06-030 (2) DEPT. OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS BUILDING >e ,�j, �a.66E t 212 Main Street Dd 7��'*' Northampton, MA 01060 PERMIT 6 - 30 — _ VALIDATION DATE November 6. ,sem PERMIT NO, 748 APPLICANT R i 1 i,n Ahaarn ADDRESS 144 Federal Street 027255 IN..) Al...11 rooNTRh u[[REu PERMIT TO Repair/ReplacementlPddjtjp.rdv One Family NUMBER CE o I'll.1 Iu ovcuENTt tgoeaKv usEi OWEwNG 9NITs [AE IOTIDNI Bonar ret 20 $ DOWINGOTWEEN AMO mIIMA aiACET) M.R. mean .Or su BDlvlsmN LOT�BLOCN SIZE 8V201NG IS TO RE FT, WIDE BY FT. LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUF BASEMINT WALLS OR FOJNOATION TIRE) REM.RNs: p.,;nn,I% fer 2✓te—repldc9mNttt Llf-pgitttnn AoCkC ind aridinp Tina With attafhmant AREA OR (. 7,680.00 PENMIT $ 32.00 VOLUME ESTIMATED COST $ FEE q 4Cue¢![OUAR[ REiI OWNER David Banas I ADDRESS Leonard St., Leeds gYILO � sq WHITE - FILE COPY . GREEN - FIELD COPY A CANARY - APPLICANT COPY • PINK - ASSESSORS COPY CITY OF NORTHAMPTON - MASSACHUSETTS ,< OFFICE of the INSPECTOR of BUILDINGS 0 Page Plot— APPLICATION FOR INSPECTOR ZONING PERMIT AND BUILDING PERMIT z IMPORTANT - Applicant to complete all items /insections: 1,p11, 111, IV, and IX. o I. AT ILOCATIC«1 (L—.�ig-:. pc.j'/.nsipZ sf�iJ o�si nlc* LOCATION OF bTiblEl4 BUILDING Ic.ossSTREET) lease sTd.s T1 DoT sueolvlvo« LOT BLOCK slzb do H. TYPE AND COST OF BUILDING - All applicants complete Ports A - D a A. TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT D. PROPOSED USE - For^Wrackma" mast rccars... m m I ❑ No- building Resi�dil l Nonresidential ~ 2 Add,fi-01 residential, enter number 12[1i family 18 ❑ A...A....—m,. m, red...rianal I / rneuTm' "n bousi nA —i" added, 3 Two or more nter 1/any, 1fly - E19 Church, other r.0iiaus n ❑ ^ 3 ❑ l emnon (See 2 above) number a/units- - - - y_ 20L Iledu.n:al 19 ❑ Tears;—,ry - m tel, 21 ❑ pealing gareg• 4 Rape b, g (It 'mous or dm -- - _ Enter numb— ❑ Service sot-, repair garage 5 ❑ Working (I{multi/a , e residential, r institutional ambo,n/ aa.Es in baedina in 1s ❑ ea.ag• 23❑ naeplyd, m P m�D. )6Lof is Carport 20❑ Office, bank, p.ab.s;anal T ❑ F.umlat— only 17 Other - speTuy zs E] Public utility 26 ❑ School, library, otM1er edue.aon al B. OWNERSHIP D ❑ Stores, m.rcanrne 6 jdWNvre a (indie dual, corporation 26 ❑ Tanks, rovers mprafir imrituno old.) 29❑ Other - Speci/y 9 ❑ Public (Federal, St.,., or local governm.nr) C. COST (Orme ten's) Nonresidential - Describe in derail proposed use of buildings,e.a., food �j prat...;nq dant, machine shop, laundry building at hospital,elementary 10. Cost of im p.ovemanr................ (/ school, secondary school, college, parochial school, parking garage bre deparrmeer store, rand office building, office building at industrial plain. To be iasaall.d but not included If use of mating building is being changed, enter proposed use. n 'be above cost a. Electrical....................... A�EOLA/ef [rrlf.Ade iJ6G.Ff .d Av/J .O�s/i�aiY9) b. Plumbing ...................... G cc fr! e. Hearing, air co nal il.............. d. Other(ebvaar, arc.)............. 11. TOTAL COST OF IMPROVEMENT § Ill. SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS OF BUILDING - For new buildings and additions, complete Pans E - L; for wrecking, complete only Port 1, for all others skip to IV. E. PRINCIPAL TYPE OF FRAME G. TYPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL J. DIMENSIONS 30❑ M....is (.ell bearing) 40 ❑ Public or private company Q. Number of soon.................. 31 �Waod frame 41 ❑ Prbare (...Tic rank, etc.) Al Taxol square feet of floor area, all (loos, baa ed an seri o. 32 ❑ SvueNml steel dimensions ..................... 33 ❑ Reinforced concrete H. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY 34❑ Other - Speoi/Y 42 ❑ P.bli.or panus. company W. Total land ..e., ... 1r. ........... 43 ❑ private(.d(.....m) K. NUMBER OF OFF STREET PARKING SPACES F. PRINCIPAL TYPE OF HEATING FUEL I. TYPE OF MECHANICAL 51. Enclosed .._................... 