37-065 (12) File#MP-2000-0012 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON CHICOINECORBIN ADDRESS/PHONE 116 OLIVER ST 529-9053 PROPERTY LOCATION FLORENCE RD MAP 37 PARCEL 065 ZONE SR THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY_i PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ONINFO• sL. s OUT Fee Paid Fa7P Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid Tvpeof construction: DIVIDE INTO 2 BUILDABLE LOTS New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Foisting Accessory Stmctpro BuildingPlans Included: Owner/Statement or License 3 sets of Plans/Piot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION: Approved as presented/based on information presented. Denied as presented: ,Special Permit and/or Site Plan Required under: § PLANNING BOARD ZONING BOARD Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Finding Required under: § w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Variance Required under:§ w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cot from DPW Water Availability _T Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well /Water Potability Board of Health ,{� 1, Permit from Conservation Commission // /t/v J<. goy /l ush) e j7#147 ÷C'Ctert 249"h Signature of Builfficial Date Note:Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. '11'13- 1501V E inQ1 3 � I File No 1 o t WIT tNI,LV,� jl{y PERMIT APPLICATION (510 . 2) PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION 1. Name of Applicant:_„/ iAt G r'PP ,G1/Ae Address: .' /�tyakr . Ce- Telephone: 6 r05.- j 2. Owner of Property: JU,ilin 6,tie f ... ._ Address: (/F. Telephone: 3. Status of Applicant:` Owner Contract Purchaser Lessee ,9—Other(explain): ,r • , ,.a PF.• be d Ldar 4. Job Location; // �.(fZ�� !� Parcel Id: Zoning Map# 3 / Parcel# iG?"� District(s): �J (TO BE FILLED IN BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT) 5. Existing Use of Structure/Property 6, Description of Proposed UseNY�o" rkiProjectlOccupation: (Use additional sheets if necessary): T /Unyq ,,/A Z,kp , e / h u - 'f 4 / "pe:� etc yo are Ta.c..ij, )1 /2rntery /)ema✓ions 0cif .)( ?m' L4. , i . / 4 /t eMa _AJ , 7. Attached Plans: _ -t. Sketch Plan,/ Site Plan Engineered/Surveyed Pians Answers to the toaowing 2 questions may be obtained by checking with the Building Dept or Planning Department Fires. 8. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued (or%on the site? NO X , DON'T KNOW YES IF YES,date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO DONT KNOW YES IF YES: enter Book_ Page andtor Document# 9. Does the site contain a brook,body of water or wetlands? NO DON'T KNOW N( YES IF YES,has a permit been or need to be obtained (torn the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained_ Obtained ,date issued: 7 Gua /J/�,./ ,yam (FORM CONTINUES ON OTHER SIDE)t / F//__ r�' tYtp. I lb Ar }'1' -in ea G k, 7ect Corn/ On 'oh t/f 1 &hir'c N Le !"ie l,kc. y,/a5 Sv ct Gait' kki k /n a Sin*it Sox-,i, /Mby /o - C Fere 0uess 70. Do any signs exist on the property? YES NO44?_,,, IF YES,describe size,type and location: Q s , Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property?YES NO A. IF YES,describe size,type and location: 11 . ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED, or PERMIT CAN BE DENIED DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION. Shia coiam m ha filled in by the Build-Lag Department Required Existing Proposed By Zoning Lot size $, 7 Atn> 33 z.r, r'+`' f ;hrw 30 UDC) Frontage a , , /2 5- Setbacks - frnnt , JZ' - side L: R:^ L: R: tie) - rear / Building height t ) Sory' 3 5 Bldg Square footage c2C '1 Open Space: (Lot area minus bldg 2C} &pe.ved perking) # of Parking Spaces # of Loading Docks a Fill: (volume-& location) • 1 13 . Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein 4 is true and accurate to the best of my knowllj/ejdge DATE: T ty- /7 —j4 f rl APPLICANT's SIGNATURE NOTE: lasts not of a zoning permit does not relieve on app pants burden to comply with el zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from the Board of Health. Coinaervatic Commission, Department of Public. Works and other applioable permit granting authorities. FILE . I6,1/41 co✓E CoPy 5-02l�c `` N'OL,AN REAL ESTATE INC.. 1 + , NZ ST.� 330 J L l NORTHAMPTON i86 . 56• A s 'VN"S ��voltt . b1A 02060 vnp4V t 7% F'L . kd to f L O .¢ E Al C E •a; d RI - sQ +/- 7 i 8 a . 7-e Rite � 3 8 13 C � � - l t_ +v Y i 1 4 + -# 3/ ,# z :�,;; _ �/ Rft h �� !\ X Rr X 'y ARKOD� n 0 9 \ 41 N - X A3 � ' ft74°ICS1 S7 Ac.& •^„" L _ , p JPAd161492) N s„ /¢/ , ! ” 266 25.61 t ( - - 1f - _ --- oma (f + z X,5 5avirn N Vtorence' Rd , 'Northamptdn 4 Bldg Lots c3.a. Rte 66 1 TOTAIAATA 26 acres +/_ nuc( t 276 ft total ( 138 each ] t,.,. 51200 +/- nesinent i A i f1.Avl -10 Vpq HCOeO(O `(es — C' i ry o•cs.•,... ° ' A - 2 eve , _--'_-.. 'TY nn e t• rept' .,cs•., a" .. ^dea -lr ( Vary n street .x.c •,r(o vez, MIx i Q..ft ____ _.__. • of St re=r . '2' °02= ••av°A 7 to 1-4;a 'anitdin * In^ s VAilah1P For nnp prig,• . Private_ pded sites that a 'bd : cne anQther and offer potential for at impossible to find " or 9 acre site with guaranteed ivacy" meat Irra - • -a ey access 91 , 66 and Rtes 10 Orzel MLS 259 s • 3 . 0 _c,t 585 - 5600 05TtA Tom Cove 'How( 584-4412 , NO: Aintso .tiow , o0(I(•.p• , v ..t •ope(•ft f Alf(OENTHI fZCuuvfnow 2O$tt4USTINGAGnttu(MT 0•M(O•AN(AanQAA(MOT *0et •(ti0•.,•0, •• AM, ••OSofC(rv( •U*toA• •tIMGA(/Mt((Nt100AY .IP(0•Y!H(AC* TOA• V( 1u101S.A( AOv}(0*OV(un •-f . . ..C•Of +..}••.+OAMATIOM.ANO TMtAtAt1OA•AMOOHH(AINYITIIM•lTICTIOHIIOlt t •MCtAU•T 1.100A TO ,dAUHO AM Ot,(•OM TM' n0A(AT1 tailahHtt• i'mdliklb".p........ ,t ,,,fririt,Srm 1 I ,iiisiorilititoi 4 RESIDENTIAL . INDUSTRIAL • APPRAISALS • LAND COMMERCIAL • DEVELOPMENT • INVESTMENT PROPERTIES Pre kb AS s,4 f hit Sof lAin ion , I • IJ ) /fry X15' / b / .e swuµ�y 64 1