18-015 City of Northampton Map 18 Lot015 Zone Massachusetts Date issued 9/8/2016 0:00:00 Inspector of Buildings Permit # BP-2017-0091 Permit Fee$60.00 SIGN PERMIT Business Address 172 NORTH KING ST - MATTRESS FIRM Applicant InstallerARNCO SIGN CO INC Applicant Installer Address 1133 SOUTH BROAD ST Work Description REPLACE ILLUM FRONT WALL SIGN - MATTRESS FIRM - SIGN D Estimated Cost $2500.00 Building Department Approval by: (guy of Northampton z., • r ,,, a . lt_,.� A �as8arhuarfis yLsJ. llk IT x r DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS �: \_'�- 212 Main Street • Municipal Building y9^ Northampton, MA 01060 I\, )ec..l.oa Application for a Permit to Place or Maintain a Sign Or other Advertising Device, or Marquee (Application to be rM.d out In ink or typewritten) Number Plans must be filed with the Buildino Inspector Erection (X) before a permit will be wanted. Alteration ( ) Repair ( ) Repainting ( ) Removal ( ) FEE PAGE/ PLOT �7 6 Northampton. Mass. 7 — 20.L:. To the Building Commissioner: Application for a permit to place or maintain a sign or other advertising device,or marquee. r� BUSINESS NAME 1 ^�•\c ss r' {n 1. Location, Street and No. 11 ). WO r +lk k^ S F 2. Owner's name Giiiibliiix1ApA`)t '-( \? 3. Owners address .a) Ze l e o, i j �l I � ' - �G � 4. Maker's name L.i cl{ih it f\A A] "'v-1 5. Makers address DolArno)Crcgv�n{ �P.N.S_ 7 b.().5 ) 6. Erector's name �( ,.... ? ''� !y . Cu 1nC 7. Erector's address ' 13.3 6oul`(` \51o &> St" SIGN KIND OF SIGN D.lent) 1. Sign will be(check one)illuminated Non-illuminatgd 2. Will sign obstruct a fire,escape, window or door? tJ U Marquee 3. Lower edge will be .t2- ft ,ins above the public way. Projecting 4. Upper edge will)?e .A5.ft..1.\'..ins above,ifie public way. Roof 5. Height .. ..ins Width ft.ISfins Temporary 6. Face area . . sq. ft. Wall h 7. Inner edge will be .Flhr)ns from the building or pole. Ground B. Outer edge will be ..$...ins from the building or pole. Other 9. Face of building or pole is —ins back from the street line. 10. Sign will project —ins beyond the street line. 11. Sign will extend —ft ins above the building or pole. 12. Of what material will sign be constructed? Frame i1("'^ Face_%tie\.:......... 13. Estimated cost $...Z(.i).tiU The undersigned certifies that the above statements are true tolVlt�ih/we/,bI/est of his vAedge and belief. (Si�nfttyre of mer or Agent) Page 1 of 3 THIS FORM IS PART OF THE SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION File No. ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION 1. Name of Applicant �CRI ') ✓b'%f(U/.{0 �1 Address: (123 SOF/O.% 9/10.- ) Sl- Telephone: p-o) �1! 3i-\71'1 2. Owner of Properly Ci (a I 1-wr ' "\—^'^le Address: Scott 2e14���+C Telephone: 911 `{ (0 3 1 -b 206 3. Status of Applicant: Owner Contract Purchaser Lessee _Other(explainy. LL ( y..