23A-068 (12) - i CHARLES D. BAKER Commonwealth of Massachusetts GOVERNOR JOHN C.CHAPMANOF Division of Professional Licensure CONSUMER UNDERSECRETARY OF KARYN E.POLITO BUSINESS REGULATION LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR BOARD OF STATE EXAMINERS OF PLUMBERS JAY ASH AND GAS FITTERS CHARLES BORSTEL OF SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND 1000 Washington Street • DIRECTOR. LIKE SU ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Boston • Massachusetts • 02118 PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE September 13,2016 PIPETEK Graham J. Boggis, Owner 49 Judson Street Springfield, MA 01104 Re: Variance ► OM BHAVYA, INC.—100 MAIN STREET- UNIT I & 2 - FLORENCE Dear Mr. Boggis: The Board of State Examiners of Plumbers and Gas Fitters grants your request for a waiver from the requirement to provide drinking fountains, with condition, as follows: 1. Provide drinking water stations/dispensers for each set of restroom facilities. 2. Install rough plumbing for future drinking fountain(s) as required by 248 CMR. Note: Failure to adhere to the above conditions will render this variance grant null and void. The granting of this request is applicable to this end user and this location only. All other plumbing and gas fitting work if applicable shall comply with 248 CMR 3.00 through 10.00 and all other applicable statutes and Codes. Your attendance at a Board meeting is not required. This waiver is in effect upon receipt. Sincerely; For the Board Wayne E. Thomas, Executive Director Board of State Examiners of Plumbers& Gas Fitters Cc: Larry Eldridge Plumbing and Gas Inspector \C TEL: 617-727-9952 FAX: 617-727-6095 TTY/TDD: 617.727.2099 http://www.mass.gov/dpl/boards/pl/