35❑ Gas Wlll there be central air 52. Outdoor........................ % ❑ Oil .ondiri on ingi _ L. RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY 3J C_I El.c...city 4q ❑ Yes 45 FST No 53. Num ban.l bedrooms.............. % ❑ Cool 39 �� 0let, - Spenf, will fhme be an devmo�r FOIL_....... �T SG. Num be. o! C6 ` � Yee 4J 'D Na bathrooms Par ol.. IV, IDENTIFICATION - To be completed by all applicants Name Mailing address – ,eumne., : mal Smv ZIP code Tel. No. owns. a. 0/k5�e Leasee e✓elder, L,re.Se No. c.arragra O roG( .6 v 3. Ergines Engines, I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and that I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his authorized agent and we agree to conform to all applicable laws of this jurisdiction. Signature applicant Address Application dote DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE V. PLAN REVIEW"RECORD — For office use Plan Review Data Plans DaPlans Plant Review Reg aired Check Fee Started By Apprreoved By Notes BUILDING Is PLUMBING $ MECHANICAL $ ELECTRICAL $ OTHER $ VI. ADDITIONAL PERMITS REQUIRED OR OTHER JURISDICTION APPROVALS Pe.mir or Approval Check Oble reed Number By Permit or Approval Check 0 Do it^gid Numbs. By BOILER PLUMBING CURB OR SIDEWALK CUT ROOFING ELEVATOR SEWER ELECTRICAL SIGN OR BILLBOARD FURNACE STREET GRADES GRADING USE OF PUBLIC AREAS OIL BURNER WRECKING OTHER OTHER Il. VALIDATION Building ^l/� FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permit number /7 Building. Use Group Permit issued 19 Building F— Grading Permit Fee $ ��-L%�� L,ve Loading Certificate of Occupancy $ Occ„poney Load Approved by: Drain Tile $ [Op Plan Review Fee TITLE NOTES and Dat. — (For department use) Vill. ZONING PLAN EXAMINERS NOTES IX. SITE OR PLOT PLAN For Applicant Use e.Ino.. ..... :::::33333e 3E3E333. 333i33ici 3ii3333e 3e3 91333931^ iEEEii E3iii3i339i1eie ?i �.................. i.._......... ....... .... .... :a:: ............_................................... ..............._.......................,.....:...............................t:::::::.................... s.. 133..«............_........... .... ........ ...... .....,........---...:..................... .................. ....... ...... ........ ::::::::u .::.::3:::::::...........:.::::::::::.:.::3333333333s313a133113! ::;:.:::.,•.e:#;;........,..........::::::1:: ::::::.::::::::::: :: e ............:::a::::::......: 3iEEU. ......•....e.Ries:eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel::: :::. 5:::!"...... ......::::::::::::::::::::::c:: : : : ie9e3un N wa n. au w . . -- 3i...e% iii ............3333ee.................... ei 39........ 5 3313333 111'313„m3633i3ii 3i19i3^r33i6 rs'11311 .....” NA.m. 31�e3a3i3333333r3iFeii s - -- ------- •• a iie........ 33 .........._.I. ........................... ::::::::...... .................. ............. :......... ....._.. :::::::::::......:......::::::::::::::::::eeeee:eeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeRe::eeeeeeeeeeeeee..::::i; ::::.:Re': ::::: ::....................... ,.......«.............. .... ..................................... s:: .........;.._.......s.......... : .....: ... ........... . .............. ...................... ss:r.::333::::::3313113::: ::::::.::::::::::::.::.iiiiiiiiiiiiii3333EEeeee3:ee:.::: i:::3:::iii:::::: aor3..:eooe.:^ s::::::::::::.:::::::::: 33133 ::c:: :: :::.e :n'eee°°e ' W N:e 1:::::::u::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: ...:3°:....... 33:s....... ...................:..::::.:::::...............:.: ::s:: . . ....._.....« ............«:::::::: ............................... ..........::: ; ::....r. : .................. ..... huu:::::::::::::::333is3ia..;.....ag333913-33�2°� :::::::::::::::.::::::::::::a,;:::i9:::::9:::,:;;::::::c1:1u::::::::::::::11::::1:9 .... ..... s...••:..........................s............,•....... .ma;._.....L......,...................... s....................................................................W........... 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