� 4. Job Location: 11' N ,0 r 1 r"D ))- 1 `M1 i e (fin Parcel ID: Zoning Map k Parcel N District(s) (TO BE FILLED IN BY THEH/�� BUILDING DEPARTMENT) 5. Existing Use of Structure/Property 1�Q 1 %" F 6. Description of Proposed UseMlork/Project/Occupati (Use additioal sheets if necessary) SI� v S SHtt 7. Attached Plans: X Sketch Plan Site Plan Engineered/Surveyed Plans 8. Has a Special PermitNariance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO DONT KNOW K YES IF YES.date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO DONT KNOW ' YES IF YES: Enter: Book Page and/or D.cument# 9. Does the site contain a brook,body of water or wetlands? NO DONT KNOW k YES IF YES: Has a permit been,or need to be,obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Obtained , Date issued 10. Do any signs exist on the property! YES )C NO IF YES: Describe the sae,type and location: 5E P L T Are there any proposed changes to,or additions of,signs intended for the property? YES X NO IF YES. Descrde the size,type and location: e dk 5 c t C Page 2 of 3 11. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPI ETFD:PFRMIT CAN BE DFNIED DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION. 12. Thu column to be filled in by the Budding Department Existing Proposed Required by Zoning Lot Size Frontage 13 Ci Front: Setbacks: Side: L: R: L: R: Rear: Building Height 1 r Bldg Square Footage To Open Space: (Lot area mous bidg and Paved parking) #of Parking Spaces #of Loading Docks Fill: (volume a location) 13. Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I/9 DATE: C, 4—I k)_ APPLICANTS SIGNATURE LAI NOTE: Issuance of a zoning permit does not relieve an applicants burden to comply with all zoning Requirements and obtain all required permits from the Board of Health,Conservation Commission, Department of Public Works and other applicable permit granting authorities. FILE# Page 3 of 3 CHANNEL LETTERS W/BACKPLATE - RACEWAY MOUNT LEFT ELEVATION7 QTY: 1 ITEM D SPECS I.ETFER FACES �3/16"Acrylk-Red SWOOSH FACE 3/16-Acrylic-2076 Yelowwfblack Any'I 157' TRIM CAP f Jewelite-black J 15i' ii- I13" W RETURNS LS_Aluminum-Bleck -^,J BACK Aluminum LETTER ILLUM. I LEO-Red SWOOSHILLUM _LEO-White BACKPLATE Aluminum-black SQ.IT,ASSHOWN-25 NOTES: SQ.Ft OF EXISTING SIGN-26 -Any specifications riot explicitly listed herein shall be determined at the sole discretion of IOM. -Signs with tetters over 36Raii will have a stanchion in addition to the raceway. -See"Cut Sheet Raceway Mount Led Channel Letters w/ Backplate"for additional details. }`f III. ... tI ..13? n' II �i;".ti4P A ... "..4:;.', rriy .: .. i. imssiri _ _, ,yE",waa. V • CLIENT LANDLORD APPROVAL Mattress Firm-Northampton I. O]North hamPrOng St MA Id2nllt NonhampronmA mann enent VERSION:NS SITE PLAN Iters Page# 4 2 B D A r'...ti, ilk if Cte I�'('9 terhar2,for • I � 1. i# s $t It 40 77 *K( r,' n?� 9 St ►NDCATORS DO NOT ►TALFOR512FOFS►GNS,LOCAFETEAPROA &MAY VARY. AtYS RCORRESPONDING ELEVATION A ` Arc • trylbe •s PAGESFOR MORESPECIFIC/NFORMAflO REGARDING s� PN �SCAI ;LOTI &OTNERDETAl►SOFS►GN. A' / lIy� '�t �JR �CIIENi4npROV4t UNDLOFDgPPAOVFll MaMHi ihm.Norsryavygan1 mnagmet +AL IS _.^ Na:tholPfon,ygf VERSION,#5 MATTRESSF_IRM Mattress Firm-Northampton ' 172 North King St Northampton,MA IDENTITY MANAGEMENT PM NAME:Amy Detmer DESIGNER DATE REVISED PAGES/COMMENTS 817-912-0039 x 107 PRODUCTION CANNOT BEGIN PRIOR TO RECEIPT OF VERSION#1: JW 06.06.2016 Original APPROVED DRAWINGS The signators hereto approve the design,manufacture,and install of the signage as VERSION#2: VEM 06.15.2016 pylon paint note shown in this packet subject to the terms herein. This art packet represents the full Per KW- max out signs and final design by which the signs are manufactured and installed and shall super- VERSION#3: H 06.21.2016 