces #of Loading Docks D C> Fill: (volume a location) 13. Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Date: /-.7 4-JG 17 Applicant's Signature n � NOTE:Issuance of a zoning permit does not relieve an applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from the Board of Health,Conservation Commission, Historic and Architectural Boards,Department of Public Works and other applicable permit granting authorities. W'\Dccumcros\FORMSOnginal\Building-Inspector\Zoning-Permit-Appllcni0nya sive,doc 8/42004 S. Existing Use of Structure/Property: This property has been a multi building, multi-family use.The 2 back buildings,#65 and#65A have each been 2-family structures. Building 65A was occupied, up until recently. Building 65 was gutted for remodel-judging from the new material installed, it was within the recent past. Building 63 had one unit occupied, up until recently,while the larger,front portion of the building, has been gutted and is in need of repair. 6. Description of Proposed Use/Work/Project/Occupation: As mentioned in Question 5,that has been a multi-family property for a long time.The original house dates back to ca. 1760, and according to the documentation provided by the Historical Commission(see attached Form B),was converted into "four tenements" sometime between 1870 and the end of the 191"century. We are requesting to have 4 units in this structure.The next structure, Unit 65, has been a 2 family and was rented up until the recent renovations were started.One entrance faced Market Street, and the other unit entrance faced the parking lot. We are requesting to continue the use of the 2 units in this building. Please note that current images show additional egress for this building-with 2 entrances facing the parking lot now-one for each unit. Building 65A was most recently occupied (both units), and while currently habitable, is in need of updating.This has a unit on the second floor(right entrance facing the parking lot)and a unit on the first floor(left entrance facing parking lot).We are requesting to have the continued use of 2 units in this building.All units have been occupied by tenants, with the exception of the older(front portion) of#63.Our plan is to remodel and re-build all units.This consists of the 3 existing buildings.We will not be expanding any footprints and will be working within the existing structures. In short,we are looking to renovate and improve these buildings, make them safe, and create nice units for rental. One other point,we do appreciate the historical significance of the front building, and would like to save the structure. It is in decline and in need of repair before any further deterioration takes place. One other point to note, supporting the units and use at the property. Building 63 has 5 electrical maters in the basement. Building 65 has 2 meters(one for each unit) and Building 65A also has 2 electrical meters(one for each unit). If you have any further questions, please do let me know.Thank you. Important Documents Attached: 1. Attachment 1: Form B:The Form B documents that the main house "Asa Wright House', known as 63 Market Street,was converted into 4 units,sometime before the end of the 19" century. 2. Attachment 2: Photos from 2005 showing the units-#63,#65 (entry in front facing street for one unit and entry on side for other unit),#65A, Ul and U2 entries facing parking lot as they are now. Both back units were leased at this time. 3. Attachment 3- Plot Plan/Site Plan 4. Attachment 4- Footprints and Photographs(in order, Unit 63,65 and 65A) 5. Attachment 5-Appraisal Summary FORM B — BUILDING AJJ soca Number USGS Quad Area(J) Fmm Number 32A-48 Eastham ton O NTH.2020 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL COMMISSION MASSACHUSETTS ARCHIVES BUILDING 220 MORRISSEY BOULEVARD Town: Northampton BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02125 Place: (neighborhood or village) Photo ra Ih Address: 63-65 Market Street Historic Name: Asa Wright House Uses: Present: Six-family house Original: Single-family house IDate of Construction: ca. 1760 _ Source: Registry of Deeds i � O � Style/Form: Georgian Architect/Builder: Exterior Material: Foundation: brick Wall/Trim: clapboards Topographic or Assessor's Map Roof: slate azaou �'•� Outbuildings/Secondary Structures: as+c r J'P na✓+v � v 3'A�]EP Major Alterations(with dates)_ Stacked porch added, rear ell and side porch added, n.d. A11]� 32A/N9 � D64 ,c Condition: fair Moved: no I x I yes I I Date s mea � Jzr.. Acreage: 0.469 acres 3 'N sv zea _ " Setting: This building faces west in a mixed commercial/residential neighborhood. Recorded by: Bonnie Parsons Organization: Pioneer Valley Planning Commission Date(month/year): March, 2011 Follow Massachusetts Hivi,,,.1 Gmmission Survey Manual fnsimenons for completing this form. INVENTORY FORM B CONTINUATION SHEET [NORTHAMPTON] [65 MARKET STREET] MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL COMMISSION Arca(s) Form No. 220 MORRissEy BOULEVARD,BOSTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02125 NTH.2020 Recommended for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Ifchecked,you must attach a completed National Register Criteria Statement form. Use as much space as necessary to complete the following entries, allowing test m flow onto additional continuation sheets. ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION: Describe architectural features. Evaluate the characteristics ofthis building in terms ofother buildings within the community_ The Wright House is a fine Georgian style house that has been altered but retains the evidence of its early date in its visible structure. It is a two-and-a-half story house under a steeply-pitched side-gable roof that has lost its center chimney. In each gable end are jetties or overhangs that mark its 18"century construction date along with the roof pitch. The house is five bays wide and its second story windows are set close to the eaves in Georgian fashion. The eaves are clipped on all elevations. Windows are narrow and tall and contain 6/6 wood sash. After its conversion to a multi-family house a two-story stacked porch was added to the west fagade along with a second story door in the center bay. The house has a two, two-story ells on its eastern elevation, and in the angle between the main block and the first ell is a side porch on Colonial Revival style Doric columns suggesting it was added at the same time as the Colonial Revival style stacked porch that is also supported on Doric columns. One bay of the side porch has been filled in. HISTORICAL NARRATIVE Discuss the historyof the building. Explain its associations with local(or state)history, Include uses of the building, and the role(s)the owners/occupants played within the community. From Form B of 1976/1980: "This is a Colonial period house which appears to have been built for the Wright family. A deed of 1805 describes this as the homestead of Asa Wright, who had died in 1787. His eldest son, Asa, had taken over the homestead in the late 1780's and maintained it until 1808. The house would seem to have been built for either father or the son. The next owner and occupant was Seth Parsons,who lived here until his death in the early 1830's. The property, including two acres of land extending easterly from Market Street to the cemetery, was bought by Silas M. Smith in 1834. Mr. Smith had come to Northampton in 1828 and engaged in the furniture business,which he continued until his retirement in 1877. As this area was developed, Mr. Smith sold off over half his homestead for residential lots. By 1861,when he sold the homestead to David W. Crafts,there was only%of an acre with this property. Mr. Crafts was the superintendent of the local gasworks, later called the Northampton Gaslight Co. He lived here until about 1870, when he moved to a house in the rear of the gasworks, on a short street later named Crafts Avenue. Mr. Crafts continued to own the Market Street property, at least until the end of the 19a century, and it was during this period that the house was subdivided into four tenements." BIBLIOGRAPHY and/or REFERENCES Beers, F.W. County Atlas of Hampshire Massachusetts, New York, 1873. Hales, John G. Plan of the Town or Northampton in the County of Hampshire, 1831. Miller, D. L. Atlas of the City of NorthaolDton and Town of Easthampton Hampshire County Massachusetts, Philadelphia, 1895. Walker, George H. and Company. Atlas of Northampton City Massachusetts Boston, 1884, Walling, Henry F. May of Hampshire County Massachusetts, New York, 1860. Registry of Deeds: Bk. 200-P. 198, 71-659, 50-103, 27-527, 25-136 Continuation sheet I u . s y 41 fit z Yy TA T?5 �tw`•' °�q ~1 a. 6&PAOP'(35 vou"2 glo p pw t 15 v��PACO, xx'4 1l1 1 mAp( T T 3 a o 1RAVERSE PARA AW'2gp �`IL ' I ••P (A AR J Q . ¢5M'1R01.PAS ` A r �pf $ � ,1 Lo rn rn- N 102101 W 101.10 �J MARKET STREET LEG D I REPORT THAT THIS PUN HAS BEEN PREPARED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE 1976 RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE REGISTERS 0 FOUND 1. OF DEEDS OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. C NMARR RANDALL E. IZER /35032 tticl Ll Page X30 Assessors' Sketch Building#63 180FP Dn mta/A ea 6 A:11A/2F1/B 1 5R/B 60 924 sglt 1R/B20 360 / 6 8 2F 96 O 101120.,ft 14 D 13 C11.5F1/B 40 15 360 xvft D IF/B 6 188 sgfk 16 26 2FJB 6 E.1 WE 1120 96 suit 4 16 F.210FP 60 ag11 G:OFP 42 102x911 H:OFP 22 BA/2FJB P FBAYft 921 64 sglt iF 5 Building#65 D...,,Pto,/Alea 22 A:2R/B 880 sgft B OFP 50 sgft 40 2R/B 880 n B 5 63-65-65A Market Street,Northampton, MA 12-2016 Page X31 Building#65A Descriptor/Area 22 A:2Fr/B 746 sqR 34 2Ft/B 748 SUBJECT PHOTOGRAPHS �r .. a ; .