22B-069 City of Northampton Mail-83 SPRING ST 85 NORTHAMPTON M... https:llmaiLgooele.comfmaillu/0/°ui=2&ik=39211afc3d&view=pt&se... B- o 62 ;Northampton Charles Miller<cmiller@northamptonma.gov> .12 83 SPRING ST 85 NORTHAMPTON MA 01062 1 message Melissa Krejci <Melissa.Krejci@safeguardproperties.com> Thu,Aug 11,2016 at 7:02 PM To: "cmiller@northamptonma.gov" <cmiller@northamptonma.gov> Good Evening, I am following up on the violations at the above property. I spoke with you earlier today regarding what needs to be completed to address the Unsafe Structure posting. We are in the process of obtaining an estimate to repair the electrical and plumbing which will include obtaining any necessary permits. This property is currently in the foreclosure process which means property is still in the home owners name and the Bank is limited on what they are able to complete until the property is through the foreclosure sale. Please advise if the repairs can wait until the foreclosure sale is complete and if so, are any fines/fees being assessed currently for this posting. Thank you very much for your assistance. Thankyou, Melissa Krejci Code Compliance Specialist Saleauard Properties 0: 800.852.8306 ext. 4255 7887 Safeguard Circle Valley View, OH 44125 Melissa.Krejci@safeguardersperties.com www.safeguardproperties.com Customer Service= Resolution® Safeguarding our clients' interests. P _ n 6 si f dd 1 oft 8/12/20163:09 PM