B,C,&D cede and control over any other design,specification,or information whether written or oral. Any specifications not explicitly listed herein shall be determined at the sole VERSION#4: VEM 0729.2016 rdc itemC to 30"per KW discretion of IDM in accordance with accepted industry practice. It is the responsiblity of the signators hereto to assure that any specification that they may require be explic- revised all elevations per itly noted herein prior to approval. IDM assumes no responsibility for desired specifica- VERSION #5: IH 08.19.2016 city review board tions which are not explicitly shown in this art packet prior to approval,and it shall be the customer and/or landlord's responsibility to pay for or make any such changes they VERSION#6: desire after approval. Landlord confirms building paint colors to be Mattress Firm standard VERSION #7: Glidden Pro Jefferson House&Hale Village. ❑YES ❑ NO ,. If another color is required,please provide name and number below: VERSION#8: i Landlord Response Required: VERSION#9: Awnings,if shown on building to be provided by Landlord. YES_. NO_. If NO,please specify VERSION#10: LANDLORD APPROVAL VERSION #11: DATE MATTRESS FIRM APPROVAL VERSION #12: VERSION#13: — SIGNATURE DATE °°tin Al rights reserved . '.. Thle is` lan nal drawing created by Identity.Itis submlma for lchment 1702 Minters Chapel of persona/ however nsivaeun al an time'eine„the proPeny Suite 11A All overla s shown herein are for illusrtative r oses only °t”"°pTM""a" goa"tie lded `°"'"" "w°bth:y°"y Pu P )• arnotEtngplannedmryoydrat trihorn othervlGrapevine,Texas 76051mnorawn to w mese drato noneasiideyo"817-912-0039 Final result,size of signs)&scale may vary slightly. arenaorganization, ,atone rep,odueedueE copped auxhmled' h 8 CUT SHEET SIDE VIEW GROSS SEC110N(NOT TO SCALE) NOT INTENDED FOR DETERMINING DIMENSIONS DIRECT MOUNT LED CHANNEL LETTERS WI BACKPLATE ADDITIONAL SPECIFICATIONS: BACKPLATE 3 -Installer Is responsible for reviewing these specifications and assuring they meet local code. 0.040 ALUM.RETURNS/BACKS WTTH 1/P N Installer must inform IDM in writing prior to start of fabrication of levers if any changes need PRDRAT ISHEHOLE RBOTTOE I HOLE 0 ETURNS OF LETTERS: to be made to meet code.Code compliance for variations or change not provided by Installer to IDM prior to the start of fabrication shall be at Installer's sole expense. -Flush mount sign to fascia using corrosive resistant hardware. 1"/EWELITE TRIMCAP -Letter backs will have rivnuts that accept standard 1/4-20 all thread. LE O LIGHTING -Exact mounting hardware(including all thread if used)to be determined In conjunction with site conditions&local code requirements and to be provided by Installer. -Transformer boxes to be supplied by installer if required by local code. TRANSFORMER BOX _____. ..........H :I - ---- -Disconnect switches to be supplied by installer if required by local code. -Whips will be approximately 36"in length and fed through a 3/R"greenfield connector. Alternate whip lengths and connector types are available if requested by Installer in writing 3/16"ACRYLIC FACE I prior to the stan of fabrication.Whip or connector replacement after start of fabrication will I , be at Installer's expense. f -Ground wires may be installed by IDM during fabrication at no additional cost if