•,.' , _ __ . . ._-,, vivax South side 63 Market e3 Rear 63-65-65A Market Street,Northampton, MA 12-2016 Page X32 61, Interior (� 3 Interior Air 4 . 63 Rear unit 6 Rear unit q' (, 3 Rear unit 65 Market Street 63-65-65A Market Street, Northampton, MA 12-2016 Page X33 i CS' Interior 6S' Interior f 4 I a LS Basement 65A Market Street w E 6S/} Right side 6SR Right side 63-65-65A Market Street,Northampton, MA 12-2016 Yyy Page X34 fi stn r i Left side 65;Fr Left side Looking north Looking south 63-65-65A Market Street,Northampton, MA 12-2016 ��FG�I m pn t Page 135 ZONING According to the zoning by-laws for the: City of Northampton the subject is located in the URC Residential Zoning District. Allowed uses in this zoning district is primarily residential with a range of building and unit configurations allowed, including single, multi-family, townhouse and home businesses. This zoning district requires a minimum lot size of 2,500 square feet per unit with 50-feet of road frontage. Setbacks include 10-feet front, 10-feet side on one side and 0-feet on the other side and 20-feet rear setback. Zoning Man 32A- '6:.1 eet h 75 1362 32AA44 \ 67.2 1159: \�Bi.83 C /sa e1 r 32A-a4 8 04 \4 6414 9651-]A4 � F 9 /// fid l4 3 d7 - 9} y gC� 45/'/100.1n1 5 3 228 �f 32A 4 i 32A-055 sss\ ttoa�, , 32 aA-048 ss. l]5 11 101]4 � 57 1 Subject 93 ssa < 93 -' nss 3 3 s 6s: a7 as The subject meets the current zoning use requirements, however does not meet the current dimensional requirements. The subject has been utilized as a multi-unit, multi-building apartment complex for decades and is compatible with surrounding uses. Therefore the subject is considered to be a legal, non-conforming use as it predates current zoning regulations. 63-65-65A Market Street,Northampton, MA 12-2016 Peter Gelinas From: Carolyn Misch <cmisch@northamptonma.gov> Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 9:56 AM To: Peter Gelinas Subject: Re: Question on Property Hi Peter- We would certainly love to see the buildings (particularly the one at the street) renovated and reused. The question is really how many units pre-existed on the site. The Assessors seem to be showing a total of 6 units. By zoning the maximum number of units allowed appears to be 8 based on lot size. So unless you can show(to the building commissioner's office in a zoning permit review)that more than 8 previously existed, then you would be allowed to do a total of S. I think given the layout of the one outbuilding showing the 2 entrances and probably 2 kitchens would qualify as a firm 2. I see the second outbuilding has 2 doors (hopefully there is documentation that there were 2 kitchens). The front building- I don't have any specific information. The Building Dept would look at number of kitchens to make that determination. Parking is based on a per unit calculation and a maximum of 2 spaces per unit is required(1 per 1000sf). However, if you show that you aren't increasing the number of units, then the site could be grandfathered for any number fewer than required. Please let me know if you have more questions. Carolyn Misch,AICP Senior Land Use Planne,1Perimis Manager City of Nanhampton Office of Planning&Susta nability 210 Main St, Room 11 Northampton, MA 01060 413-587-1287 cmischI,7nonhnmptonma eov www,nofthamptonma.gov/plan s On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 8:31 PM, Peter Gelinas<peter(au)eelinas.com>wrote: Hi Carolyn, t I'm working with Agent Steve Jasinski on a property at 63-65 Market Street. He had recommended that I reach out to you to talk about what I'm interested in doing there, to see if it was doable. He said you were very helpful and knowledgeable with these types of things. I was hoping maybe I could ask you a few questions on this? This is the property that consists of 3 residential houses on one lot- one is a 2 family that is in need of renovation, one is a 2 family that has been gutted and prepped for renovation, and the third is the large, old building that sits up by the road, which I'm told was once a 6 family. I am interested in finishing the work started on the 2 smaller buildings (both 2-family units) and then renovating the larger front building, to be a 4- 5 unit multi-family house. I recognize that building needs some work, but it's a great old building and I do believe it can be saved. I'm told that was gutted many years ago. Based on your knowledge, would this be an Ok plan for that property? I don't believe it is too ambitious, as we aren't looking to expand anything or tear anything down- mainly renovate what is there. So it would be a total of(2) separate 2 unit each properties and(1) larger 4-5 unit property, across 3 existing buildings. Any information or insight you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Carolyn. I do look forward to hearing back from you. Best, Peter Gelinas Q Virus-free. w .avast com 2