requested Pb3 OR BLACK PLASTIC BUSHING In writing by Installer prior to the start of fabrication Ground wire installation after start of 1r' - CONNECTOR ANDCONOURTO Ilion_ fabrication will be at Installer's expense whether provided during fabrication by IDM or in the REMOTE POWER SUPPLY I II Reid by Installer. REMOTE ELECTRONC - InAny s ecTenorsst deerinwhite LED POWER SuwLr - Any specs not listed herein shall be determined at the sole discretion of IDM. ��. DISCONNECT SWITCH INSTALLATION NOTE: /I � ' DO NOT PENETRATE BELOWCONNEORS FLINDFLExIBLE LTITEC °D" Si BELOW ROOFLINE OR SEALTITE CONDVrt FLASHING ABOVE ROOPLINE CANT STRIP 1/4-20RWNUT ROOFMEMBRANE I/420 ALL THREAD 2 FRO% &PRIMARY POWER BY OTHERS _ ELECTRICAL NOTES �� 1-ITE M(OR SUBSTITUTE REQUIRED BY CODE)TO BF PROVIDED L. Primary power to sign to be provided by customers licensed AM)INSTALLED BY INSTALLER AS REQUIRED BY LOCAL COPE electrician,unless otherwise specified in writing.Clear access to REQUIREMENTS back side of fascia Es required for installation.Each sign must have. 2-ITEM OR INSTALLER PREF ERRED ALTERNATE TO BE PROVIDED 1. Primary electrical of 120V BY INSTALLER. 2.Junction box installed within 5 feet of sign 3.Three wires: Line,Ground,Neutral 3 BACKPLATE SIIIP,S SEPARATE FROM LETTERS IJNI ESS REQUESTED IN ADVANCE TO HAVE LETTERS PRE-INSTAL LED TO BACK PLATE. 1 CLIENT APPROVAL LANDLORD APPROVAL Mattress Firm'Northampton identity 172 North King St management "°"hamPt°n,MA VERSION:#5 CUT SHEET siOEwEwGtross sErnoNtwoTToscALD 9 RACEWAY MOUNT LED CHANNEL LETTERS WI BACKPLATE NOTIVTENDED FOR DETERMINING DIMENSIONS ADDITIONAL SPECIFICATIONS: -Installer is responsible for reviewing thesespecifications and assuring they meet local code NON-CORROSIVE FASifNERS,AtdSpLOCKHW AS PfQI'IPEDr Installer must Inform IDM in writing prior to start of fabrication of letters if any changes need to be made to meet code.Code compliance for variations or change not provided by Installer ANGLE ALUMINUM to IUM prior to the start of fabrication shall be at Installer's sole expense. �. -Mount sign to fascia using corrosive resistant hardware. RACEWAY Exact mounting hardware to be determined in conjunction th site conditions&local code requirements d to be provided by installer. L.ED.LK,'an NG Ground wires ay be installed by IDM during fabrication at no additional cost if requested UlfcoNNECTSWIICH "' hi. 'n writing by Installer prior to the start of fabrication Ground wire installationafter start M ON RACEWAY fabrication will be at installers expense whether provided durum fabrication by IDM or in the • ..., fieW by Installer. ACRYLC WE i.. 1T - Inside of letters to be painted white, • 'I �:� -Any specs not listed herein shall be determined at the sole discretion of KDM. �I ELECTRONIC LEDPOWER SUPPtY-' ®t ?TALL PLATFORM �// i� .11 Pb3 OR BLACK PLASTIC BUSHING-J 0,f INSTALLATION NOTE: CONNECTORPAOrtAND WECONDOM TY fJ REMOF[PO4VER SUPPLYi jjjj DO NOT PENETRATE CONNECTORS AND SEALE CONDUIT BELOW ROOFLINE OR SEALTITE CONDUIT v"L ' ,S ABOVE ROOFLINE 1 FLASHINGp) [ lEWEITETRMCAP / CANT STRIP 0.040 ALUM.RETURNS/BACKS WITH I/4' �' ROOF MEMBRANE PRE FINISHED (0)BOTTOM OF LEI ARS; PRE FINISHED RETUROS BACKPIATE- y ELECTRICAL NOTES ....a..,.,. Primary power to si ri to be provided by customers licensed 1-B0x AND PRIMARY EI ECFPKAL BY OTHERS electrician,unless Otherwise specified in writing.Clear access to back side of fascia is required for installation_Each sign must have. RACEWAY STANCHION L Primary electrical of 120V ttorase with letters 36'+tap) 2.Junction box installed within 6 feet of sign 3.Three wires: Line,Ground,Neutral 1-ITEM(OR SUBSTITUTE REQUIRED BY CODE)TO BE PROVIDED ANI)INSTALLED BY INSTALLER AS REQUIRED BY LOCAL WOE ' REQUIREMENTS + CLIENT APPROVAL. LANDLONII APPROVAL Mattress Him-Northampton 172 North King SX identity Nor hamPto .MA ma meafVERSION:#S EXISTING CONDITIONS 3 REMOVAL SCOPE OF WORK: -Remove existing signs from building&discard appropriately off site. -Cap electrical for all lit signs. -Wall to be patched as needed. -Seal all penetration holes with color matching sealant if available. -Power wash&scrub sign band area to remove any shadowing, outlines r dirt residue from previous signs. Repairing existingmasonrymat materialsincludinggrout and or mortar a included. are not srt Additional items be added as d d based on location .� Any specifications not explicitly listed herein shall 1S' be determined at the sole discretion of IDM. • It4C f o k171 $;. sM•Wt+v 1 CLIENT APPPOVAL LANDLORD APPROVAL Mattress Firm-Northampton 173 North King St identity Nanhampton,MA management VERSION:#5 LEXAN FACE REPLACEMENT W< YQ \ ITEM A 4 QTY: 2; 1 PANEL PER SIDE MATERIAL FACES LEXAN MATERIAL/COLOR GRAPHIC 3630.33Red(PMS wer(P iT MATTRESS 3630-35 Sunflower(PMS 123) Black a FIRM ADDITIONAL SPECIFICATIONS: s------_ -White is panel showing through weeded out vinyl. -Existing cabinet,trim and pole to be re-painted black. -Any specifications not explicitly listed herein shall be determined at the sole discretion of IDM. \ Only providing Panel Face and \ \ \'� ":��' Vinyl Graphic for Mattress Firm , �`*� \\ 1\ - a , �' portion of sign ONLY. All supports, ` �v'* 4 R , ; dividers or other items related to ` �� the structure are existing or are to \ ��I o,i :,,; �. be provided by others. \\\\\\ rl- s1� cAs NOT FOR MANUFACTURE MATTRESS !! ''''"'44.4.' 11 {� Dimensions are approximate. ,< w,'.i„m `. Field survey required by t \ FIRM ,,,x ''' installer prior to fabrication. I I 1 CLIENT APPROVAL LANDLORD APPROVAL Mattress Firm-Northampton Ol North King St identity NotlhamptonMA management VERSION:#5 City of Northampton Map 18 Lot015 Zone Massachusetts Date issued Inspector of Buildings Permit # BP-2017-0089 Permit Fee$60.00 SIGN PERMIT Business Address 172 NORTH KING ST - MATTRESS FIRM Applicant InstallerARNCO SIGN CO INC Applicant Installer Address 1133 SOUTH BROAD ST Work Description REPLACE ILLUM SIDE WALL SIGN - MATTRESS FIRM - SIGN B Estimated Cost $3000.00 Building Department Approval by: /oma 155(A£ — (City of Northampton "et llaasarhua,na _ DEPARTMENT OF BUILD/NC INSPECTIONS 212 Main Street • Municipal Building Seta' Northampton, MA 01060 1 N SPECTOR Application for a Permit to Place or Maintain a Sign Or other Advertising Device, or Marquee (Application to bet Mid out In ink or typenkten) Number Piens must be Ned with the @ulldino Inspector Eracaon (X) IR(4re a oarma will be Granted Alteration.... ( I Repair I ) Repainting. ( ) Removal ( ) FEE PAGE PLOT Northampton. Mass. '2— L 20.1, To the Building Commissioner. Application for a permit to place ormaintaina sign or other advertising device,or marquee. 1.> BUSINESS NAME ....._..... rovis C'rf,1n } 1. Location.Street and No. / 11 ). 1vd.(..1k....._ KA)..S r 2. Ovmersname G.i.ht_,t,\.ja/ ra4v)c'--t- F / 9 3. Owners address 5,t/� 7eIe Ico"'1A'1 cill ii G31 - c too 4. Makers name Lna7"A kV,u q.s"NL 5. Makers address DDI_ C1tQvt/ .( 12yLka 7 (70 ...I 6. Erectors name ...,....._......._A.rnc.0..._51t., '�.. .Cd TN.7. Erector's address )33 SQU\ \51O"v, St SIGN KIND OF SIGN (Designate) 1. Sign will be(check one) illuminated Non-illuminated 2. Will sign obstruct a fire escape, window or door? .C�0.. Marquee 3. Lower edge will be .la:r.ft...b. ..ins above the public way. Projecting 4. Upper edge will be .I.6..ft ins above the public way. Roof 5. Height fth}5 ins Width ft39 ..ins Temporary 6. Face area 9cr9...sq. ft. Wall it 7. Inner edge will be Fk`Qts from the building or pole. Ground 8. Outer edge will be _S`_.ins from the building or pole. Other 9. Face of building qr pole is -ins back from the street line. 10. Sign will project .7 ins beyond the street line. 11. Sign will extend x ft ins above the building or pole. 12. Of what material will sig be constructed? Frame R''o Face_IS.K.-!1........... 13. Estimated cost $ 1.5.Q Q The undersigned certifies that the above statements are true to the best of his knowledge and belief. (Signature of Owner or Agent) [ma,/ 41weaL� Ee (r AoL . CoTh Page 1 of 3 THIS FORM IS PART OF THE SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION File No. ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION '{' PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT AIL INFORMATION 1. Name of Applicante( ,/ QP) ky(u� //77�� Address: ( 133-qJ50,01 Vfcy? c1 Telephone: P'✓312N 2. Owner of Properly (00talk�r ^`^le"+n /— Address: 5“O 2 tl-[1-0vi+C Telephone: ci1 'k L 31 - 06 3. Status of Applicant:_Owner \Contract Purchaser Lessee Other(axpieink 4. Job Location: Ila Nat L'k 5 !`' 7{ry Parcel ID: Zoning Map# Parcel# District(s) (TO BE FILLED IN BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT) 5. Existing Use of Structure/Property 0.e c 1 6. Description of Proposed Use/W orWProjecvOccupation:(Use additional sheets if necessary) , n htiFSH q G sy F J- 7. Attached Plans: X Sketch Plan _Site Plan _Engineered/Surveyed Plans 8. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been Issued for/on the site? NO DON'T KNOW X YES IF YES,date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Regrsby of Deeds? NO DON'T KNOW 'C YES IF YES, Ener. Book Page and/or Document# 9. Does the site contain a brook.body of water or wetlands? NO DON'T KNOW X YES IF YES: Has a permit been,or need to be,obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Obtained Date issued 10. Do any signs est on the property! YES X NO IF YES: Descrbe the size,type and location See Ak1^` L Are there any proposed changes to.or additions of,signs intended'for the properly? YES X NO IF YES. Describe the size,type and location: y Y1`nt Page 2 of 3 11. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED:PERMIT CAN BE DENIED DUE TO LACK_OF INFORMATION. 11. Ths whirs to to filled In lay the Boling DepaMmm. Existing Proposed Required by Zoning Lot Size Frontage 1Cl From: Setbacks: - Side L: R: L: R: Rear: Building Height `l I Bldg Square Footage Open Space: (Lot area mins bide and Paved parking) #of Parking Spaces #of Loading Docks Fill: (volume&wcasm) 13. Certification: I hereby certify that the Information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. II� DATE: 9 -1/0 APPLICANTS SIGNATURE blyile- NOTE:Issuance of a zoning permit does not relieve an applicants burden to comply with all zoning Requirements and obtain WI required permits from the Board of Health, Conservation Commission, Department of Public Worts and other applicable permit granting authorities. FILE#_ Page 3of3 CHANNEL LETTERS W/BACKPLATE -DIRECT MOUNT FRONT ELEVATION 5 QTY: 1 ITEM B SPECS LETTER FACES 3/16"Acrylic Red 303.8" SWOOSH FACE 3/16-Acrylic-2016 Yellow w/black vinyl TRIM CAP Jewelite-black 29 45.9" RETURNS PAluminum-Black BACK Aluminum LETTER ILLUM. LED-Red SWOOSH ILLUM LED-White SQ.FT.AS SHOWN-969 BACKPLATE Aluminum-lack SQ.FT.OF EXISTING SIGN-88.3 • NOTES: -Any specifications not explicitly listed herein shall be determined at the sole discretion of IDM. -See"Cut Sheet Direct Mount Led Channel Letters w/ Backplate"for additional details. 62 "NIT- CLIENT APpROVAL LANDLORD APPROVAL Mattress Arm-Northampton 1 identity 172North King St Notthampton.MA management VERSION:#5 City of Northampton Map 18 Lot015 Zone Massachusetts Date issued 9/8/2016 0:00:00 Inspector of Buildings Permit # BP-2017-0090 Permit Fee$60.00 SIGN PERMIT Business Address 172 NORTH KING ST - MATTRESS FIRM Applicant InstallerARNCO SIGN CO INC Applicant Installer Address 1133 SOUTH BROAD ST Work Description REPLACE ILLUM REAR SIGN- MATTRESS FIRM - SIGN C Estimated Cost $3000.00 Building Department Approval by: (6itg of Nartljamptnn lllaszartrysrfs N c DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS s acs 212 Main Street • Municipal Buildiildinngg pry a71 Northampton. MA 01060 !\specToa Application for a Permit to Place or Maintain a Sign Or other Advertising Device, or Marquee (Application to be Wye out In ink ortyptwrltlm) Number Pians must be flied with the Building Inspector Erection (X) before a gem*will be granted. Alteration ( Repair _._( ) Repainting ( ) Removal...... ( ) FEE PAGE. ..PLOT Northampton, Mass. _...c 6 b 20._ To the Building Commissioner: Application for a permit to place ormaintaina sign or other advertising device,or marquee. BUSINESS NAME 1 `� «<S c ( �[ 1. Location, Street and No. Nor 1)k l re s..- 2. Owners name 6.'.�r.,v., i,t./ rlar\.-�ttet""" F 2 3. Owners address 5J.\'1 7eIe KJ✓IF� 611 1]` (' 11 - CLOO 4. Makers name L � f`J iy h)A ).Q ' -1� 5. Makers address (J01. (rutVIA< T(�k,ti� 7 6 05 . ..1 6. Erectors name Arnt.Q slt\ Cd TN. 7. Erectors address 1 i 3 SOJ' 1?)1di^.> St SIGN KIND OF SIGN (eaagnay) 1. Sign will be (check one) illuminated Non-illuminated 2. Will sign obstruct a fire escape, window or door? N r/ Marquee 3. Lower edge will be .IS..ft..l.....ins above the public way. Projecting 4. Upper edge will bp .I,L,.ft ins above the public way. Roof 5. Height ft.a3,.ins Width ft.l5lins Temporary 6. Face area .a5..sq. ft. Wall .-k , 7. Inner edge will be SL!..jns from the building or pole. Ground 8. Outer edge will be ..T% ..ins from the building or pole. Other 9. Face of budding or pole is —ins back from the street line. 10. Sign will project — ins beyond the street line. 11. Sign will extend --ft ins above the building o pole. 12. Of what material will sign be constructed? Frame .t UVn Face 1 13. Estimated cost $ Q10IIU The undersigned certifies that the above statements are true to the best of his k owiedge and belief. (Si. / of ner or Agent) Page 1 of 3 THIS FORM IS PART OF THE SIGN PERMIT APPUCATION F'ie No. ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION 1, Name orApplicane 7,Treh5 L ,,`1 11 Address: 1133 50., i`-C�� c Telephone. 9-03 d kin 2. 2. Ownerof Property (.:,\Vire. a � ^� Address: S `1 2 ft-CLIv,1c Telephone-. 11 y 1" 5 I -4 2 V 3. Status of Applicant: Owner \ Contract Purchaser Lessee _Oter(explain)-. A. Job Location: lea n1D r FtTh k„-} S} sk i1P)' F;i-2 Parcel ID: Zoning Map# Parcel# Distnct(s) (TO BE FILLED IN BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT) 5. Existing Use of Structure/Property Re t--‘k 6. Description of Proposed UseANork/ProlecuOccupati n'. (Use add al sheets if necessary) 7. Attached Plans: X Sketch Plan Site Plan Engineered/Surveyed Plans 8. Has a Special PermtNanance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO DONT KNOW -ICYES IF YES.date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO DONT KNOW YES IF YES: Enter: Book Page and/or Document# Y 9. Does Ue siteX contain a brook,body of water or wetlands? NO DON'T KNOW YES IF YES: Has a permit been,or need to be,obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Obtained ,Date issued 10. Do any signs exist on the property) YES NO IF YES: Descrbe the size,type and location: ScP A1huu n. Lt Are there any proposed charges to,or additions of,signs intended`for the properly? YES X NO IF YES: Describe the size,type and location: f �t4 l etc tl C Page 2 of 3 11. ALLINFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETFO:PERMIT CM BE DENIED DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION. 12 TMs column b be alae in by the Bulking DeparMay. Existing Proposed Required by Zoning Lot Size Frontage I i7 (',� Front: 7 f Setbacks: side. L: R: L: R: Rear: Building Height 1 • Bldg Square Footage %Open Space: (La area mints bng and Paved parkrg) #of Parking Spaces l' - I #of Loading Docks Fill: (volume a location) 13. Certification:I hereby certify that the Information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. DATE: 94-1 APPLICANTS SIGNATURE h (At NOTE: Issuance of a zoning pewit does not relieve en applicants burden to comply with all zoning Requirements and obtain all required permits from the Board of Health,Conservation Commission, Department of Public Works and other applicable permit granting authoneet FILE# Page 3 of 3 CHANNEL LETTERS W/BACKPLATE - RACEWAY MOUNT RIGHT ELEVATION 6 QTY: 1 ITEM C SPECS LETTER FACES 3/16'Acrylic-Red SWOOSH FACE 3/16'Acrylic-2016 Yellow w/black vinyl 157" TRIM CAP Jewelite-black 15" 3" RETURNS S"Aluminum-Black BACK Aluminum LETTER ILLUM. LED-Red SQ.FT.AS SHOWN-25 SF SWOOSH ILLUM LED-White SQ.FT-OF EXISTING SIGN-2625 SF BACKPLATE Aluminum-black RACEWAY Aluminum-black NOTES. -Any specifications not explicitly listed herein shall be determined at the sole discretion of IDM. -Signs with letters over 36'tall will have a stanchion in addition to the raceway. -See"Cut Sheet Raceway Mount Led Channel Letters w/ Backplate"for additional detail. 139" f - • CHEM-APPROVAL LANDLORD APPROVAL Mattress firm.Northampton 172 North King St identity Nonhampton.MA management VERSION:#5